Extreme Demon

Chapter 1039 Storm 1 (Thanks to the leader of Xiaoyu in Lordaeron for the reward)

Udyr stood on the huge pure white Origin Tree, looking far away at the rapidly collapsing Tree of Four Seasons in the starry sky.

The giant tree, which was so huge that it could even be compared to a galaxy, was like a shrinking sponge in the fire.

He could see the green branches and leaves withering and blackening, and the numerous flowers and fruits turning into white ashes.

This is the fourth tree of seasons destroyed by nothingness.

The demon hunter on the side whispered sadly.

Udyr turned around with the Cage Staff in his hand.

This cane that he made from the head of a big ethereal monster has countless translucent tentacles on the top that are waving around. He was also his most effective right-hand man in the countless years of fighting against nothingness.

What's the next movement of Nothingness? he asked in a low voice.

The virtual world has been eroding simultaneously into more than 7,000 different worlds and universes. Our world is just one of them. According to the intelligence feedback from the investigation, there are three super energy levels and seventeen high energy levels. The number is still there It’s slowly increasing.”

The white-skinned female demon hunter on the side quickly replied.

Where is the Horn Defense Line? Udyr asked in a deep voice.

One end of the horn defense line. The Celestial Spirit Alliance in the Heavenly Demon Realm has collapsed. The remaining two points may not be able to hold on for long. Legion Commander, we must prepare to retreat as soon as possible. A demon hunter reminded.

Udyr looked around. There were thousands of demon hunters who initially followed him out of the pack, but now, there were only fifty-one left.

Each of these demon hunters has been fighting for a long time, and their bodies have been infected by the power of nothingness, turning into translucent monsters that are half void and half entity.

Their right arms became similar to those of the Void Guardians, full of translucent colorless tentacles.

Now, it is actually difficult to define whether they are still the origin tribesmen.

But no matter how his body changed, Udyr could still see the eternal hope in the eyes of these brothers and sisters.

Withdraw. However, we will come back. Udyr said hoarsely.

His throat had been burned during the years of manipulating zero-mass fire. It is hard to imagine that a special flame tribesman who was born from the fire of origin would one day be burned by the flames.

But that's the price.

In order to fight against nothingness, he sacrificed half of his soul in exchange for control of the most powerful soul flame - zero-mass fire.

But the power of the void is too huge, and it seems that the endless defenders of the void cannot be killed at all.

They themselves represent destruction. Even if they are killed, they can be reborn continuously.

The ethnic group's defense line has been retreating steadily, and it has been fighting for countless years since the beginning. But the result was still hopeless.

Withdraw. Udyr took one last look at the huge, destroying Tree of Seasons. With a tap of his cane, the whole person gradually faded and disappeared in place.

The other demon hunters also faded and disappeared, leaving only the lone pure white Origin Tree, still remaining in this universe, quietly waiting for the final destruction.



Stop talking nonsense and tell me, who asked you to kidnap me here?

I was obviously cooking just now? What?

Where's my phone? Where's my computer??

Lu Sheng looked at the group of earthlings who were speaking in garbled languages ​​speechlessly.

Yes, although I don’t know if they are from the earth he originally came from, these people speak Chinese, Korean, English and French.

He basically heard it. Although he doesn't understand languages ​​other than Chinese, he can probably recognize the accent.

Obviously, this group of people were teleported here without even figuring out what was going on.

Lu Sheng glanced around and soon discovered something peculiar about this group of people.

These one hundred people crowded together noisily, but maintained a certain safe distance from each other.

But a small group of people, about a dozen people, remained calm.

Unlike other noisy people, these people didn't seem surprised that they suddenly came here.

Lu Sheng felt that these people had more or less subtle peculiarities about them.

Leave it to you, train like peripheral members. Lu Sheng whispered to Bai Juncheng on the side.

Yes. Bai Juncheng nodded.

Now, listen to me! He yelled loudly. Here you will receive the most rigorous and high-intensity training. No matter what you did before? No matter what your previous status was, when you come here, you are a peripheral trainee of our Nine Lives Hall.

It's not easy for him to train these newcomers.

The recent newcomers to Jiu Ming Hall were actually trained by him and Wei Handong, so he was able to handle more than a hundred people with ease.

What's more amazing is that Lu Sheng saw that these people were from different countries and regions, but they could all understand what Bai Juncheng said.

Observe first, and report anything abnormal to me at any time. Lu Sheng whispered to Bai Juncheng.


After Lu Sheng made the instructions, he ignored them and stayed in the main hall for more than an hour. He taught each of the disciples in the core class some skills, and then planned to go out for dinner.

Just walked out of the gate, only a few steps away.

The Nine Life Hall disciples who had been waiting outside respectfully opened the car door for him.

Master, can you please take a moment to speak? Several people on the right who had been waiting for a long time, a beautiful woman wearing dark red short-sleeves and denim trousers, stood up and tried to approach Lu Sheng. But he was immediately stopped by the people from Jiumingtang.

Lu Sheng glanced at her. This woman looked to be eighteen or nineteen years old, but the age in her eyes was definitely not just eighteen or nineteen years old.

She has a beautiful appearance, with almost no flaws visible, and she has the smell of white jade. The facial features are also very beautiful, with tall breasts, slender waist, round and slender hips and legs, almost the most standard beauty template.

But it just gave Lu Sheng an unnatural feeling.

What's the matter? Lu Sheng was also curious about this group of people.

I remember that when he was on Earth, he read some books. The situation above seemed very similar to the people he met now.

The woman smiled softly, straightened her chest and walked closer.

The Nine Life Hall disciples who stopped her also took the initiative to step aside and let her approach.

Hall Master, do you know that it won't be long before this planet, this place, will usher in its final destruction?

The woman's words were alarmist as soon as she opened her mouth.


Lu Sheng looked at this man with interest.

If it were an ordinary person, he might have regarded the other person as a psychopath. But he is different. He knew from the beginning that this group of people seemed not to be simple.

You may not believe it, but if I say that I can predict many events that will happen to you next, I wonder if you are willing to believe me. The woman whispered seriously.

Miraculously, her words seemed to have no impact on the two Nine Life Hall disciples who were so close. They didn't seem to hear her at all.

Are you sure? What is your relationship with Blue Starlight? Lu Sheng asked bluntly.

It's just an employment relationship. The woman breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that the leader of the Nine Lives Hall was interested. They are afraid that the other party has no interest, leaving them no chance to get close.

Just be interested, they have too many ways to make each other interested.

She quietly glanced at Lu Sheng's face and continued.

We are actually divided into two groups. One group follows Blue Starlight, and the other group is in another place. Although our group has many people, our individual strengths are not very good.

But the other batch is different.”

The woman kept talking and began to spread some of their internal information to Lu Sheng.

Lu Sheng soon found out that her name was Su Qin, and the four people behind her were all on the same team as her. The name of the team is Song and Dance Shengping.

Lu Sheng asked a few random questions about their origins, but either he could not answer, or in the middle of the sentence, Su Qin suddenly turned pale and completely forgot what he was asking just now.

After repeating it a few times, Lu Sheng understood that there seemed to be some kind of mechanism that blocked their thinking from certain information. Don’t let them speak freely.

So, what's the purpose of looking for me? Lu Sheng went straight to the topic.

Su Qin said solemnly.

We hope to use your power to ensure our own safety. As a price, we are willing to pay you anything you are interested in.

Lu Sheng probably already understood their pattern. They have some kind of ability that seems to be able to transmit information in real time over extremely long distances.

What do you have that could interest me? Lu Sheng asked.

A disaster is coming. We can help you avoid the most troublesome disasters. Su Qin said confidently.

For Wang Mu, who is very capable but not very lucky in the movie, they are bound to win this time and must win each other's favor.

Although in the movie Mother Star War, this Double Star is just an ordinary planet in an interstellar war.

That is to say, the protagonist spent a period of time on this planet when he accidentally wandered. That's why it has some presence on the screen.

Unlike others, Su Qin was familiar with this movie before, and had a deep impression of Jiu Mingtang Wang Mu, who only appeared for a short time in the movie.

This powerful human fighting master who has spent his whole life pursuing martial arts, once briefly withstood the huge pressure from the Nian Energy Alliance and Blue Starlight.

Under the overall situation where both the Nian Energy Alliance and Blue Starlight were eroded and penetrated by nothingness, Jiu Ming Tang only lasted for a short period of time before being destroyed.

But before the protagonist encounters a disaster, this should be regarded as the safest period of time in a rare movie.

As for Jiu Ming Tang, although it is just a powerful force on an indigenous planet, if it is used properly, it may not be unable to obtain huge rewards and benefits.

Moreover, Su Qin also had a vague idea in his mind, if he could directly bring the leader of the Nine Lives Hall into his team.

Although he is not as good as the top operators of the Nian Energy Alliance and Blue Starlight, Wang Mu is also a top expert at the limits of human beings. It's just that they can't compare to those top black hands.

Find a place to sit down and chat. Lu Sheng clearly saw that Su Qin was not lying.

For him, who has thousands of levels of psychological guidance skills, it is extremely simple to judge whether a human being is lying.

Thank you, Hall Master, for your trust! Su Qin was overjoyed and quickly clasped her fists.

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