Extreme Demon

Chapter 1032 Brawl 2

With a bang, golden light exploded.

Hong Thorn's entire body was completely submerged in the waves of golden light, so dazzling that he couldn't clearly see what was happening.

Bian, the woman in white, and the other senior telekinesis masters all looked away to avoid burning their eyes.

After a while.

The golden light slowly dispersed.

The surroundings were completely quiet. The man in black from Jiu Mingtang who had previously fired the cannon was stabbed in the eyes by the golden light and completely lost his target.

The gunfire stopped, and the entire neighborhood fell into brief silence.

Are you dead?? A senior telekinesis master couldn't help but asked in a trembling voice.

The others slowly adjusted their eyes, then raised their heads and looked around.

Bi'an was panting heavily and covered in sweat. The triangular bull in front of him was slightly dim. The emergency positioning bombardment just now consumed a lot of his mental energy.

This is not an ordinary application for bombardment, but he can control the battleship above him in a flash, aiming here to lock the bombardment.

This kind of telekinesis can lock on the bombardment, which is impossible to avoid, and the accuracy can even reach within a centimeter.

The woman in white also had her chest rising and falling.

The brief fight just now, although not long, consumed a small amount of energy, energy, and telekinesis.

That red thorn is simply not human-like, with such a terrifyingly powerful body that it can even overpower telekinetic beasts. This is almost the same as the giant beasts we once encountered on the wild planet.

At this time, everyone's eyes once again fell on the location where the red thorn fell just now.

There was a tall human body half-crouched on the ground, which was slightly charred.

Hong Thorn covered his chest with both hands, where a bloody hole the size of a fist had been directly penetrated by the golden light beam just now.

I'm not willing to give in.!! She had just come out of seclusion, and was about to challenge her master to seize the position of the leader of the Nine Lives Hall, but now she was about to fall to such a few minor characters.

The roar and humiliation in Hong Thorn's heart almost surged out of his chest.

Just a few little characters!! She struggled to stand up, but her trembling body was rapidly draining all the energy from her body.

Kill her!! As soon as Bian Nian could move, the triangular bull roared again and was about to charge towards the red thorn.

The other senior telekinesis masters were also in shock. One of the telekinesis masters gathered a bird-like telekinesis beast and pounced on it, but was smashed to pieces by Hong Thorn on the spot.

The mind energy master's face turned pale, a mouthful of blood gushed out of his throat, he staggered back a few steps, and fell unconscious on the spot.

oh! !

Red Thorn roared violently and tapped several acupuncture points on her body. The blood around the wound quickly stopped. Her limbs hit the ground, and her body disappeared like lightning.

A nearby telekinesis master was unable to dodge, and the telekinesis beast exploded to pieces on the spot. Her entire upper body exploded like a watermelon.

This time seemed to start a chain reaction. Three consecutive high-level telekinesis masters around them were unable to resist at the same time, and the telekinesis beast was directly smashed to pieces. The main guns of the airships in the sky didn't even have time to aim, and they fell one after another.

Stop her!! Bian's eyes were splitting as he saw it, and the triangle bull chased after it quickly, but it couldn't keep up with the speed of the red thorn.

I come!!

The woman in white on the side opened her arms, and countless white lights gathered around her, turning into a dense mass of light knives.

Kill everything! Extinction Storm!! She turned around and waved her arms gently like a dance.

Chichichichichi! ! !

In an instant, countless white lights centered on her and shot out in all directions.

The white light accurately avoided the telekinesis master and aimed at the red thorn's forward and dodge route.

Boom boom boom boom! !

Each ray of white light causes a violent explosion.

Red Thorn was hit dozens of times from the front in an instant.

Her body, which was just overstretched, finally couldn't support it anymore.

After tearing off a telekinesis master's head with another palm, her huge body was violently bombarded and flew backwards, slamming into a small supermarket in the distance.

Huh. Huh. Huh.

The woman in white's face was covered with sweat, and big beads of sweat slid down her forehead. This blow almost exhausted all her mental energy. If it didn't work, she could hardly imagine what might happen next.

Are you dead now?

Bi'an looked around and saw that there were only four people left in the raiding team that came together, plus his own number.

Should he be dead? He raised his eyes and looked in the direction of the supermarket.

The place was filled with a large amount of smoke and dust that had been exploded. It seemed that something had been ignited, and the thick smoke spread.

He gritted his teeth. So many team members died this time. If he didn't get anything back, then he would have no way to explain to his family.

It has been many years since a senior telekinesis master killed several people in one breath, which is extremely rare within Horus.

He persisted and walked towards the supermarket step by step.

As we get closer, the smoke gradually fades. He finally saw the red thorn at this time.

She was half-kneeling by the supermarket, blood dripping from her body, and she looked like she was really in trouble.

It was just a scene where he turned his eyes and glanced aside.

What made his scalp explode and made his whole body numb was that beside Hong Qian, at some point, a strong man in a black suit was half-kneeling on one knee.

The man gently picked up a handful of soil on the ground and looked down. Then he stood up silently.

To be able to apply nuclear energy to this point, I have to say, senior sister, you have achieved the ultimate. The man said in a low voice.

Unfortunately, although nuclear energy is huge, it is no match for our electromagnetic energy.

In this world, the application of electromagnetism is so broad and mature. If you abandon the near and seek the far, the final result will be like this.

Ansha. I was just careless!! Hong Qian defended with difficulty and red eyes.

If the teacher finds out, he will be very disappointed in you. Ansha shook his head. Teacher was really looking forward to seeing you again.

It’s a pity that you lost.”

I haven't lost yet!!! Hong Thorn struggled to stand up.

Ansha had no expression on his face, slowly straightened up, and looked at Bian, who was looking at this from a distance.

Da da da.

The roar of helicopters came from the sky, and heavy helicopters flew closer from a distance, and strong figures in Jiumeitang uniforms jumped down from them.

On one of the largest black helicopters.

A man wearing a black vest, with muscles as gnarled as tree roots, was looking down at the chaotic battlefield below.

The man stood at the hatch of the helicopter, looking down in the strong wind. His trousers were blown back and clinging to his body. There were three bright red blood marks on his right arm.

What a humble mortal, the man said in a low voice. Just a bunch of ants who claim to be extraordinary

Suddenly he raised his head suddenly and looked at the sky.

In the clouds above our heads, a bit of golden light quickly condensed. It was the main gun of the airship that had been fired just once.

laugh! ! !

Tsk tsk tsk! !

After several consecutive blasts, golden beams of light lit up simultaneously in the surrounding suburbs in four directions.

The beam accurately struck the golden light and destroyed it abruptly.

A few seconds later, a huge fireball exploded and lit up over the entire city.

County city. The man asked in a deep voice. Have you locked down all the raiding parties?

Master, the lock has been completed. The colonel has also successfully destroyed three airships that suddenly sailed into our sky. This kind of aircraft that flew directly into our sky without any application for permission is completely unacceptable to us in Anos Province. The right is directly defeated.”

Bai Juncheng in the helicopter answered with a smile.

So, where is the nearest stronghold of the Horus family? Lu Sheng asked again.

The base is here, Bai Juncheng was about to reply.


A golden lightning suddenly flashed across the sky.

A strong wind blew up.

The sky became gloomy.

A huge shuttle-shaped battleship spread over half of the sky, slowly sank, broke through the clouds, and emerged into everyone's field of vision.

Is this...Vinaga level!!? Bai Juncheng raised his head and his expression suddenly changed.

Click! ! !

Another golden lightning suddenly flashed across.

Lu Sheng raised his head and looked at the spaceship through the huge spaceship window.

He could vaguely see someone looking at him there.

You guys go down and deal with the raiding team. Lu Sheng said and jumped out of the helicopter.

His whole body was like a bird, gliding in the sky with open arms.

He stepped hard with his feet in mid-air.

Bang! !

A circle of clouds exploded, and Lu Sheng flew straight up like stepping on a staircase, rushing towards the skyship.

Below the spaceship, golden muzzles slowly opened and gathered energy. The golden beams were densely packed like stars in the sky, and their number was impossible to count.

All the golden muzzles were aimed at Lu Sheng, and terrifying energy as huge as the sea surged and gathered rapidly.

You just want to play with me with this toy?

Lu Sheng's figure rose rapidly, and his whole body expanded rapidly. Layers of armor-like black muscles covered his whole body, and two protruding muscles stretched out from his back like wings of flesh.

With a slight slap of his fleshy wing muscles, his whole body speed surged, and he accelerated towards the spaceship again.

As the speed gets faster and faster, the height gets higher and higher.

With a pop, Lu Sheng suddenly penetrated the clouds and floated above the sea of ​​clouds.


Countless golden beams of light erupted from below the spaceship in an instant, shooting toward Lu Sheng overwhelmingly.

The dense beams of light were all like phantoms, penetrating through Lu Sheng's body. It was as if there was no contact with the entity at all.


Lu Sheng stretched out his hand and grabbed it.

Countless golden light beams seemed to have entities, and they were all caught in his hands, condensing into a handful of giant spikes that were tens of meters long.


Lu Sheng raised the golden spike and aimed it at the spaceship above him.

Get out of this toy!!

Boom! ! !

There was a loud bang.

Golden light bursts into the sky. It was like a golden sword rising into the sky.

Circles of air surged crazily around Lu Sheng's blood and muscles. The pure brute force was mixed with the strange power that appeared after the body was developed to its limit. The two were mixed together to form a huge force that had never appeared in the world. .

This force pushed the golden light thorn and crashed towards the skyship.

Feel the despair!! Lu Sheng opened his arms and slowly rotated his body. Countless air currents accompanied him strangely, forming a huge cyclone in the sea of ​​clouds.

All the clouds and white clouds within a radius of several thousand meters were stirred by him, forming two giant spiral arms.

Like his hands.

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