Extreme Demon

Chapter 1031 Brawl 1

Bang! !

The mobile phone in Lu Sheng's hand exploded to pieces on the spot, and countless metal parts flew and exploded on the spot.

What?! Wang Ziyun is dead??

His eyes suddenly changed from peaceful to gloomy and shocked.

Wang Ziyun is Wang Mu's cousin. Although the relationship is not very good, she still represents her Wang Mu's relatives.

And now, she is actually dead? ?

Lu Sheng stood up immediately and dropped the cell phone in his hand to the ground.

The room automatically turned on the communication device soon. Bai Juncheng's voice came from the stereo.

Master, we found out, they are Horus's people! They have a large number of troops under the command of telepathic masters, and they have fully entered Anos Province.

This time is just a declaration of war, they have already posted this assassination on the official company website we opened! Bai Juncheng's voice was cold.

Order, Master! You actually provoked the prestige of our Nine Lives Hall in person and murdered your relatives! This is a serious provocation to our Nine Lives Hall!

Lu Sheng pulled off his bathrobe and put on casual clothes.

Assemble the Three Saints Department, the Core Department, and the Commerce Department to continue operations and be on call at any time. Everyone must not be absent. In addition, increase the protection of my uncle's relatives.


Bai Juncheng answered quickly.

Finally, whoever is protecting Wang Ziyun kneels down to the main hall and waits. Lu Sheng put on a coat, turned around and opened the door to leave.

Bai Juncheng was silent for a moment.

It was his subordinates who were responsible for protecting Wang Ziyun. To be honest, he didn't think it was his subordinates' responsibility because the incident happened so suddenly that his subordinates had no time to save him and saw that Wang Ziyun had been hit and died.

But at this time, Master Wang was so angry that he did not dare to defend himself. He could only mourn for his subordinates and cut off communication.



Pangol City, Anos Province.

Bian Redman, captain of the Horus assault force, slowly took out the finger-thick cigarette from his mouth. Put out the cigarette butt against the side wall.

He looked at the laziness of the assault team members in the living room. There were five of them in total, and each one looked extremely tired.

We're here to complete a mission. We're not here for a vacation! Please cheer up! Bian yelled angrily.

Boss, after all, he is nothing more than a local role. He doesn't know the heights of heaven and earth, and seriously injured our members of Horus. As long as this person is dealt with, the rest will be trivial. A red-haired woman with a ponytail was lowering her head to wipe away the round balls. golden ball.

Two high-level telepathic sweepers were seriously injured in a surprise attack. The other party still had a chance. A man with curly blond hair couldn't help but mention it.

So what. The red-haired woman smiled, picked up a small ball and looked at it in front of her eyes.

I don't believe he can stop our special raid.

Bean took out a small black round button from his pocket and pressed it against the wall.


White light shoots out from the round button and is projected on the wall.

The wall immediately revealed a map of the entire Arnos Province. The map was blue, with red dots showing the densely packed Nine Life Hall points.

According to the intelligence collected by the initial investigators, the entire Jiu Mingtang slowly emerged from a year ago. So far, the Jiu Mingtang has spread throughout the province, and its forces are even colluding with the military and police departments.

In the entire Anos Province, it can be said that it covers the sky with one hand.

Bi An introduced calmly.

Our challenge letter has been issued. Wang Mu, the leader of Nine Lives Hall, mysteriously rose up a year ago and is suspected of mastering some unknown powerful secret method. So this time your purpose is to find out this secret from Wang Mu. The root of the secret.

There was a movement in his hand.

The projection suddenly changed, and all the small dots at the bottom of the entire map changed color, from red to black.

This is the Jiu Ming Tang branch stronghold that we have now raided and destroyed. Next, everyone will split up and start cleaning up the remaining strong points. We will strive to completely eliminate the entire Jiu Ming Tang within the day after tomorrow. Bi An said in a low voice.

It's just that everyone should be careful. The high-level telekinesis masters owned by the other party are not weak. Try to work in groups of three and don't leave alone. This can ensure that.

Suddenly, there were heavy muffled sounds throughout the entire hotel downstairs.

In the room, Bi An quickly stopped talking and looked at the person standing in front of the window.

The man opened the curtains, looked down, and then quickly shook his head. Signs revealed nothing.

At the same time, we must also pay attention to the counterattacks of the Nine Life Hall masters at any time. Among them, I am here to highlight them.

Bang! ! !

The door behind him burst open, and a big blue-black hand suddenly penetrated the metal door and grabbed Bi An's lower back.

Bi An's head jumped, and Nian could quickly control the golden powder behind him and condense it into a triangular bull.


The bull roared and crashed into the palm of the big hand.

There was a loud bang.

The iron gate exploded into pieces, and the bull shattered into pieces and turned into gold dust again. Bi An also took the opportunity to retreat quickly and landed gently in the middle of the living room, standing still while staring at the door with a solemn expression.

His right hand was hidden behind his back, and a little red liquid slowly dripped from his fingertips.

At the door, a burly figure slowly arched in through the broken doorframe.

The other party seemed to be dissatisfied that the door frame was too narrow, so he hammered and tore the frame open a few times. Only then did half of his body come in.

It was a two-meter-tall giantess with silver-grey hair and a terrifyingly strong figure.

The outlines of the terrifyingly powerful muscles on her body were like pieces of armor, and the surface was covered with fine blue and black blood vessels.

One of the largest blood vessels was as thick as her wrist, extending from her heart and spreading all over her body.

Oh? So they are all hiding here. The giantess grinned, revealing her ferocious white teeth.

Red Thorn? Bian's expression changed slightly.

Kill her! She is one of the four powerful generals of Jiu Ming Tang!

Kill me?? Hong Qian was completely different from the person she was half a year ago.

Huge streams of Qi and blood flowed rapidly in her body. Her body, which had been exposed to nuclear radiation for a long time and absorbed a large amount of radiation energy, swelled rapidly as if it were filled with blood.

Kill!! Protocore Thunderstorm!! Her body curled up like a ball, and with a sudden kick of her feet behind her, she pounced on the many senior telekinesis masters in the living room like cannonballs.

Almost at the same time, several golden and silver telekinetic metal beasts quickly formed and rushed towards the red thorn from the side.

Hahahahaha!! Heavenly Thunder!! The red-thorned ball-shaped body suddenly stretched out, and its arms were like giant axes, slashing towards Bian.

Several metal telekinesis beasts were smashed to pieces on the spot. Her blue-black hands hovered in mid-air for a moment, and then fell hard on Bian's chest.

Buzz! ! !

A circle of gray air exploded, overturning all the telekinesis masters on all sides, and all the furniture in the room cracked and shattered on the spot.

The temperature of Hong Thorn's arms rose rapidly, and he wanted to smash through Bi'an's chest in one fell swoop.

Chi! !

At this moment, a ray of white light fell straight from the window. Hit Hongthorn's chest with precision.

The white light is cold and sharp, and even before it comes close to touch, it can already sting the red thorns on the skin and numb the scalp.

Now she has given up everything, taking Dacheng's load-bearing fighting skills a step further, using nuclear energy to break through the limits, and her hard skills have reached an indescribably terrifying level of hardness.

But just like that, this white light could still make her feel pain.

She immediately knew that she couldn't force the attack, so she quickly stopped her hand and tried to dodge.

But it was too late. The white light seems light, only as long as a palm, but when it falls on the body, it feels like a huge weight.

Gold Body! Hong Thorn knew that he couldn't avoid it, and his whole body trembled. The powerful muscle energy and blood strengthened by nuclear energy stirred crazily, and quickly covered the surface of his skin with a thin layer of hard skin.

clang! ! !

The sound of heavy metal impact exploded, and Hong Thorn groaned in pain. His huge body was knocked to the side and fell to the ground. He stepped on the ground for three consecutive steps before he could stand still.

A trace of black and red blood slowly flowed from her left chest. Dripping from the edges of the exoskeleton armor.

You guys are very good!! She smiled with a ferocious look on her face. Sneaky rats, get out!! She grabbed a vase on the side and threw it forward.

The vase was completely shattered while it was still in the air, turning into a rain of fragments that covered the entire window like a storm.

The curtains were cut, penetrated and torn to pieces on the spot, and the entire window wall exploded and shattered in an instant as if it had been shot by a machine gun.

A white figure was highlighted. She was suspended in the air outside the window, with a giant white tiger in front of her blocking all debris.

But after the rain of fragments, there was another roar, and the red thorn rushed out again with incredible flexibility, and the right fist landed on the right side of the woman's body with a heavy blast of air.

The giant tiger jumped to block it, and there were circles of translucent ripples in the air, creating ripples wildly.

Boom! !

The white figure was knocked down from the height of the hotel on the spot. The giant tiger that came to stop him even had a small half of his body smashed and was being repaired quickly.

The figure fell to the ground, hitting the middle between the sidewalk and the zebra crossing, and suddenly a large piece of cracked gravel exploded.

Da da da da da! !

The sound of machine guns rang out from all directions at the same time.

Dozens of men in black, wearing the iconic uniforms of Jiu Ming Tang, carried heavy machine cannons and fired wildly at the figures.

Not only the man in white, but also the other mental energy masters who had just flown out of the hotel were also set on fire at the same time.

The members of the Nine Lives Hall who fired were all extremely strong, and the machine guns, which were extremely heavy for ordinary people, were no different from ordinary machine guns to them.

Quickly retreat! This place is surrounded by Jiu Ming Tang! The woman in white raised her telekinesis shield and shouted sternly to block the shooting.

The other senior telekinesis masters propped up their telekinesis beasts to protect themselves. The cannons could only create circles of ripples in the air around them, but could not penetrate them.

Bian's face was pale, and the bones in his chest were slightly cracked, which was caused by Hong Thorn's punch just now.

Retreat! Kill her! There is only one red thorn, which is a good opportunity for us to encircle and suppress her! His face was ferocious, and a triangular bull appeared in front of him. This time, the triangular bull was surrounded by white thunder and lightning, and it was a lot bigger than before. lock up.

Tara No. 4, precise positioning begins. Bian suddenly clapped his hands, and a faint golden light flew into the sky from his palms and disappeared among the clouds.

‘Precise positioning begins. ’

‘Annihilation artillery preparation. ’

‘Charging begins and is expected to launch in one second. ’

Ha ha ha ha! !

Magnetic storm fission fist!!! Hong Qian laughed wildly, his arms seemed to be deformed, and his muscles actually bulged into sarcoma-like balls.

All the balls were slowly tightened like screws, transmitting a powerful force, and all the force converged on her arms.

She jumped from the top floor of the hotel, and her huge body covered the ground with a dark shadow.

At this moment, the sky suddenly lit up with golden light, and a golden beam of light fell from the sky. It was like a sharp arrow stabbing her in the back.

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