Extreme Demon

Chapter 1033 Nessian 1

Inside the huge golden battleship.

A man with gray hair and a neatly combed back mustache is holding a white command staff and looking at the sea of ​​clouds below through the main window of the battleship that flashes data graphics.

If you hadn't asked me to come here in person, maybe I would have missed such a spectacular scene!

The man has a neat white mustache. He is not very old, less than sixty at most, but the aura and coldness that he has possessed since his birth are naturally revealed from his body.

Human potential can actually reach such a huge level. He looked at the sea of ​​clouds below, the man who stirred up the entire sea of ​​clouds by himself.

After I catch him, I want first-hand experimental data.

On the other side, a tall figure wearing a silver-gray metal mask said in a low voice.

I will share the data with you. But now, we must first defeat this person completely. I don't think this is an easy task.

I like all the difficult things in life. The white-bearded man smiled. Because for me, it's almost impossible to feel frustration in life. If he could make me feel that way, I think I would be happy.

The tall man in the silver mask remained silent. I just cursed stupidly in my heart. But the other party's status is too important and high, even he doesn't dare to confront him face to face.

Below the battleship, the huge sea of ​​white clouds was twisted into a terrifying shape like two arms.

The giant white hands moved left and right, suddenly grabbing at the battleship.

The man with the white beard glanced at the man in the silver mask, and the two paused.

His Royal Highness Nese'an should invite you. The silver-masked man said in a low voice. To be honest, although he is not willing to give in, the other party is indeed much stronger than him.

That's fine. If I personally defeat this person, I might be able to experience the long-lost sense of accomplishment. The man with the white mustache said with a smile.

His name is Netherian, and he is the son of the Grand Duke of the Principality of Shiferu in the ninth theater of the Motu Empire.

For the Motu Empire, which has an overly large territory, the nine war zones are the divided areas that rule everything.

And this planet here is just one of countless planets in the Ninth War Zone.

Nessian was just passing through here on a temporary trip.

Let me give you a taste of what Nian means when you are above the Vinaga level.

Netherian slowly waved his short staff and walked forward slowly.


Suddenly, a pale golden octopus-like beast slowly crawled out from behind the entire huge battleship.

The giant octopus is translucent all over, and its head has countless diamond-shaped blue eyes like gems.

These eyes are narrow and sharp, and there seems to be endless blue light shining out from inside. Like countless blue cracks.

Illusion erosion!

The giant octopus suddenly made a Nessian sound, and large golden tentacles flew out from around it, colliding towards the white cloud hand below.

Poof! !

The tentacles penetrated straight into Yunshou, submerged in the blink of an eye, and exploded into countless golden powders.

Boom! !

Yun's hand hit the battleship's armor surface hard, making a loud dull sound.

The battleship shook, and a large area of ​​its bottom armor was dented on the spot.

And at the same time. Countless golden powder also quickly surrounded Lu Sheng.

These powders flowed on Lu Sheng's body like liquid, and quickly penetrated towards his seven orifices.

Nano robot? Lu Sheng reacted instantly. He has heard that there are telepaths who can control ultra-micro robots, carry out unrestricted warfare, and create attack methods against the enemy.

Unexpectedly, this was the first time I encountered it.

What a pity. Lu Sheng opened his mouth and took a deep breath.

hiss.! !

In an instant, countless golden powders were quickly sucked into his mouth. If anyone could see the state of his stomach, they would see that the bright red blood fire was like a dye, turning a large area of ​​golden nanobots into blood red in the blink of an eye.

Bloodfire is the manipulation of nerve signals.

Unfortunately, these nanorobots also attack and manipulate neural signals.

When the two collided, Lu Sheng's Bloodfire almost achieved an overwhelming victory.

It’s not about quality, it’s about essence.

The strength of the nanobots is actually fixed at all, and Netherian only drives them to be used as weapons.

Lu Sheng's essence of blood and fire actually comes from himself. can get its own steady stream of support.

A large amount of golden powder was sucked into the body. Lu Sheng waved his Yun hand again and grabbed the sides of the battleship.

The two cloud hands, which are thousands of meters long, are like the arms of a real giant, pinching both sides of the battleship.

I have already seen the ending.

Lu Sheng's arms suddenly exerted force.


A huge crack spread rapidly along the bottom of the battleship.

This battleship is one of my favorite vehicles, and it cannot be destroyed by you here.

Suddenly, a slightly relaxed man's voice came from not far away from Lu Sheng.

Lu Sheng suddenly paused and turned to look.

He didn't even notice that the other party sneaked into such a close position.

But when he saw it, he was slightly stunned.

The one who made the sound was not a person, but a golden vertical pupil burning with golden flames.

A golden eye floating in mid-air.

I haven't encountered such an interesting situation in many years. The voice continued from the golden eyes.

You should be glad that my temper is much better now. If it were ten years ago, you might have regretted coming to this world.

A weird smile appeared on Lu Sheng's face.

He opened his arms and pointed at his chest.

You can try to kill me and let me see the reality of the world.

You think I don't dare? The golden eyes sounded slightly indifferent.

You dare, but you can't do it.

Lu Sheng suddenly stretched out his hand, and his body appeared in front of the golden eyes as if teleporting, with a palm.


His eyes exploded on the spot.

As soon as he stopped his hand, Lu Sheng heard countless piercing screams coming from behind him.

He stretched out his arms and struck two swords with his backhand.

The palm knife was slashed upwards, drawing two huge white sword auras.

Tsk! !

The sword energy broke through a large piece of flying golden light beam on the spot, forming two empty channels.

In the rain of golden light beams, a golden figure quickly condensed and formed.

A large golden ribbon danced behind the figure, hitting Lu Sheng from all directions.

Unrestricted War!

The golden figure suddenly approached, and the ribbon and arms exploded with terrifying pressure, hitting Lu Sheng's arms and abdomen.

Lu Sheng turned around quickly and smashed away the opponent's attack with both arms and the flesh wings behind his back like lightning.

The two collided for just a moment, and large amounts of golden powder and sparks exploded in an exaggerated manner.

For the first time, Lu Sheng was hit by a huge force and kept retreating.

The golden figure looks like an armored metal mecha. He is three meters tall. The joints on his body are inlaid with dark blue gems. There are dozens of ribbons on his back, which look soft but are actually made of woven metal.

Every stroke of the ribbon carries an extremely heavy and terrifying momentum.

The two of them were fighting madly above the sea of ​​clouds, arms and arms, flesh wings and ribbons. Almost without interruption.

The muscles and blood vessels all over Lu Sheng's body swelled slightly, and the three blood marks on his arm became brighter and brighter.

A trace of strange blood and fire power tried to wrap around the opponent, but was isolated by some kind of force and could not get closer.

Air pressure charging, 30%. The golden figure suddenly paused. The whole body was shining with golden light, which was even more dazzling than before.

Pressure knife!

He stepped back like lightning, clasped his palms together, raised them high, and slashed down.

Chi! ! !

The air exploded instantly, creating a tiny vacuum. The invisible twisted air knife was instantly stamped on Lu Sheng's body.

Bang! !

A bloody opening opened on Lu Sheng's chest, and traces of dark red blood flew out.

Unrestricted War·Super Speed. The ribbon behind the golden figure paused slightly, then straightened suddenly, spinning at high speed like a turntable.

Whoosh! !

He blinked and disappeared.

clang! ! !

Lu Sheng's body once again exploded with traces of blood. There was a huge scar on the chest and abdomen.

The final blow. The golden figure suddenly paused, and dozens of ribbons behind him gathered in front of him.

Unrestricted Battle·Nine-Wheel Star-Destroying Sword!!

In front of the figure, a huge golden serrated wheel formed rapidly.

Lu Sheng covered the wound on his chest with difficulty and quickly turned over. Immediately I felt that thoughts could lock me.

This feeling is very strange. He can't feel anything on his body, but his intuition can tell him that he has been locked.

He looked up at the increasingly dazzling golden light in the sky.

Is this the Vinaga level?

The power pressure in that golden light was so great that he could even speculate that once this round of golden light fell on the earth, the entire planet might suffer a devastating blow. Now, he is indeed far from reaching this level of destructive power.

It's such a powerful force. Lu Sheng let go of his chest, and the wound there had completely healed.

All the previous scars were completely healed in just a few seconds.

As long as he is given a little time to recover, the terrifying self-healing power of this body can bring him back to his full strength in an instant.

How is it? Do you want to surrender? A voice came from the golden wheel.

Neisser settled down from a high position, looking at Lu Sheng who was slowly falling below.

Vinaga-level telekinesis master, also known as a manipulator, is just the most basic manipulator-level destructive power.

How's it going? Are you feeling desperate? He looked at Lu Sheng below with interest.

Lu Sheng opened his arms, his eyes slowly closed, and a strange smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Haven't you felt it yet?

?? Nese'an was startled, and his telekinesis was instantly maximized.

Suddenly his expression changed.

This is what!!?




Accompanied by piercing screams and painful cries.

A building with more than ten floors slowly tilted and collapsed, throwing up large amounts of dust and rubble on the ground. The few survivors barely avoided the rocks and ran away in the distance.

Ansha retracted his blue-black right arm, and there was still a large amount of powerful ion current arcs on his arm.

Through the smoke and dust of the building from a distance, he could clearly see that the telepathy master who landed just now had completely breathed his last.

Can't you be gentler?? Do you know how many casualties will be caused by destroying the building??! Bai Anyi, who was not far away, looked angry, and several people jumped to the ruins not far away from him.

This is war. Ansha pressed his glasses lightly, and a large piece of the lens popped up to calculate data and curves in real time, quickly assessing the level of threats around him.

In war, those who are hesitant and do not use all their strength will die. Ansha was too lazy to explain.

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