Extreme Demon

Chapter 1028 Contact 2

You were actually injured like this? Who did it? Lu Sheng lifted the white cloth covering Zheng Huan's body. His pupils shrank slightly.

Zheng Huan could no longer answer him.

His chest was almost beaten into a sieve, full of dense holes. It appears to be a pinhole.

The heart was fine, it seemed to be protected by him with all his strength, and he was not fatally injured.

But the joints of the limbs were crushed by some force.

There were also internal organs. Lu Sheng could tell at a glance that Zheng Huan had at least four internal organs that were slowly oozing blood.

He suddenly turned his index finger into a phantom and quickly tapped Zheng Huan dozens of times.


With a low drink, Lu Sheng grabbed the bandage on Zheng Huan's chest and threw it up.


Zheng Huan's whole body was rolled over at high speed and hovered in mid-air.

Lu Sheng's hands and fingers kept connecting dots on his body like lightning. In just ten seconds, it was clicked hundreds of times.


Zheng Huan fell back on the hospital bed. Under the horrified gazes of the people around him, he spit out a large mouthful of blood, which was all black and red congestion.

The bleeding of the internal organs has been stopped, and the bone displacement has been repaired. The chest tissue needs to grow and heal again, and it will take at least two days to recover. Now, tell me, who did it? Lu Sheng asked again with a calm face.

Zheng Huan opened his mouth and took a deep breath, like a dying fish.

People of Horus. His voice did not spread, but was transmitted to Lu Sheng's ears through concentrated telekinesis.

Horus Lu Sheng naturally knew what Horus was. After conquering Zheng Huan, he would naturally have a full understanding of his past.

The Horus family is one of the two most powerful families on the planet. They have the largest number of advanced telekinesis masters.

Then, why did they hurt you? The real reason. Lu Sheng knew Zheng Huan's peripheral version, and he had heard it from Li Ze.

It's just not clear why Horus wanted to pursue him in various ways.

Logically speaking, Zheng Huan is still a victim, having been cuckolded for so many years. His brother was killed for helping him fight and was expelled from the alliance. As a senior telekinesis master, he actually became a bounty hunter.

Didn't you see that Li Ze, who was weaker than him, was so prosperous?

But now, the other party is still unwilling to let go and continues to send people to hunt him down.

Because... I exposed that person, haha. Zheng Huan laughed out loud with difficulty.

That person was naturally the one who cuckolded him.

Although Lu Sheng didn't know who he was, since he could allow a high-level telekinesis master to be persecuted to this extent, he was definitely a powerful figure.

For such a big shot, every move has great influence. To be exposed as stealing someone else's wife, this kind of scandal is absolutely extremely bad. It will shake that person's absolute status and image.

Who is that person? Lu Sheng asked again.

I can't tell you that when I was kicked out, I was blocked by my mind. Zheng Huan coughed a few times and said in a low voice with a smile.

Forget it. Lu Sheng didn't plan to ask much from him. He had already asked what he wanted to ask and had already figured it out.

What he has to do now is to find those telepathy masters who dare to attack the members of Nine Lives Hall.

Lu Sheng stood up, turned back and walked out of the hospital lobby.

Place him well and take good care of him. Don't kill him.

What he has to consider now is that if the opponent can beat Zheng Huan like this, he must be a high-level mental energy master.

As for his subordinates, those who have reached this level are Zheng Huan and Li Ze.

Li Ze and others can't even defeat Zheng Huan, and the gap between high-level telekinesis masters is also huge. If you are not careful, you can easily be killed instantly.

It seems I still have to take action personally. Lu Sheng moved his wrist, his face becoming darker and darker.

After all, there are still too few talents under his command, and the core members such as the Bai Juncheng brothers are far from being able to compete at such a high level because the time is too short.

The entire Anos Province is my territory. Once you step into it, you must be prepared to pay a heavy price.

Lu Sheng took out his mobile phone and quickly connected several people's numbers. At the same time, he started a multi-line conversation and issued instructions.



Zhuanfeng and Ninety-Year-Old were strolling along the pedestrian street with relaxed expressions on their faces.

As senior telekinesis masters, they have not been so leisurely for a long time. Since joining the Telekinesis Alliance, especially after joining the Horus family and becoming one of the sweepers.

The two of them rarely have such an opportunity to roam freely and shop.

Because the sweeper himself is busy with the heaviest work in the family. But this was the contractual agreement they signed with Horus.

At the beginning, when they were just unknown ordinary telekinesis masters, they realized that there was no hope of breakthrough. In desperation, he surrendered to the Horus family and signed an agreement to serve them for a hundred years.

For telekinesis masters, the average lifespan is about two hundred years. Although one hundred years is long, for them, there is still hope of freedom.

The two of them walked slowly along the pedestrian street. Every time they saw beautiful clothes or jewelry, they would whisper to Ninety Generations.

They are not extravagant people. They developed the habit of thrift when they were still very weak. So generally I just don’t buy it.

After walking through one store after another, I soon saw an affordable jewelry store with very good jewelry.

Just like an ordinary little girl, she happily went up and pushed the door open.

Kujudai followed with a smile.

When I'm free in the future, I want to open a jewelry store like this one, is that okay? Zhuan Feng said with a smile.

Of course. You can do whatever you want. Ninety-nine generations said with a smile, We can then find a quiet and remote planet where no one knows us, start everything over, and live again.

It's just time, there's still a long time. Zhuan Feng felt helpless.

We have passed more than 40 years. It's almost over. We still have three years to meet the conditions of the contract. Ninety Generation calculated clearly.

Three years still feels like a long time. Zhuan Feng couldn't wait.

Don't worry, I will protect you. Ninety-year-old said with a gentle look on his face.

Why are you so nice to me? Zhuan Feng leaned against his chest with some emotion.


Ta, ta, ta.

Suddenly, a burst of rapid footsteps came from behind them,

The faces of Zhuan Feng and Zhan Feng suddenly became solemn.

All the clerks in the jewelry store ran away at some point.

Unknowingly, burly men wearing black vests completely surrounded the entire store.

A man wearing a black leather suit, exposing his steely chest, slowly walked into the store.

The steel-soled leather boots he was wearing made a crisp and heavy impact when he stepped on the ground.

The man was very tall and strong, and almost completely blocked the entire store door.

He was wearing a pair of brown sunglasses, as if he was hiding something.

Zhenfeng? Ninety-year-old? As soon as he entered the door, he directly called out their names.

Huh? Who are you? How do you know our names? Zhuanfeng's pretty face quickly turned cold.

You don't need to know how I know. The man slowly took off his sunglasses. Revealing a pair of strange dark red eyes.

Did you see it? The slowly burning flame on your right hand.

??? The two men looked at their right arm inexplicably, but there was no change in the arm at all.

That is your upcoming destiny.

The man's figure actually slowly expanded again, and countless muscle fibers on his body were booming like steel cables. A large amount of flesh and blood were entangled in knots, forming a black-red armor-like thing on its body.

Even the man's neck seemed to be covered with a layer of black and red armor. Two armor-like muscles stood up high, protecting most of his neck.

Almost at the same time, Zhanfei Ninety Generations suddenly felt their right arms feel hot. He looked down quickly.

Three bright red marks actually appeared on their right arms.

!!? Although the two of them were surprised by the drastic changes in each other, after experiencing many battles, the two of them made the best response almost immediately.

Seeking death! Special Bee suddenly raised her hand, and a large handful of silver needles appeared densely from behind her.

The other party has used some strange trick on them. They must restrain this person as quickly as possible and ask for a way to remove it!

At the same time, a dark spear appeared behind him. The spear stabbed towards the man's chest like lightning.

Bang! ! !

In an instant, countless silver needles were pushed away by the man's palm, and the black spear stabbed him accurately in the center of his chest.

But the sound made both of them tremble. The spear exploded, but the man was unhurt.

How is that possible!!? Zhuanfeng looked in disbelief.

The black dragon comes to the world!! She hesitated and was shocked for a moment, and the 90th generation behind her suddenly shot out a killing move of telekinesis with all its strength.

A black dragon with a diameter of more than one meter roared and rushed towards the man.

boom! !

The black dragon hit the middle of the man's body with its chest, and a large amount of black powder was splashed away by the huge collision, turning into highly toxic metal dust and drilling towards the man's nostrils.


Unexpectedly, the man took a deep breath and inhaled most of the highly toxic metal dust in an instant. Then he continued walking towards the two of them.

Those poisonous powders that were enough to paralyze several giant earth-shattering elephants had no effect on this man! ?

Ninety-year-old felt bad. Although he was not fully prepared to explode just now, he already had 80% of the power of his telekinesis, but the person opposite didn't even react at all.

Let's go!! He pulled the bee sharply and threw it back.

The wall of the jewelry store behind him was silently cut with a semi-circular opening, and Feixia was able to make that opening.

At this moment, the man rushed forward.

The ground suddenly exploded, and his entire body disappeared. When he reappeared, he was already beside the bee.

Bang! ! !

Drop elbow!

A heavy and muffled sound.

A gray cloud exploded around the bee's body, and its body fell straight down like a rubber ball.

boom! !

The walls around the jewelry store were simultaneously shaken and collapsed by the huge explosion.

at the same time.

The entire store was shattered by the shock and turned into countless rubble floating in the air.

All the rubble gradually surrounded Jiushidai, quickly forming a huge stone dragon with dark red eyes.


The man landed lightly.

too weak

Weak?? The ninety-year-old's eyes were bloodshot, and his face was full of crazy distortions.

Black Light Dragon! Main gun salvo!!! He roared violently.

Boom! !

A golden light flashed across the sky like lightning.


A golden beam of light suddenly fell, hitting the body of the man standing there.

The three-meter-thick beam of light quickly completely submerged his figure.

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