Extreme Demon

Chapter 1029 Night Road 1

The golden light beam completely flooded the central area of ​​the store, covering an area of ​​about ten square meters.

After finishing all this, the stone dragon behind him suddenly collapsed.

This stone dragon was originally used by him to temporarily locate the precise position. Now that the light cannon fell, he could make the best use of it.

He quickly rushed to a ruins, dug through the rocks a few times, and picked up the semi-conscious Zhan Bee from underneath.

Xiao Ni! Are you okay!? Xiao Ni! Are you okay!? You'll be fine. Don't worry, I'm here, I'm here! He anxiously held Zhuanfeng in his arms.

Let's go! Special Bee's mental energy specializes in reconnaissance and detection. At this time, she opened her eyes with difficulty and squeezed out one word.

Okay! Let's leave now! Ninety-nine generations also knew that the situation was not good at this time. Because of the no-air agreement, the only thing he could mobilize here was a lightweight small single-person airship.

Although the main gun of the small airship is much stronger than itself, in case it cannot completely defeat the opponent

He picked up the bee, lifted his body into the air, and flew towards the distance.

Chi! !

Suddenly he was startled and turned his head to look back.

A huge stone wall more than ten meters wide was actually hovering at high speed, crashing towards the two of them like a Frisbee.

By the time he noticed it, it was already too late to dodge.

The violent airflow was squeezed away, and the stone wall was like a fly swatter, slamming the two of them from the sky and crashing into a ninety-story skyscraper not far away.

The building shook violently, the middle part broke, and the upper half of the building slowly fell downwards.

Woo. Woo.

A piercing siren sounded instantly over the city.

A large number of air defense police ships rose into the sky, flying towards this side with light blue and white stripes.

Lu Sheng slowly stood up from the ground, white smoke rising from his body.

He glanced at the growing number of anti-aircraft police ships. The broken building has accidentally injured many innocent passers-by.

Although he hypnotized the pedestrians in the surrounding streets and left.

But many people in the distance were still killed and injured.

He heard some people crying and calling for their mother, and some wives calling for their husbands. There were even brothers who ran towards the hospital carrying their sisters on their backs.

The world is so cruel. Lu Sheng was shocked, and large pieces of black ash fell from his body. His naked upper body was exposed, and someone from the Nine Life Hall came forward to put a black coat on him.

Although I am so compassionate and merciful, as a result of the fight, innocent people will be killed or injured.

Master, we have made the best preparations. This is not your fault. The Nine Life Hall disciples on the side whispered.

Yes. We have tried our best. Lu Sheng was silent for a moment and nodded.

Let's go. He turned and walked away.

He didn't even glance at the two telekinesis masters embedded in the building.


A large amount of gravel was spread out.

The ninety-year-old hugged Zhuanfeng, and the two of them, with tears on their faces, managed to get out of the half-roof of the building.

Bee poof!

Ninety-year-old suddenly spurted out a mouthful of blood.

The bee's energy is like a gossamer and he may die at any time.

Jiushidai himself was actually seriously injured, but at this time he held on and flew towards the distance with the bee in his arms.

But neither of them noticed that the red marks on their arms flashed and quickly disappeared deep into their skin.

From today on, the emotion-killing trait in them will make them completely live in Lu Sheng's shadow.

As long as Lu Sheng needs it, they will completely succumb to Lu Sheng's power and be willing to do things for him.

The tyranny of the love-killing species, combined with the powerful power of the fourth life, produces extremely abnormal effects.

Anyone who enters a hostile state with Lu Sheng will have red blood and fire marks spontaneously ignite on their bodies.

As long as he is defeated by Lu Sheng or delayed for a certain period of time, the blood fire will incite the blood in his body and leave the emotion-killing seeds in his body.

Of course, this type of extermination can be resisted.

In other words, when starting a fight with Lu Sheng, you must defeat him quickly, otherwise once there is a delay, the battle will quickly tilt towards Lu Sheng's side.

On the ground below, Lu Sheng, escorted by his disciples, stepped into a black car. Someone put a black fox fur on him.

As if he was aware of it, Lu Sheng looked up at the sky and vaguely saw small dots flying into the distance.

He knew that the two of them had basically settled down. After returning, they would have nightmares every night and bear the pressure from his shadow. In the end, they had to give in and take the initiative to contact here, thereby surrendering to his command.

Of course, they don't have to do this, but the result of not doing this is that they will eventually be tortured by the genocide and unable to rest. From then on, they will become insane and commit suicide in a trance.

We need time. Lu Sheng said calmly as the car door closed.

The driver was clearly Bai Juncheng.

Master, since those two people are high-level telekinesis masters, and they are also members of the telepathy alliance, masters of the Horus family, will they... in the future? Bai Juncheng was a little worried. After thoroughly understanding the huge telepathy master alliance, After the group, he became concerned.

Don't worry. Lu Sheng said calmly, They know what to do.

Those who have been planted with the emotion-killing species will continue to suffer as long as they resist the erosion of the emotion-killing species.

But once he stops resisting completely, he will merge into the Qing Killer species and become a loyal minister who considers Lu Sheng in every aspect.

The vehicle drove slowly into the distance. Black cars followed one after another from behind.

Except for the big man of Jiu Ming Tang who was injured in the aftermath of the battle, the remaining intact personnel remained to cooperate with the police in the investigation.

Their main task is to guide the injured to deal with the aftermath and calm the emotions of the masses.

The main leaders of the police are actually very afraid of the behemoth Jiu Mingtang. This Nine Lives Hall is not just an ordinary community organization, but a powerful organization with a military background.

The most important thing is that they not only do not disturb the public, but also take the initiative to help the police solve some difficult cases in daily life, and they are extremely cooperative.

Therefore, the city's main leaders have a very good impression of him. Although I am wary of its power, as long as I don't cause trouble, everyone is fine with you and me.

But this time, a building was actually smashed in the aftermath of the battle. Such a big thing, although Jiu Mingtang claimed that it was the work of two fugitive telekinesis terrorists.

But any fool would know that this was done by the perverted strong men of Jiu Ming Hall.

The so-called underworld forces are simply not enough to describe Jiu Ming Tang. This scale is already the so-called extremely vicious force level.

Soon, the police reassured them, and Jiu Mingtang, out of humanitarianism, stepped forward to provide compensation to the victim's family one by one.

For the current Jiu Ming Tang, money is not an issue at all. Especially after successively conquering the scale stone industry, the Pladun family also joined. Various industries have sprung up like mushrooms after a rain.

The properties of the members of the hall are intertwined with each other like a spider web. With the identity of the Nine Lives Hall, small gangs and small groups dare not provoke them.

No one in Baidao dared to make any trouble.

The funds are guaranteed by the hall, and members can lend them to each other. They will also support each other in business and share their needs.

With this arrangement, the situation of Jiu Mingtang is getting bigger and bigger.



half year later.

In Anming City, in a private residence.

Warm water spilled from the shower head and poured evenly on Lu Sheng's face and body.

He wiped his hair, and the warm water flowed down his hair and cheeks.

Take a quick shower. He wrapped himself in a white bathrobe, tied it casually, rubbed his hair, and walked out of the shower room wet.

Passing by the bathroom makeup mirror, his current appearance was reflected in the mirror.

The short black hair is smooth and sharp. The hair is a little long, covering a little of the eyes.

Between the messy hair, a pair of calm and indifferent black eyes were like crystals, reflecting everything in the outside world.

Although he was wearing a bathrobe, his well-proportioned and muscular muscles were still clearly visible.

In the normal state, Lu Sheng's body curve is not as terrifying as when the Spiral Nine Life Technique is operating.

The Spiral Nine Life Technique has initially revealed its terrifying nature at this time.

Once operating at full power, the fourth life, the powerful power from the blood, will even induce all living organisms within a hundred meters radius through some mysterious connection. Leaves a mark of blood in their blood.

Once the creatures left with the blood mark cannot leave the 100-meter range within the specified time, all creatures will be completely planted into the annihilating seed, and their hearts will be completely surrendered to Lu Sheng.

This is simply a terrifying aura that is almost perfect for group attacks and single kills.

Lu Sheng walked slowly to the sofa in the living room and sat down.

This residence is located in the tallest new building in Anming City, the 123-story Falcon Tower.

Sitting in front of the huge floor-to-ceiling window in the living room, Lu Sheng could overlook the entire night view of Anming City at a glance.

In half a year.

The influence of the Nine Lives Hall is almost spread throughout Anos Province.

Under the rapid expansion of this behemoth, many businessmen who were originally not interested in this aspect had to take the initiative to join.

Because only by joining it can you enjoy the huge network of relationships and business resources shared throughout it.

With the cooperation of huge resources and connections, almost anything can be done with twice the result with half the effort. This has also led to countless people scratching their heads and wanting to join in.

In addition to the core department, Jiu Ming Tang also opened a business department and a three-sage department.

The Ministry of Commerce manages all commercial resources, and the Three Saints Ministry is the collective name of the three response forces: Wolf, Crane, and Suzaku.

They are respectively responsible for the safety guarantee of Jiu Ming Tang and the entire forces under their command.

As for the core department, it is the core force of Jiu Ming Tang that belongs only to Lu Sheng.

The total number of people in the entire core department has been fixed and maintained at ten people. After Lu Sheng defeated Horus's two high-level telekinesis masters on the spot, the core of the informed people was completely boiling.

Interest in load fighting is skyrocketing.

Even the main gun of the airship could not injure Lu Sheng. One can imagine how powerful and terrifying the Nine Lives Hall Master was.

It is human nature to pursue power.

Lu Sheng sat on the sofa and sorted out the current situation in his mind.

Now, there are four people in the core department who can start to formally practice the Spiral Nine Life Method.

Brothers Baijuncheng, Hongthorn, Ansha. As for the rest, they are still practicing load fighting techniques.

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