Extreme Demon

Chapter 1027 Contact 1

Wang Cheng and the two newcomers soon came to the toasting stage, and everyone at the table took turns toasting one by one.

After toasting, there were all kinds of messy local rituals. Under the command of the master of ceremonies, the two of them knelt down and chanted like marionettes, which made even an outsider like Lu Sheng feel tired.

After more than half an hour, all the content was finally completed, and the wedding banquet was barely completed.

Everyone also began to have a formal meal, and carefully selected dishes were served one after another. They were all popular dishes that were inexpensive, cost-effective, and tasted good.

Wang Cheng soon came to the table to eat.

While eating, he persuaded Lu Sheng to quit his job and work out. He and his wife sat on the other side of Lu Sheng, and no one could hear them when they spoke softly.

It's just that Lu Sheng has been working part-time as a librarian just to fulfill Wang Mu's original wish. Naturally, it is impossible to change jobs.

It took more than an hour to have a meal, and the entire wedding banquet was finally over.

The guests stood up and left one after another, and soon only the direct relatives of their Wang family were left in the huge wedding banquet hall.

Come, come, let's have a meal with our families! Wang Junhao stopped a few people who were about to leave, and then looked at Lu Sheng, who had just stood up.

Don't leave, let's have a drink with our family! How many years has it been since we got together so neatly? He is actually a very traditional person, and he has a very sense of belonging to traditional family and family concepts.

He treats his younger brothers and sisters in the Wang family, as well as the children born to them, as his own family.

He pulled a group of Wang family members to a table. Except Wang Mu's father, everyone else arrived.

The uncle asked the people in the hotel to serve another table of dishes, and then all kinds of drinks.

I really want to thank you all for your help this time! Huizhi and I were almost overwhelmed before. I would like to thank my third brother and his family by name!

Uncle Wang Junhao stood up in front of Wang Mu's third uncle and raised his head to take a cup of white wine.

Brother, why are you talking about this!? We are all a family. If we don't help, who will help you!? If we have something to do in the future, you will be the first to help us! I didn't say anything!

Sanbo is a teacher who teaches at school. He is tall and thin with glasses, and looks quite polite, but he is very cheerful when talking. He drinks a glass of wine by himself, and takes a sip.

A group of people lamented the value of family ties, and after a while of boasting, the conversation came to Wang Ziyun, the uncle's daughter.

What major does Xiaoyun plan to apply for? the second uncle asked casually while holding a glass of wine. Just do what I say and apply for fashion design. Don't girls like this now? You can become famous only if you are interested. Don't be like Xiaojing, who is unable to get up or down.

Xiaojing is his biological daughter. She is twenty-six years old and has graduated several years ago. But now she is still looking for a job everywhere. She has found many jobs that are not suitable because the major she studied at the beginning was too biased and the jobs she could find were all The type with extremely low wages.

Now Wang Ruojing has become a negative example that the family directly calls out. The others also followed Wang Ruojing as a negative example to Wang Ziyun.

This girl was also sitting on the table. She was a slender girl who looked quite delicate. She was wearing a simple white shirt and black skirt. She also looked quite pretty. She was mentioned several times in a row, and her complexion was a little ugly.

And Amu too. The second uncle spoke without restraint and began to name Lu Sheng again.

The others also scolded him, and their treatment was the same as Wang Ruojing just now.

Wang Ruojing looked at him sympathetically, as if she was in the same boat.

Xiaomu, you are not young, but it is really difficult to find a wife in your profession. I have asked many people for you everywhere, but when they heard about your salary, they immediately turned their backs. The uncle was also very distressed. .

Wang Mu can barely support himself with this salary. Not to mention his wife, who will have a baby in the future. Even if others are willing, who will support the baby when it is born?

I know, I know my business well. Lu Sheng replied with a smile.

To be honest, except for Wang Mu's father, the immediate family members here actually don't have any bad intentions and they all get along very well.

Then have you thought about the future? It's okay to use your salary for yourself now, but what about in the future? Not getting married? Not having children? Milk powder, diapers, toys, why don't you need money?

The eldest aunt also began to brainwash Lu Sheng and gave her earnest persuasion.

On the other side, Wang Ruojing was also pulled by her second uncle to talk carefully, and she also talked about similar content.

The topic between the two basically became the focus of the family dinner.

The little cousin Wang Ziyun held her mobile phone and felt that she had become a marginalized person, even though she should be the protagonist.

She stared at Wang Ruojing and Wang Mu angrily, a little unhappy.

Lu Sheng didn't care what others said, he just smiled and nodded.

The uncle saw it and was anxious in his heart.

He looked at Wang Mu, whose expression remained unchanged and kept smiling, and the vague decision in his heart gradually came to a decision.

He had some connections in his son Wang Cheng's winery, and Cheng Cheng was doing well there. There was a built-in staff library, and he needed someone to take care of it.

He planned to find his son and give some gifts to the leaders in charge of this department to see if there was any chance of getting Wang Mu in.

This is also in charge of the book, so Wang Mu will definitely not refuse this time.

After the family dinner, Lu Sheng went to the bathroom. After using the toilet, he came out and washed his hands.

I happened to bump into Wang Ruojing who was walking out in the same way.

Lu Sheng had a good impression of this girl whose name was just one more character than Wang Jing. She seemed to be a very strong girl. No matter what, don't ask for help from your family.

Both of them were the targets of concentrated criticism this time. When they faced each other, they both felt that they were in the same boat.

Are you going to listen to uncle? Wang Ruojing came over and turned on the water to wash her hands.

They mean well, but I have my own plans. Lu Sheng smiled and shook his head.

Yes, I plan to try a new industry in a while. I really can't survive in the water conservancy project, Wang Ruojing sighed.

She actually had a slightly stronger personality and wanted to stick to the direction she was interested in, but reality slapped her hard.

It's better to try more. Lu Sheng nodded, Although my current income is not much, it is enough to live alone. Like what the uncle said, I have never thought that I will find an ordinary job in the future. Good girls, let’s live a good life together.”

It will be difficult to live that way. Wang Ruojing shook her head.

Perhaps I am the kind of person who has no ambitions, right? Lu Sheng smiled, I just want to live with the one I love in the future, find some delicious food every day, and just wander around as a tourist. . Doing what I like to do. This way I am already very satisfied.”

In his mind, he slowly recalled what Chen Yunxi and Wang Jing looked like at that time.

This is what he really thinks.

After everything settles down, find an unknown universe and live with Wang Jing.

It is best to eat enough every day and wander around the surrounding universe as a tourist.

When you have sex, you don’t have to worry about killing someone, and when you eat, you don’t have to worry about exterminating the race.

This is actually Lu Sheng's greatest ideal.

Then you are really easy to satisfy. Wang Ruojing admired.

Yes, I am such an easy-to-satisfy person. Lu Sheng nodded, Actually, many times, when I encounter trouble, I always choose to leave it alone, but in the end, I am the one who is forced.

Tolerance is also for a peaceful life, I understand you. Wang Ruojing nodded with deep feeling.

Yeah. Who would just look for trouble and cause trouble everywhere? Lu Sheng recalled the many things he encountered in the past, feeling inexplicable in his heart. I just want to find a good woman to get married quietly, and then have children. Every day will be ordinary, and I will have my own little warmth every day.

Brother! It's not good! Zheng Huan was chopped down!! Suddenly, several burly and powerful men rushed in and yelled at Lu Sheng with anxious faces.



Hall Master!

When Brother Huan was discovered just now, he had only one breath left. We can't make up our mind, so we're just waiting for you to come and save him!

Several new members of the Nine Lives Hall were sweating profusely.

You guys. Lu Sheng looked dumb and looked at Wang Ruojing, who also looked dumb and confused.

Two people died! Brother, if you don't leave, it will be too late!! The leader was so anxious that his vest was completely soaked with sweat.

The vest was soaked, and it was immediately clear that he had a pulse gun and an explosive electric energy dagger with serrated blades on his waist.

Four or five strong men came around, and they also had murder weapon tattoos on their bodies. They didn't look like good people at first glance.

Forget it, let's go. Lu Sheng sighed. Why do people always want to force him? He just wants to live an ordinary life as a normal person. Is this also wrong?

He walked out of the bathroom first, followed by Wang Ruojing who looked dumb.

Go away! Don't stand with me! I don't even know you! Lu Sheng's angry voice came from not far away.

Yes Yes Yes!

Wang Ruojing blinked, feeling like she had just hallucinated.

She quickly lowered her head, turned on the faucet and rubbed her face vigorously.

Every day of Wang Mu's life is very ordinary. For some reason, she thought of Wang Mu's expression when he spoke just now, and she wanted to laugh inexplicably.


The toilet door on the side opened, and Wang Ziyun walked out of it with a blank expression. Just in time to meet Wang Ruojing, who also looked strange.

The two of them blinked their eyes, not knowing what expression to use at this time.



Bang! !

Lu Sheng kicked the big man who was reporting the news and flew him ten meters away.

How did I remind you before?? Huh!?

He grabbed the other strong man's neck and, regardless of his life-threatening struggle, dragged him towards the door of Jiumeitang's dedicated emergency private hospital.

You came to me in front of my family and dressed like this? You think what I said before fell on deaf ears, right?

Bang! !

He directly smashed the strong man in his hand against the door, and the hospital door was deformed and exploded on the spot.

A large amount of stone powder and dust were blown away from the gaps, making the surroundings slightly hazy.

Lu Sheng strode into the hospital without even looking at the wailing big man at his feet.

Hall Master!

Hall Master!

A group of strong men in black vests, holding weapons and daggers, greeted Lu Sheng respectfully.

Lu Sheng didn't even look at the group of people, and immediately saw Zheng Huan who was wrapped up into a mummy.

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