Extreme Demon

Chapter 1022 Promotion 2

Engineering technology. Zhen He quickly replied. In terms of planning copywriting for large-scale projects, I am best at document processing. I have also worked in the publicity and advertising department before. I also have deep experience in this area.

She became nervous unconsciously, and looking at Lu Sheng's appearance, it seemed that he really had a way out. This gave her a vague feeling that she was being interviewed.

Lu Sheng looked her up and down.

The image is good, so be it. My company needs a few receptionists. Are you willing?


Yes, I opened a club and I need manpower to receive members. Lu Sheng didn't lie. He did open a club. This was actually to cover up the illegal gathering of Jiu Mingtang.

There are three clubs opened in Anming City, all of which are free for members to enter and exercise. Of course, professional nutritional meals are provided, and senior nutritionists specialize in tailor-made diets for members.

At this time, Jiu Ming Tang has been transformed into a brand new structural model due to the development of Baijun City.

On the surface, Jiu Ming Tang is an alliance composed of many chain fitness and fighting clubs.

These clubs are able to provide members with an extremely high quality of service and relaxation.

It's just that this is the first time for Baijun City to engage in such a large industrial situation. Some things are not perfect either.

When Lu Sheng saw Zhen He, he thought of adding some beautiful female receptionists with excellent figures to the club.

In a place where sweat, blood, and hormones are surging, the female receptionist with a good figure will definitely become more attractive.

It’s also a good tune-up for the entire club.

He probably told Zhen He something that needed work.

Okay, no problem. After Zhen He made sure there was nothing fishy, ​​he asked about the salary and immediately confirmed with a happy face.

After dinner, Lu Sheng left her the contact number there. The two naturally separated.

He is still thinking about his uncle and parents.

Uncle's date is the day after tomorrow, it's coming soon. This was the first time he had faced his descendant relatives in this world.

His cousin was getting married, and there was no way he would not go to such a thing.

It's just that there is a high chance that you will meet Wang Mu's biological parents there. This is a bit embarrassing.

After leaving the barbecue restaurant, Lu Sheng's cell phone suddenly rang.

A brief beeping sound sounded rhythmically.

He took out his cell phone, and an unfamiliar number was displayed on it.

Hello? Who is this? Lu Sheng asked casually after answering the call.

It's me, Xiao Changling. Hehe! Look here! Here! A voice came from the phone and mobile phone at the same time.

Lu Sheng looked up and saw Xiao Changling and another long-haired girl wearing a white beret across the road, standing together and waving to him.

Both girls were wearing black and white floral skirts, their long legs were wrapped in blue and black pantyhose, one was wearing a white women's shirt, and the other was wearing a pink shirt.

Xiao Changling is taller, and the other girl has bigger breasts, but their appearance is different.

One is gentle and delicate, the other is fashionable and cool.

What a coincidence. Wang Mu, are you shopping here too? Xiao Changling pulled her female companion over and said with a smile.

It's quite a coincidence. Lu Sheng didn't expect to meet this girl just after eating. I have something else to do, so I'm leaving now. You guys go shopping first and we'll talk later.

Okay, let's talk later. Xiao Changling was stunned for a moment, then nodded with a smile.

Watching Lu Sheng leave in the distance along the street, until he completely disappeared around the corner, Xiao Changling put away the smile on her face and looked at her female companion.

This is a classmate of mine. He said he works in a library, but I always feel that he is a bit mysterious.

Is his family very rich? the female companion asked curiously in a low voice.

I don't know, maybe not. I don't remember his family being rich. Xiao Changling became surprised. Why do you ask?

What are you talking about? Are you really stupid or are you pretending to be stupid? My coats and suits all belong to Jerni, and the shoes on my feet are Joder's. It costs over 100,000 yuan to be naked! the female companion said speechlessly.

Really? Xiao Changling was stunned and said in disbelief.

Why are you lying to me? I worked as a supervisor at Yoder. Most people can't tell the difference between their shoes, but we have seen them enough and can recognize them at a glance. The female companion whispered.

Isn't it a waste to leave such a good resource and not pursue it? You still want me to introduce you to other ones? the female companion complained, Forget it, I won't talk about you. I have to go there for facial care in the afternoon. Time. Is it almost done?

Well, you can go. Suddenly I don't want to go. Xiao Changling's expression changed a few times, and she suddenly took out her phone and looked at it.

I still have something to do, let's go first. She decisively stopped a taxi on the roadside, ignored her friend, and left in the dust.

Hey! You!? Xiao Changling! You are so awesome!! An angry scream came from the female companion behind him.



Bang! Bang! Bang bang! !

Lu Sheng's upper body was bare, his fists were like phantoms, and lightning struck the heavy and huge propeller in front of him.

Sandbags and iron sandbags are far from meeting his needs.

Instead, it is a medium-sized propeller weighing ten tons.

It is fixed underground, and its own weight plus the fixation is enough to support a lateral impact force of more than fifteen tons.

It was barely enough for Lu Sheng to move his body.

The propeller is covered with a thick layer of leather.

Lu Sheng's every punch was scattered at different locations to avoid breaking the leather in a very short time.

He had quickly chosen the house and was just waiting for the staff from Jiu Ming Hall below to complete the check-in procedures.

What he has to do now is to prepare for the fourth life upgrade tonight.

So after Lu Sheng chose a house, he went directly to the Jiumingtang headquarters to practice in isolation in his own independent isolation training area.

The day after tomorrow he planned to attend Uncle Wang Mu's family dinner. Regarding Wang Mu’s life experience, we have to contact his family after all.

Lu Sheng himself is actually a very nostalgic person, and he values ​​family ties far more than the average person. Especially when his son has been displaced and his whereabouts are still missing.

As for Wang Mu and his parents.

Initially, Wang Mu was not actually raised by his parents, but by his grandparents. When he was sixteen years old, his grandfather passed away, and when he was seventeen, his grandmother could not survive and left one after another.

At that time, his parents had no idea where they were.

Later he learned that one of the two had remarried and the other had formed a new family. His son, who was caught in the middle, was ignored.

Fortunately, his grandparents’ savings, as well as his own part-time job and part-time study, supported him through college.

During this period, his parents ignored him completely, and his uncle often helped him.

So it was only natural to completely sever ties later.

Both parties are eager to stay away from him forever, so as not to affect their current families. So I was happy not to contact him.

That is to say, the uncle and other relatives nearby cannot stand it.

After coming back to his senses, Lu Sheng stopped and walked aside to drink a glass of water. Then pick up your phone and prepare to turn it off and retreat.


Suddenly a text message rang.

He opened it casually, and it turned out to be a multimedia message.

There is a photo in the MMS.

It turned out to be a letter from Xiao Changling. She seemed to be sitting on what seemed to be a park bench, with an injured white bird standing in her hand.

The camera is focused on the bird. There is a paragraph below.

‘I found an injured bird, Wang Mu, is there any way you can help him? ’

The point is not this, but that under the bird in the shot are Xiao Changling's slender and perfect legs.

Her legs were tightly closed, and the hem of her skirt seemed to have been accidentally blown up by the wind. You can faintly see most of your beautiful legs under the skirt, and a trace of white showing between the pantyhose on both legs.

Lu Sheng glanced at it and replied quickly.

The forestry bureau phone number is 237719. You're welcome. I've turned off the phone.

Snap, the phone turns off.

Lu Sheng then put it in a mobile phone case hanging on the wall. He moved his neck and walked towards the innermost room.

He didn't understand why Xiao Changling would come to him when he encountered an injured bird. He was not a wildlife protector from the Forestry Bureau.

Moreover, although Wang Mu's own instinct seems to be very interested in Xiao Changling, what he needs to do now is to break through his own skills first.

After walking into the innermost room, Lu Sheng pushed the door open with his backhand. The door slowly closed and automatically locked.

There are more than a dozen boxes of high-energy supplementary dry food piled in the corner, as well as five or six boxes of nutrient solutions that are strictly matched according to nutrition.

These are all his preparations.

Walking to a seat on the side of the room, Lu Sheng slowly sat down.

The seat is entirely made of metal and is extremely hard. There is a special rune pattern carved on it by Lu Sheng himself.

These runes do not play much role in this world, and they are not symbols for mobilizing energy.

It is just used by Lu Sheng to guide his self-awareness.

Their only effect is to make people more focused and focused.

Sitting on the seat, Lu Sheng gradually calmed down his breathing and closed his eyes.

Dark blue.


The light blue interface suddenly popped up. A box at the bottom automatically enlarged and appeared in front of Lu Sheng.

‘The Spiral Nine Life Method: The third life. (Characteristics: Skin hardening, muscle strengthening, endocrine optimization.)’

Last time, I spent millions of spiritual energy. This time, I hope it will be enough. Lu Sheng took a deep breath. Click the modify button consciously.

Hiss. The entire modifier suddenly trembled.

Promote the spiral nine-life method to the fourth life.

As soon as his consciousness fell, the entire box suddenly blurred and completely turned into gray chaos.

Countless divine powers surged out from Lu Sheng's chest.

in the park.

Xiao Changling placed the white bird on the bench with one hand. The pretty face is so ugly.

Wang Mu, you can do it!! She was furious when she saw the words on the phone screen.

Now she finally understood why Wang Mu wasn't married yet. He doesn’t even have a girlfriend.

With this level of emotional intelligence, do you still want to find a wife? Just dream? !

She stood up angrily and pulled off the skirt that had been pulled up on purpose.

He's just a piece of wood! I'd be crazy to want to have any contact with this guy.

She wandered around for a few times and started to change targets again. But after much deliberation, I really can't find a suitable partner.

He's good-looking, but he's worthless, so he can't support her, so why should she support someone else?

He is worth a lot, but his appearance is too poor to be noticeable at all.

After much deliberation, there is really only one Wang Mu who meets the conditions for the time being.

Let Ai'ai introduce the resources to me first. If it doesn't work, I'll try again. Xiao Changling encouraged her.

Use the method I used to chase Duan Ran. First find out his details. If it works, then go ahead! If not, just get as far away from me as possible!

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