Extreme Demon

Chapter 1023 Source 1


Tiny whirlwinds swirled around the room.

Every time the air flow turned, it was mixed with Lu Sheng's breath, making it stronger.

There was a strong whistling sound all over the room for a while, and the air flow stirred up Lu Sheng's clothes, as if some blower was blowing on him.

There was a faint rumble in the air, as if there were countless tiny murmurs coming from Lu Sheng's body.

That's blood flowing.

Blood is the most fundamental carrier of an organism.

Nutrients, air, various trace elements, etc. that living things need need to be transported and delivered by blood.

And strong blood is to strengthen all these comprehensive abilities.

And before Lu Sheng's skin, muscles, and endocrine. They are already powerful enough. The only thing limiting him at this time is the supply of blood.

It can be said that this fourth life is a powerful transformation that assists all other functions of the body and comprehensively improves it.

The Spiral Nine Life Method transforms blood mainly through external optimized radiation and special energy guidance and integration, so that it can metamorphose and divide again and again, giving birth to new red blood cells.

The original red blood cells were just shaped like sunken disks, but they were transformed again and again by the divine power.

They change their forms rapidly. The whole body gradually changed from the original disc shape to a more strange thorny ball shape.

The red blood cells are constantly growing apex thorns around them, like hedgehogs, constantly rolling and flowing.

In the room, Lu Sheng's figure also began to shrink rapidly. His whole body seemed to be deflating, rapidly shrinking and becoming shorter.

Even with the supplies of divine power and body, his own nutrients are still being absorbed crazily.

This kind of terrifying energy consumption is gradually building Lu Sheng's abnormal body, which is so powerful as never before.

The skin, muscles, endocrine, and even bones that have not yet begun, all become stronger and more durable with the help of the modified blood.

Time passed slowly, and Lu Sheng's whole body seemed to have shrunk a lot, but the whole person felt harder and tighter.

He opened his eyes, and his eyes were like two small light bulbs in the darkness. It wasn't his eyes that were glowing, but the tiny rays of light around him that were caught and reflected by them.

This is a significant improvement in the ability to capture and adapt to light.

It's equivalent to the dark vision of magical creatures, but it's biological.

He stood up satisfied.

The transformation of blood cannot be completed so quickly. The energy level of this world is too high and the rules are more restrictive. Any changes must be evolved step by step.

It is not like the low-energy world, which can be achieved overnight. Forcibly twisting or even breaking the basic rules.

Here, if you want to bend the rules, the energy level you need to pay is simply so great that it makes even a top Ming Luo expert extremely painful.

Just like before, if you wanted to light a fire, you would have to expend energy that would destroy the planet.

The cost-effectiveness of the conversion is too poor.

It will take at least a year. Lu Sheng frowned and felt the changes in his body.

He put on a simple green T-shirt, walked to the corner and immediately began to quickly replenish nutrient solution and various dry foods.


He scratched the metal outside the box with his claws, picked up a can of nutrient solution and looked at it.

The light green liquid in the glass bottle was very viscous, almost like something disgusting.

Lu Sheng felt a bit disgusted when he saw it, but he still had to eat it. This was a special nutrient solution that Colonel Terry specially applied for from the army. It was a good thing that even if you had money outside, you couldn't buy it.

He pulled off the lid of the box, looked at the densely packed thirty bottles of nutrient solution, grabbed one bottle, raised his head and squeezed it.


A large amount of nutrient solution squeezed out from between his fingers and flowed into his throat.

One bottle in each hand, dozens of bottles, together with broken glass, entered Lu Sheng's stomach.

Broken glass is very dangerous to ordinary people. To Lu Sheng, glass shards tasted like biscuit crumbs dropped from eating biscuits, and they shattered when pressed down the throat.

Get rid of the nutrient solution and high-energy compressed food.

After eating quickly, he was barely half full, and then he opened the retreat compartment.

There are people guarding outside.

Hall Master. The gatekeeper is Wei Handong's sister Wei Zhenyu.

This girl has earned a salary, and now she is slowly starting to dress up. In addition, her figure is also well-shaped due to intensive training, and she is no longer as thin and weak as before.

It may be due to malnutrition, but his size is completely gone.

Unlike her brother, besides being grateful, she also had deep admiration for Lu Sheng.

Where's Ansha? Lu Sheng took the towel from her and wiped his sweat.

Senior Brother Ansha went to Jiaobei Province. His family's business there was attacked, and he needs to go there personally to take charge.

Ask him if he needs help. If he does, you can ask the fellow disciples in the hall to come over. Lu Sheng still values ​​Ansha more. This newly admitted disciple is no worse than Bai Juncheng in all aspects. That is to say, he is a bit older.

Also, contact me over at the military region. I want to go there and use the weapons arsenal to test my physical fitness. Lu Sheng said simply.

Understood. I'll make a call right away.

Lu Sheng arranged his itinerary and looked out the window. It was already dark.

This time, the change in the fourth blood life was greater than he expected. He needs to carefully test where his limits are now.

At night, military vehicles from the military region quickly arrived at the door.

The person driving the car was a top soldier who also joined the Nine Lives Hall. When he saw Lu Sheng, his expression immediately became solemn and his body tensed.

While feeling the new changes in his body, Lu Sheng chatted casually with the soldier.

More than ten minutes later, the car quickly arrived at a temporary base in the suburbs.

A dozen soldiers, led by an officer, stepped forward to check whether there were dangerous items. After passing several defensive lines, the car finally slowly drove into a relatively narrow mountain col.

Red Thorn, wearing a tight-fitting leather jacket, took the initiative to step forward.

Teacher, everything is ready here. Colonel Terry asks you to go directly to the underground base. This base has some temporary weapons depots, which should be enough for you to test.

Hong Thorn was also temporarily training here. She happened to meet Lu Sheng and wanted to come over. She was also curious.

From the moment he joined the Nine Lives Hall, he knew that the leader was powerful, but how powerful he was was unknown.

To test your strength, do you need to come to this kind of military base? Want to borrow the weapons arsenal? ?

Then let's go. Lead the way. Lu Sheng responded.

Under the escort of four guards, the group quickly entered the mountain col. At the foot of the mountain, they found an elevator that led directly to the underground.

Click. The elevator is hidden in a black-green mountain wall. The two sides of the mountain wall are separated, revealing the light yellow rectangular space inside the elevator.

Lu Sheng walked in first, followed closely by Hongthorn.


The elevator closes. It spun violently and accelerated towards the ground at high speed.

The powerful falling force carries spiral centrifugal force and rushes towards the ground quickly under the influence of electromagnetism.

The elevator passageway, with a faint red light shining in the darkness, was so deep that it seemed like there was no end in sight.

This temporary weapons depot was built in 7122. It has a history of thirty years so far. The real base is located 12,000 meters deep underground. I have been here several times with my uncle before. Red Thorn said quite He introduced with emotion.

At that time, this was still a secret research base. Now that it has been moved, it is simply left to the local military region as a temporary base.

How is the safety? Lu Sheng asked calmly.

Yes. The highest level is 3S, and the standard here is single S. Red Thorn seemed to know this aspect very well.

That's good. Lu Sheng nodded.

The elevator went all the way down. After falling for more than ten seconds, the elevator finally began to slow down.

After a crisp click, the two stopped.


The elevator door opens automatically.

There was already a man in black military uniform waiting outside.

Master, please come this way. The man was obviously wearing the uniform of this place, and looking at the guards following him, he should be an officer of the underground base here.

The Red Thorn Group was behind them, but they didn't expect that even this place would be penetrated by the power of the Nine Lives Hall.

This made her feel a little shocked.

I need a weapons testing ground and prepare conventional thermal weapons. All the inventory is ready for me. Lu Sheng said calmly.

The officer nodded immediately, his eyes flashing with enthusiasm.

You can rest assured that it can be mobilized and used at any time. The weapon system here has all-round functions of regular automatic maintenance.

At this point, he hesitated.

In addition, a new batch of Vinaga-level individual weapons have recently arrived here. I wonder if the hall master, your master, needs to test them?

Vinaga level? Lu Sheng had read books on this subject and knew what the concept of Vena level was.

In the Magic Map Empire, on top of conventional weapons, there is the Vinaga class.

The Vinaga class is the code name for an intermediate-level space battleship in the Magic Map Empire. Vinaga-class weapons are a unified classification of all weapons that can pose a threat to space battleships of this level.

Prepare a personal weapon. Lu Sheng thought for a moment and nodded.

None of them knew what he planned to do. But since it was Lu Sheng's order, just follow it.

After the officer ordered them to go down, he led Lu Sheng and the two of them to the No. 1 weapons testing site.

There are the most detailed various sampling detectors inside. Before the officer could finish his words, Lu Sheng raised his hand to interrupt him and walked in directly.

The light green weapons testing site is a huge circular space.

There is a green circular area on the ground in the middle, which is a standard weapons testing area.

When Lu Sheng walked in, soft simulated natural sunlight illuminated from all directions.

‘Start launching the weapons test system. ’ A cold mechanical female voice slowly sounded, echoing continuously in this space.

'Weapon user, unknown. Test weapon number: 9982734. Type, kinetic impact. ’


The ground beneath Lu Sheng's feet automatically cracked open, and a square weapons platform slowly rose up, with a jet-black submachine gun-like firearm placed on it. More than one meter long, with an electronic sight.

Lu Sheng grabbed it and looked at it. Soldiers outside began to show him how to use firearms.

After Lu Sheng listened for a while, he turned on the insurance. Aim at your chest.

Wait a minute!! Hall Master, this is an advanced kinetic energy weapon!! The penetrating power far exceeds the standard equipment used by the police in the city, even if it is an alloy wall more than ten centimeters behind.

boom! ! !

The sound of a gunshot interrupted the broadcast.

Lu Sheng expressionlessly took out a deformed bullet from his chest.

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