Extreme Demon

Chapter 1021 Promotion 1

The expansion of Jiu Ming Tang was faster than Lu Sheng expected.

He demonstrated the Shifang Qingdao several times during several training sessions in the military region. As a result, in just ten days, he successfully occupied the entire fighting area of ​​Anming City.

Later, he personally accepted a total of four newcomers in the core class.

Bai Juncheng's brothers, Red Thorn, became a powerful thorn in Lu Sheng's hand. They successively picked almost all the martial arts institutions in the surrounding areas.

In front of others, he beat up their head coach. In this way, everyone will lose interest in this organization.

In martial arts and fighting, everyone only chooses the strongest. Because no one wants to be born weaker than others.

The reputation of Jiu Ming Tang spread at a crazy speed.

Especially with the full support of the Bai family in Baijun City, all kinds of materials, venues, resources and consumables are open to the disciples of Jiu Ming Hall.

The entire organizational structure has gradually been formalized.

Lu Sheng closed the weight loss peripheral class and switched to a preparatory class. Everyone who joins must stay in the preparation hall for a while, which is considered as an advance inspection.

Jiumingtang is divided into three parts: wolf-shaped, crane-shaped, and red bird-shaped. Divide the peripheral class into three large parts.

Everything is on track.

Lu Sheng used the Wei Handong brother and sister to send messages to control the entire organization.

In the blink of an eye, the weather turned cooler and more than a month passed.

The Nine Life Hall has also officially expanded into a powerful organization with hundreds of official members. There are hundreds of core members and thousands of peripheral members.

The scope of influence covers Anming City and three surrounding prefecture-level cities, and its influence is even connected with the local military.

Under this situation, Lu Sheng fell silent and did not make any more moves. Instead, he regained his core and continued special training. Shrink your sphere of influence.

At this time, Jiu Ming Tang's source of income is far from relying on tuition fees from peripheral classes. Instead, it relies more on the many shops and shopping malls within its sphere of influence, signing security agreements, employment agreements, and chain clubs opened by itself.

Especially after getting the license of the security company issued by the military, business is booming.

This aspect is mainly assisted by Baijuncheng. Lu Sheng, on the other hand, hid behind the scenes and began to make further arrangements.




Lu Sheng opened the door and took out the key.

This Wang Mu originally rented a house, but he doesn't come back every day now. He spent almost most of the week resting at the Jiu Ming Hall station.

Fortunately, more and more people can use it. The Baijuncheng of the Bai brothers is just one of them. Red Thorn and the others who joined later were enthusiasts with certain fighting skills themselves, and they were also good manpower.

Lu Sheng randomly arranged several of them as branch leaders to go to neighboring cities to open a Jiu Ming Tang branch.

Ansha and Hongsheng were among them, and they soon established branch halls in Dongchuan City and Fei City. From these two places to Anming City, it only takes two hours by car.

Therefore, it is completely feasible to come here for training at the headquarters every other day and receive self-limited training from the Lu Sheng Group.

But if you go farther away, it will be a little more troublesome.

This is also the fundamental reason why Lucheng suspended its expansion.

Because the current Jiu Ming Tang is too immature. The strength of the core members is far from enough to act independently.

Lu Sheng walked around the house and put the things he wanted to bring in his pockets.

He could feel that he was about to make the next breakthrough. The third life's transformation of the body's endocrine system is almost complete.

The next fourth life, which is the transformation of blood, can start at any time.

When he came back this time, he officially planned to change his house today and buy a house that was completely his own.

After collecting his things and documents, Lu Sheng walked out of the room with his things, closed the door behind his back, and was about to walk towards the elevator.

The elevator door suddenly opened automatically.

Zhen He slowly walked out tiredly. She had light makeup on her face, her long hair was tied into a ponytail, and she was wearing light blue tight jeans and a pink short T-shirt. Her long, round legs and perky buttocks outlined an extremely seductive figure. Human curves.

The two met head on.

You're back? Zhen He looked at him several times before he recognized Lu Sheng.

Lu Sheng is much stronger now than before. If his temperament and appearance hadn't changed, he might have been said to be someone else.

Well, I'm going to move in these two days. Lu Sheng nodded.

Congratulations. Zhen He smiled.

Thank you. Lu Sheng replied.

By the way, a few days ago, a few people came to your house to look for you, but you were not there, so they left things with me. Just wait, I will take them out and hand them over to you. Zhen He suddenly remembered What happened before, he quickly spoke up.

Something? Lu Sheng was also a little confused. People in his circle could find him by phone at any time.

Why don't these people just call? Do you want to come to your house to deliver something?

Could it be that they are not people in the circle, but people outside the current circle?

He instantly remembered the key.

Zhen He trotted into her home and quickly walked out carrying a black plastic bag.

Well, that's it. Among those people, one is quite old, wears glasses, and speaks very slowly. He looks somewhat similar to you. Is he a relative of yours?

She smiled and handed the things to Lu Sheng.

Lu Sheng's heart moved when he heard this.

Indeed, Wang Mu is not an orphan. He has a father and a mother. They just severed the relationship. In terms of relatives,

There was only one uncle who was always nice to him.

He took the things, opened them and took a look inside. He knew at first glance that they were pastries made by himself. They were all lumps wrapped in black leaves similar to rice dumpling leaves, and there were a lot of silk threads wrapped around them.

There was also a letter placed under the pastry.

Lu Sheng recalled it and remembered that at that time, because of his relationship with his parents, Wang Mu was tired of his uncle's family and often persuaded him to go home and admit his mistakes and reconcile with his parents.

He simply blocked all his uncle's phone calls.

But even so, the uncle's family has always taken good care of him. They would come over from time to time during the holidays to bring him some food and ask about his current situation.

He even took the initiative to pay him rent several times.

After thinking about it, Lu Sheng held something in one hand and took out his mobile phone in the other, and added the uncle's family's phone number to the blacklist.

Although the former Wang Mu was thirty years old, to put it bluntly, he was just a child who had not grown up. Immature thinking.

But now it's different if it's him.

Uncle Wang Mu is just an ordinary family member, so he probably doesn't know that he is the boss of Jiu Ming Hall.

Come here this time

Lu Sheng calculated the time and found that he should be the uncle's son. His cousin was getting engaged soon.

I mentioned it when I met Wang Mu last time.

Cousin Wang Cheng is also twenty-seven years old. He has been dating his girlfriend for seven years, and it is too late to get engaged now.

Lu Sheng quickly opened the letter and read it.

The content inside was very simple, just like a message. It was that his cousin Wang Cheng was getting married soon and he was asked to go over for a wedding banquet. In addition, his cousin was admitted to a good university. By the way, we will also have a banquet together.

It can be seen that this uncle is thinking of ways to give him the opportunity to have contact with his parents.


Not only Wang Mu, but also Lu Sheng himself didn't like those two people very much after understanding the memory situation.

What's wrong? Is there any problem? Zhen He asked softly.

No. Thank you very much. I gave you a lot of time. Lu Sheng said with a smile.

It's okay, it's okay. As long as I can help. Zhen He replied with a smile.

Lu Sheng checked the time.

It's almost time now, let me invite you to have a meal together. After I move away, there will be no chance to see each other again. We have been neighbors for so many years, and we often exercise together. We can also be regarded as friends.

That's okay. Zhen He agreed readily. Let's go, I know there's a store nearby that tastes good. I'll lead the way.


The two got out of the elevator, walked out of the old community, and entered a nearby self-service barbecue restaurant.

The two found a place to sit down.

Zhen He was not polite, and the waiter ordered a bunch of meat and vegetables.

what would you like?

she asked Lu Sheng.

Whatever. Since he wasn't full, Lu Sheng didn't care how much he ate.

These barbecues cost eighty yuan per person, and he could bankrupt this restaurant.

The black grill was quickly set up, and the two of them placed pieces of meat on it and grilled it. At the same time, casually chat about recent current events.

In fact, it was Zhen He who was talking and Lu Sheng was listening, because he didn't know anything about current events.

You seem to be developing quite well. You can even buy your own house. Zhen He couldn't help but make some sour remarks when talking about his experience of struggling in this city for these years.

It's not bad. In fact, as long as you work hard, believe in yourself, and learn lessons after failure, anyone can do well. Lu Sheng said with a casual smile. “I don’t have any secrets, I just happen to work harder than others.”

But I can't. Some things don't depend on hard work. Zhen He shook his head with a smile, his face slightly bitter.

I was laid off from my company before, and I have been looking for a job for several months. There is no hope. Either it's a shady job that only depends on appearance, or it's because I don't have enough academic qualifications.

Don't worry, you can always find it. In terms of work, you can always find the right job that you like. As long as you are willing to continue to strengthen yourself. Lu Sheng comforted.

Although it was useless nonsense, it could be seen that Zhen He was in a better mood.

By the way. What did you do originally? Zhen He suddenly asked.

Manage the library.

Ah, that's really good. It's just a little leisurely. She smiled, I used to work as a handyman in a private company. Then I offended a vixen and was kicked out of the company.

Then you are quite unlucky. Lu Sheng replied dryly.

That's true. To be honest, I almost have no money to pay the rent. If you have any idea, can you introduce me to a job? I don't have high requirements. I just need a normal income of three to five thousand.

She said with a half-joking, half-self-deprecating smile.

In fact, given her appearance, it would be easy to find a job. The vixen she offended before was so influential that she was unable to survive in the entire industry.

People in the same industry didn't dare to accept her, and people in different industries didn't know how to do it at all.

Work? Lu Sheng didn't expect that she would be so miserable. Yes, yes, but what is your major?

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