Extreme Demon

Chapter 1020 Expansion 2

Bang bang.

On the jeep in the distance, some people got off one after another.

Except for the three soldiers who led the way, the other three were all dressed in loose clothes with black cloud patterns on a white background, with a large nine characters embroidered on their hearts.

Among the three people, two were tall and strong, but one looked very thin.

Ke Lian, the nephew beside Colonel Terry, couldn't help but whisper.

Uncle, the one who is at the front and the strongest is our hall master. He is also the founder of Jiu Ming Hall, Master Wang Mu.

When he mentioned Wang Mu, his face was filled with uncontrollable admiration. This made Colonel Terry feel a little unhappy.

He can allow his nephew to admire a person, but never worship others. Because of worship, you feel ashamed of yourself, and you will never catch up with the other person's footsteps.

Wang Mu and his group came closer, and gradually, Colonel Terry felt that there seemed to be a faint aura about these three people.

No. It's not like momentum, it's more like a field, a sense of depression.

Especially the leader at the front, the man named Wang Mu.

The muscles on his body were like carvings with knives and axes, and every step seemed to hit the ground with a huge weight.

The footsteps were obviously not heavy, and even sounded crisp. But the repeated knocks on the beating frequency of the heart make people feel extremely uncomfortable.

Affected heart rate by footwork? A middle-aged man behind Colonel Terry said slowly.

Unlike the others, he was the only one not wearing a military uniform.

This man was wearing a large white robe and a wide white belt, with the imperial flag symbol of the Magic Map Empire on it - a ferocious silver hydra.

This man's name is Fernando, and he is a special external combat consultant for the military region. He is also the founder of the largest chain of Hongjiaquan training institutions in several nearby cities.

I used this move when I was taking the ninth-level exam for the Red Armor Boxing professional. Fernado stretched out his palm and lightly snapped his fingers, which immediately wiped away the slight feeling of depression just now.

The highest level of Hongjiaquan is tenth level, and he can get professional nineth level. It can be said that he is only one step away from reaching the highest evaluation.

In Red Armor Fist, he can be said to be a standard master figure.

Originally, small communication incidents like this happened many times.

He is not the only external coach in the military, so he doesn't have to take the initiative to join in and watch the fun. In this kind of thing, given his status and rank, it is natural for him to win when communicating with the other party. If you lose, the loss will be huge.

But before he came, he heard that the person invited was actually Wang Mu, the founder of Jiu Ming Tang.

He had also heard of Wang Mu's Jiu Ming Tang in the fighting circle.

This is an organization with real capabilities, but there is still a long way to go to surpass the Yunling Martial Arts Training he founded.

Just out of curiosity, he came over in advance to learn about this future competitor.

The first time they met, the other party did not disappoint him.


He took a step and walked in front of Terry, facing Lu Sheng who was approaching.

Wang Mu?

. Lu Sheng lowered his head and glanced at him.

Yunling Martial Arts? Bai Juncheng on the right walked out slowly.

Fernando smiled faintly. Old man

Suddenly, his eyes flashed. The man who just walked out had actually arrived in front of him.

So fast! ! ?

Fernando hurriedly crossed his arms and stood in front of him. The whole body's strength quickly twisted and integrated into one body, pouring into both arms.

The iron rope is cut off!!

He growled lowly, and the exoskeleton armor on his arms moved violently,

Bang! !

Bai Juncheng's hands collided with his arms.

Bang! !

The two of them took a step back almost at the same time.

Fernando was shocked that this young man, who was like a disciple, could actually punch with such heavy power.

Could it be that he is born with divine power? He took a few steps back, a look of surprise on his face involuntarily.

With his martial arts skills and the integration of various body-building techniques, his strength is much stronger than that of ordinary fighting masters.

But this young man in front of me actually

You two have something to talk about. This is Fernando, the external combat consultant specially hired by our military. This time he is also here to discuss and practice with everyone. Colonel Terry could tell at a glance what the punch from Bai Juncheng was. Gold content.

Master Wang, who is this handsome man? He looked towards Bai Juncheng. Just now, this man suddenly took action, and the power that exploded made even him feel his eyes light up.

The movements, moves, and steps are all decent, except for the strength.

Bai Juncheng. I have just been a member of the Jiu Ming Hall for two months. Please forgive me, Colonel. I saw someone blocking the road just now. I couldn't hold it back and took action in a hurry. Bai Juncheng bowed politely.

It's only been two months? Colonel Terry and Fernando both had thoughts in their minds.

The other party deliberately pointed this out, and it was a bad person. As for whether it is true, who believes it? That kind of strength looks like someone who has only been practicing for two months?

Nothing. Although the theme this time is fighting exchanges, there is no need to be so anxious at the beginning. Colonel Terry smiled.

He looked to Fernardo to the side.

Can we start now? Lu Sheng said directly. I am here this time to let more people understand the true meaning of fighting.

His loose fighting uniform was about to burst due to his strong body. One arm is twice as thick as an ordinary person's.

Fighting is massacre.

He stretched out his arms, palms open.

Look at my hands.

Colonel Terry, Fernando and others couldn't help but look at his palm.

There was a faint and strange blood-red pattern there.

Want to control your own destiny?

Lu Sheng's voice vibrated slowly, spreading in all directions like a loudspeaker.

For a moment, all the soldiers, including Fernando, were shaken, and there were subtle changes in their eyes.

Let's fight.

Lu Sheng clenched his hands suddenly.

Bang! !

The air was squeezed out from his fingers, like real water splashing away.

This muffled sound seemed to hit everyone's hearts with a heavy hammer.


One of the sharp soldiers clenched his teeth, and his eyes showed a look of struggle, but he was soon overwhelmed by the new intense emotions.

ten minutes later.

Lu Sheng took Bai Juncheng away slowly and left the training ground by car.

Colonel Terry and dozens of top soldiers have already personally taught part of the load fighting technique by him.

With a strong physical foundation, Lu Sheng was now able to make perfect use of psychological guidance to plant the seeds of his own invincibility deep in the hearts of others.

As long as he is invincible and continues to be strong, no one can betray him.

Everyone will worship him extremely fanatically and regard him as the embodiment of strength.

After coming to the world so many times, this is a new martial art that Lu Sheng gradually combined with his own martial arts and psychological guidance skills to create a new fusion.

He named it the Path of Destruction of Love in the Ten Directions.

This annihilation of emotion does not mean the annihilation of passion, but the annihilation of the independent individual emotions of living beings.

Now, because Lu Sheng only has some understanding of human soul consciousness, the Ten Directions Way of Destroying Love is only effective for humans.

As long as anyone is defeated by him, as long as he has an independent consciousness, he will plant an irresistible seed of destruction deep in his heart.

While maintaining his independence, he gradually developed a fanatical worship and admiration for him.

This is a state of terror similar to that of a fanatic. Can eliminate and exclude all other emotions.

Lu Sheng just used a little bit of the boxing skills of Shifang Mieqing Dao, and then showed off his skills. This influenced Colonel Terry and many top soldiers, leaving a feeling of indignity deep in their hearts.

He also realized the power and terror of this boxing technique.

If this kind of boxing technique is abused, the consequences will be disastrous.

The good thing is that he doesn't intend to teach it to anyone else.

The Loaded Fighting Technique and the Spiral Nine Life Technique are enough for the disciples of the Nine Life Hall to study hard for a lifetime.

And the most powerful Shifang Qingdao can only be mastered by him personally.

Sitting in the jeep, Lu Sheng closed his eyes and rested his mind, quietly recalling that when he was still in the world of demons, when he was still weak, he saw the suffering of all living beings and the world was in chaos, and he had made great aspirations to correct this wrong world.

I'm numb now. Lu Sheng slowly tied black bandages specially designed for fighting on the palms of his hands.

From the empathy I felt before, to being alone now. Although I have become much stronger than before, I can no longer find the emotion I felt back then.

He opened his eyes and looked out the car window at the flying leaves.

What was your initial ideal for practicing fighting? Lu Sheng asked in a low voice.

Apart from the soldiers who were driving, they were Bai Juncheng and Zheng Huan.

Bai Juncheng smiled.

Not to be bullied. Master, my purpose is very simple, just to not be bullied.

Zheng Huan was silent for a moment.

I was forced by you.

He had an expression of pain on his face.

Lu Sheng and Bai Juncheng couldn't help laughing.

My original purpose. Lu Sheng stopped smiling. It's about correcting the wrongs of the world. It's a normal thought.

The rest of the people in the car were slightly shocked. Such an ideal sounds like someone who is not a normal person, right?

At that time, I saw the suffering in the world, the chaos in the world, and the dancing of demons.

So I vowed to use my power and my fist to establish a new order in the world.

Lu Sheng's calm narration seemed to be telling another person's story.

But there are so many strong people in the world, and I have paid too much for my strength. I have also experienced too many grudges and hatreds.

Now, I can no longer find the anger I felt back then.”

He opened his palm, and the black bandaged palm was wide and thick, with a vague solidity like a rock.

Do you understand?? The Tao at that time can no longer be found. If a person loses his original heart, then what is left is nothing more than a machine that becomes stronger for the sake of becoming stronger.

Teacher Bai Juncheng didn't know how to comfort him.

Zheng Huan was silent for a while, then slowly spoke.

I think, no matter what, just do it according to the previous ideas. If you have any ideas, let's wait until they are realized.

Just like that destined fate. If you don't even think about resisting, you are destined to not even have a glimmer of hope.

Do you still want to kill me now? Are we friends? Lu Sheng suddenly smiled and said to him.

Even if I kill you, we will still be friends. Zheng Huan said calmly.

This man was incredibly thick-skinned. He gouged out his eyes and even asked him if he was a friend.

Do you have friends who gouge out people's eyes?

Actually, I dug out your eyes for your own good. You should thank me. Lu Sheng laughed.

I will thank you when I kill you. Zheng Huan said lightly.

Bai Juncheng on the side felt cold sweat on his face when he heard this. Was this mysterious man's eyes gouged out by the master himself?

Now these two people can actually sit next to each other, chatting and laughing, which is really weird.

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