Extreme Demon

Chapter 1019 Expansion 1

Ahhhhh! ! !

Howls of pain echoed throughout the suburban night sky.

Zheng Huan covered his eyes and knelt down in front of Lu Sheng. He lowered his head, and blood dripped from the gaps between his fingers, splashing on the ground and breaking away the fine dust.

The soil was stained light red, and a faint smell of rust filled the air.

Lu Sheng stopped looking at him, turned around and walked towards Ding Ning who was standing beside him.

Telepathy masters, that's all. Breaking through the barrier of telepathy, they are just weaklings who are not much different from ordinary people.

Weak people are miserable.

The strong bullying the weak has always been the law of heaven and earth. But now, he is the strong one.

Ding Ning's body was trembling as he watched Lu Sheng walk towards him step by step. He now knew that Zheng Huan must have given up just now.

Having one eye gouged out while alive was such a painful experience that even if he was watching, his scalp would feel numb.

What do you want to do?? He stepped back unconsciously.

He is a good telepathic master, but he is just a newcomer who has only been promoted for a short time, and he has never even been to the battlefield.

In peaceful times, when the empire was prosperous, no one in modern society had ever seen such cruel methods.

You, you, you!!! Ding Ning staggered and almost tripped over a stone on the ground.

Let me tell you, if you step outside the rules, you will pay a price.

Lu Sheng suddenly took a step forward and grabbed Ding Ning's face with his palm like lightning.

Bang! ! !



Didi didi didi didi

Hello, hello, this is the National Mind Energy Center. What help do you need? A sweet female voice rang on the phone.

I need to check the specific whereabouts of the telekinesis master No. DFS4436.

In a phone booth on the street, a man with a short hair wearing a gray hooded jacket took off the cigarette from his mouth and whispered.

People were coming and going around, and a little girl with her mother holding hands and wearing twin tails looked at the man curiously through the glass of the phone booth.

Her mother lowered her body and pulled the little girl away slowly, seeming to be giving some instructions.

Hello, the specific whereabouts of the telepathic master you are inquiring about are not disclosed. If necessary, you can send a payment application to the other party if the other party is willing.


The man hung up the phone, opened the phone booth door and walked out.

The sun is shining brightly outside.

He pulled up his hood, covered his head, and quickly stopped a passing taxi.

Opening the door and quickly sitting in, he handed the driver a note.

Thank you for your trouble.

No problem. The driver glanced at the note and quickly entered the automatic navigation.

Only then did the man sit down leisurely, took out his cell phone and looked through the text message records.

‘Has Zheng Huan not replied yet? ’

'have no idea. I went to the inquiry center, but they didn't disclose my whereabouts. ’

‘Even you have turned off whereabouts sharing. Where has he gone? You can't think about it, right? We have struggled together for so many years. He gave up when he said he gave up? ’

'have no idea. I don't think he is this kind of person. ’

'But think about it, something like this happened in his family. His wife and children have been raised for so many years, and they are not his own. This blow is real.’

‘I persuaded him at first. How could the eldest daughter of the Horus family suddenly fall in love with him. But he didn't listen. Say I don't believe in love. ’ The man thought for a while, then went back and deleted the last sentence, ‘Believe in love’.

‘Where are his parents? ’

‘Leaved early. Gone. ’


‘What about us now? ? ’

‘Either find him or break up. ’

At this point, there is no more information.

The man closed his eyes and sighed, then put away his phone.

Zheng Huan. Have you really given up? He was a little lost for a moment, recalling the times when we studied together, took exams together, and made breakthroughs together.

Look at Zheng Huan's miserable experience now.

His parents died early, and his only spiritual support was his wife and children. Now, his wife is just using him as a successor. The daughter is not his biological child and does not even recognize him.

The best brother fought for him and died unexpectedly. In order to seek justice, he went to protest, but was dismissed from his post, seriously injured, and kicked out of the Border Alliance.

A high-ranking telekinesis master didn't even have a battleship he could control, and he was reduced to being a bounty hunter.

Now he has even given up on the telekinesis experiment that he collaborated with a few of them on.

The Horus family is ruthless enough.

The man murmured, no longer thinking about it, leaned back on the seat, closed his eyes and rested.



Nine Lives Hall.

In the lobby of a converted warehouse.

Lu Sheng casually grabbed a fifty-pound metal ball from the ground and threw it back to Zheng Huan who was following behind.

With a heavy whistling sound, the metal ball automatically slowed down and stopped when it flew one meter away from Zheng Huan. Then it slowly flew around him automatically.

At this time, Zheng Huan had a black eyepatch on one eye and his face was even paler, but he was obviously much more energetic than when Lu Sheng first saw him.

The remaining eye was filled with a trace of hatred and gratitude towards Lu Sheng from time to time.

“How does it feel to break free from that crippling state?”

Lu Sheng said calmly.

Actually, you should thank me. No matter how powerful the space battleship is, without power, it is just a pile of scrap metal.

Space battleships are not all made of metal. Zheng Huan said coldly.

Then just change it to trash. Lu Sheng didn't care.

What do you want me to do? Zheng Huan asked directly. Let me talk first. I have a big problem. There are very powerful people who are targeting and oppressing me.

Lu Sheng turned a deaf ear.

He was just very interested in Zheng Huan. He has seen many miserable people, but there are few people like Zheng Huan, who are vaguely wrapped in mystery.

Do you know? Zheng Huan glanced at Lu Sheng. Growing up, almost everyone I had anything to do with ended up well.

Huh? Isn't this the same as Wang Jing? Lu Sheng's heart moved.

Those who are good to me, all the people close to me, will have trouble. Zheng Huan said calmly. My parents, my uncles.

I used to think that I had sustenance and hope, but unfortunately it was all false.

I have never had those things.”

Lu Sheng rummaged around on the table, randomly picked up a thin yellow invitation, and threw it to Zheng Huan.

Take it and come with me tomorrow.

Zheng Huan caught it.

The invitation was written from the Anming City Garrison Office, and was sent by Colonel Terry.

I opened it and looked at it. Inside was a fighting exchange invitation sent by the Anming City Military Region.

One of my disciples is Colonel Terry's nephew. This time I hope to select young people from the army to join our Nine Lives Hall. Lu Sheng is very confident in his psychological guidance skills, and the brainwashing technology in the army , how could he be his opponent.

When the time comes, expanding your influence will be just around the corner.

What are your plans? Zheng Huan was stunned.

What's the plan?? Lu Sheng grinned. Under the light, his smile looked a bit eerie and cold.

Don't you think there are too many different voices in Anming City?

I want everyone I see to be my disciples of the Nine Lives Hall.

Although Zheng Huan didn't understand what Lu Sheng wanted to do, he instinctively felt a chill in his heart when he heard this.

The world is so big. Since there is no place for you. Then cut it out yourself. Lu Sheng turned around and walked towards the depths of Jiu Ming Hall.

Your body is too weak. Starting tomorrow, follow me to practice fighting skills. Remember to pay the tuition.

Zheng Huan gritted his teeth. For some reason, an inexplicable restlessness slowly emerged in his heart.

He turned his head and saw a map of the entire Magic Map Empire hanging on the white wall.

And Anming City, where they are located, is on the far left side of the map.

The underside of a pink planet.

Strong, ruthless, and ambitious. I want to see how far you can go. Zheng Huan suppressed the trembling in his heart, turned and walked towards the door.

He will not escape, and he will not escape again until Lu Sheng is defeated.



Anming City temporary training base.

The elite regiment led by Colonel Terry has been training here for several hours.

The training content is mainly free fighting and unarmed fighting. Refers to how to defeat the enemy and achieve victory without any weapons.

The training uniform of the Motu Empire is dark green with black markings, and the epaulettes on the shoulders are marked by the number of protruding spikes.

These spikes seem to be very disruptive to training. There are sharp spikes as long as a finger on each shoulder.

Each soldier wears two shoulder armors, specially designed to be inlaid with spikes. In addition, he has a personal combat bag with a weight of thirty kilograms. There are various field combat functions on it. There are even small fragmentation bombs for emergency use, small cloud burst bombs, and miniature nuclear energy propulsion daggers. Single-shot laser cannons and more.

Colonel Terry is a tall white man with thick eyebrows and big eyes.

There is a bite scar on one side of his neck, which was caused by being bitten and injured by an indigenous beast during a planet landing battle.

He was already over forty years old and had no children. He only had a nephew who had lost his parents and was regarded as his own.

At this time, his nephew was standing next to him, looking expectantly at the edge of the school field.

Two dark green military jeeps were slowly approaching there.

Everyone! Stand at attention! Turn to the right!

Colonel Terry shouted commands.

A total of thirty-two people were trained, all of whom were the most elite elite soldiers of the Anming City Military Region. They were the candidates he selected and planned to send to participate in the provincial elite combat competition.

This time, he was also listening to his nephew talk about Master Wang Mu of Jiu Ming Hall. His fighting skills were so superb that he could be called a humanoid mecha.

He went to the Bai family to personally inspect the scene, and after making sure it was correct, he took the initiative to send an invitation to Wang Mu.

Although he doesn't quite believe that folk fighting skills can reach that level of power, it should be due to some new technology of exoskeleton armor.

But no matter what, whether this encounter is real or fake can be seen at a glance.

He straightened out the black spikes on his shoulders. The dark green military uniform was almost integrated with the black spikes. From a distance, it looked like a tight-fitting armor.

Although this military uniform does have the defensive power of individual armor, its flexibility is not comparable to that of armor. This is the huge gap between civilian technology and military technology.

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