Extreme Demon

Chapter 1018: Heartbroken 2

To put it bluntly, martial arts can deal with daily conflicts between ordinary people, but once it involves the police and the military, it is no different from ordinary people.

Coupled with the current sound legal system, you may break the law if you are not careful. No matter how well you practice fighting, it is no match for a few police guns.

That's why a few people became so enthusiastic when they saw Lu Sheng smashing the armor with his bare hands.

From Lu Sheng's actions, they saw a glimmer of hope for the future of martial arts. Rather than completely reducing it to viewing and exercise.

When we came out of the warehouse, it was completely dark.

Lu Sheng refused his apprentice's request to send him away and walked toward his residence on foot.

He moved his body a little today, and for the first time he saw the maximum power that the so-called exoskeleton technology could achieve.

It's just civilian technology. To the greatest extent, that's it. He recently reconnected the library and searched for a lot of information in this area.

The fighting arts here are mainly based on schools, and the magic figure style and the red armor style are the mainstream here. The jujutsu style is mostly practiced by women, and is used for self-defense and wolf defense.

On the market, most of them use training classes to teach children to exercise as a source of income. Even the situation of martial arts schools is not the same as before. Internationally, rank is the main way to judge personal strength.

Generally, those who practice martial arts are no different from athletes. Their main source of income is participating in various competitions and private training as personal trainers. But these can only start after winning certain awards.

Lu Sheng walked along the driveway at night.

To his right was a large area of ​​dark farmland, with crickets and other insects chirping from time to time. On the left are some squat and dilapidated old buildings, and from time to time you can see subtle lights shining inside.

Subtle noises and complaints floated out from the lights, mixed with the cries of children.

Lu Sheng was walking, and suddenly his footsteps slowly stopped.

On the roadside to his left, two figures, one tall and one short, dropped their cigarette butts, stamped them out with their feet, and walked straight towards him.

Wang Mu? One of them came closer, revealing his pale and thin face under the light.

Is something wrong? Lu Sheng glanced at the faces of the two people and immediately recognized the identity of the shorter one.

Ding Ning? I was originally thinking about when you would come to trouble me. But it has been delayed until now.

He gently took off his suit and threw it on the grass aside. He tilted his neck and made a series of cracking sounds.

As soon as Ding Ning saw his terrifying muscles that looked like rock and metal. They were intertwined and tightened like steel wires, and my mind immediately recalled the slap that hit him.

He couldn't help but pause, and a trace of fear flashed in his eyes.

Zheng Huan, help me this time to cancel the debt you owed me before. He turned sideways and looked at the taller man.

The man was wearing a straight uniform and was holding a pale gold chain in his hand. There was a hint of exhaustion and haggardness on his face, as if he was always in a state of exhaustion.

Okay. Let me help you solve this matter. He took a step forward and stood opposite Lu Sheng.

Lu Sheng narrowed his eyes, and the muscles in his body slowly began to move. The violent power flowed slowly through his body like a volcano.

The man named Zheng Huan raised his hand, and the gold chain slowly trembled in his hand.

Have you ever heard of fate?

Death calamity? What is it?

He felt there was something strange about this person. From his eyes, he could see a deep numbness.

Whoosh! !

The golden chain suddenly stabbed his left shoulder like a poisonous snake. The speed of the chain was much faster than Ding Ning's shot.

But it was obvious that Zheng Huan had no intention of harming anyone's life, and chose a position like the shoulder where he would not be disabled.

Lu Sheng raised his hand, slapped the gold chain with his palm, and at the same time rushed forward like lightning.

Red Star. Stepping on the Clouds!

He raised his front foot high and stepped down suddenly.

The ground suddenly cracked open, and Lu Sheng turned into a shadow, slamming into Zheng Huan with a terrifying and huge momentum.

More than a dozen gold chains flew out quickly from in front of him, intertwined and coiled into a circle, blocking him.

Bang! !

Lu Sheng's right fist landed hard on the gold chain disk.

The two exploded into a muffled sound.

The gold chain exploded and flew in all directions. Lu Sheng broke through the obstacle and his right fist landed in the air with the remaining strength.

Zheng Huan had already used the momentary obstacle to dodge in time and stood a few meters away from him.

Fly, Golden Flame Dragon!

At some point in front of Zheng Huan, a large amount of golden dust swirled up, and countless dust quickly gathered into a golden one-eyed metal dragon like a long snake.

Buzz! !

The metal dragon roared and circled towards Lu Sheng.

It was extremely fast, almost in the blink of an eye, it reached the vest behind Lu Sheng. Like a flash of golden light, it shone on Lu Sheng in an instant.

Bang! ! !

Lu Sheng turned over with one hand and grabbed the metal faucet with one palm.

The huge impact was beyond his imagination, shaking his legs deeply into the ground.

Pluto Star Soaring High!! In an instant, the muscles all over his body surged like running water, converging towards his right arm and hand. Then he punched forward suddenly.

boom! !

The fist hit the air, exploding a cloud of white mist. A transparent and twisted wave rushed out of the white mist, hitting Zheng Huan not far away.

Lu Sheng was also hit hard on the side and back by the metal dragon.

The two of them fell to the ground on both sides almost at the same time.

Dragon eyes!! Zheng Huan suddenly shouted while still in mid-air.

A golden light shot out from the metal dragon's single eye and landed accurately on Lu Sheng's right shoulder.


The ray actually had a very strong impact and stabbed Lu Sheng's right shoulder hard.


It was like a sharp knife piercing Lu Sheng's shoulder, making a sound of gold and iron.

Lu Sheng slashed with his backhand, and the sword actually cut off the golden ray straight away.

His flying body rolled in mid-air, he put one hand on the ground and landed firmly on his feet, without even a single scratch on his body.

How...how is it possible!!? Ding Ning looked a little dull on the side.

That's the Golden Flame Dragon Eye Piercer that can pierce the armor of a battleship!! He had personally seen Zheng Huan's Jin Yanlong pierce a battleship with half a meter of armor.

Mental energy masters also have strengths and weaknesses. Although he is also a telekinesis master, his ability is at best to control a single-man small battleship.

But Zheng Huan is different. He is truly a high-level telekinesis master who can single-handedly control large battleships.

Even though most battleships rely on their own power to fly, telekinesis masters are still required to use telekinesis to assist them in many places.

Otherwise, the operation of a huge battleship is no different from that of an ordinary captain. The power of telekinesis masters cannot be reflected.

What really makes telekinesis masters famous for their power is that they can make battleships as flexible as fish swimming in the sea.

But now, the Golden Flame Dragon Eye, which can pierce the armor plate of the battleship, actually didn't even break the skin of Wang Mu.

Zheng Huan! Are you crazy!? Ding Ning immediately guessed that it was Zheng Huan who had let go.

How dare you let loose in such a fierce battle? Isn't he afraid of death?

Zheng Huan on the other side slowly got up, and a trace of blood couldn't help but flow from the corner of his mouth.

He himself knew whether he had released the water or not. He really didn't release the water just now. Originally, his original intention was to let Lu Sheng retreat in spite of the difficulties. So I only hit his shoulder, not other vital parts.

But the result.

Lu Sheng moved his shoulders. The blow just now was so hard that it made his skin itchy.

How many years has it been since anyone could scratch his skin?

When he thought about it carefully, he seemed to have forgotten it.

Remember the last person who tickled his skin? Who was it?

Slowly gathering his scattered thoughts, Lu Sheng lowered his gaze and returned to Zheng Huan not far away.

You are very good. He said in a low voice. Being able to break three of my hairs and tell the truth is already an incredible achievement. Are you interested in joining me and joining me?

He slowly reached out his hand.

He saw a hint of death in Zheng Huan's eyes.

This is a person with no future, no hopes and expectations. Although I don’t know the reason, his strength is very good.

Although he has arrived not long ago and his strength is less than one billionth of his own body, being able to easily injure him at his master level is indeed an amazing achievement.

After all, if you can break his hair, if it is twice as strong, you can break his outer skin.

It can break his outer skin, and if it is twice as strong, it can break his muscle layer.

And if it can break through his muscle layer, if it is ten times stronger, it can threaten his internal organs.

When it reaches the point where it can threaten his internal organs, if it is ten times stronger, it can threaten his life!

This is already strong!

How's it going? Are you interested? Lu Sheng looked at Zheng Huan.

The confused look on the other party's face made him a little puzzled.

But it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if you are stupid, as long as you are strong enough.

Zheng Huan and Ding Ning looked at Lu Sheng not just in confusion, but as if they were crazy.

Sure enough, those who can reach the top are all lunatics with mental problems. Ding Ning suddenly felt very tired.

He felt that the opponent he had always held a grudge against was actually a fool in the end? Mental illness?

Wang Muqiang, right? Very strong.

Being able to practice fighting skills to this extent, even if there is an implanted metal armor hidden under the skin, it is already very awesome to be able to confront a telepathic master head-on.

But even so, his mind didn't seem to be very clear.

Putting aside the few words he just said, he, as an ordinary person, actually wants to recruit telekinesis masters to join him, and he is also a high-level telekinesis master.

If you tell me this, will anyone believe it?

You have no family, no friends, no one worth caring about or yearning for. Not even your enemies are pitiful people who have abandoned their self-esteem. No matter how strong you are, what's the use? Lu Sheng looked at Zheng Huan, He said in a calm tone.

Come on. I allow you to hate me. Aim to kill me. Become stronger. He walked towards Zheng Huan step by step.

Before this, you stayed with me.

Ding Ning wanted to speak, but suddenly he saw Zheng Huan out of the corner of his eye. He was sweating profusely, his face was pale, and blood kept coming out of the corner of his mouth.

That punch just now completely injured him?

But that punch was obviously just an air cannon fired with the help of an implanted device??

There is no goal, I give it to you.

Lu Sheng walked up to Zheng Huan, grabbed his hair, and lifted it straight up in the air.

He raised an index finger and pointed it at Zheng Huan's right eye.

Remember, this is the fear of death.


Blood splattered.

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