Extreme Demon

Chapter 1017: Heartbroken 1

Puff puff.

Four strong men and women wearing silver exoskeleton devices slowly walked out from all corners.

The four of them are wearing the highest-grade exoskeleton armor currently on the market, which can increase their strength by more than three times. It looks like a small mecha, shining silver.

Even an average person, wearing it after training, can easily punch through a thinner wooden wall with one punch.

‘Teacher, in order to express our respect for you, we will use maximum power and overload continuous operation. ’

A man wearing armor on his face said in a muffled voice.


The other three people rushed towards Lu Sheng at the same time.

There was a dull and hard sound of hydraulic gears turning in the armor.

Four figures slammed into Lu Sheng like lightning. The huge force erupted from the armor brought up gusts of strong wind, and a subtle whistling sound was faintly heard in the warehouse.

Not everyone can afford an exoskeleton armor that weighs more than 70 kilograms, but generally those who can afford such heavy armor will not be much worse off in terms of their own strength.

Ahhhh!!! one of them roared violently.

Lu Sheng opened his arms, his palms suddenly moved forward, grabbed the fist of the person in front of him, and at the same time turned his elbow to face the other person.

See clearly, this is a wolf! He roared suddenly, and pulled the two of them hard with his claws and twisted them.

Bang bang! !

The huge force of the two people was pulled in the direction at the same time, and they collided with the other two people who were rushing towards them.

With a loud noise, the four people rolled into a ball and became a rolling gourd. They fell and rolled far away.

Lu Sheng stood up straight.


Soon someone came out and carried away the four people who were wailing on the ground. Although their injuries were serious, with Master Wang here, they could be cured quickly without any sequelae.

It is precisely because of this that everyone is not serious about their attacks. Even when they are sparring in their own Nine Lives Hall, they all use heavy attacks.

This is what Lu Sheng asked for.

According to his words. That is, learning martial arts is not for physical exercise. The essence of martial arts is slaughter.

Being light-footed means nothing in combat.

With the sound of heavy metal armor, four more silver figures came out. Lu Sheng was surrounded again.

Kill! Lu Sheng suddenly shouted.

The four people looked at each other for a moment, and the fear in their hearts quickly disappeared, and they couldn't help but feel a little angry.

Kill!!! The four of them shouted loudly at the same time and rushed towards Lu Sheng.


Lu Sheng stood still and allowed the four people to bump into him hard.

Bang bang bang! !

Four people bumped into him from four directions at the same time, but it felt as if he had hit a giant metal tree.

The huge rebound force caused the silver armor on their bodies to crack and bend.

Although the four of them were stimulated by Lu Sheng's little hypnosis, they still couldn't help but groan in pain at this time.

Too weak. Lu Sheng grabbed the person's head with one hand. Lift it up with one hand and hang it in the air.

Is this the reason why you secretly concealed it from me and purchased so many exoskeleton armors?

Bang! !

He casually smashed the person to the side.

Boom! !

The entire metal floor was smashed into a deep depression and curved shape.

Do you want to be a weak mouse or a lion on the grassland!?

Lu Sheng's body shook, and a huge force violently shook the other three people away.

The three of them took a dozen steps back, then looked down at the armor on their bodies. It was full of deformed and twisted signs of damage.

Everyone couldn't help but feel shocked.

This is an exoskeleton armor made of alloy! It's surprising that someone could completely destroy so many things just by relying on their physical body.

Bai Juncheng walked into the warehouse with a smile.

I told you a long time ago that you can't rely solely on exoskeleton armor. If you use this kind of thing too much, you will become dependent. If things go on like this, you won't even notice that you are deteriorating.

One of the women with a red ponytail suddenly tore off her upper body armor. Revealing a fair and handsome face.

No one could have imagined that three months ago, she was still a fat woman weighing more than 170 kilograms.

Now, her weight has been maintained at around 130. And the sebum rate is extremely low.

The muscles on her body are well-proportioned and powerful, and she looks like an elegant and vicious female leopard.

Hongthorn, are you convinced? Bai Juncheng looked at the pony-tailed woman and said with a smile.

Teacher's bravery is unimaginable to Hong Qian, and I'm convinced. There was an indescribable trace of fanaticism in her eyes.

There was no sense of frustration, but instead a stronger fanatical pursuit of Lu Sheng's invincible strength just now.

Unlike others, she was obese before, not because she couldn't lose weight. It's because she wants to practice a fighting technique that requires a lot of weight.

She is the only one among all the students who has gained weight on her own. She came here and joined Lu Sheng's command. It was also after the Bai family incident that she heard about the reputation of Jiu Ming Tang and came to try to challenge Lu Sheng, but was easily defeated by Bai Juncheng.

From then on, she joined Lu Sheng's team wholeheartedly.

Like the Bai family, she seems to have extremely strong power behind her. Although she didn't say it explicitly, judging from her daily expenses, driving a top-notch sports car and living in and out of places are all of the highest grade.

On weekdays, you can often see someone driving a car, who is not far away and is ready to obey your orders.

All these indicate that the background behind her is most likely to be stronger than that of the Bai family.

In your eyes, maybe metal is the hardest thing in the world. Lu Sheng moved his upper body.

His bare, bronzed muscles had no scratches or scratches on them.

Not even a hint of sweat.

He randomly grabbed a piece of exoskeleton armor and held it lightly with one hand.


Accompanied by the sharp sound of metal friction, the part quickly deformed and twisted, and in the blink of an eye it was crushed into a metal ball.

But in my eyes, metals are just fragile toys.

Lu Sheng rubbed it casually, and the metal ball in his hand was immediately shaped into a long strip.

The people around Jiu Ming Hall were dumbfounded and swallowed their saliva wildly.

When a few of them saw this scene, their eyes flashed with crazy admiration.

Hong Thorn, Bai Juncheng, and the other two gradually developed an indescribable awe and admiration for Lu Sheng and Jiu Ming Tang.

You will also have such power. Lu Sheng said solemnly. He threw away the piece of metal in his hand. But now, you actually plan to give up and pursue insignificant toys?

He turned his gaze and looked at the mountains of exoskeleton armor surrounding him.

These were purchased in advance by a businessman among the students and prepared for dumping in large quantities. However, the students of Jiu Ming Hall purchased it in advance. The original intention was to sell it to students at a low price as a benefit.

But I didn't expect that after the students got the armor, they gradually developed a dependence.

Bai Juncheng noticed this problem and called Lu Sheng in time.

After the two arranged it for a while, the current scene happened.

Lu Sheng allowed them to use the exoskeleton armor as much as they wanted. As long as it could hurt him, even if it was just a little bit of skin, he would allow them to use the armor as they wanted without asking any questions.

It's a pity that the imagination is beautiful, but the ending is cruel.

I'm not completely against you using foreign objects. Lu Sheng put on his coat, his shirt had been torn, and he was wearing a simple black suit.

But the roomy suit was also bulging out due to his over-congested and strong upper body, and it looked like it was about to be burst at any moment.

It's just that you can't indulge in and waste your own practice just because you use foreign objects. He changed the subject.

Of course, you can also say, no matter how strong we are in training, can we be as strong as thermal weapons? Can we be as strong as particle cannons?

But! Don't forget your original thoughts when you entered my Nine Lives Hall! Your original philosophy!! Lu Sheng roared fiercely.

Teacher, I was wrong. Another armored man, half kneeling on the ground, opened his armored visor, revealing a face full of shame.

Don't worry! I will get rid of these armors as soon as possible! Never.

Change to auxiliary devices. Lu Sheng interrupted him, I don't object to auxiliary devices. After all, fighting skills are not omnipotent. We also need to keep pace with the times.

Network, explore, take photos, calculate, etc. These are all things we may be missing.

Yes, I understand! The man nodded in a low voice. His name was Ansha, and he was the son of a famous businessman from a neighboring city. These exoskeleton armors are the main technological products of his father's group.

It is precisely because of this that he was able to mobilize such a large supply of goods so quickly and provide more than ten sets of the most advanced exoskeleton armors on the market for the people of Jiumingtang to use.

Their qualifications may not necessarily be the best, but under the influence of family education, their vision is definitely not bad!

Nowadays, ninety-nine percent of people cannot become telekinesis masters. What Lu Sheng's Jiu Ming Tang will bring will be an innovation in fighting techniques.

Although the influence that Jiu Ming Tang can have is still very weak. But not wearing an exoskeleton can cause even greater destructive power than an exoskeleton.

If they had done this before, they would never have believed it.

But now, after experiencing it for themselves, they understand that there are truly terrifying fighting techniques in the world.

I once heard that the planet Karnado has a body-building technique that can make the physical body of living creatures stronger, stronger and harder. Ansha said in a low voice. Teacher, is it possible that your inheritance is...

I have never been to Karnado Star. Lu Sheng said calmly. Besides, no one passed it on to me.

Ansha, Bai Juncheng, Hong Qian, and everyone else all trembled when they heard this, and seemed to understand something.

There are several main types of fighting techniques that are popular nowadays.

The first is the orthodox magic map fighting technique. It is the cohesion of the inherited culture of the Demonic Kingdom. It mainly uses legs as the mainstream attack method, and most of its movements are kicking and stabbing. It evolved from the equipment assassination technique that simulates wearing spikes on the toes.

The second type is Red Armor Boxing, which was introduced from other countries. It is mainly famous for fighting enemies with bare hands and two fists. Its movements are simple and beautiful, and it has the most practitioners.

The third type is Gru Jiu-Jitsu. It mainly focuses on personal wrestling, grappling, and strangulation movements.

In fact, the number of people who practice these fighting techniques is very small.

After all, this is the age of science and technology. No matter how strong you are, you will never be a match for guns, cannons, and laser beams.

So those who really practice martial arts are amateurs or enthusiasts.

Just like in Anming City, those who like fighting and are willing to really start training, it is estimated that Jiumingtang has attracted at least half of the people.

The rest either haven't received any news or they just like to practice hard alone.

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