Extreme Demon

Chapter 1016 Test 2

This squad leader is Xiao Changling.

At that time, she had a good education, was gentle and polite to everyone, and often helped students in class who were in trouble.

She doesn’t come from a powerful family or anything, it’s just that she has many ideas, is smart, and is good at studying. In addition, he is popular and treats others fairly. So everyone obeys her. No matter what happens, no matter who the student is, they are willing to give her face.

At that time, Wang Mu was withdrawn. Although he was not bullied, his grades were always at the bottom of the class.

Because he is lonely, he is not popular with others. When he encounters some problems in class, he cannot find anyone to answer them, and it is not always possible to catch up with the teacher. As a result, more and more problems accumulated. The grades are getting worse and worse.

At that time, Xiao Changling was gentle and enthusiastic, and she took the initiative to help Wang Mu and several other classmates answer questions.

In fact, in high school, there were quite a few boys who had a crush on Xiao Changling. It’s just that no one really dared to say it out loud.

Later, after Wang Mu came out to work, he heard intermittently that Xiao Changling went to a remote university, while he and Xu Shaogong were admitted to a local university together. Nothing has been heard from her since.

Didn't expect to encounter it here.

You still look the same. Mumu, just like wood, is still dull. Xiao Changling joked with a smile.

Who says otherwise? He has never changed since graduation. Xu Shaogong said with a smile. Okay, okay, everyone, sit down first and let's order first. I'm treating you today, so don't take it away from me!

That's right. Xu Shaogong grabbed Lu Sheng and held his girlfriend Xie Mei by the other hand.

This is my wife Xie Mei. This is the old Iron King tree that I grew up with.

Hello. Lu Sheng reached out and shook Xie Mei's hand, indicating that they knew each other.

Hello. Xie Mei also smiled.

Xu Shaogong is a person who is very good at making eye contact and adjusting the atmosphere. When I met Lu Sheng this time, I felt that he was not as wary of others as before. It seems that a lot has changed.

Speaking of which, you are much stronger than the last time I saw you. He patted Lu Sheng's chest. Damn! It's all meat! It's fatal!

I just started exercising recently and want to change my life. Lu Sheng said with a smile after sitting down.

It's not as gloomy as before. Xiao Changling added. She was exquisitely dressed and had beautiful makeup, but her speech and movements were rare and free, and she seemed to be completely free of the pretentiousness of other beautiful girls.

Maybe it's because I've been out in the sun a lot lately, Lu Sheng said casually.

The three of them got together and ordered food and drinks. Xu Shaogong made the introduction and talked about life and interesting things in high school. The atmosphere was pretty good.

Soon the fragrant pot was served, and everyone started to use their chopsticks. They began to follow the atmosphere and talk about the current situation.

Xu Shaogong asked about Xiao Changling, and she smiled, feeling a little unwilling and bitter.

Working in the advertising department of a private company now is different from when I was in school.

You were the recognized goddess in our class at that time. That guy Zhao Xun was chasing you, wasn't he? Why has there been no news since then? Xu Shaogong was a little surprised.

At that time, although Xiao Changling was not the prettiest in appearance, her overall score was very high, and there were many young masters who liked her.

No matter what, it won't end up like this, right? Several of the boys chasing her are from good families. As long as she nods, they will definitely be much better than they are now.

I just don't want to use marriage as a bargaining chip. The smile on Xiao Changling's face slowly faded.

Where is Wang Mu? Where are you? What are you doing now? She seemed not to want to talk about this, and immediately changed the topic and looked at Lu Sheng.

I work in a private library and manage books. Lu Sheng said simply.

Librarian? It's a very good job. It suits your temperament very well. Xiao Changling was stunned for a moment, then smiled.

There is just no future. Xu Shaogong said quietly from the side. I've tried to persuade him many times, but this guy is just lazy and won't listen. What do you think you do that doesn't earn you more than a librarian?

Xie Mei, who was beside him, felt that these words were a bit hurtful to his self-esteem, so she quickly pinched him secretly to tell him to stop talking.

The library is not bad, there are not so many intrigues. Xiao Changling said with a smile.

She actually matured very early.

When I was in high school, I used my natural advantages and indeed managed many interpersonal relationships for a long time. He originally planned to choose one of the few rich kids chasing him.

Unexpectedly, something happened later that completely ruined her plans after graduating from high school.

It also caused the great situation she had worked hard to manage in high school to completely collapse.

At that time, she was almost ready to choose her future partner.

Unexpectedly, by chance, I met a boy named Duan Ran during an outdoor activity.

That boy simply fulfilled all of Xiao Changling's beautiful fantasies about her future partner.

Handsome, wealthy, with a mysterious identity and background, a gentle personality and a single-minded relationship.

At that time, she thought that even if she, Xiao Changling, had to work hard for so long, she would have to sell her body at a good price.

After being in contact with Duanran for a while, she found that the other party also had extremely specific requirements for his other half.

In the bathroom, in order to maintain one's purity and to prove that one has not had any ambiguity with other men. She decisively got rid of several boys who had been chasing her before. Chasing Duan Ran wholeheartedly.

However, the imagination is beautiful, but the ending is cruel.

Duan Ran had no problem with himself, but the problem was that one day, a fiancée suddenly appeared next to him.

She is also the fiancée who is engaged in advance within the family.

The other party is equally beautiful, but his personality is much stronger than hers, and his skills are much better than hers.

After a difficult confrontation, Xiao Changling resigned sadly.

Only later did she see clearly that Duan Ran was not actually interested in her, but that he was naturally gentle to every woman. This also leads to him often attracting many other women to be attracted to him.

Xiao Changling could not recover from this failed relationship for a long time.

She stayed alone in this city, quietly cutting off contact with other classmates and friends who knew about it, and licking her wounds secretly.

She is a money worshiper and very utilitarian. But she is not a girl without bottom line or principles.

She also treated Duan Ran with sincerity and hoped to be serious with him for the rest of her life.

Is this wrong?

This time I met Xu Shaogong unexpectedly. As a high school classmate, Xu Shaogong and most other high school classmates did not know about her relationship in college.

This made Xiao Changling feel much more relaxed.

After chatting, she learned that Xu Shaogong seemed to be doing well as a manager of a foreign company.

There was also a slight movement of thought in my heart. I want to use his network resources to see if I can change my job.

The four of them sat together, and soon most of the incense pot was missing.

So, squad leader, do you have a partner now? Xu Shaogong asked casually while chatting.

Not yet. Xiao Changling smiled and stretched out her hand to straighten her hair. My family is also in a hurry and they give me blind dates all day long. Unfortunately, they are all crooked and cracked dates.

Recently, she has been forced by her family intolerable, and she is also older. If she passes this most beautiful age of innocence, the depreciation rate will be very fast.

Xiao Changling herself was a little anxious. But now there is no suitable person around.

Let me tell you, if I hadn't met such an outstanding, beautiful, lovely and gentle wife, I would definitely pursue you if I were single! You don't know, monitor, that there were very few boys in the class who weren't interested in you at that time. Xu Shaogong said He blinked narrowly at Lu Sheng.

How about the squad leader consider Wang Mu? Although this kid is dull, he has a very gentle personality towards others.

Let's forget it. We are all old classmates and we are too familiar with each other, so I don't mean anything like that. Lu Sheng immediately said with a smile.

He said this to avoid the awkward atmosphere among everyone after Xiao Changling refused.

Xiao Changling smiled. Although she did not discriminate against others, Wang Mu's income was only that of a librarian. Even her current daily expenses could not be met. A woman's beauty requires money.

So this kind of thing is not even appropriate to joke about.

Xu Shaogong seemed to realize that he had said something wrong, maybe because he had drunk some wine, and then he quickly changed the topic and started talking about other things.

After a meal, Xu Shaogong ran to pay the bill. The four of them got up and walked out of the store.

Where are you going? I'll drive you. Xu Shaogong took the initiative.

I don't have to, I live nearby. Xiao Changling declined politely.

I don't need it anymore. I have something to do and I have to wait for someone. Lu Sheng said casually.

Okay, let's leave each other's cell phones and chat back. Xu Shaogong stopped Xie Mei and said with a smile.

Chat back. Go ahead.

Xiao Changling and Lu Sheng responded at the same time.

Xu Shaogong was obviously drunk. After exchanging phone numbers, he hummed and staggered, and walked towards the parking lot with the support of his girlfriend.

Xiao Changling also said goodbye to Lu Sheng and walked towards her residence. She does live nearby, and this fragrant pot is also a place she often visits.

Meeting Xu Shaogong today was an unexpected surprise. With an extra connection, it also opened up more possibilities for her. There may be more opportunities in the future.

She could see the look in Xu Shaogong's eyes when he saw her.

The gaze was no different from those of the boys who had a crush on her before. It's just because I have my girlfriend around me that I can't express myself well.

When she thought of this, she felt a little better, humming a song and shaking the plush makeup mirror in her hand.

When she turned the corner, she saw a few of her favorite trinkets on sale in a jewelry store on the corner, so she quickly opened the door and went in.


Suddenly a fiery red sports car sped past behind him.

The driver was an evil young man with short blond hair.

Sitting in the back row was a strong man with an indifferent expression. His black shirt stretched up his muscular outline and his hands were casually placed on the car door. There seemed to be a faint silver light flowing in his eyes.

Xiao Changling had just entered the door. From the reflection of the mirror placed at the door of the store, she seemed to see the figure in the sports car outside.

The man in the black shirt sitting in the car seemed familiar to her. But the car was going so fast that she didn't see it clearly.

Huh? She quickly turned around, but could only see his back from a distance.

Why does it feel like Wang Mu?? Xiao Changling murmured as she watched the sports car leave.

The sports car was flying fast and furiously.

The strong wind blew the hair of Lu Sheng and Bai Juncheng back.


The car quickly swerved and stopped hard in front of the gate of a warehouse in the parish.

Bai Juncheng jumped out of the car with a hand on his hands. Enter the password at the switch on the side of the door.

As the warehouse door slowly pulled up.

Lu Sheng got off the car and walked slowly into the warehouse.


The surroundings suddenly lit up with blindingly bright searchlight poles.

In an instant, the entire warehouse was as bright as day. Lu Sheng was surrounded by densely packed sets of silver-white exoskeleton armor.

Let's get started. Lu Sheng slowly unbuttoned his shirt. Revealing upper body muscles as strong as steel.

Let me see how strong the so-called exoskeleton armor can be.

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Spring breeze crossing willows



The sword comes out of the palace

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