Extreme Demon

Chapter 1015 Test 1

The choice you make determines your own direction. Lu Sheng's face appeared uncertain in the light transmitted from above.

What do you mean?? Bai Juncheng seemed to have some vague understanding.

Bai Anyi and the other Wei Handong brothers and sisters could not understand the meaning.

Bai Anyi is just young and can't understand what the so-called meaning is.

Wei Handong, on the other hand, simply lacks basic cultural literacy. In addition, my age and experience are not enough.

Compared with Bai Juncheng, who had been working hard for several years, they still looked too young.

Lu Sheng didn't take it seriously either. Start carefully explaining the key to meaning to a few people.

Intention, to put it simply, is to adjust the body and mind through various methods and means, so that one can fully mobilize as many small muscle groups as possible and obtain stronger strength support.

In martial arts, I call this realm Tongyi, and Tongyi is roughly divided into three levels.

Which three realms are they? Bai Juncheng has already understood. As for the other two, they were still completely confused.

“The first level of understanding is to imitate natural creatures, animals and plants, so that one can mobilize more small muscle groups.

Some of these general meanings imitate ligers, some imitate apes, orangutans, and even more imitate galloping horses, bison, and the like. This is the most direct imitation of muscle force production. Many animals' power-generating skills are purely innate and are indeed worth learning.

Lu Sheng raised his right hand.

I will first explain to you the key points of the first level. I have three complete animal shapes and meanings here. You can choose the one that suits you to learn.

Lu Sheng began to carefully teach the four people one by one the Tongyi realm that he had sorted out.

Different from the realm of Tongyi in the Demon World, through his own summary, he reintegrated a powerful fighting system that was different from before, but more advanced.

Tongyi is one of them.

Because he has been born into many non-human races.

Therefore, the organized system is also derived from this.

Among all the non-humans he has been born into, the three major races are the most profound. At this time, these three major races have also perfectly turned into fighting nutrients for human beings in this life.

The three major systems are wolf-shaped, crane-shaped, and finally the Suzaku.

Lu Sheng explained in a deep voice.

There was a hint of expectation on the faces of the four disciples. Just hearing the names of these three major systems makes them extremely yearning for them.

Now the power of Tongli alone is already unimaginably strong. If he breaks through to Tongyi, it will be even more terrifying.

Lu Sheng also saw the flames in the eyes of the four disciples. He smiled slightly.

“The wolf shape is a balanced development, training both speed and strength. Except for the waist, all small muscle groups in other places can be trained.

The crane shape is heavy on speed and trains the small muscle groups of the limbs. Because it is unbalanced and only focuses on training the limbs, the progress will be faster than that of the wolf shape.

The last Suzaku shape is the main attacking force. It also trains the whole body. Anything that can increase strength can be achieved. This form is also the most difficult, because none of you have seen Suzaku, so you don't have any reference. But it is also the strongest when you practice it to great extent. The progress will be much slower than the other two.

He placed the three systems directly in front of the four people, allowing them to choose on their own.

The four of them were also hesitant.

This is also when you can best see your character and choices.

Brother Wei Handong, not surprisingly, chose the wolf form. On the one hand, the wolf form is more comprehensive and can take into account many things. On the other hand, it is the safest.

As for Suzaku, whom Bai Juncheng chose right away, he has always been the proudest person. Now that he is being pushed ahead by his younger brother, he is unwilling to accept it. Choosing the strongest has always been a concept he firmly believes in.

Bai Anyi hesitated, but still chose the crane shape.

Not for anything else, just because the crane shape is the fastest. He can completely implement his philosophy of running if he can't hit him.

Although he is the type who goes crazy when playing, he knows it best after playing countless games.

No matter how strong you are, it's useless if you can't defeat it. If you are fast, you will be invincible. You can advance and retreat freely, and you can completely decide your own offense and defense.

The four of them each chose the form and meaning they recognized.

Lu Sheng also began to teach Xingyi one-on-one. His teachings are separate.

In the next few days, he asked the others to go back and wait, and only asked one person to come to class one by one.

This is to prevent them from imitating each other and affecting their foundation.

Young people are most likely to fall into the trap of learning what they are doing. Once they encounter difficult problems and see that other systems are powerful, their minds wander and they want to switch to other courses.

This kind of thinking is the most undesirable. Once you lose focus, no matter how powerful your talent is, you will achieve nothing.

Of course, it would be a different matter if there was a talent like Lu Sheng's.

The three major shapes respectively represent Lu Sheng's complete integration of the three types of advent into his own system.

After Jiu Ming Tang became famous in a battle at the party, the number of people in the outer class increased dramatically. Many people are not trying to lose weight at all, so they just come and sneak in first.

This also made the senior students at the beginning a little anxious. They joined forces and found Wei Handong, who was in charge of progress registration, and explained their intention to him. I hope I can officially join Lu Sheng’s family.

A total of nine people applied to join the core of Jiu Ming Tang. Lu Sheng screened them and accepted three of them into the core class.

These three people are either extremely talented or have good personalities.

This also caused the core class of Jiu Ming Tang to gradually form a small group that was extremely eye-catching in Anming City.

The core class of eight people in total can influence almost half of Anming City in terms of the power and influence involved.

This was after Ding Ning's thinking agency released the news of its opening. Although he was defeated by Lu Sheng of Jiu Ming Hall, everyone was not looking at his combat effectiveness.

People who join the Thinking Institution hope that Ding Ning can successfully promote their own children to become telekinesis masters.

Although the chance of this is extremely small, as long as there is hope, the future is much better than those who fail to enter the Nine Lives Hall.

As spring turned to summer solstice, Lu Sheng vaguely felt that the transformation of his third life seemed to be coming to an end.

A few days ago, he heard from his disciples that Ding Ning's thinking institution had opened in another part of the city.

The injury he injured Ding Ning last time seemed to heal faster than he thought.

Ding Ning seemed to know how powerful he was and didn't come to provoke Jiu Ming Tang.

The two sides just faced each other across the river and developed slowly without infringing on each other.

And Lu Sheng, after negotiating with the library director's agent, successfully purchased the entire Wenda Library.

The acquisition process was silent. Lu Sheng did not notify anyone. He cut out the check of 30 million yuan by force.

Coupled with the rapid growth of Jiu Ming Tang's profits in the past few months.

The funds on hand finally exceeded 10 million. Jiu Ming Tang has also successfully developed into a medium-sized organization with more than 60 people.

The Bai family very considerately handled all the organizational certificates and various procedures for him.

Lu Sheng also began to formally plan to buy a new house and move out of the rented house.



June 7th.

Lu Sheng gave Jiu Mingtang a rare vacation, and he returned to renting a house. He took various documents with him and planned to buy a new house for himself.

Unexpectedly, not long after he left home, he received a call from Wang Mu's friend, Xu Shaogong.

Xu Shaogong and his girlfriend Xie Mei returned to their hometown together and planned to officially get married and hold a wedding banquet. At this time, their parents are busy arranging marriage arrangements.

They took advantage of the fact that they still had some free time to travel around and have fun. This time they came back to do errands and meet up with friends.

When Lu Sheng received the call, they were still at the airport and had just gotten off the plane. Xu Shaogong made an appointment with him to meet at an old spicy hotpot in the city.

Considering Wang Mu's cold personality, Xu Shaogong made it clear that he only brought his girlfriend and didn't date anyone else.

Lu Sheng had no choice but to temporarily stop his plan to buy a house and take a car to meet Xu Shaogong first.

He didn't want to be too public and let others know that Wang Mu had undergone such a big change. So instead of driving the car sent by my apprentice, I took the bus myself.

In the afternoon, around 5:30, Lu Sheng entered the spicy hotpot restaurant on time.

The store has a strong and spicy aroma, and the business seems to be very good.

As soon as Lu Sheng entered the door, he saw two young men and women sitting in the inner corner.

The man was wearing a silk white shirt, with a coquettish look, his eyebrows were plucked, and his hair was gelled. Several buttons on his chest were deliberately left open, revealing the platinum pendant he was wearing inside.

His appearance was okay, but his appearance was hard to compliment. There were pimples all over his forehead, and his mouth was so big and thick that all eyes could be focused on his lips at a glance.

The young woman sitting next to him seems to be younger than Xu Shaogong. She has a decent appearance, not very beautiful, but she has some charm if you look closely. Wearing a gray lace dress.

When the two of them saw Lu Sheng entering, Xu Shaogong quickly raised his hand to greet him.

This way, this way.

They sat in a spacious six-seater. A rectangular table can seat three people on one side.

Xu Shaogong and his girlfriend Xie Mei were sitting on one side.

When Lu Sheng walked over, he was surprised to see another person sitting on the other side.

I just happened to meet the squad leader, who was also eating here, and he was alone, so I thought we would all sit together at the same table.

Xu Shaogong explained with a playful smile. Pointing at the woman sitting opposite.

Remember, Xiao Changling, our old monitor in high school.

The girl stood up and smiled slightly when she saw Lu Sheng walking over.

I haven't seen you for many years, Wang Mu.

Lu Sheng looked at the girl slightly.

The other person has dark brown shawl hair that is slightly yellowish, which is very eye-catching. The hair is straight and flowing. There is a faint smell of fruity perfume floating in the distance.

This is a girl who looks very bourgeois. From her appearance, there is no hint that she is about to enter her third year of life.

Xiao Changling's skin is very tender and fair, her facial features are exquisite, her pink lips carry a polite smile, her hair covers one side of her white forehead, and the pearl earrings exposed on the other side of her ear.

Standing up at this time, her beautiful figure was highlighted by the dark red short dress.

The dress has a tight effect, which not only highlights the plump and tight breast curves, but also highlights the perfect legs wrapped in gray pantyhose.

Lu Sheng felt his heart skip a beat as soon as he looked at Xiao Changling's big, sparkling eyes.

It wasn't his heartbeat, but the remaining memory instinct in Wang Mu's body that started to stir violently.

He quickly suppressed the movement in his heart and carefully checked Wang Mu's memory.

In high school, Wang Mu was still very iconic.

Not because of anything else, but just because, in high school at that time, there was a beautiful monitor who was very warm and caring.

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