Extreme Demon

Chapter 1014 Territory 2 (Thanks to the alliance leader Piao Hong from the Palace of Swordsman)

Jiu Ming Tang also has shares?

I don't know, I haven't heard of it.

Could it be the previous arrangement of the Bai family?

The guests around them were whispering and looking at Lu Sheng and his party with slight anticipation.

People like to watch the excitement. Even if they are wealthy businessmen.

Bai Anmin reacted instantly and turned to Lu Sheng with a serious look on his face. He was about to ask them to leave quickly. The Nian Neng Master was not comparable to a non-governmental organization like Jiu Ming Tang.

But he was immediately interrupted by Bai Juncheng.

Jiu Ming Tang is also one of the shareholders of that land. My master has the right to intervene in the transaction and transfer of the land.

Ding Ning's originally relaxed expression gradually became a little more interested.

He raised his eyebrows and looked at Lu Sheng. I found that the other party was serious and expressionless. Then he looked at Bai Juncheng, Wei Handong and others aside.

He also saw the eagerness on the faces of these young people.

Interesting. Ding Ning smiled.

Nine Life Hall? It seems like you are an institution for practicing fighting and fighting? Is it a natural style or an armor style?

Without waiting for Lu Sheng to answer, he smiled again.

Since you also have shares, I have also practiced fighting skills before. Well, both of my disciples have been taught fighting skills by me. Since you are a fighting organization, how about we have a competition?

Ding Ning said this, but his eyes were fixed on the Bai brothers. At the same time, Zhou Ying on the side looked at Bai Anmin with a threatening expression.

Their intention was very clear, they were blatantly trying to attack the Bai brothers. If Bai Anmin doesn't agree, they will directly touch his son.

I Bai Anmin opened his mouth to speak.


Bai Anyi suddenly took a step forward.

The leather boots crushed the wooden boards on the ground, and the muscles all over his body were like waves, gathering crazily on his right arm from all over the body.

Load fighting technique, Pluto soars high!!

boom! ! !

Bai Anyi's right arm seemed to expand instantly, exploding like a cannonball.

With one punch, the air on the entire second floor seemed to be pulled away in a small area, and a large number of small whirlwinds pulled the surrounding guests back involuntarily.

Everyone watched in stunned silence as Bai Anyi punched Ding Ning straight away.

Lu Sheng stood behind Bai Anyi, with his arms crossed and his eyes cold. The muscles on his body bulged slightly, as if his whole body was expanding slightly.

A slight but majestic aura quietly spread from his body.

Almost everyone did not expect that Bai Anyi was so bold that he took action without saying a word.

Moreover, the most important thing is that before this, no one could have expected that such an explosive attack could be carried out with just one punch.

The two disciples beside Ding Ning reacted in time. Almost at the same time.

The two of them raised their hands like lightning, and silver light shot out from their sleeves.

Two silver chains shot out quickly, facing Bai Anyi who was punched by him.

court death!!

The taller Zhou Zhou shouted angrily, and the chain in his hand suddenly lit up, and it suddenly ignited with red fire.

The fist and the chain finally collided.

Bang! ! !

There was a dull and unclear impact, and the two chains were shaken apart in a chaotic manner.

There were several slightly cracked wounds on Bai Anyi's fist. But he didn't care at all. Still breaking the chains with one punch, he hit Ding Ning hard.

Bai Anyi has always been fierce and will never give up as long as he wants to do something.

Just like now, the master has stepped forward to help his family. If he is still timid and afraid of this and that, then he will not only lose his own face, but also his master's face as well.

He, Bai Anyi, has only admired two people since he was born.

One is his brother and the other is his master.

The remaining.

Die to me! ! !

Bai Anyi's expression turned ferocious unconsciously.

The fist that originally broke open the two chains was a little weak, but now it actually gained a new strength.

ah! ! !

Amid the exclamations of the Zhou brothers, Bai Anyi roared and punched Ding Ning, getting closer and closer.

Your courage is commendable. Ding Ning smiled, and a series of almost transparent metal threads suddenly slowly spread out around him.

What a pity. I'm looking for death! He flicked his index finger, and a circle of silk thread quickly flew towards Bai Anyi's chest.


In an instant, a figure appeared beside Bai Anyi as if teleporting, and lightly hit the silk thread with a palm in the air.

This palm was gentle and silent, but as soon as it touched the thread.

boom! ! !

Ding Ning felt as if he was struck by lightning, as if he was hit by a heavy truck at full speed while standing on the highway.

His body was shot backwards on the spot, and his legs dragged out two long black streaks on the floor. The silk threads on his body broke on the spot and scattered on the surrounding ground.


Ding Ning hit the wall hard, and the wall covered with wall coverings cracked on the spot, dented, and spider web-like cracks appeared.

You!? Flushes flashed across Ding Ning's face one after another, and something seemed to come out of his mouth. He swallowed it back hard, and he couldn't say a word for a while.


At this moment, a bloody arrow shot out from Bai Anyi's fist.

Lu Sheng glanced at Ding Ning calmly.

If you want land, you can come to Jiu Ming Hall to find me.

Let's go, Xiaoyi.

Too lazy to talk nonsense, he turned and walked downstairs.

Bai Anyi let out a deep breath and quickly followed up with brother and sister Wei Handong.

Bai Juncheng followed last, smiled far away at the stunned guests, and then took a deep breath.


He roared wildly and slapped the ground hard.

Bang! !

The floor exploded on the spot, opening a crack that spread until Ding Ning was still more than one meter away.

Amid the exclamations and screams of the crowd, he turned around and chased the teacher with a loud laugh. Completely forgetting that this is his own house.

The floor cracked, and everyone was so frightened that they hurriedly rushed downstairs.

Bai Anmin came back to his senses and hurriedly wanted to go forward to check on Ding Ning, but he saw Zhou Ying and his two sons, taking Ding Ning with them, had already gone downstairs and headed for the exit.

He sighed. Although he was still worried about Ding Ning's revenge later, the moment just now was a relief.

It had been many years since he had felt so physically and mentally comfortable.

Watching Ding Ning being taken away in despair by the Zhou family and his son. His understanding of Jiu Ming Tang and Master Wang had a new definition in his heart.

And the importance of Jiu Ming Tang in his heart also increased rapidly.

Strong! It's really too strong!! Recalling the flash of lightning just now, he felt that his ears were still trembling and buzzing.

His son Bai Anyi's punch was too violent. As for Master Wang's subsequent punch, it was too short and too fast, so he didn't see it clearly at all.

But just like this, Bai Anmin felt happy.

Because no matter how strong Bai Anyi is, he is still his son.

After going downstairs, he quickly arranged for people to clean up the scene, and then called a decoration company to reinstall the floor and walls.

As for other things, cleaning up the mess, especially the winner's mess, is what he likes to do the most.



Night time.

The residence of Jiu Ming Tang.

This station was converted from an old warehouse purchased by Lu Sheng and divided into three areas.

At this time, in the core area, among all kinds of exercise equipment, Lu Shenglian stood with his hands on his back, his back to Bai Anyi.

You did a good job just now. But you shouldn't overestimate your capabilities and continue attacking Ding Ning.

Lu Sheng's voice was calm, as if what happened just now had no impact on him at all. In fact, this is also true. As a demon of the underworld who has visited countless times, this small scene cannot even distract him.

Bai Anyi covered his bandaged right fist, lowered his head and said in a deep voice.

I was wrong, Master.

Just admit your mistake. Lu Sheng turned around and looked at Bai Juncheng.

What I said before must count.

Bai Juncheng nodded seriously.

If the teacher takes action, the land will naturally belong to the teacher. I have already confirmed it with my father on the phone. This is natural.

A look of satisfaction appeared on Lu Sheng's face.

“To be honest, I’m not very satisfied with your performance today.

However, Xiaoyi has indeed reached the second level of learning the system.

Second realm? Bai Anyi looked at Lu Sheng in confusion. Teacher, is there still a realm after Kung Li? But I already feel very strong. I have read what is recorded in the book. At this level, I have basically reached the limit of human beings.

Everything in the book is wrong. Lu Sheng said flatly. The person who writes the book is a loser himself, so the book he writes will only make people read it even more useless.

Uh The Bai brothers and the Wei Handong brothers and sisters beside them were speechless.

The county level is not quite there yet. You completed Kone very early, but the basic moves are not very complete.

The moves of Load Fighting Technique are all carefully woven and created by me, which can perfectly amplify your strength by a lot.

Lu Sheng paused and continued.

It can be said that if you master the moves and you don't master the moves, you can use the moves to defeat three of them.

Juncheng understands! With his heart shaken, Bai Juncheng nodded seriously with a solemn expression.

If their attitude towards Jiu Ming Tang was not too serious before, then after today, they deeply realized that Jiu Ming Tang was not just an organization they joined as a hobby.

It is also a big umbrella that can protect them from wind and rain.

This gave all four people present a strong sense of belonging to Jiu Ming Tang.

Let them deeply realize for the first time that they are a group, a powerful group.

After Tongli, there is another level called Tongyi.

The human body has more than six billion muscle fibers. Among these muscle fibers, in addition to the main large muscle groups, there are also a large number of small muscle groups.

The state of Tongli integrates the power of all major muscle groups into one force.

The general idea is to select some small muscle groups and integrate them into the strength of the large muscle groups. This is general meaning

Lu Sheng explained clearly.

At the same time, because many small muscle fibers have different directions, different functions, and different positions. So we need different ways to mobilize our consciousness and mental state, and cooperate with various movements to perform micro-control.

No one can perfectly control all the small muscle groups, but you can choose which direction to control. For example, the jumping muscles of rabbits' hind legs are very strong. The neck muscles of ducks and geese are very powerful. You need to choose.

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