Extreme Demon

Chapter 1013 Territory 1

It would be fine if Ding Ning was just raising money alone and not involving Jiu Mingtang. But the problem now is that the thinking mechanism has obviously affected everyone's perception of Jiu Mingtang.

Some businessmen who might have provided money to support Jiu Ming Tang are very likely to be unable to invest again because of their investment in thinking institutions.

After all, thinking institutions are not a trivial matter and require a lot of expenditure.

Bai Juncheng glanced at the master. Lu Sheng's face was expressionless, as if he didn't care at all.

He didn't know if he was tolerant or if he really didn't care. But now, he could clearly feel that the surrounding guests were looking at him and others with a slightly different attitude.

Many of these gazes had the attitude of looking at a joke. It was obvious that compared with a little-known Jiu Ming Tang and a formal thinking institution, this was the gap between a regular key university and a pheasant university.

Bai Juncheng has not been studying with Lu Sheng for a long time, but he has rich experience. Unlike other children, he has traveled to the outside world and knows best how powerful Lu Sheng is.

That's why he was unwilling.

At this moment, Ding Ning began to introduce the two young men who had just entered the venue.

The two young men seemed to be the children of the guests and merchants present. They walked directly out of the crowd and stood next to Ding Ning politely.

Next, I would like to introduce my two disciples. Ding Ning pointed to the boy and girl beside him with a smile.

The two of them are the formal disciples I accepted when I officially entered the Nian Neng Master two years ago. One is named Zhou Xiang and the other is Zhou Mingxiang. I believe many of you here have met these two.

It turns out they are the two children of the Zhou family. I have watched these two children grow up. I didn't expect them. Bai Anmin said with a smile and cheered.

Unexpectedly, the Zhou family kept silent and made friends with Mr. Ding early in the morning. I asked why Mr. Ding was willing to come to my place to open a thinking institution. It turns out there is another reason.

A bejeweled and beautiful lady smiled coquettishly.

There is indeed a reason for this. In fact, at the beginning, I was allowed to choose several places freely. I hesitated for a long time. Ding Ning smiled and chatted with the people around him.

Some people maintained their identity and saw that there were many people surrounding them, so they watched from a distance and did not pass by.

But some people don't care about their shame. There are many business people who are shameless. But they only know that the opportunity is rare, and it is the best thing to have a relationship with a telekinesis master.

As for what it means to save face.

After a while, four or five people surrounded Ding Ning. People from outside can't squeeze in at all.

There was a lot of people here, but Lu Sheng's place was sparse and no one cared about it.

Originally, perhaps many people would come to consult in his weight loss class, but now it has been overshadowed by the limelight of the Thinking Agency. Everyone wants to establish a relationship with Ding Ning, a telepathic master, in time.

It's really snobbish. A large group of people were not ashamed. They all gathered around and looked like they were eating something. Bai Anyi couldn't help but mocked.

Bai Juncheng looked at Lu Sheng's face.

Teacher, would you like to show your hands? This was originally a party specially organized by his Bai family for Master Wang, but now Ding Ning, a telepathic master, has stolen the limelight.

People like them, who practice martial arts and keep fit, have the strongest blood. Now they are being ridiculed in the face, without showing any mercy. Do others really think that they are easy to bully in Jiu Ming Tang?

Bai Juncheng had already made up his mind to make a serious fuss.

Lu Sheng looked at Ding Ning and felt that he was not interested at all. He was completely uninterested in competing for the limelight.

As long as you can get 30 million in funds, the rest doesn't matter. Because he had no idea of ​​running a large-scale chain organization, he had no idea about the so-called stealing the limelight.

Don't worry about it. Since we can raise all the money, we don't need to conflict with them. They didn't provoke us. Lu Sheng said casually.

Brother, are you a telepathic master? Bai Anyi asked in a low voice.

Bai Juncheng saw several people's eyes focused on him, and knew that everyone might not know clearly, so he nodded in confirmation.

It's very strong, but I haven't seen it before. I've heard people say before that real telekinesis masters are very powerful. However, I want to put on exoskeleton armor, and An Yi and I should

No a voice suddenly broke in, interrupting Bai Juncheng.

Several people looked up and saw that it was Bai Anmin.

The head of the Bai family frowned and stared at his two sons.

I'm warning you, you must not cause trouble. The strength of telekinesis masters is beyond your imagination! If you want to cause trouble, don't even think about it!

Dad, we just can't stand it! Bai Juncheng said coldly.

The state has formal subsidies for telepathy masters, and their status is equivalent to that of a lieutenant colonel! There are also various tax exemption and other systems. I'm not looking down on you, but the Nine Life Hall is indeed not on the same level as the thinking institution. Bai Anmin said in a deep voice.

Do you know the minimum assessment standards for telekinesis masters? He followed in a low voice.

Bai Juncheng and Bai Anyi shook their heads, but their expressions were still unconvinced.

The minimum standard is to be able to control a small warship alone. Bai Anmin said solemnly.

That's just an operational technique. Bai Anyi said nonchalantly.

The smallest warship weighs ten tons. It is a small warship driven by one person and similar to a fighter plane.

But don't you think about it, what will happen if a telekinesis master who can control a ten-ton battleship switches to controlling some extremely small flying devices? Bai Anmin said in a cold voice.

As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned.

Bai Juncheng's expression changed immediately.

If it were replaced by an extremely small metal flying device, the lethality of the telekinesis master would increase exponentially.

Use the power to control a battleship to control a small metal flying device

So, don't be impulsive. Bai Anmin said this not only to his son, but also to Lu Sheng.

Lu Sheng also heard this meaning.

He was a little surprised. He didn't intend to act out of emotion. Why were the Bai family father and son so nervous?

Bai Anmin stayed here for a while and then left.

Halfway through the party, Bai Anmin quietly gave the check of 30 million to Bai Juncheng in advance, and he handed it over to Lu Sheng.

Lu Sheng also handed over the IOU written in advance. After that, he didn't bother to care about anything else and was about to get up and leave.

But suddenly Bai Juncheng was called over by a friend at the scene and said a few words. After coming back, Bai Juncheng's face had always been a little ugly.

If he didn't tell, Lu Sheng wouldn't ask. He stood up and planned to leave with his disciples.

Teacher, I have some matters at home that I need to deal with in advance. Could you please ask me to accompany you back first? Bai Juncheng said to Lu Sheng in a low voice.

What's going on? Lu Sheng saw that something was wrong with him. Just keep it secret.

It's okay, don't worry, teacher. It's just a small problem and I will handle it soon. Bai Juncheng said seriously.

Are you sure? Lu Sheng asked again.

Sure. Bai Juncheng confirmed.

Lu Sheng nodded and was about to get up and walk towards the door.

Suddenly, there was a slight exclamation from the corner of the second floor. It seemed that someone had started a quarrel there, and might have made a move.

Lu Sheng turned his eyes and looked directly at the second floor.

What's going on? He looked at Bai Juncheng's expression again. It was obvious that he knew something inside, but he just didn't say it.

Go and have a look. Lu Sheng said no more, turned and headed straight to the second floor.

Brothers and sisters Bai Anyi and Wei Handong followed closely behind. Everyone is eager to try. Anyone who has been training hard for several months wants to prove how capable and successful he is when encountering this kind of situation.

Teacher! Bai Juncheng didn't have time to stop him and hurriedly followed, but it was already too late.

Lu Sheng led the people quickly up to the second floor.

At the stairway on the second floor, Bai Anmin and Zhou Ying, the head of the Zhou family, stood facing each other.

Zhou Ying looked proud, holding a fan in her hand and shaking it slowly. Behind him stood Ding Ning and two children of the Zhou family, and even less than half of the guests who came stood behind them.

Excluding the neutral ones, there were only a few people standing beside Bai Anmin.

This makes Bai Anmin look even more weak.

Bai Anmin's face was livid, very embarrassed, and he didn't know what kind of trouble he had encountered.

Brother Bai, since Mr. Ding has taken a fancy to that piece of land, it is reasonable and reasonable for us to buy it from you according to the market price. Who are you showing to when you are acting like you will never give in? Zhou Ying smiled and nodded. Mingdao.

Bai Anmin never dreamed that Ding Ning would be the one called by the Zhou family to target him specifically.

He spent more than one billion and invested in a piece of land near the city with several business partners.

In the current real estate downturn, investing in land is naturally not very profitable, but what Bai Anmin values ​​​​is not the land, but the mines hidden under the land.

Metallic metal is one of the most commonly used synthetic metal materials in the interstellar era. It is often used to protect against cosmic rays and high-energy radiation.

Expensive and scarce in production.

It seems that the Zhou family must have gotten the news now, and they don't know how he got it. Now they are using Ding Ning's power to pressure him to transfer the land.

And from the look on Ding Ning's face, it was obvious that he knew the inside story.

Brother Zhou is right. It's just that my Bai family has invested almost all the money in this piece of land. Now all the other dishes are laid. If you transfer it at the original price, won't it mean that all the rest of my preparations will be wasted? ?

Isn’t this a little unreasonable? Bai Anmin said with a smile on his face.

It's really a bit unreasonable. Ding Ning smiled and said.

Otherwise, we will purchase your piece of land at a premium of 130% of the market price. To be honest, I really like that location. Please give me some love, Master Bai.

I Bai Anmin's eyes flashed with bitterness.

For that piece of land, he invested more than 13% of his capital. There were many human relationships that could not be measured with money.

At this moment, at the side stairwell, several people from Jiumingtang were striding up the stairs, their movements vigorous and resolute, and quite menacing.

Lu Sheng took the lead, and the first thing he looked at after going upstairs was Bai Anmin.

Bai Anmin was also stunned when he saw Bai Juncheng explaining something quietly beside Lu Sheng. His heart sank, knowing something bad was going to happen.

After Lu Sheng roughly understood the cause and effect, he gave a slight hint. Wei Handong behind him immediately stepped forward and said nonsense loudly.

What are you doing? I, Jiu Ming Tang, have a stake in that piece of land.

What? Are you acting like you want to buy land? With so many people surrounding the Bai family, I, the Jiu Ming Tang, are the first to be unable to see through them.

Wei Handong said righteously, first directly defining the nature.

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