Extreme Demon

Chapter 1012 Party 2

On the contrary, as for the core disciples, Lu Sheng accepted Bai Juncheng as his disciple. Start formally giving him self-limiting exercise.

The Wei Handong brothers and sisters who were helping him also became half core disciples under Lu Sheng's hint.

As for whether they can become righteous or not, it depends on their progress in cultivation.

Lu Sheng also made it clear to the two brothers and sisters that the two of them would be responsible for helping the teacher solve all kinds of troubles on the dark and gray roads.

So they knew their position very well from the beginning. They were different from the other three.

Lu Sheng gave them almost a chance to be reborn, so the two brothers and sisters trained harder than the other three.

That is to say, Bai Juncheng, who is recovering from his illness, can barely get close to the two of them.

This aspect was on the right track, and Lu Sheng also began to formally contact the director of Wenda Library. As expected, the purchase price was about 30 million.

This is actually a very low price.

But Lu Sheng only had five million at most, so money became a big problem for him.

Fortunately, Bai Juncheng somehow found out what Lu Sheng was thinking and knew about his intention to acquire the library.

He quietly proposed to Lu Sheng that his father Bai Anmin was willing to lend him 30 million for free, but he just hoped to meet Lu Sheng in person.

This made Lu Sheng, who had originally planned to go to the city to rob black money, temporarily give up the idea.

If it wasn't necessary, he didn't want to break the laws of this world yet.

He agreed to Bai Anmin's invitation.

Throughout Anming City, the Jiu Ming Tang is now a well-known civil society organization.

There are three or four permanent students in the peripheral classes, and their families are not short of money, and they have already shown interest in Lu Sheng's core class.

These people are either rich or have backgrounds, and have considerable influence in the city.

They were all in the same weight loss class, plus the two brothers from the Bai family, and Zhao Guoyou from the Zhao family.

The influence of this group of people may be small individually, but together they are enough to attract the attention of some groups in Anming City.

It is very likely that the Bai family has taken a fancy to Lu Sheng's potential as a member of the Nine Lives Hall, and hopes to get a ride now.

Lu Sheng also roughly guessed what Bai Anmin meant. He happened to be short of money and people were willing to send money to his door. How could he refuse them?

Weekend afternoon.

In front of a single-family villa in Jiusan District, Anming City.

With a smile on his face, Bai Anmin and his two sons stood at the gate quietly waiting for the guests to arrive.

As the current general manager and chairman of the board of directors of the Bai Group, Bai Anmin has not been so polite to others in many years.

He has been guarding such a small area of ​​​​an acre in Anming City for many years, and his influence is so intricate that even if the mayor comes in person, he will not wait at the gate like this.

It was only from the mouths of his two sons that he probably learned that Teacher Wang Mu had amazing abilities. In addition, he saved his eldest son, so he made such a gesture.

The sky was a little gloomy, and after a while, a gray car slowly drove over and stopped in front of the gate of the Bai family villa.

The door opened automatically, and the car drove in slowly and steadily, stopping in an open space more than ten meters away from the Bai family and his son.

Lu Sheng and two upright young men got out of the car.

The three of them were all wearing white-on-black training uniforms with black cloud patterns, and were wearing soft leather boots specially designed for fighting.

His body unconsciously exudes a sense of simplicity, ability, and vigor.

Bai Anmin also noticed that the training uniforms worn by Lu Sheng and the others had a dark red nine embroidered on the heart.

Welcome, welcome!! He smiled and took the initiative to greet him. Master Wang is here. This trip has given me, Bai Anmin, a lot of face. Please come in, please come in! This time, many of my friends are very yearning and curious about Master Wang. They are waiting for Master Wang to arrive and let everyone see his true face. ”

You're welcome. Lu Sheng looked calm and walked into the hall with Bai Anmin.

The Bai brothers hurried forward and shouted greetings, then followed closely behind Lu Sheng, and the group strode into the venue with a strong aura.

The banquet and wine tables have been set up in the hall on the first floor of Biesu. The floor is covered with a thick black leather carpet. The soft golden light seems to coat all the furnishings with a golden light.

A few guests had already arrived early.

Lu Sheng and his party entered the scene and immediately caught their attention. Several people stepped forward to exchange greetings, but after taking a few steps closer, they were forced to stop by the intimidating aura of Lu Sheng and others.

Master Wang, many big shots will be here this time, and there are also many people from neighboring cities. In addition, we have also invited a heavyweight. Maybe you will be interested in getting to know him. Bai Anmin said with a humble expression on his face. Smiling, he whispered beside Lu Sheng.

Mr. Bai, you're welcome. You can go and do your work first. My apprentice and I will find a place to rest first. Lu Sheng said calmly.

Then I'll excuse you for now. County City, please treat your master well.

Yes! Bai Juncheng replied respectfully.

Bai Anmin said goodbye and left to entertain other guests.

Lu Sheng and his four disciples sat in a corner. The villa was very big, and the five of them occupied a corner without feeling crowded.

Bai Juncheng and Bai Anyi kept giving Lu Sheng all kinds of food and drinks.

Lu Sheng just tasted a little casually and closed his eyes to rest.

He was still a little interested in the mysterious figure Bai Anmin mentioned.

After all, Bai Anmin is also someone who knows some of his abilities. Just like this, if you dare to say that he is also interested, then that person must have some skills.

As time passed, the music started to sound, and a somewhat famous singer stood in the other corner and sang softly, holding the microphone.

More and more guests are coming in. Bai Juncheng was afraid that Lu Sheng and others would be bored, so he introduced the identity of the person who came in to them.

Each of these people are wealthy businessmen worth over 100 million or more than 1 billion, and there are also several local middle- and high-level officials attending.

The meeting hall gradually became lively.

As guests entered the venue one by one, the official opening time was getting closer and closer.

Finally, Bai Anmin stood up again and went to the gate to greet him. This time, he took the initiative to lead a young man, who was no more than twenty-six or seventeen years old, in with the same humble smile as when he faced Lu Sheng just now.

The young man wore a dark green uniform that resembled a military uniform. The uniform was straight and decorated with many silver logos and patterns. The black belt around his waist was tight and firm, and there were white feather-like epaulettes on his shoulders.

It seems that this gorgeous uniform is more beautiful than practical.

But for some unknown reason, many wealthy businessmen and officials present suddenly became slightly excited when they saw the uniform on this man. There was some commotion in the crowd, and all eyes fell on the man.

Lu Sheng noticed that each of those people had curiosity and awe in their eyes. Even Bai Anmin himself is like this.

You must know that he didn't show such an expression when he picked up Lu Sheng himself.

Who is that person? Lu Sheng asked with a frown.

Before Bai Juncheng had time to answer, he saw the young man at the door turn his eyes and look straight this way, as if he heard the voice here.

The young man smiled slightly and looked away again. Chatting and laughing with Bai Anmin, they walked to the center of the venue.

I'm very happy to be here at the Bai family today. I'm Ding Ning. I'm here this time in the hope that you can support the thinking institution I opened in Anming City.

The young man's attitude was humble, but there was a hint of unconscious arrogance in his words.

Lu Sheng glanced at the people around him. Everyone seemed to have a matter-of-fact expression. Only a few people seemed to be like him, and they didn't know why this young man Ding Ning had such influence.

Thinking mechanism? Lu Sheng frowned.

Master, this Ding Ning is a telepathy master. Bai Juncheng said softly in a very low voice.

Psychic Master? Lu Sheng suddenly remembered that in a book he had read a while ago, there were some special professions that allowed one person to do the work of many people.

That's called a thought manipulator.

Thought manipulator? he asked in a low voice.

Well, they are commonly known as telekinesis masters. This is an ultra-rare elite with no more than 10,000 people on a planet! Bai Juncheng nodded solemnly. He looked at Ding Ning with deep envy in his eyes.

My brother also participated in the test training of telekinesis masters when he was a child. After a whole set of training courses, it was useless and cost more than 10 million yuan. Bai Anyi on the side couldn't help but whisper.

I didn't expect that Ding Ning was also here to raise money. Master Wang, we are out of luck. It seems we have to wait until next time. Bai Juncheng smiled bitterly.

What's going on? Didn't dad agree? Bai Anyi actually didn't know very well what the telepathy master was about, so he asked with some doubts.

Before, Dad wanted to take the opportunity of this gathering to introduce Master Wang into everyone's circle. In addition, Dad also wanted to raise more funds for Master Wang to gather together to open a large training institution. But I didn't expect this Nian Neng. The teacher has to raise money when he comes back from other places, Bai Juncheng said simply.

Lu Sheng didn't say anything, but looked at Ding Ning with curiosity.

He had searched for information in the library before, but could not find the mainstream power system in this world. Unexpectedly, he did not deliberately look for it now, but people came to him on their own.

In terms of influence and other aspects, it is impossible for us to compare with telekinesis masters. I also said that there were so many people present, how could most of them come at the first call? Their feelings were originally directed at this one person. Bai Juncheng whispered.

It doesn't matter, just wait and see what happens. Lu Sheng said calmly.

As long as the Bai family's 30 million loan can be obtained, he himself doesn't care much about other so-called funds.

The current situation is that both Ding Ning and him are raising money to open their own training institutions.

There was an immediate contrast between the two sides, and since they were similar in age, everyone immediately smelled a faint odor of rivalry.

It's just that Lu Sheng's need for money is far less than that of Ding Ning, so he doesn't have a strong sense of Taiwan.

In addition, compared to Ding Ning, in the eyes of everyone. The Jiu Ming Tang he founded was just a small market.

On the stage, Ding Ning continued to speak a few more words, and then the organizer Bai Anmin of the Bai family spoke.

Bai Anmin first mentioned Ding Ning's move to come to Anming City and expressed his gratitude and support to him. Then he mentioned Ding Ning’s hope that everyone would support the preparations.

At the end, it was mentioned that Lu Sheng's Jiu Ming Tang also needed to raise money. But compared to Ding Ning, such a few words are simply inconspicuous.

Moreover, when talking about the little-known Jiu Ming Tang, most of the people below showed no interest.

Lu Sheng didn't take it seriously, but Bai Juncheng beside him frowned.

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