Extreme Demon

Chapter 1011 Party 1

It was sunny after the rain, and the sun shined through a little beam of light from behind the clouds.

Bai Juncheng was walking on the park lawn in a wheelchair, pushed by his younger brother Bai Anyi.

There were not many people in the park, mostly couples and children. The two of them looked leisurely, looking at a child running and pulling a kite, but their eyes were vaguely thinking about other things.


What's wrong, brother? Does your chest still hurt? Bai Anyi quickly replied.

No. Bai Juncheng shook his head, You went to class recently. Has Teacher Wang's attitude towards you changed at all?

No, it's still the same as before. Bai Anyi thought about it and replied.

Do you think it would be possible if I also accepted Master Wang as my disciple? Bai Juncheng was indeed moved by his thoughts.

Although he was not wearing an exoskeleton armor that day, his brother was also not wearing one. He could have disabled himself with just one punch. What if he was wearing an exoskeleton armor that increased his strength?

Okay, that's no problem, just pay. If you want to become a core disciple, it probably depends on whether Master Wang is willing. Bai Anyi said hesitantly.

What I'm asking about is the possibility of Master Wang accepting me. Before Bai Juncheng finished speaking, he saw several strong men with red ribbons tied on their arms walking out from the depths of the park.

Each of these strong men had a red ribbon tied on their right arm. The leading one had yellow hair and his forehead was individually dyed white. He looked frivolous with a hint of ruthlessness.

I heard that you were injured, Brother Bai. As soon as I received the news, I came all the way from thousands of kilometers away. Huang Baimao said with a smile, but his smile looked a little cold.

Jin Lianzi, you are quite well-informed. I was just injured and you rushed over immediately? Bai Juncheng's face became slightly awe-inspiring.

Yes, yes, ever since my sister lost her hands to you, I have always remembered you. Isn't that right? As soon as I heard you were injured, I rushed over. Jin Lianzi sneered.

The remaining people began to separate and surrounded the two Bai brothers.

Bai Juncheng looked solemn and whispered.

Be careful, they are my enemies. They are all wearing exoskeleton armor. Brother, try it. If it doesn't work, run away!

Bai Anyi became nervous. He had never fought before, and now he saw so many people surrounding him.

He couldn't help but feel nervous.

Me, me. Bai Anyi clenched his fist.

Come on! The golden chained man waved his hand, and a group of people rushed towards the two brothers.



Enemies of the Bai brothers came to visit, and Bai Anyi went to class injured. During class in the afternoon, Lu Sheng saw the wound on his fist and casually asked about the situation.

Bai Anyi just said it honestly. The wound on his hand was about as long as a finger and had been bandaged.

Bai Anyi also proudly showed off his achievements to Zhao Guoyou.

Zhao Guoyou's weight loss has been very effective. The weight has dropped to about 130, and with a height of over 1.7 meters, 13 looks just a little chubby.

Now Zhao Guoyou can already initially see the pointy cheeks and chin, and he has a somewhat delicate temperament.

By the way, teacher, my elder brother said, please be more careful recently, maybe someone will come to trouble you because of me. But he will solve the matter as soon as possible and will not implicate you. Bai Anyi thought of something, He quickly mentioned it to Lu Sheng again.

It's okay. Lu Sheng briefly looked at the exercise progress recorded on his phone. Okay, that's it for today's class. Bai Anyi, tell me, how did you get injured?

Bai Anyi responded and began to recall carefully.

At that time, when I met those people, I felt that their speed and strength were much stronger than ordinary people. It was about half of my strength. However, their fists were very hard, and I was injured by the rebound. hand.

My brother said that exoskeleton armor can effectively increase one's own strength by two to three times. The speed can be increased by up to 30%. But there is an upper limit.

Two to three times? Lu Sheng thought thoughtfully.

By the way, teacher, our cram school is getting bigger and bigger now, and there are a few more people who want to sign up. Do you want to give it a formal name? Zhao Guoyou suggested in a low voice.

Name? Lu Sheng came back to his senses, Indeed, it's time to become completely formal.

A series of names quickly ran through his mind, and he quickly settled on one.

Just call it Nine Lives. He said casually, Nine Lives Hall.

What the hell is this name? Bai Anyi looked strange.

If you have a chance in the future, you will know. Lu Sheng said calmly. Now, keep practicing for me!

Eh! ! ?

The two of them suddenly howled.

Nine Lives Hall may be difficult for others to understand, but Lu Sheng just named it after the Spiral Nine Lives Method he practiced.

This skill itself was created based on the human body of this world, so he did not intend to hide it, but planned to find good seedlings and formally teach it.

He was never afraid of being discovered and leaked. No matter how hard others practiced, they couldn't do it faster than him.

After class in the afternoon, Lu Sheng closed the library door and when he left, he happened to meet the old man guarding the door.

Xiao Wang, the library director said that the library is going to be transferred. Do you know?

The old man guarding the gate wrinkled his face and said with some distress.

He squatted on the right side of the door, holding a low-quality cigarette in his hand and chewing it hard. The cigarette was not lit, so he was chewing it raw.

Transfer? Lu Sheng was stunned for a moment. Yes, after all, this library is a place that only loses money.

Who says it's not the case? It can barely maintain my salary. It's just that you said that this library has been taken over by someone else. In the future, the boss won't want me anymore... so what should I do? the old gatekeeper said distressedly.

Lu Sheng didn't answer. Wang Mu's wish was to be an extraordinary librarian, but now it seems that things may change.

As he walked home, he began to think about the money he had earned in the past few months.

From the time he started teaching classes, until now, he has accumulated more than two million yuan in savings, but if he wants to buy a library by himself, the land and building alone are far from enough.

The body is still in the adaptation and transformation period of its third life. There is no way to go further at the moment.

However, when it comes to conferring divine power, one must also prepare for a rainy day.

Lu Sheng thought about it in his mind and decided that it was time to recruit some people suitable to help him.

People like the Bai family brothers can only be regarded as disciples on the surface. If there is any problem on the Bai Dao, you can go to them to solve the problem at any time.

But on the secret road, there are many things that are neither white nor black, and it is really difficult to handle without a few people around to help.

After all, Lu Sheng didn't want to run around doing chores all day long.

I need a few people. It's best to be alone, have nothing to worry about, and respect my teachers. It's better to have nothing.

Lu Sheng paused and his eyes fell on two dirty teenagers feeding each other ice cream on the street.

These two children were one of the two street children near Wang Mu's rental house.

From Wang Mu's memory, Lu Sheng knew that these two children's parents went out to work a long time ago and never came back. Only their grandfather took care of them at home.

Later, my grandfather died of illness, and my two children had no support. Their only house and savings were defrauded by scammers. The two simply went out to pick up rags.

A while ago, when he was tutoring Bai Anyi and others in foreign languages, he saw these two children secretly eavesdropping outside the window.

The two children suddenly became nervous when they saw Lu Sheng looking over.

The big one stood up and smiled at Lu Sheng a little cautiously.

Hello, Teacher Wang. He greeted generously. The brothers and sisters never begged, so they always spoke with their chests held high and without any sense of inferiority.

I need two people to help me. The wages are ten yuan an hour. Can you come? Lu Sheng said calmly.

Okay, tell the teacher what you want to do. We don't need money. As long as the teacher doesn't drive us away! The eldest brother's eyes lit up and he said quickly.

The little girl next to him stood up and gave Lu Sheng a flattering smile like her brother.

But that smile made Lu Sheng feel inexplicably clear.

Lu Sheng paused.

I need long-term employees to help me run errands and take care of daily chores. I plan to officially run the class on a large scale.

It's okay, we'll take care of it! The older boy smiled and patted his chest.

Then come to me. Lu Sheng turned around and walked towards his residence.

On the way back, there is a vast area of ​​construction debris on the left, and a series of dilapidated high-rise buildings on the right.

Lu Sheng was walking on the cracked black stone road. The two children behind him hesitated for a moment, but quickly followed.

From that day on, Lu Sheng was surrounded by two little guys who did odd jobs and ran errands.

The two little guys are actually fourteen or fifteen years old. The elder brother is named Wei Handong and the younger sister is named Wei Zhenyu. Their names indicate that their parents were not uneducated people, but they were just unlucky.

Lu Sheng quickly rented a warehouse near the library as a place for Jiu Ming Tang's daily training.

Then let Wei Handong be responsible for arranging and notifying students of their training schedule and tasks. The younger sister Wei Zhenyu is responsible for the female students, some chores that are inconvenient for Lu Sheng to handle.

With two more people, Lu Sheng suddenly felt a lot more relaxed. Apart from a few clicks per student every day, he would just teach two core disciples casually, and it would take less than two hours in one afternoon to solve the problem.

The rest of the time is all planned by yourself.

As the number of students increased, the peripheral classes of Jiu Ming Tang gradually became somewhat famous in the city, and many fat people who were dissatisfied with their bodies inquired about it.

Although the cost of 100,000 yuan per month is exaggerated, if obesity can be completely eliminated, the task can be completed in two months.

Two hundred thousand dollars to completely eradicate obesity is an unimaginable temptation for any fat man.

Time passed slowly. In the blink of an eye, another two months have passed.

The students in the peripheral classes came and went, and the number of students gradually began to decrease. After all, there are only so many fat people with money.

Coupled with the lack of special publicity, the natural number of people gradually decreased.

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