Extreme Demon

Chapter 1010 Diffusion 2

Tick ​​tock, tick tock, tick tock.

Lu Sheng sat cross-legged in the living room, looking at Bai Anyi who was kneeling in front of him with his head downcast, and the tall young man with bandages all over his body and a stand for infusion bottles standing beside him.

So, you really listened to him and hit your brother with all your strength? Or did you hit him in the chest? Lu Sheng looked at Bai Anyi expressionlessly.

Bai Anyi had a look of pain and regret on his face.

I, I didn't mean it. I didn't want it. I didn't want it to happen.

Your brother is not dead. It can be considered that the physical strength he trained before is good enough and his foundation is strong enough. If it were another person, with your current integration ability, you can beat him in two on the spot.

Lu Sheng continued expressionlessly.

It's my fault!! Now my brother's injury is too serious, and he may have sequelae in the future. He may also suffer from hemiplegia. When Bai Anyi thought of this, he couldn't help but feel sad.

I really, really have no choice now. I dare not tell my parents.

Okay, stop talking. The young man on the side said weakly. I asked you to go all out. Now your hands are shattered, your sternum is collapsed and shattered, your internal organs are bleeding profusely, and your head is severely concussed. I brought this on myself.

He spoke firmly, not blaming his brother at all.

When hearing such a series of serious injuries from his mouth, even Lu Sheng felt a little unbearable.

It would be okay if he was beaten like this by his enemy. At least he would have a target for revenge.

But he was beaten like this by his own brother, and he asked his brother to beat him, which was embarrassing.

Teacher Wang, my name is Bai Juncheng, and I am Bai Anyi's biological brother. I would like to first solemnly apologize for my disbelief and suspicion in front of you. The young man Bai Juncheng apologized solemnly.

Now that the facts are like this, I, Bai Juncheng, asked for this myself and have nothing to do with Teacher Wang. Please don't have any grudge against my brother. Bai Juncheng added.

Brother! Bai Anyi looked ashamed. It's all my fault. It's all my fault.

He turned around and looked at Lu Sheng again with a pleading look on his face.

Teacher, please save my brother! If you have any way, no matter what the conditions are, as long as you can save my brother.

Okay, okay. Lu Sheng interrupted him impatiently. It's not a big deal, I'll nurse him back in a while, and then he'll be fine after he goes back and recuperates for a few months.

It’s just you, now you know that the load fighting technique cannot be used indiscriminately, right? If you encounter this kind of situation in the future and compete with ordinary people, you should use at most one-third of your strength first, test it out, and then apply more strength. do you know? ?

Bai Anyi looked ecstatic when he heard that he could still be saved.

Yes, yes, yes!! Teacher! I will definitely do it! Thank you teacher, thank you teacher!! He started kowtowing to Lu Sheng.

Bai Juncheng also looked shocked. He himself knows the extent of his injuries best.

His serious injuries would leave sequelae wherever he went.

But here, Teacher Wang, actually said that he could return to normal after just adjusting? ?

If this teacher Wang is not bragging, it is because he is really very capable. Teacher Wang, if you can help me regain my health, my Bai family in Baijuncheng will definitely be richly rewarded! He said firmly at once.

He knew that many hermit masters like Wang Mu did not necessarily value money, so he did not mention any monetary rewards.

He planned to wait until he asked his brother later, then investigate the information to see what Teacher Wang lacked and needed, and then prescribe the right medicine.

No, since you were injured by Bai Anyi, it's appropriate for me to heal you.

Lu Sheng stood up and walked slowly towards Baijun City.

At this time, he has undergone skin transformation and muscle transformation, and is currently undergoing endocrine transformation.

The endocrine system of this third life will also affect secondary development and other aspects. In less than a week, his body has grown slightly stronger.

Standing in front of Bai Juncheng, he could already clearly convey a strong and fierce temperament.

He is completely different from the thin, pale librarian from before.

Bai Juncheng also noticed this, his throat moved unconsciously, he swallowed and was about to speak.


Lu Sheng casually tore off the infusion bottle on one side.

What kind of fluid should I inject? This thing is useless, throw it away!

He casually threw the metal frame for infusion to Bai Anyi. Then he slapped Bai Juncheng on the forehead with one hand.

Bang! !

The force of this palm was neither light nor heavy, but when it landed on Bai Juncheng's head, it felt like hot water pouring down from above.

A warm vibration spread from the top of his head down throughout his body.

He felt his whole body begin to vibrate.

He didn't know that Lu Sheng was using his peak micro-manipulation ability to use high-frequency vibrations to regulate the congestion and concussion sequelae in his brain.

After the big head, there are chest and hands.

Lu Sheng's understanding and grasp of living organisms had already reached the master level, and he easily wiped away all the broken bones, bruises, etc. from Bai Juncheng's body.

There was a lot of dark red blood on the hospital clothes Bai Juncheng was wearing.

About two minutes later.

Okay. Lu Sheng took back his hand. After you go back and rest for a month, you can go to the ground, but it will take at least two to three months to fully recover. This is because I stimulated your self-healing system and allowed your metabolism to speed up in the next period of time.

Is there such an operation?? Bai Juncheng was stunned. This was the first time he heard that it could control and affect metabolism?

It can't be too long, otherwise it will shorten your life span. Lu Sheng replied casually.

Teacher, are you ready? Is this it? Bai Anyi asked blankly at the side. There were still tears in his eyes.

Well, that's it. Take it back and rest. Lu Sheng didn't ask how they found his home. He waved his hands casually.

Ah, yes, okay. Bai Anyi quickly helped Bai Juncheng up, but Bai Juncheng actually supported his legs and stood up on his own.

My head was dizzy before, so I couldn't walk. Now I'm fine. I'm not dizzy anymore and I can walk on my own! Bai Juncheng suppressed the heat in his heart and whispered.

He carefully examined and felt his current self, it was like a magical power.

Just now, she was in severe pain all over her body and was so sore that she couldn't move at all.

Now he can actually stand up on his own and move around normally? ?

Is this still a medical skill? ? ? This is the rhythm of heaven! !

Then, Teacher Wang, let's go back first. He took a deep breath, his attitude was unprecedentedly respectful, and he bowed slightly towards Lu Sheng seriously. But due to the injury, I could only bend slightly.

Go back. Lu Sheng nodded.

For him, what happened in Baijun City was a good thing. At least it made Bai Anyi realize how destructive he could be now.

Moreover, from the eyes of the young man from Baijun City, he could see that they would definitely meet again.

Before leaving, the two brothers collected all the infusion bottle racks and other sundries. They also took away a lot of garbage and food packaging bags accumulated at home.

Lu Sheng was fine and simply rested for a while.

For Bai Anyi, he somewhat wanted to make him his core disciple in this world.

This kid has perseverance, is ruthless to himself, respects his teachers, and is very obedient. The talent is also pretty good, and apart from the fact that his looks are not good enough, there is almost nothing to criticize.

This is also the reason why he is willing to save Bai Juncheng.

In addition to this thought, he also had the idea of ​​using Baijun City to spread the news about his medical skills.

In this world, medical licenses take a very long time, and ordinary people cannot practice medicine directly.

You have to go to a designated place to study for a certain number of years.

Lu Shengcai didn't have this spare time, so it would be a good idea to just become a private doctor. It's easy to make some random money.

During this period of time, he also roughly understood the family backgrounds of his two core disciples.

Bai Anyi's Bai family is a health care product business in the city, with assets of hundreds of millions. The scale is neither large nor small, and can be considered medium-sized.

Another family, Zhao Guoyou's, runs a chain of supermarkets. They are much richer than Bai Anyi's family, but they are relatively simple in nature and are purely formal businessmen.

Unlike the Bai family, there are many brothers and sisters in the family, and they have a wide network of connections. Their influence in the city is intertwined, and it is not just as simple as having money.

Not long after the Bai brothers left, someone knocked on the door again.

Lu Sheng stood up and opened the door.

Standing outside was a young man with a shaved head in a gray suit.

Master Wang, this is the thank you gift given to you by Brother Bai. He respectfully handed a gray-black cardboard box to Lu Sheng with both hands.

Lu Sheng took it and was about to speak, but saw the young man turn around and run away. In a flash, he disappeared down the stairs. It seemed that he was just trying not to give him a chance to refuse.

Lu Sheng was speechless and opened the box.

There was a car key neatly placed inside.

There was a note under the key.

‘Disciple Bai Anyi gave the teacher Wang wood as a gift. It's just a scooter, but the teacher is happy to accept it. ’

Lu Sheng knew that this was a gift arranged by Bai Juncheng in the name of his younger brother.

He picked up the key, hung it on his belt, turned around and closed the door to rest.

Unexpectedly, this is just the beginning.

Bai Juncheng was obviously a better person than Bai Anyi. In the following week, various gifts of varying weights were delivered to Lu Sheng's door.

In total, there are three sets of high-tech auxiliary exercise equipment, a nearby 200-square-meter villa, and two expensive luxury cars.

The total amount of these gifts in bits and pieces is at least five to six million.

And there is also a lot of careful selection included.

It's just that Lu Sheng didn't like the location of the house he was given.

He still planned to purchase a suitable set himself.

As the third life continued to transform, Lu Sheng clearly felt that his physical body had become closer and stronger.

As for his disciples, Bai Anyi's training is getting closer and closer to reaching the level of Tongli Realm.

His Dacheng was not a simple general state of strength, but Lu Sheng's continuous use of self-limiting exercise methods to stimulate his muscles every day, so that his muscle strength could be fully exercised and grown.

This is at least two to four times stronger than a normal Tongli realm.

This was also the key reason why he was able to cripple his elder brother with one punch.

It's all because Lu Sheng's self-limiting exercise method is so comprehensive. Every muscle fiber can be fully exercised to the extreme.

Even this technology cannot achieve such precise results.

As Bai Juncheng's injury got better day by day, Zhao Guoyou also began to practice formal martial arts. Her talent is slightly better than that of Little Fatty, but because she has no technological equipment to assist her, her progress is much slower.

As for the peripheral class, some students also seemed to know about the Bai brothers. Most of them knew that Bai Juncheng Kuang gave heavy gifts to Master Wang.

After asking about the reason, I found out that Bai Juncheng was seriously injured for some reason. The hospital diagnosed him with sequelae, and he couldn't be cured anywhere.

Unexpectedly, it was completely cured by Master Wang without leaving any sequelae. The news spread slowly, and although most people were still dubious, some people who were desperate about their illness were planning to try their luck at his place.

Slowly, the reputation of the small class run by Lu Sheng grew and spread wider and wider.

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