Extreme Demon

Chapter 1009 Diffusion 1

By the way. Are you still going tonight? Zhen He asked again.

Maybe I haven't been there recently, something happened. Lu Sheng replied.

The relationship between Wang Mu and this girl was quite good and harmonious before. He thought for a moment and then added.

Maybe we have to move.

Huh? Did you find a new rental house when you moved? Zhen He asked casually.

No, I'm planning to buy one myself.

. We can't talk today.

Zhen He felt like he had been hit ten thousand times.

In such a remote city, although a 100-square-meter house only costs 2 to 3 million, this is a place where the per capita income is only 5,000 to 6,000.

And because of the urban recession, there are no new real estate companies to develop properties, and various taxes on houses are high, so many people cannot afford to buy them.

So buying a house has become a big problem.

Zhen He's ideal is to buy her own house in this city she likes. This is also the reason why she has been working hard here.

Congratulations then. Although she felt a little sad, her good qualities still made Zhen He congratulate Lu Sheng with a smile.

Thank you. Lu Sheng opened the door and walked in.

The two men's small talk ended here. They were just slightly familiar neighbors in the first place. Without the common intersection of running at night, there was nothing much to talk about.

Zhen He watched Lu Sheng enter, sighed inaudibly, straightened her skirt, put a sociable smile on her face again, and walked towards the elevator.


Lu Sheng closed the bedroom door and piled all the various foods he had prepared on the floor of the door.

This time he wants to break through the third level of endocrine. This third life governs endocrine, and its help to the body is not very direct.

But this is a key part that can control body growth and development, metabolism, and secretion of various hormones.

It can burst out with stronger combat power in a short period of time, and at the same time prepare for further improvement in the future.

He sat cross-legged in the middle of the bedroom, closing his eyes and meditating.

Time passed little by little, and the sky outside became darker and darker. Every twenty minutes, Lu Sheng got up and started eating a lot.

Gradually, the room was filled with packaging bags of various foods, with water bottles and bread being the most numerous.

Ten, twenty, thirty, fifty

Several large boxes of food that he bought quickly went into Lu Sheng's stomach.

After eating the last bit of compressed biscuits, he slowly stopped.

In the darkness, Lu Sheng's eyes were dimly glowing with a faint white fluorescence. It was unclear whether it was the reflected moonlight from outside or the faint brightness emitted by himself.


In the room, Lu Sheng took a long breath, and the breath spread on the wall, turning into a gust of wind and blowing around.

The curtains and tablecloths in the bedroom were constantly being blown up and moving.

The third layer is completed. It's just that the transformation of this layer may take a little longer. And the cost... Lu Sheng glanced at the dark blue interface and felt a little painful in his heart.

Just now, nearly three million of the divine power was invested.

He now has more than 50 million of his divine power left, which may not be enough to reach the highest level.

We have to find a way to expand the source of spiritual power. Lu Sheng couldn't help but think of a certain world he had visited.

That world with the sleeping Emperor Wa, where he also met the weirdo who claimed to be the leader of Wuding.

At that time, he also agreed with the other party on a time to return.

It's just a pity that since the last time he swept away the evil god's mark on his body, all the messy things in his body have been swept away, leaving nothing behind.

This also caused not only the imprint left by the Wuding leader to be destroyed, but he also completely lost the subtle connection to that reality.

If I could go back to that world, I guess I would be able to get a lot more spiritual power, right? Lu Sheng sighed in his heart. And that Wuding leader probably has a lot of good things in him. What a pity.

After coming back to his senses, he glanced at Shenlan's current interface box.

‘Spiral Nine Life Method: The Third Life (Characteristics: Skin hardening, muscle strength strengthening, endocrine optimization.)’

It seems that the improvement is very simple, but there is only one more endocrine optimization, but I don't know how effective it will be.

Although the technique was created by Lu Sheng himself, the human body in this world has huge potential, so he really doesn't know what it will become.

Moreover, on this third level, Lu Sheng naturally broke through without any movement. That is to say, the amount of spiritual power consumed is a little too much, and there is no other difficulty.

My body didn't feel anything at all.

Forget it, let's take a look first. After sensing the changes in his body, Lu Sheng felt that this transformation might last for a long time.

After gathering his thoughts, he got up, took a bath, and lay down to rest.

As time goes by, Bai Anyi's training effects become more and more obvious. The muscles on his body are getting bigger and bigger.

This made him more and more convinced of Lu Sheng. He also began to consciously advertise for Lu Sheng in various ways to promote enrollment.

In just over half a month, four more people were added to the peripheral class, making the total number ten.

As for the core class, there were still only Bai Anyi and Zhao Guoyou. The others didn't see any difference from the peripheral class, so they weren't interested.

Anyway, most of the people who come here just want to lose weight.

But even so, the small cram school organized by Lu Sheng gradually attracted the attention of some people in the city.



Bang bang bang! ! Bang bang bang! !

In the boxing room, a young man with bronzed muscles and a fierce look on his face was bare-chested and punching the heavy sandbag in front of him.

Brother! You're back!! The door to the boxing room was suddenly pushed open, and Bai Anyi rushed in with a happy face.

Well, Xiaoyi, I just came back yesterday. I didn't believe it at first when people said you went out to exercise. The young man straightened up and showed a gentle smile.

You signed up for a class and started exercising to lose weight, right? he asked casually.

Yes! Look at me now! Bai Anyi suddenly became proud. He bulged his biceps in front of him in a very muscular posture.

Go back and I'll take you with me later. The young man pulled off the towel hanging on the wall and wiped the sweat from his face.

Ah? Bai Anyi was stunned. No, brother, I am a disciple, a serious apprentice! He quickly defended.

Apprenticeship? Who is your master? What's his background? The young man frowned, This apprenticeship is not just for fun, you know?

I don't know, but I don't regret it! Bai Anyi said decisively.

You know nothing. The young man said impatiently, You were able to lose weight so quickly because of your own perseverance and the equipment I put at home. Those auxiliary equipment are very effective. For such a trivial matter as losing weight, it is simply overkill. .

Brother, my teacher is very strong. Bai Anyi argued unconvinced.

Don't you understand? As long as you have perseverance and exercise on your own, you can lose weight very quickly. It doesn't make much difference whether you have someone to teach you or not.

You are on the right track now anyway. After I take you to integrate your whole body strength, I will start to implant a micro-control chip into you. Through the chip, you will continue to stimulate the muscles of your whole body and enhance the speed effect. I don't know how much better than you are by yourself.

The young man briefly mentioned a few words.

I'll buy you a good chip then, and when you go out to fight, I'll put on a set of exoskeleton alloy body armor, turning you into a superman instantly.

This is how everyone practices fighting skills these days. With technology so advanced, who still learns how to throw kicks and punches little by little?

Under the control of the chip, it can judge and make the optimal plan in a split second, helping the human body to explode to unimaginable levels.

Okay, refund it when you get back. These messy private classes are all money fraud. Don't spend money randomly in the future. The young man said casually, By the way, how much is your tuition? Remember to ask him to refund most of it to you.

Tuition fee: 50,000 a month. Bai Anyi still wanted to refute, but when the price was mentioned, he himself felt a little guilty.

After all, most of his monthly pocket money was invested by him.

Huh? Fifty thousand?? The young man paused.

Although this amount of money is not much, it is nothing to a young man who has long gone out to be independent, but for Bai Anyi, who only has a little pocket money a month, this is a huge amount of money.

Yes. Bai Anyi said helplessly.

I'll go with you in the afternoon. The young man stopped talking nonsense and said in a deep voice. Do you know how much it costs to hire a personal trainer?

Bai Anyi scratched his head.

Brother, please leave me alone, I will take care of it myself!

What a fool! You're the stupid one! The young man slapped Bai Anyi on the head.

By the way, you spent so much money? Besides losing weight, what else did you learn?

My teacher said, don't tell anyone. Bai Anyi said embarrassedly.

I'm your brother! Is this a side story? The young man slapped Bai Anyi on the head again. Forget it, it's no use asking you. Come here and do it to me.

He raised his hand and shook it.

Come on, punch me with all your strength. Let me see how strong you are now?

The young man's legs were in front and back, like a rocket launcher, standing at a good angle for support.

The muscles all over his body tensed slightly, reflecting a faint sheen of sweat under the light. Open your palms and make a fan shape in front of you.

Bai Anyi was a little hesitant. He felt that his strength had become stronger recently. If he used all his strength

Hurry up! Why are you waiting so long? Hurry up! the young man urged impatiently.

That's right, why am I dawdling? As for brother, of course I can't catch up in such a short time. Even if I go all out, it will definitely be fine. He no longer hesitated in his mind.

Bai Anyi spread his legs immediately.

Then big brother, am I here?

Come on, come on! Stop talking nonsense! Hurry up! the young man urged.

Oh Bai Anyi slowly bowed and twisted his waist, his whole body was like clockwork about to turn.

In an instant, he rebounded, and the muscles all over his body beat violently like running water.

The whole body's strength is concentrated from the legs, waist, and right fist to one point. He hit the young man hard on both palms.

Bang! ! !

Bai Anyi's fist only felt that it was in contact with a thin layer of membrane, and then it broke with a ripple.

Then I heard a crackling sound.

Brother!!?? Brother, what's wrong with you!! Wake up, brother!!

A few seconds later, a horrified cry came from the villa.

Brother, why is your sternum broken?!? Oh my god, come help me!!

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