Extreme Demon

Chapter 1006 Enrollment 2

The little fat man, on the other hand, actually resisted Lu Sheng's simple psychological guidance technique and walked to him again with difficulty.

Teacher Wang! I want to teach you how to fight!! He begged Lu Sheng very seriously. I know that it is generally difficult for masters to accept apprentices and teach them martial arts. I wonder what conditions you need to meet before you are willing to accept me as your apprentice! Teach martial arts to me!?

Lu Sheng's face was expressionless.

I don't teach people to fight.


I only teach fighting skills. Lu Sheng interrupted him directly, Because fighting requires more energy and time than ordinary subjects, the tuition is much higher.

It doesn't matter! Teacher, as long as you are willing to teach! The little fat man suddenly became excited.

Okay, I can teach you basic self-defense techniques, Tabora defense techniques, and free boxing. Which one do you choose? Lu Sheng handed him a list. You came just in time, I was about to stick it at the gate outside.

The price levels of the three defense techniques are clearly written above.

The little fat man was instantly petrified as if struck by lightning.

These three are the most popular common defense techniques on the market.

And the prices are much higher than those on the market. Among them, the basic self-defense skills have even doubled several times.

Me, me, me. The little fat man was so frustrated that he couldn't even speak.

What's your name? Lu Sheng asked.

Bai Bai Anyi.

There is also my unique fighting technique that you can choose, but the cost may be very high. If you are willing, you can try it. Lu Sheng said with a calm expression.

What fighting skills!? He went through several ups and downs. The little fat man Bai Anyi suddenly saw a glimmer of light, and suddenly felt hope appearing. Get excited quickly.

It doesn't have a name. You can call it Loaded Fighting Technique. Because it places a greater load on the human body than other fighting techniques. The practice process may be very painful and tiring, and may even be accompanied by pain. You should think clearly about it yourself, Lu Sheng reminded.

I'm not afraid!! the little fat man shouted, his eyes gleaming with excitement.

Okay, first of all, I want to make it clear that this fighting technique is my own creation. You cannot spread it to others without my permission.

This is a must! The more secretive it was, the more interesting the little fat man felt, and his expression became more and more excited.

Second point. Lu Sheng turned off the computer screen. This fighting art costs a lot. Not only my tuition, but also you. During the training process, you will also face a lot of expenses for nourishing medicinal materials. You have to make sure you can afford it.

This. The little fat man hesitated. I only have an allowance of 50,000 yuan a month, but I can ask my mother for it! It should be more. After all, I have to do business.

Fifty thousand a month

Lu Sheng thought about Wang Mu's salary of less than 10,000 yuan a month, and his mood suddenly became complicated. Poor Wang Mu could not even earn a month's pocket money for a child.

His life in this world is really miserable.

In fact, he had no intention of teaching this guy seriously at all. He just wanted to recruit some outer disciples first, teach them casually, and let them enjoy some benefits, and then select people with sufficient qualifications, mind, and financial resources.

After learning that this world had a huge empire that spanned several river systems, Lu Sheng knew that there were definitely powerful weapons on the stellar level here.

The lethality of the Ming Luo level should be no problem, and even stronger ones may exist.

So before he figured out the details here, he planned to take the orthodox route step by step, develop his power, and strengthen himself and his surroundings.

The tuition fee is 40,000 yuan a month in advance. If you are willing, you can sign up first. Otherwise, go back to your mother and ask for more.

I'll repay you! the little fat man said quickly.

One of them paid the money and the other wrote a receipt for him, and everyone was happy.

Lu Sheng now spends at least one thousand yuan every day, all on food. Now he has made 40,000 yuan in one go, which can be regarded as solving his urgent need.

Okay, I just have some time now. If you are willing, we will start your enlightenment today.

Lu Sheng looked at the wall and saw that it was still ten minutes before eight o'clock.

Okay!! Can I call home first? The little fat man thought carefully.

Okay. Come in directly after the fight. It's right here. Enlightenment won't take long. Lu Sheng said calmly.

is teacher!

The little fat man ran out and made a phone call.

Lu Sheng sat in the newspaper room and quietly reviewed his current situation. In the realm of the first life, his body seemed to have almost adapted to digestion. Next is the second life, meat training.

If I go back today, I should be able to start improving my second life.

After a while, the little fat man finished the phone call and walked in the door.

Teacher Wang, let's start! I'm ready! Do you want to take off your clothes?

He walked up to Lu Sheng with an excited look on his face.

No, just stand still. Lu Sheng stood up slowly and walked to him.


Suddenly he flicked his index finger and quickly tapped the little fat man three times.

Because the speed of the three clicks was too fast, the sounds seemed to be stacked together, leaving only one sound.

Before the little fat man had time to react, he felt a soreness and pain in his chest that quickly spread throughout his body.

He fell to the ground softly, his whole body began to twitch and tremble rapidly, and sweat seeped out of his pores in large amounts.

Is it that painful? Lu Sheng was slightly surprised. He had obviously reduced the effect, and the fingering method he used was one-third of the standard effect.

But seeing that the little fat man couldn't even scream, he felt that he had overestimated the willpower of people in this world?

It is true that the common people in this world, because they have been at peace for too long, have a high standard of living, and are pampered, their tolerance for pain has deteriorated to a very deep level.

Lu Sheng retracted his hand and watched Xiaopang rolling on the ground, looking like he was in so much pain that he couldn't speak. A lot of sweat seeped out of his body, leaving black watermarks on the ground.

It lasted five minutes.

The effects of the fingering were finally slowly wearing off.

The little fat man Bai Anyi lay on his back on the ground, breathing heavily. A look of despair.

This opens the secret hole in your brain, which is a starting point for your future training. It won't be so painful in the future. Lu Sheng said calmly.

Xiaopang opened his mouth, but found that no sound came out at all.

Go back and have a good rest, get some sleep, eat more red meat, and come back tomorrow. Lu Sheng ordered.

For the little fat man, he used newly created fighting skills and boxing techniques to help him open a small part of the self-limiting wheel of his body's metabolism.

Lu Sheng's Nine Lives Method, borrowing from the philosophical theory of this world, regards the human body as a whole body confined within a huge round wheel.

Every time you complete a level of cultivation, you open up the limits of the human body at that level. That is to unlock its limitations on itself.

The little fat man slowly rested for a while, and after regaining some strength, he got up.

But what Lu Sheng didn't expect was that this guy wasn't afraid. Instead, his clothes smelled of excitement.

It seems that because of the enlightenment just now, he miraculously lost a small amount of weight.

After cleaning up the little fat man, Lu Sheng also closed the door and went home.

The breakthrough of my second life is tonight.

He rode his electric scooter back to his rental house and quickly ate something. Then he closed the curtains and sat in the living room.

The white gauze-like moonlight filtered through the curtains from the window, leaving a few spots of light on Lu Sheng.

Dark blue.

He calmed down and thought silently in his heart.

The light blue box suddenly popped up and hovered in front of Lu Sheng's eyes.

‘Spiral Nine Life Method: First Life (Trait: Hardening of the Skin)’

Promote the spiral nine-life method to the second life. Lu Sheng clicked the modifier button and gave the command at the same time.

The entire modifier paused for a moment, then quickly trembled.

A large amount of spiritual power surged out from Lu Sheng's chest, and then was quickly absorbed by the inner muscles of his limbs like a bottomless pit.

A steady stream of spiritual power was consumed continuously, and this state lasted for more than ten minutes before gradually slowing down.

When it came to a complete standstill, Lu Sheng was shocked to discover that his spiritual power had actually consumed more than 120,000 units.

Compared with the unit of thousands the first time, now it is only the second level, and it has been upgraded to the unit of tens of thousands.

This kind of span made Lu Sheng a little frightened. He had some doubts about whether the little spiritual power he had stored could last him until he reached the highest level of cultivation.

The box on the modifier is also blurred. It wasn't until more than ten minutes passed that the box slowly returned to clarity.

Lu Sheng closed his eyes and felt the changes taking place in his body.

The muscles all over his body seemed to be on fire, constantly trembling and burning. Countless blood flowed continuously along his muscle fibers.

The muscle fiber tissue is constantly expanding and shrinking under the nourishment of a large amount of earth energy. A large amount of energy quickly triggers countless chain reactions.

Countless blood red blood cells glowed red like fireflies, and a strange circular pattern slowly appeared on the surface of each red blood cell.

There is a circle of spikes on the edge of the round wheel, and the center seems to be in the shape of an eye.

Countless spiked discs followed the flow of red blood cells and continuously washed away Lu Sheng's muscles.

For a moment, Lu Sheng slowly opened his mouth, and traces of white smoke continued to fill out from his seven orifices.

The self-limiting wheel of the human body is the wheel of heaven, providing the earth with the most basic limitations for humankind.

Man himself is the son of Heaven. If all restrictions are lifted, he can become the Emperor of Heaven.

A record from a classic that Lu Sheng had just read appeared in his mind unconsciously.

This kind of change. Lu Sheng suppressed the shock in his heart. The changes here seem to have involved the most basic cosmic rules of this world.

Obviously I just strengthened the muscle level and released the muscle self-limiting wheel.

The rules of this world seem to favor the human race very much, and the human body's abilities are much greater than those of the human race in other worlds.

It feels like everyone has a microscopic proof of dominance.

Lu Sheng compared in his mind.

Inspiration burst in his heart, and he ignored the changes in his body at the moment, and his thoughts quickly flowed into calculations.

Soon, after the final highest state of the Spiral Nine Life Technique, a new state gradually took shape - the Heavenly Emperor state.

When you free yourself from limitations, you become the Emperor of Heaven! Those who achieve the last level should transcend all limits, completely sublimate, and achieve the supreme realm of heaven.

Lu Sheng had a hunch that when he broke through to the last level, he might be able to use the power of this super-level world to see the hope of breaking through the Death Star.

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