Extreme Demon

Chapter 1007: Class 1

Now let's see what changes happen to the body after the muscles are released from self-restriction.

Lu Sheng slowly stood up from the ground and took off his upper body clothes, revealing his muscular body without any fat.

He picked up a metal Rubik's Cube and squeezed it gently.

The Rubik's Cube was crushed into a lump of iron in an instant, and then he rubbed it from left to right, completely transforming it into scrap metal.

Just like that, the muscles in his arms didn't feel like they were exerting much force.

The strength instantly increased hundreds of times. In conjunction with the hardening strength of the skin, the muscles also increased the hardness of the first life's skin.

The two complement each other and this is really powerful.”

Lu Sheng was amazed. He didn't do any additional strengthening of this body, he just practiced to open the self-limiting wheel.

The second life actually achieved the almost superhuman effect at this time.

It's incredible. The material in this world is so powerful that it's unbelievable.

Lu Sheng stood there and carefully experienced the various changes in his body at this time.

It is said that it only strengthens the skin and muscles, but in fact, the internal organs of the whole body are strengthened. This is a chain effect. It’s just that the focus is on the skin and muscles.

He estimated that if he were an ordinary person, he would want to practice step by step according to the Spiral Nine Life Method. If you are very lucky and your physique is naturally compatible, you can break through the first level in a very short time.

But the second level of muscle life is not so easy to break through. It requires long-term repeated exercise and intensive stimulation.

Even the most suitable genius would need at least three to five years to break through safely with the full assistance of his earth energy.

But it doesn't matter. What I lack most now is time. Lu Sheng roughly estimated the flow rate of time. It is a little bit faster than the Demon Realm here, and the Demon Realm is only a little faster than here.

Under similar circumstances, my hometown over there is now in a state of peace, and there is absolutely no problem in staying here for a thousand years.

Next, he tested various indicators of the muscles separately.

The results made Lu Sheng extremely surprised.

The breakthrough of this second life, the explosive lethality of skin hardness and muscle strength, is at least equivalent to the strength of the Demon Realm. This is a bit exaggerated.

In other words, the people here facing a second life are equivalent to the ordinary people in the Demon Realm facing a rank.

He carefully calculated and found that the maximum sustained force had reached more than twelve tons. If you add an acceleration burst and punch, the destructive power can even reach more than 20 tons.

Under the premise of hardened skin, it is completely a humanoid tyrannosaurus.


Lu Sheng exhaled in a long breath, and his skin was like a cooked shrimp, red and hot.

And this transformation has not been completely completed. The body is still slowly changing. The human body potential here is really terrifyingly powerful.

Lu Sheng sighed in praise, slowly closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

The breakthrough consumed too much energy. He needed to take a good rest and eat a big meal tomorrow to replenish his nutrition.

A dreamless night.

Early the next morning, Lu Sheng saw bank card transfer information on his mobile phone. Bai Xiaopang had already transferred the registration fee to his account.

He stood up slowly, took a shower, and changed his clothes. Then he walked slowly towards Wenda Library.

He bought seven or eight breakfasts on the way, all of which were big meat buns and mineral water, and destroyed most of them on the way. When he got to the library, all he had left was the bag containing the buns.

The little fat man was more active than yesterday. He had been waiting at the entrance of the library early in the morning. When he saw Lu Sheng slowly walking towards him, he rushed up to meet him and was ready to bow and shout at Lu Sheng.


Lu Sheng slapped the little fat man on the forehead.

Be normal.

The little fat man groaned, covering his head and not daring to speak.

Just call me teacher. Lu Sheng walked to the door and took out the key to open the door. The two of them walked in together.

Hello, teacher, teacher. Bai Xiaopang quickly added.

Lu Sheng has no plans to teach Bai Xiaopang the fighting technique in the short term. The load fighting technique is the basic prerequisite for practicing the Spiral Nine Life Technique. This is because he is nourished by the earth's energy, and at the same time, his realm is high enough and his control of himself is precise enough.

But ordinary teenagers like Little Fatty have no choice but to slowly train and train from scratch.

As for how to control force and how to manipulate subtle changes in muscles.

The three realms of strength, understanding, and concentration are applicable everywhere.

Kone is the strength that integrates the major muscle groups of the body.

Tongyi is to achieve the power of integrating small muscle groups through self-hypnosis of artistic conception.

Concentration is the integration of the spirit and the body, which can self-develop and stimulate the potential, make the body go further, and combine the inner energy to reach the peak. However, there is no inner energy here, and the people here have strong physical potential, so it is enough to reach Tongyi .

Lu Sheng still followed the steps, guarding the library, registering the people who borrowed books, and returning books automatically.

Most of the rest of his time was spent reading various books, whether in foreign languages ​​or Mandarin, which were not difficult for him.

Bai Xiaopang came early and didn't go to school. He stayed around Lu Sheng all day long and showed his courtesy.

Lu Sheng was unmoved and simply treated him as a handyman to see what his character was like.

I didn’t expect that this little fat guy could really endure his temper. According to his own words, he could wait all night for a limited edition life-size pillow.

At that time, when my phone was out of battery, I forgot to bring food, I was cold and hungry, I became the third distinguished customer to grab a pillow in the early morning.

When it comes to perseverance, he really deserves it.

Lu Sheng also noticed that this little fat man was born with a ruthless spirit.

We had a casual meal at a small restaurant together at noon. When the little fat man took the initiative to pay, his face turned green. Lu Sheng alone ate more than four times the amount of an ordinary person. This was because he exercised a lot of restraint. It just so happened that the little fat man had just paid, and his wallet was empty.

In the afternoon, it’s tutoring time again. After dinner, two other girls came. Different from the little fat boy, Liu Cheng and Chen Hongyuan, the two girls were over the novelty at the beginning. This time they seemed to just think that Lu Sheng was a special tutor, and they didn't have any extra reaction.

After the normal foreign language tutoring was completed, the little fat man pestered Lu Sheng to start training in fighting skills.

After receiving money from others, Lu Sheng would naturally not slow down his work, and he would point two fingers at the little fat man.

The cramp-like pain from before reappeared, and the little fat man was so painful that he rolled on the ground. But it was no use. This pain originated from his own muscles and meridians, and there was no way to avoid or alleviate it.

It lasted for more than a minute. This time, the little fat man seemed to be fished out of the water, and his body lost a small amount of weight.

But he didn't complain at all. After resting for a while, he gritted his teeth and got up from the ground. He was dirty and said goodbye to Lu Sheng and went home.

This continued for a week, while Lu Sheng waited for his body's second life transformation to be completed, he continued to perform brutal self-limiting full-body exercises on the little fat guy.

The cramping feeling all over his body was extremely painful. Even if Lu Sheng had reduced his pain to one-third, it would still be an unimaginable torture. But the little fat man didn't complain at all during the whole process, he just kept silent and let Lu Sheng train.

A week later, the little fat man’s results began to bear fruit.

He lost weight

The fat man who originally weighed more than 200 kilograms now only weighs 190 kilograms. Although he is still fat, he has obviously lost weight.

Thanks to his success, two more fat men came and joined Lu Sheng's exercise class.

One of the two fat men couldn't bear the pain. He paid for the first class and stopped coming after that. There is no talk of refunding the money.

The other one reluctantly followed suit.

What's surprising is that the fat man who persisted is still a girl. The name is Zhao Guoyou.

Soon, Lu Sheng's self-limiting exercise method showed results.

Little fat guy Bai Anyi can begin to formally teach load fighting techniques.



Barren hills on the outskirts of Anming City.

Large tracts of gray stone gravel are piled up into rolling stone hills. This is a garbage dump where construction waste is piled up in the city.

A large amount of construction waste was crushed into gray sand and piled here, waiting for a new step of reuse.

But it is a pity that the once prosperous Anming City no longer exists, and now the deserted urban area simply cannot use so many building materials.

So the construction sand can only continue to pile up here, waiting for the future.

Lu Sheng took Bai Anyi and another fat man Zhao Guoyou to the depths of this construction garbage dump.

Between two building faults that could not be completely crushed.

Lu Sheng was wearing a black shirt and jeans. The two fat men were dressed similarly to him, wearing black T-shirts and jeans.

The three of them walked to the side of the broken building like a broken knife and stood in the shadows.

Starting today, Bai Anyi, you can start self-limited exercise and learn the load-bearing fighting technique. Lu Sheng turned around, looked at the two fat men and said calmly.

Really??! Bai Anyi was still a little listless, but when he heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up.

Really. Lu Sheng nodded. Then he looked at Zhao Guoyou on the side.

Xiaoyou, if you don't want to learn fighting skills, you can go back first.

Zhao Guoyou didn't come here for any fighting skills. Her purpose was very simple, which was to lose weight. Lack of interest in fighting.

But when I think about it, I also paid money. If I don't look at this load-bearing fighting technique, wouldn't it be a huge loss?

You must think clearly. Once you have seen my load-bearing fighting skills, you must not spread them to others. Otherwise, the consequences will be serious. If I find out that they are leaked in the future, I will personally clean up the door. Lu Sheng gave a simple reminder.

What? Cleaning up the house??! Zhao Guoyou was startled and hesitated again.

She became more and more curious. What she had learned was actually in danger if it was spread outside.

I will never tell anyone else! Zhao Guoyou calmed down and finally answered seriously. Although I don’t know how Lu Sheng cleans the house, this master is mysterious and may have some other special abilities.

Lu Sheng nodded and looked at the surroundings.

Before that, I want to demonstrate to you how powerful the load fighting technique can be.

He gently rolled up the sleeve of his right arm and showed the shape of his arm to the two of them.

Now, see clearly

Zhi! !

Suddenly, the blood vessels in Lu Sheng's arms bulged, and the muscles expanded rapidly. In just a short moment, his arms were more than twice as thick as normal.

puff! !

Lu Sheng casually slapped his hand to the side.

The entire arm sank on the spot and was embedded in the fault of the building. It was like the tip of a knife piercing a block of tofu.

Before the two fat men had time to react, they saw Lu Sheng shake slightly, his arm like a sharp knife, he pulled it out again, and instantly pierced the stone wall on the other side.


The stone wall was penetrated again without any hindrance.

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