Extreme Demon

Chapter 1005 Enrollment 1


Lu Sheng slowly closed the library door. Youyouhe greeted the gatekeeper and watched him carry the chess basket and go out to find someone to play chess with.

He himself unbuttoned his cuffs and walked slowly to an open space behind the library.

This open space was originally used to park vehicles. Unfortunately, since the library ran out of funds, it has become increasingly backward. The books cannot be updated and can only barely survive.

The large open space behind was left empty without a single car.

Lu Sheng put the water bottle aside and stood in a shaded corner of the open space.

The Spiral Nine Lives method is based on the artistic conception of spiral DNA. The ultimate goal of the Nine Lives is to reach deep into the gene chain and completely evolve life.

After drinking some water, Lu Sheng slowly stood in the corner, his arms hanging down and his eyes closed tightly.

After breathing calmly for a while.

Crack! !

Suddenly, he opened his fingers and struck dozens of times on his chest, abdomen, shoulders and other places like lightning.

With a round of rapid clicks, the blood and muscle flow nodes on his body were instantly clicked into convulsions.

The muscles began to tremble like cramps, and the blood flow increased.

The muscles all over his body began to tighten like clockwork. Even his head has shrunk slightly.

Sweat immediately seeped out of the pores of his skin and quickly soaked his shirt along with his clothes.

call! call! call!

Lu Sheng panted heavily and persisted like this for dozens of seconds before the effect of the click slowly faded away. Forced away by muscle and blood.

He closed his eyes and rested for more than ten seconds before starting the second round of exercise again.

This is the real training method of the Spiral Nine Life Method. By quickly hitting one's own muscle nodes to produce spasm-like muscle contractions, one can use oneself against oneself to build strength.

Just like the left and right hands working against each other, the principle of this method is the same.

After nine times of this, Lu Sheng almost collapsed.

The ground was wet with sweat under his feet.

He took a breath and rested for a while, then picked up the water bottle and slowly poured it into his mouth in small sips.

After waiting for more than ten minutes, his breathing calmed down, and then he packed up, got up and left.

Soon, the sound of the battery car slowly faded away.

Peace returned to the clearing again.

A few more minutes passed.

In the corner, a little fat man with crispy noodles in his mouth walked out blankly, staring at the place where Lu Sheng had been exercising just now, without saying a word and with straight eyes.

My grandma.

At the wall not far away from him, a figure looked towards here from a distance through the glass window of the guard room.

That person was clearly Liu Cheng.

Sure enough, this administrator really has a secret. Liu Cheng felt a little excited.

In today's society, although technology is extremely advanced, this area is a marginal area. Except for the interstellar contact station, other places do not actually enjoy many technological benefits.

In many places, ordinary daily life is still lived, and even many technological products are updated here the slowest.

Liu Cheng had heard about it a long time ago. In ancient times, there was a group of hermit-like masters who liked to hide in the city, live happily and peacefully.

Almost all of these people have extraordinary skills.

Is it possible that after living for sixteen years, I finally encountered a real adventure!? Liu Cheng felt a little excited.

Inside and outside the clearing, the two people were equally excited at this time.

A few days later.

Lu Shengli was sitting not far from the entrance guard of the library, looking at the people inside who were reading in groups with a calm expression.

These people all take out books from the library and read them together here. There is an automatic recycling system. As long as they put the books in, they can easily return them to their original places.

This is the biggest help Wang Mu can manage the entire library by himself, and it is also the only place where Lu Sheng feels that this world is a technological world.


Lu Sheng checked the time and saw that it was almost closing time, 6:31 pm.

There were actually several boys and girls milling around in the hall.

One of the fat guys and a little girl who often came to borrow books kept looking at him nervously for some unknown reason.

Of course, Lu Sheng knew why they kept looking at him.

During the past few days of practicing, he had noticed these two people watching and peeking. It's just that he didn't care.

These two people were selected by him from this group of people borrowing books. They should have the best family backgrounds.

But what he didn't expect was that Liu Cheng actually brought a best friend with him today.

Lu Sheng's expression remained unchanged, even though his food intake had increased greatly due to practicing martial arts in the past two days, and the money on hand was getting less and less. It was estimated that he could only last for a week at most.

As the retreat time got closer and closer, the little fat man finally couldn't help it and walked over to Lu Sheng.

At this time, only he and Liu Cheng were left in the entire library. The rest of the people slowly left.

The weather outside was a bit gloomy and gloomy, with faint thunder coming from time to time, and it seemed like it was about to rain.

The little fat man has a very round figure. His short legs sway when he walks, as if he is overwhelmed. The fat on his face squeezes his eyes into slits. His only advantage is that his skin is extremely white and tender.

This child is about fifteen or sixteen years old, about the same age as Liu Cheng. He was wearing a thin black T-shirt with a huge robot anime model printed on his chest.

The pants are white shorts, quite decent, and he looks like an honest student.

As soon as he walked up to Lu Sheng.

Well, uncle, actually, I saw you practicing yesterday. He didn't know where to start, but in the end he chose to confess honestly.

Lu Sheng's eyes lifted from the book in front of him and fell on the little fat man's face.


He didn't speak, but just his gaze made the little fat man tremble slightly.

Me me me The little fat man's family is very rich. He has seen the fitness coaches and fighting coaches hired by his elder brother, but those are different from the expert in front of him.

He peeked at Lu Sheng for several days in a row and discovered how miraculous it was to make his body shrink slightly just by using his fingers.

In addition, one time later, he saw Lu Sheng practicing his boxing skills with his own eyes. The faint power was completely different from those he had seen before.

From that moment on, he understood in his heart that the person in front of him was by no means comparable to the ordinary fighting coaches he had seen before.

The little fat man was so obsessed with reading the novel that he filled Lu Sheng's brain with countless subsequent plots in an instant.

The hermit master who was expelled from his master, the peerless master who retired to the city, the senior boss who was trapped by love, etc.

Uncle! I want to take you as my teacher!! The little fat man suddenly lowered his head and said seriously and respectfully.

His attitude has never been more serious. He was not so serious even when he asked his father to buy him other figures.

He swore that this was the most serious and sincere moment in his life.

Worship me as your disciple? Lu Sheng's expression remained unchanged and he pointed to the wall in a corner on the right.

The little fat man looked over.

There is a piece of handwritten paper stuck crookedly on the wall over there.

It clearly says: Enrollment - tutoring homework, teaching painting, registration fee of 1,000 per class per month. Three thousand a month for painting.

Under the paper over there, two young figures were already standing, and they were none other than Liu Cheng.

Teacher, come quickly! Aren't classes officially starting today? Liu Cheng said loudly.

. The little fat man felt like he was struck by lightning.

Where is the peerless expert you promised?

What about the secret that was agreed to belong only to him?

What about the adventure that was promised to be just for him? ? !

The little fat man shouted in his heart.

But Lu Sheng ignored all his mental activities. He stood up, patted his clothes, and walked towards Liu Cheng and the other girl.

These two girls took the initiative to come to his door yesterday, hoping to let him take foreign language lessons. He thought for a while and simply wrote a notice recruiting students for the cram school and posted it.

Tuition fees are also market prices.

He is very capable, and it is not easy to teach some subject knowledge.

Although the psychological guidance technique is also severely restricted here, it has no extraordinary effect. But it is still easy to fool a few students. Under the influence of inner guidance, it is not easy for them to devote themselves wholeheartedly to learning.

Walking to the notice, Lu Sheng looked at Liu Cheng and the two.

Liu Cheng and Chen Hongyuan, the two girls are both above average in appearance, with barely okay figures, neither fat nor thin, but not perfect. There are many things that can be seen, and they will definitely become obese when they grow up.

Teacher, we need to tutor La and Kain. Liu Cheng stepped forward and said seriously.

Okay, the class time is before eight o'clock after closing every day. There are three classes a week. You guys are ready to come over for dinner or whatever. Lu Sheng said casually.

We brought our own food today, so let's make do with it for now. Teacher, do you want to eat something first? Liu Cheng asked thoughtfully.

Need not.

Teacher! I want tutoring too! I want it too!! The little fat guy over there also rushed over.

Pay the money and sign up. Lu Sheng walked towards the second floor without looking back.

The three of them quickly followed.

The girl who came with Liu Cheng seemed a little scared and held her best friend's hand tightly all the way.

Lu Sheng led people to the newspaper room on the second floor, opened the window to let some air in, and then asked the other three people to find stools and sit down.

Then he turned on the computer and started playing the photocopied textbook.

Teaching La language is part of the standard curriculum, but Kain language is not within the scope of teaching, so it has to be counted separately.

Okay teacher. Liu Cheng quickly agreed.

Lu Sheng quickly sorted out the overall grammatical structure of Drop-down Language, and at the same time filtered out the most commonly used vocabulary, and started to start from scratch bit by bit, explaining to them the entire system structure of Drop-down Language.

The class was completed smoothly. All three of them felt that they did not have a general love for learning. I can't wait to get home and devote myself to studying.

After teaching, the two girls Liu Cheng went back early. Under the influence of psychological guidance, they couldn't wait to go back and study crazily all night long.

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