Extreme Demon

Chapter 999 Reunion 1

The huge spaceship, as black as a swordfish, slowly flashed through the universe, reaching super star speeds.

Super star speed is a concept originally introduced from the outer river system.

Anything can enter an indescribable weird level space in a short period of time, driven by a certain amount of special energy.

The structure of this space does not overlap with the real universe. In this space, the distance of the universe is similar to folded paper, which can constantly change with the fluctuation of force.

As long as there is enough energy and strong enough, using specific modules, you can enter super-star speed space in a short time, thus greatly shortening the distance to distant star fields.

This is called a hyperspace jump.


Lu Sheng stood in front of the ship's side glass window, the wine glass in his hand rippling with light green wine, and he touched it gently with Ban Sai.

The two of them took a small sip each.

Outside the window were dots of silver stars and colorful spiral whirlpool galaxies, slowly rotating in the distance. From time to time there were huge spaceships behind them, taking off and passing by the spaceship.

Actually, I didn't want to come. But thinking that you may not be familiar with the place in the past, boss, I reluctantly accompanied you there. Ban Sai explained with a smile.

Emperor Dilans is a nice person, hospitable, generous and generous. The last time I went there, I received a very warm reception. He continued to explain, The fruits over there are very good and taste good.

Isn't that why you took the initiative to come with me? Lu Sheng raised his eyebrows. Ban Sai is so busy all day now, how could he follow him around just for the sake of talking.

Of course not. Ban Sai nodded. I just stopped by to see that Princess Jin Aier and I are friends. I went over this time and promised to bring her something she needs.

Princess Jin Aier? Lu Sheng asked in surprise, looking at Ban Sai a little strangely. It seems that you are enlightened too.

What are you talking about? I'm not a big boss like you, boss. I'm just an ordinary person. If nothing unexpected happens, I can live for up to a thousand years, which is amazing. Ban Sai shook his head, There are still a lot of top people here. Only when the nourishing and life-extending medicines work can you make a reserve.

Don't worry, I have already considered this. A thousand years? As my subordinate, are you satisfied with living for a thousand years? Your ambition is too humble. Lu Sheng patted him on the shoulder. I already have preliminary ideas

Buzz! !

Suddenly the entire spacecraft shook violently, as if it hit something.

The spacecraft quickly sounded the alarm. The ear-piercing screams continued to echo throughout the cabins of the spacecraft.

Lu Sheng's expression darkened, and his soul quickly spread.

I'm sorry. Suddenly a mental shock message came into his mind.

Call you in this situation.

Sharp sirens kept blaring, and from the side of the spacecraft, through the glass, a tall, all-metal figure slowly emerged from the outer universe.

The figure is constantly moving and opening and closing a large number of metal square parts. It looks less like life and more like some kind of artificial robot.

Who are you? Lu Sheng's consciousness flashed, and the alarm sound in the entire spaceship quickly stopped, and the surrounding area became quiet again.

The metal man's body was covered with barbs, and his head was tied with a large number of black bandages, revealing only one blood-red fluorescent eye.

As the holder of the Overlord's Certificate, you can call me, Zhen.

There are also a large number of ribbon-like black cloaks floating behind the metal man. They are flying, entangled, and pulled by the strong ion radiation wind, as if they are grinning.

Although it is impossible for such vibrating sound waves to be transmitted out of thin air in the universe.

Really? Lu Sheng reached out and pulled Ban Sai beside him away from the glass window.

He raised his hand and drank from the grape rack in his hand.

Then what? What do you want to say to me? He gently crushed the cup and let it go. The invisible force of the glass shattered into countless powders and slowly scattered.

Outside the entire spacecraft, fluorescent figures floating out of thin air continued to appear one by one.

These figures all look like metal men, with their bodies made entirely of metal.

But the difference is that they all have green tumors on their backs that look like hearts. The things are beating and glowing with a faint green light.

I'm here. I hope you can trade the Overlord's Certificate to me. Zhen replied calmly and politely. I didn't mean it with any malicious intent.

So this is why you intercepted my spaceship, forcibly surrounded me, and demanded a deal? Lu Sheng looked at Zhen across from him with interest.

Since he held the Overlord's Certificate, this was the first time he met a second person of his kind holding the Overlord's Certificate.

Those who can hold the certificate of hegemony are definitely sons of the universe with the care of the entire universe behind them.

Such a guy will never be an easy character to deal with.

I admit, the method is a bit direct. But now that you are in a period of weakness after the outbreak of the war, you probably don't want to have another conflict with us, right? Zhen smiled.

Soon, two huge pure white robots, like the ones in science fiction movies, with a faint white light shield all over their bodies, flashed on both sides of the robot, like guards, keeping a close eye on Lu Sheng from a distance.

We know that you are extremely powerful, but the companions around you don't have such a strong ability to protect themselves. Zhen continued.

Are you going to threaten me? Lu Sheng laughed.

You can understand it that way. Zhen's eyes flickered.

Ban Sai next to Lu Sheng opened his mouth to say something, but he raised his hand to block it.

Then, you can give it a try. Lu Sheng said calmly, disapprovingly.

Now he doesn't even know how strong he is.

With a terrifying power that was more than 7,000 times that of Ming Luo, Lu Sheng could not even feel his own limits. Even the last time he took action to kill those guys who besieged the seminar.

He had just warmed up. What was really overdrawn was not his strength, but his spirit. He hypnotized himself and made his spirit too excited.

As a result, most of the energy used to rush out was used to fight mosquitoes, and it was all wasted.

Zhen sneered slightly.

I know you won't agree easily. But it's okay, we also have the opportunity to show the strength and bravery of our clan.

He raised his hand.


Chichi chichi! ! !

Around the spacecraft, laser cannons and pulse missiles all exploded instantly.

A large number of missiles trailing white smoke were like swimming fish, tracking the vital points of the huge hull of the spacecraft and hitting it with precision.

The laser cannon is like white and red light beams, shining straight on the surface of the spacecraft.

Zhen and the two mechas slowly pulled out the alloy knives from their waists, and a large amount of colorful propulsion flames suddenly spurted out from behind, and they rushed towards the spacecraft in front of them.

But not long after he rushed out, a tall figure with a crane head and a body of darkness appeared in front of everyone.

The crane-headed man held a giant black knife that was several times longer than his own body and waved it at will.

Tsk tsk tsk! !

With several crisp sounds, a large number of missiles around them seemed to be attracted by an invisible force field at the same time, and exploded before they even got close to the spacecraft.

In the blue electric light exploded by large missiles, pitch black balls with spikes flew towards the spacecraft.

Basic void bomb!! Go to hell!! The real palm grabbed it.

boom! !

All the balls exploded with a bang.

The bomb that exploded was not filled with flames, but a mass of colorful distortions.

Anything these distortions touch will automatically engulf and dissolve it.

But the strange thing is that when all the colorful distortions touch the outer shell of the spacecraft, they are naturally blocked by an invisible force field.

Zhen was stunned for a moment before he could react. The black shadow of the crane-headed figure in front of him had already arrived in front of him.

The two of them slashed at each other with their swords at the same time.

clang! !

The fusion furnace inside the real body burst out with huge energy power. The two mechas behind him quickly stretched out their connecting devices and clasped them on his back from behind. The three merged into one and quickly deformed into a giant machine hundreds of meters high. White mecha.

Silver Star Destruction Cannon!! A large piece of white cannon barrel suddenly bounced off behind the real body, and all the cannon barrels were densely aimed at Lu Sheng and the spaceship in front.

Countless colored lights quickly lit up from the barrel.

boom! ! !

The colorful cannon light suddenly rushed out, gathered into one stream, and was in front of Lu Sheng in an instant.

The glass window was slightly cracked, but Lu Sheng's expression inside remained unchanged as he quietly stared at the colorful cannon light.

The thick cannon light quickly shrank, became thinner, and became darker as it approached Lu Sheng. When it was less than one meter in front of him, only a little bit of filament remained in the entire cannon light.

Lu Sheng stretched out his index finger and flicked it lightly.

The colored light filaments suddenly exploded and were annihilated.

Nice performance. He looked at Zhen, who was a little dull not far away.

Is there anything else you want to say?

Zhen fell silent, raised his arms without saying a word, and the second colorful light bombardment gathered again.

A few minutes later.

The spacecraft began to jump into hyperspace again, leaving space junk everywhere.

The army of hundreds of machines brought by Zhen have all turned into the most basic cosmic garbage and are being cleaned up by the garbage cleaning robots that are arriving.

And his own huge robot with the power of Ming Luo was easily blown into countless pieces.

The spaceship slowly rushed into the transparent ripples and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Amidst a piece of cosmic garbage, a pitch-black metal ball quietly emerged from the dark corner.

What a terrifying strength. My two clones both have the strength of the Ming Luo level, but in front of him, they are like young children, and they can't even break through their defenses.

Real voices came from the sphere.

He was originally just testing, but the result of the testing was that even if he was the favored son of the universe, he felt extremely troublesome.

Even for the Death Star, this one is too powerful.

You must know that the bombardment power that his clone assembly mecha finally exploded would be impossible for even the Death Star to resist without resisting.

But in front of that person, he even just instinctively rebounded the attack from the force field around his body, and completely killed the collection of clones that were half of his strength.

The strength of the research association has taken shape. It seems unshakable. It seems that the old monster has to go back and remove his mission. I was really helpless.

Lu Sheng's strength was stronger than he imagined, and his sense of unshakability was even greater than the top powerhouses he encountered in other forces.

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