Extreme Demon

Chapter 1000 Reunion 2

Sunland Empire.

Under the light blue sky, a pure white ring building is as solemn and elegant as a church.

There are spike-like crystals on the top of the building that stand high, piercing the sky.

There are a large number of unknown gray spiked giant vines around. They are wrapped around and raised, like giant snakes in ancient times, with a diameter of tens of meters.

Ha ha ha ha! ! !

In the central ring-shaped building, in the white palace, a burly white-haired old man was looking up and laughing, with a cheerful expression.

Lu Sheng and Ban Sai sat aside, surrounded by several young and beautiful princesses and ladies who laughed in agreement.

On the slightly lower platform below, there were several princes and princesses from the Xunlan Empire, sitting upright with them. It could be seen on their faces that they were tense and solemn.

There were also many nobles sitting with them, chatting and laughing, looking at ease.

The music of singing and dancing moved slowly.

With a faint smile on his face, Lu Sheng listened to Sunlan Emperor Dilansi's introduction to the customs and customs here.

It has been tens of thousands of years since the founding of Xunlan. Speaking of which, this national ceremony is not too many. Especially today's ceremony where two major happy events are coming at the same time. It is even more unique and unique! Dilansi said with a smile.

President Lu, Vice President Bansai, your arrival has made me shine. It just so happens that today is also the day when we sign a peace treaty with the Gulan Empire. I also ask you two to be witnesses.

Of course it's no problem. Lu Sheng nodded.

Although the banquet was boring, it must be said that Dilansi was an emperor with a good personality. Chatting with him was always interesting and he felt relaxed and unrestrained.

Two state guests, please rest for a while. I will accompany you again after I sign the treaty. Dilansi said slightly apologetically.

It doesn't matter. We happen to be very curious and it would be good to see the treaty signing ceremony. Lu Sheng said noncommittally.

Okay then. Dilansi didn't force it and let Lu Sheng and the two of them watch from the sidelines.

He himself stood up and sat on the highest throne, looking down, holding a ruby ​​gold cane in his hand.

Today, today, the war is about to end and peace is coming again. Then, messengers from Quran and Itia, tell me your answer.

Dear Lord Sunlan, according to the agreement, the 13th Resource Star and the 11th Logistics Star should be within the scope of our Gulan Empire. In addition, we have also eliminated the last resistance forces in Ventura. So there Of course it should be assigned to our country.”

My Itia border is close to Ventura and the border of the alliance region. According to the original agreement, 30% of the territory there should be my Itia's.

This is unreasonable. According to the pre-war agreement, our Xunlan Empire's contribution is the most expensive, especially the storming of the Alliance's Death Fortress, which resulted in considerable losses. Therefore, all subsequent planets starting from the seventh star should belong to us.

Representatives from the three countries began to argue in various ways in the hall.

Lu Sheng listened with great interest.

These are basically the three major powers. After just becoming the victorious country, they are dividing the spoils with the defeated country.

Xunlan, this is a domineering country.

Dylan himself also highly advocates hegemony. Not long ago, they had to launch aggressive actions against neighboring empires due to population pressure. The three major neighboring powers formed a coalition to carry out a large-scale sweep against the remaining smaller alliance countries.

Countless battles break out every day, just like when the three Qingcha Sects fought against the Mother of Pain.

Ban Sai, who was beside Lu Sheng, whispered to Lu Sheng to chat while he was bored.

Because no one dared to place a tape recorder and bug around Lu Sheng, his side was the safest.

Emperor Dilansi was an extremely ambitious man, but at the same time he was also a measured emperor.

Lu Sheng watched him laugh heartily from the side, and from time to time he would liven up the atmosphere and take good care of himself.

Soon, the territories of the defeated countries on more than a dozen planets were divided up.

The messengers retired to rest and were replaced by a new group of dancers and musicians.

Although the musicians were also dressed dignifiedly and solemnly, each of them also selected beauties with excellent appearance and figure.

Among them were men and women.

The door of the main hall slowly closed, and waiters stood behind each distinguished guest, holding fruit plates, like butterflies wearing flowers. Always waiting to be served.

Enjoy the fruits of victory! Gentlemen! Dilansi opened his arms and laughed like a lion.

Long live Sunlan!!

Long live Sunlan!!

Long live your Majesty!!

Many of the great nobles below cheered in agreement.

Lu Sheng saw Dilansi raising a glass to him from a distance. He also picked up the cup and took a few sips while taking advantage of the lively atmosphere.

Ban Sai on the side didn't know when he was chatting with a beautiful princess with an innocent appearance but a voluptuous figure in a corner.

Seeing Ban Sai's face flushed, he looked stupid as he wanted to raise his head and take a peek, but didn't have the courage. Lu Sheng shook his head slightly, speechless.

You are different from them. A delicate voice came from beside him.

Lu Sheng didn't need to look to know that it was the beauty Xunlan arranged for him to entertain himself.

Of course it's different, he replied casually.

Don't you like my type?

The beauty was wearing a platinum long skirt, with one side of the skirt torn open, revealing her long, bare legs.

She had delicate makeup on her face, her waist was voluptuous, and her long blond hair was scattered behind her like a waterfall.

He looks inexplicably noble.

No, it's not that I don't like it, it's just that Lu Sheng didn't finish. At the entrance not far from the main hall, through a small door on the side, several more people walked in wearing gold silk robes and mixed four-color accessories. Looks like a juggler.

Messenger of Avila, my brother Jin Pan, I thought you weren't coming! You came just in time! Hahaha! Sunlan Emperor Dilansi laughed and stood up to greet him.

He pulled the short-haired man who was leading the group and walked all the way to Lu Sheng.

This one is

No introduction is needed. I am acquainted with the prestigious Research Association President Lu Sheng and Master Black Light of Destruction.

At first glance, a man with short hair gives off a gentle and shrewd temperament. But if you look carefully, you can feel that there is a touch of indifference under his gentle appearance.

He stretched out his hand towards Lu Sheng.

Nice to meet you, the powerful President Lu Sheng. You can call me Jin Pan, or Pan. On behalf of Avila, I send you my sincere blessings.

Avila? Lu Sheng raised an eyebrow.

This is a name that I have never heard of, but looking at the other party's appearance, it seems that he did not come here intentionally. Looking at Emperor Xunlan's appearance, Lu Sheng suspected that his invitation this time was probably due to the Avi in ​​front of him. Pull the hand of the messenger.

So, what's the purpose of coming to see me? Lu Sheng raised his eyebrows slightly and looked at Jin Pan calmly.

Avila is a very special place. Our ancestors have been in the Iron Banner Society for many years and established a certain foundation, so they have a good understanding of this universe. Jin Pan said with a smile.

Not long ago, our king found your name in the Demon Realm branch of the Iron Banner Society. So I took this opportunity to send me to communicate with you.

Oh? Iron Flag Club? Lu Sheng was stunned and dug out this strange platform that he had used from his memory.

Yes, to put it simply, we, Avila, are one of the branches of the Iron Banner Society of the Heavenly Demon Realm. Messenger Jin Pan explained with a smile.

You just tell me this, aren't you afraid? Lu Sheng's eyes narrowed slightly. Weak people can't protect anything.

We came with good intentions. Jin Pan insisted, but a trace of sweat suddenly appeared in his heart.

The Iron Banner Society is very mysterious and powerful, but that does not mean that Avila is also very strong. At least Avila, which only has Void-level powerhouses, is slightly weaker than the Xunlan Empire, let alone the Weird Research Society. giant.

You are very courageous. Lu Sheng stared at Jin Pan for a while, and just when he could no longer hold on, he finally spoke.

Thank you for your compliment. Jin Pan relaxed slightly.

Then, tell me your reasons for coming. Lu Sheng said casually.

We hope to gain your friendship. Someone suddenly came to our area of ​​influence and left this in our headquarters, asking us to hand it over to you. Jin Pan took out an oval from his sleeve with a branch and vine pattern carved on it. of dark gold ornaments and handed it to Lu Sheng.

Sure enough. He opened his eyes slightly.

A familiar voice came to his ears.

I want to see you. It was Wang Jing's voice.

Lu Sheng straightened up immediately.

Where are you? He was also mentally shaken, turning into a voice and passing it out from the bag in his hand.

I'm at the boundary. Wang Jing replied softly.

Lu Sheng was silent for a moment. I quickly understood the meaning.

wait for me!

He immediately stopped looking at the other people around him and closed his eyes. A trace of black energy rose into the sky from above his head. In the blink of an eye, it penetrated the atmosphere layer by layer. The space vibrated, and he was instantly pierced by the black energy.

The space gradually cracked open, revealing a hole the size of a grain of rice.

The black energy penetrates accurately. Along the colorful rotating tunnel, suddenly, you rush into the rushing colorful river.

Below the river, a quiet and beautiful figure was quietly suspended in the water, looking at the black air from a distance.

The black energy suddenly changed, transforming into the tall and burly Lu Sheng's body in the blink of an eye.

I thought you wouldn't come so soon. Lu Sheng whispered softly.

I don't have much time, I just came here temporarily. Wang Jing said with a smile.

She swam over slowly and snuggled into Lu Sheng's arms.

love me.

Lu Sheng moved again and transformed into a three-headed firebird with a huge long tail. Three big black mouths kissed every part of Wang Jing's body from three directions.

Large pieces of flesh and blood scales were torn to pieces and devoured. Lu Sheng couldn't help but take several bites, but then he immediately held it back.

When Lu Sheng saw this, he was no longer restrained. With an angry roar, Wang Jing was driven hard into the back.

The two monsters expanded rapidly, getting bigger and longer. Finally, someone accidentally crashed into a small space entrance on the side.

As soon as they entered, an asteroid blocking them was the first to bear the brunt of the impact. It was hit by Lu Sheng's huge impact and a large piece of it was dented on the spot.

Large dark red cracks quickly opened inside the planet, and then exploded into a dazzling halo.

In the halo, Lu Sheng and Wang Jing were entangled and rolling around, constantly letting out terrifying roars.

Ouch! ! !

Lu Sheng couldn't help but bite Wang Jing's neck, and a large amount of blood spurted out from the neck. But the wound healed quickly and recovered immediately.

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