Extreme Demon

Chapter 998 Peace 2 (Thanks to moderator xxddxh for being the leader)

Boss, you finally woke up! Ban Sai had been sitting aside. Seeing Lu Sheng wake up, he quickly stepped forward with a smile on his face.

Boss, it's thanks to your efforts to turn the tide this time, otherwise the entire seminar would really have ended.

Really? I don't remember. Lu Sheng shook his head. He only remembered that he hypnotized himself and rushed out. As for the rest, he completely forgot about it.

Boss, I would like to ask, have you reached the limit of human beings now? Although Ban Sai had already calculated the approximate destructive power based on Lu Sheng's previous performance, he still couldn't help but ask in person.

Yes. We've arrived. Now we're stuck. I don't know how to break through. Lu Sheng sighed.

At his level, all the techniques and the like are actually the same in nature.

Human limits are the natural limits of all human beings. Not only the human race, but also humanoids, many races born and bred on the planet actually have this limit.

Lu Sheng sat up from the bed, and the chains on his body were automatically untied.

He ran his hands through his hair and stood up.

Is this the end?

Ban Sai shook his head: No, there is still a follow-up. I have carefully calculated that this should not be the end.

So, what can you do? Lu Sheng turned back and looked at him.

.Not yet, Ban Sai said helplessly. This is the double limit of the body and soul. The soul can only hold so much soul power, and any more will only be completely dissipated and wasted unless

Unless what?

Unless the ritual transforms, transforming into other races. Bansai whispered.

Let's talk about this later. Lu Sheng waved his hand and ended the conversation.

Now, tell me about the situation of the seminar. In addition, I will provide you with enough real-time information about the Eye of Sin. I want more clues.

Understood. Bansai said quickly.

In the next few days, Lu Sheng stayed quietly in the seminar to cultivate himself. At the same time, he checked the seminar's huge and abnormal database, as well as a large amount of information.

This information is continuously transmitted through major planets and galaxies, and is constantly exchanged and updated with the database.

This gave Lu Sheng a deep understanding of the current situation in the entire surrounding river system.

The biggest event that has happened recently is the truce between the ancient beasts and the protoss. It was the Weird Research Society that broke out into a war, destroying at least five surrounding star systems, and dozens of planets exploded into fireworks.

Large nebulae and meteorite groups began to form in the surrounding area. Cosmic dust spreads all around, and there is a faint tendency to form a ring around the space station.

As the president, Lu Sheng also became famous in this battle. He was known as the Black Light of Destruction, the strongest person in the research association. He was also the strongest Death Star powerhouse with a fixed residence in the surrounding river system. one of those.

That's right, the outside world has already considered Lu Sheng to be a Death Star. And he is also a very high-level top expert in the Death Star.

Lu Sheng also found out after looking up the information that the Death Star Star was normally ten to twenty times stronger than the average Ming Luo. This gap was huge.

But when compared with him, the gap is even greater.

Although he does not have the qualitative transformation star power of the Death Star, the huge soul in his body is already more than 7,000 times that of the normal Ming Luo.

This is an extremely scary number.

Coupled with the forcible consumption of divine power, the kind of destructive black light that was fused after deducing the Thousand God Art.

Lu Sheng can now be said to be an average Death Star star, but he really doesn't have the confidence to be strong in front of him.

The ancient beasts and the Star Alliance have temporarily ceased their activities, or in other words, the two forces that came to cause trouble have temporarily stopped.

The ancient beasts and the Star Alliance are extremely powerful, and the two groups that came to look for trouble that day were just a drop in the ocean, a very small group.

They cannot represent the two major coalitions, at most they can only represent themselves.

This also made everyone in the seminar breathe a deep sigh of relief.

After all, anyone who confronts these two behemoths will only feel doomed.

After Lu Sheng recuperated for a few days, he began to urge Ban Sai to deduce and calculate the subsequent whereabouts of the Eye of Sin. After obtaining a large amount of information about the Eye of Sin and the God of Destruction, the evil spirit was combined with a large amount of intelligence information.

A new clue was quickly calculated - the Mandira Seducer.

Mandila Seducer, the former creator of the Eye of Sin, is a legendary giant shape-shifting monster that swims in the mother river. According to the calculation results, boss, you need to find this monster, which contains the whereabouts of your family. Bansai stood there In front of Shijia, who looked solemnly, he faced Lu Shengdao.

So, how do I find it? Lu Sheng asked in a deep voice.

We can issue tasks, and there will be many masters in the research institute. They like to come everywhere, and there are also demons among them.

In those low-energy worlds, boss, you don’t have to go there by yourself. Now the Research Council can help you explore and search directly. Just focus on the high-energy world.

Bansai explained.

In addition, I need some time to help you calculate the specific characteristics of Mandila's seducer.

need a few days?

About a month.


It happened that the crisis had been lifted recently, and the surrounding forces sent congratulatory invitations, inviting Lu Sheng, Ban Sai and other core members to attend various banquets and receptions.

Surrounding the research association, apart from the Red Moon Sect, is Libra City and a chaotic combination of forces called the Purple Star Alliance.

The Purple Star Alliance has only suddenly emerged in the past ten years. The leader is said to be a top powerhouse who broke away from the Star Alliance Ancient Beast War and specifically went to this remote star field to retire.

This powerful man is said to have extensive connections in the Star Alliance and a very deep background.

Now that the situation has stabilized, peace is on the horizon.

It is said that the Purple Star Alliance has plans to establish a country and is in contact and negotiating with surrounding forces. Libra City is said to have expressed support.

The Red Moon Sect also gave generous gifts and expressed its willingness to have a good relationship with Zixing.

Originally, the seminar was not qualified enough to stand on an equal footing with the huge forces of this level.

But now Lu Sheng has returned with a strong force, killing a large number of powerful incarnations in one go, including four or five Death Star powerhouses.

The sensation caused by this is not comparable to that of ordinary forces.

Nowadays, it can be said that, relying on Lu Sheng's force, the Research Association has jumped to the top and has become an important force that can barely be compared with the Purple Star Alliance.

Of course, although the background is far beyond compare, the Red Moon Sect Libra City has deep and huge support behind it. But surface power is enough.

After all, the Red Moon Sect is spread all over the universe and has countless masters. Behind Libra City is the Yujue Empire. That huge empire is powerful and its strength cannot be underestimated.

It can be said that these two can easily send out more than a few Xu Ming to lead the team, and more importantly, they have powerful backgrounds from Ming Luo, even the Death Star, and even more behind them.

Especially during the war, the Yujue Empire remained as stable as Mount Tai, showing unimaginable terrifying strength.

In addition, in addition to the Purple Star Alliance, there are many scattered small countries and small power sects around.

After hearing that Lu Sheng's wife died young and his relatives were far away, many forces also focused on Lu Sheng's marriage.

Lu Sheng returned to the president's rest area, and he had this small area to himself.

In the space station, this is considered the highest privilege. Especially after he turned the tide and resolved the crisis.

His current existence has completely given those core members who were previously wandering in their thoughts a complete reliance.

The unity and strength of the previous seminar also gave them a certain sense of belonging.

Lu Sheng's existence is like the magic needle that fixes the sea, gradually making everyone more cohesive.

Lu Sheng sat down on the sofa in the living room in the rest area, picked up a stack of invitations from the low table in front of him and looked through them casually.

There is no progress in strength, and the spiritual power is almost exhausted. There is no progress, and you can't run around. You have to wait for the evil spirit to calculate the results of the deduction and find the whereabouts of the seducer of Lao Shizi.

Lu Sheng had nothing to do. Apart from setting up a luminous cave in the depths of his soul every day and luring some random insects to satisfy their cravings, Lu Sheng usually just read information, listened to music, and watched entertainment programs.


He pressed the remote control, and a huge color screen suddenly appeared on the wall of the small hall opposite. On it was a beautiful woman with a black horn, holding something like a baseball bat in her hand to introduce promotions.

Boring. Lu Sheng threw away the remote control and flipped through the invitations in his hand.

A bunch of small forces and sects can be ignored. Among them were three invitations, which were specially selected by Ban Sai for him, and he was required to attend as much as possible.

The first one is the Purple Star Alliance, which holds a large festival carnival banquet. All the other big power leaders will be present, but if he doesn't go, he will be too conspicuous.

The second is Libra City. Ziyue, the city lord of Libra City, invited again, and their seminar presented a lot of favors to Libra City. This crisis was also because of Libra City's secret stand, so those strong men would not take action as soon as they met.

So here at Ziyue, if you can and need to go, go.

The third is a small country called Sunlan Empire.

When the research association was still very weak, the Xunlan Empire gave the research association a lot of help. This force is a small force with only a dozen or so planets. At the beginning of the research association, it was already considered a big force comparable to the Green Branch Sect.

King Dilansi is a powerful virtual man with good strength. The invitation was sent this time because the country had just weathered the radiation storm disaster and the whole country was celebrating with a grand banquet.

In addition, there was another reason why even Lu Sheng was embarrassed not to go.

That is, when he was under self-hypnosis, he accidentally lost his temper and smashed a small resource star in the Xunlan Empire.

Although a small resource star is nothing to the research association today, for the Sunland Empire, its impact is great.

So this time they even sent the invitation with a smile, and even Lu Sheng felt a little embarrassed.

It's really troublesome. Lu Sheng turned out the three invitations and put them aside.

According to the information provided by Ban Sai, things are fine in Libra City. It seems that someone from the Yujue Empire has come and wants to make contact with me.

The Purple Star Alliance wants to test my attitude and stance towards their founding of the country.

And a bunch of small forces, including the Xunlan Empire, probably want to make a fuss about my marriage.

Lu Sheng knew the thoughts of these small forces very well, because he once came from a small power.

There are three princesses in the Sunland Empire, all of whom are unparalleled in beauty. Two of them are adults, and one is just preparing for her coming-of-age ceremony. The coming-of-age ceremony happens to be held at the same time as the big banquet.

From the perspective of marriage, this condition is fully met.

Actually, boss, you don't have to worry about it at all. Li Shunxi and Ban Sai pushed open the door and entered with smiles on their faces.

They have been trying to tie Ban Sai aboard the boat before, but this guy has no understanding of customs and has no reaction at all to other people's kindness and hospitality. Now that you are back just in time, no, the target has quickly turned to you.

I went out this time and found a sister-in-law for you. There is no need for anything else. Lu Sheng waved his hand impatiently.

You are mistaken. They don't want to marry you. The lifespan of a strong person above Xu Ming is measured in ten thousand years. It is meaningless to marry you. Let's not say they are not qualified, and you will definitely not see it. Come on. Ban Sai sat down unceremoniously.

They want to give you a maid, a woman to serve you in bed. He joked with a smile.


Lu Sheng slapped him so hard that he couldn't lift his head.

No matter how big or small! Is the boss's matter something you can talk about casually?

Ban Sai quickly stood up and stayed away with a grimace.

Forget it, arrange spaceships for me to go to these three places, and inform me of the time. Your sister-in-law has her own career. If you don't want to come back with me, you can just go and relax.

Lu Sheng has been wandering around in the outer universe and rarely moves around the Demon Realm. It would be a good idea to go out and relax. See if you can get some spiritual power.

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