Exalted Emperor

Chapter 1533

Jiang Nan looked into the demonic mirror, and saw that the demonic mirror reflected the center of the Demon Realm. Two large Dao Fruits appeared in the mirror. This Dao Fruit is so huge. The roots that cover hundreds of Myriad Daos Galaxy, World Tree and Primordial Chaos Azure Lotus come out of Dao Fruit’s Dao Palace. One after another, the roots are so thick that they are as thick as the silver river galaxy, stirring the stars.

That is the root of the Emperor and Exalted Primordial Spirit, inserted into the Demon Dao Universe, and absorbed the Dao Truth of Demon Dao!

This scene is extremely shocking!

Emperor and Exalted’s Dao Fruit is half in the Immortal Dao Universe and half is in the Demon Dao Universe. The Great Dao of the two corresponding universes is used to perfect the Dao Fruit Dao Palace. These two Dao Fruits are 10%. The two will be reborn and rise from the dead!

Other people’s Dao Fruit needs to be carefully protected, and their Dao Fruit is formidable and unmatched. Even their Primordial Spirit is the most formidable Magical Treasure. Back then, Emperor and Exalted’s Primordial Spirit cruised the Uninhabited Forbidden Zone. , No one in the forbidden zone dared to show up!

It is conceivable that if these two Dao Fruits mature, what level of strength will they reach!

Regardless of whether the Immortal Dao Universe or the Demon Dao Universe, whether Demon Immortal or Immortal, their perfect Immortal Dao and the pioneering Immortal Dao will become the nutrients of the Emperor and Exalted Dao Fruit, and their comprehend will Become the comprehend of Emperor and Exalted, enabling the two of Emperor and Exalted to obtain an unimaginable Great Accomplishment!

This is the arrangement of Emperor and Exalted, which integrates the powerhouse and Immortal Dao Era of each era in history to improve themselves. It is also the cost of their journey to Extremeity of Great Dao!

"They are blessed by heaven, Primordial Spirit great anomaly. I have heard Immortal Emperor say that the universe they came from does not repair Dao Fruit, only Primordial Spirit. This should be their first cultivation Dao Fruit As long as they come back to life, they will be the most formidable existence."

Jiang Nan looked back and said with a smile: "However, this is not known how many tens of thousands of years later. At that time, it is estimated that the world There are already many Dao Monarchs."

Ji Du nodded, said: "Anyone can establish the Proving Dao Monarch as long as the Three Thousand Great Daos is perfected. There are not a few people who get the Three Thousand Great Daos today. There are also many people who have aptitude of Proving Dao. Anyone, Proving Dao, differs from others' Comprehend's Three Thousand Great Daos to some extent. Emperor and Exalted must accommodate these people's Great Dao and comprehend to mature their Dao Fruit. It really takes time."

Jiang Nan stayed in this Supreme Demon Domain for a few days before leaving. Ji Du also got a few Three Thousand Great Daos, but Jiang Nan didn’t like to point Three. Deficiencies and Xi Yingqing pointed him like that.

As Demon Ancestor, Ji Du has already walked out of his own path. Without his guidance, letting him go to comprehend by himself is more beneficial to him.

A few years later, Jiang Nan found Demon Ancestor Rahula in Demon Realm. Rahu also led a group of Mystic Prefecture powerhouses to establish a foothold in Demon Realm. He found another Supreme Demon Domain. Bottomless Demon Abyss is called Bottomless Demon Abyss, located in Demon Realm's darkest and deepest center of the earth. There is another Space in the underground, which is Bottomless Demon Abyss, which is not inferior to Ji Du's Supreme Demon Domain.

Demon Ancestor Rahula and Demon Ancestor Ji Du live high in Heaven and the other lives in the center of the earth. There seems to be a grudge between them, and there is no communication between them.

However, Rahu was extremely enthusiastic about the arrival of Jiang Nan's family, hospitality, and a little child beside him, said with a smile: "Cult Master, this little child gets the Innate Detestation Demon Spear destiny and merit of Innate Creature, I call it Mo Tian."

Mo Tian little child hurriedly stepped forward and bowed and said: "Mo Tian pay respects to Ancestral Master, Ancestral Master Grandma!"

Jiang Nan stared at Mo Tian, ​​and saw that although this boy was young, his demonic nature was extremely heavy. His eyes were full of the desire to destroy everything, which was better than the two Dao Ancestors of Demon Dao. .

"Mo Tian will shine in the future, not inferior to you." Jiang Nan said with a smile to Rahula.

After more than ten years, Jiang Nan's family saw Sacred Demon Heavenly Venerate, Myriad Curses Dao Monarch and the others in Demon Realm. They also occupied some heaven grotto and blessed land, as well as other Heavenly Monarch. , Immortal Monarch, some also enter Demon Realm.

Some great influences in Immortal Realm invade Demon Realm and establish territories.

Myriad Curses Dao Monarch's entrenched heaven grotto and blessed land is not as good as the two Dao Ancestors, but it is also not insignificant. It is called Wandering Soul Mountain Range, which is also a land blessed by heaven. Many mountains are tall and steep. The cliffs are steep and cold. There are magic sun, moon and stars floating between the cliffs, and many Primordial Beginning Energy, Innate Beginning Essence Energy and Demonic Spirit auras fall here, which have a wonderful effect on souls.

Myriad Curses cultivated the Curse Dao Heavenly Altar here, countless Yin Souls of Curse Dao wandered in the Wandering Soul Mountain Range, and the Myriad Curses Heavenly Bell floated above countless stars in the Wandering Soul Mountain Range, which added Wandering. The weirdness of Soul Mountain Range.

Now that splitting heaven and earth apart is drawing to a close, more and more Primordial Beginning Energy has been born. The place where Primordial Beginning Energy falls is the Sacred Land Sacred Domain. Although it is not for everyone, The number of Sacred Land Sacred Domain is still scary.

"A strand of Inextinguishable Divine Light after the broken Innate Divine Lantern fell into my Demon Realm, this Divine Lantern metamorphic creature is about to be born!"

"This creature gets Innate The opening heaven destiny and merit of Divine Lantern must be no small thing!"


When Jiang Nan was about to leave Wandering Soul Mountain Range, he suddenly heard the news and immediately joined Myriad Curses. Dao Monarch drove together to the land of Innate Creature transformed by Innate Divine Lantern. By the time they arrived there, the song had already ended, and the creature that got the Innate Divine Lantern opening heaven destiny and merit had been taken away.

Many people only see a white light and a black light flashing by, and the creature disappears. As for who made the shot, no one knows.

"Ling Zhuzi, Long An and the others have been born. Among them, Ling Zhuzi got the opening heaven destiny and merit of Innate Chaos Origin Pearl, and Long An got the destiny and merit of Innate Golden Dragon Blunt Sword. And Little Yun Lian got the destiny and merit of Five Colored Lotus, Mo Tian got the opening heaven destiny and merit of Detestation Demon Spear, plus the destiny and merit of Innate Divine Lantern, eight of them have aptitude of Dao Monarch Innate Creature, the fifth has been born."

Jiang Nan thought: "There are still three treasures of the opening heaven destiny and merit, Good Fortune Gate, Innate Spirit Root and Plague Emperor Coffin. ......"

Myriad Curses Dao Monarch shook his head and said: "When I came to Demon Realm, it happened to coincide with Heavenly Monarch Maha and Heaven's Mystery Dao Scripture and the others, to seize an infant destiny and merit, and kill the infant. Transferred to a little child. The infant seems to be the Innate Creature transformed by the Inextinguishable Divine Light of the Good Fortune Gate. I didn’t alarm Maha and the others at the time. I planned to capture the infant, but Maha and the others discovered it. Don’t escape. Now, there should be only c of opening heaven merit and destiny of Innate Spirit Root and Plague Emperor Coffin. reature has not yet been born. "

"Kill Innate Creature, take its destiny and merit and transfer it to a little child? Fellow Daoist Myriad Curses, what is the appearance of little child? "

Jiang Nan hurriedly asked, Myriad Curses said the appearance of the little child again.

"The little child is Blood Ancestor reincarnation! "

Jiang Nan thought for a moment, and said: "Blood Ancestor itself is extremely powerful, and then get opening heaven destiny and merit, I am afraid that future achievements will be much more powerful than past life. In the future of Immortal Realm, there is bound to be a foul wind and bloody rain! "

He did not stay in Demon Realm for too long. Demon Realm is still smaller than Immortal Realm after all. His trip is just to visit the new Universe Ancient Desolate, and meet Jiang Xueqing and Little Yun Lian. It’s just the world.

The great treasure carriage returns to Immortal Realm and travels on its own. During the century, the Jiang Nan family met Empyrean Origin Heavenly Monarch, Profound Metropolis Heavenly Monarch and Dense Light Heavenly Monarch and other old friends. They all left after sitting for a few days. They also met with Bitter Bamboo, Absolute Profound and the others, and met old friends such as Dao King, Jiang Xue, and lived in Daoist Hong, Daoist Jun and Empress Other Shore. It’s been a while.

These three Immortal Dao Dao Ancestors also have their own opportunities. Daoist Jun settled in Supreme Purity Sacred Domain, Daoist Hong settled in Jade Purity Sacred Domain, Empress Other Shore settled in Heavenly Purity Sacred The Domains are Immortal Realm’s Three Thousand Sacred Domains, which are comparable to Ji Du and Rahula’s Supreme Demon Domain and Bottomless Demon Abyss level.

Jiang Nan’s travels are a hundred years in a hurry. This day, I wanted to drive back to Great Overarching Heaven. Suddenly, Heaven and Earth were violently turbulent. I heard a loud bang, as if the sky was falling. The great treasure carriage stopped. Jiang Nan and Ti Xuanwei walked out of the treasure with two little babygirls. carriage, look up , I saw Thirty Three Layers Heavens Primordial Tower slowly cracking!

This Primordial Tower is extremely tall and on the top of the Vault of Heaven, it cracks very slowly from a distance, but as long as you walk in, you can see that the Primordial Tower collapses at a terrifying speed. !

Jiang Nan looked at the Primordial Tower in the distance, and saw that the Innate Inextinguishable Divine Light, which constitutes the Primordial Tower, was decayed and shattered. This Innate Spirit Treasure has exhausted all its power!

At this time, another heaven shaking earth shattering came from Immortal Realm, and the Primordial Cauldron also cracked!

Two Great Innate Spirit Treasures, unexpectedly shattered one after another on the same day!

Primal Chaos has not been fully developed yet, and Two Great Innate Spirit Treasures are already broken!


Primordial Cauldron Primordial Tower suddenly all split up and in pieces, breaking into one after another divine light, and then one after another divine light, disappeared, but there are several The divine light never broke, and flew around, disappearing.

The world is in an uproar. I don’t know how much powerhouse trembling in fear. I look up at the sky in horror, worrying that the Immortal Realm will be crushed by Primal Chaos and Primordial Chaos, resulting in great tribulation of world destruction!

Another one after another immortal light soared into the sky and flew towards Beyond the Heaven, but the powerhouse in Immortal Realm wanted to see if the edge of Immortal Realm was invaded by Primal Chaos.

Jiang Nan carefully sensed the Great Overarching Heaven and moved slightly in his heart. The Great Overarching Heaven is located at the zenith of Immortal Realm, the place of Supreme. At this moment, there are no more Primal Chaos pressed down, and Primal Chaos is still blocked. Outside of Immortal Realm.

This shows that the Primal Chaos and Primordial Chaos on the periphery of Immortal Realm are already extremely thin, and there is not enough pressure to crush Immortal Realm.

"Dao Void is really exquisite, breaking the Primordial Bell ahead of time, just leaving a piece of Primal Chaos and Primordial Chaos for Primal Chaos Ancient Divinity to inhabit."

Jiang Nan couldn't help but admire, I also admire the Daoist Dao Void method. Suddenly, I saw an Immortal Army from Mystic Prefecture, led by Old Ancestor Dark-Bright, driving through here, and Heavenly Ghost Grandma was among them, Jiang Nan's heart moved slightly. , Drove to catch up head-on.

"Your Majesty, the old body senses that the Primordial Cauldron will be broken in advance, and knows that his great opportunity is here."

Heavenly Ghost Grandma hehe said with a smile: "This Primordial Cauldron and The old body is from the same source. If it can get the fragment of Primordial Cauldron, the old body will also get great benefits. Therefore, the old body asks Trusted Advisor Dark-Bright to find the fragment of Primordial Cauldron together."

Jiang Nan's heart moved slightly. Heavenly Ghost Grandma and Primordial Cauldron are indeed derived from the same origin. Primordial Cauldron is derived from the Fleshly Body of the Spirit Treasure Dao Lord, and Heavenly Ghost Grandma is derived from the blood essence of the Spirit Treasure Dao Lord. If Heavenly Ghost Grandma can get the Primordial Cauldron fragment, which is indeed infinite benefits.

"Grandma is careful along the way."

Jiang Nan asked, suddenly only a few immortal lights flew by, Heavenly Ghost Grandma's body was shaken, looking at one of the immortal light, hoarsely said: "Immortal Realm will be the future Immortal Emperor! This person already has the Immortal Emperor's atmosphere, it's not trivial, not trivial!"

Jiang Nan hurriedly looked at those immortal lights, and was shocked. : "Grandma, Immortal Realm's future Immortal Emperor, is this person?"

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