Exalted Emperor

Chapter 1532

"Emperor and Exalted's handwriting, it's too... it's too big, right?"

Jiang Nan looked towards the front, a deep shock in my heart, Ti Xuanwei only saw the surface of the demonic land and felt that the demonic land was vast and infinite, but he saw the essence of this demonic land and had to sigh the great generosity and wisdom of Emperor and Exalted!

In front of the great treasure carriage is the boundless Demonic Qi constantly surging. This Demonic Qi is not like Demonic Qi of Demon Dao Era, but Demonic Qi that opposes Energy of Immortal Spirit Perfection. It's full of Demon Dao that opposes Immortal Dao Perfection!

Immortal Dao has Great Dao 3000, Jiang Nan sensed that Demonic Qi has Demon Dao 3000!

Not only that, the demonic land formed by Demonic Qi is just a representation, and the actual situation in Demonic Qi is the projection of another universe reflected in Immortal Realm!

Below this piece of demonic land, another infinite space is being formed!

Ti Xuanwei can’t see it, but Jiang Nan’s magic eyes are Wushuang, but you can easily see through the appearance of this piece of demonic land!

He drove slowly into this piece of demonic land, Jiang Xueqing and Little Yun Lian also got out of the car, and looked at the scenery of this piece of demonic land curiously. Even they could feel the relationship with Immortal Dao Demon Dao aura, who are completely different in pairs, are very surprised in their hearts.

"This Demon Dao is different from the ordinary Demon Dao, but in accordance with Immortal Dao's Three Thousand Great Daos, the opposite Great Dao, the essence can still be classified in the big category of Immortal Dao. "

Ti Xuanwei was surprised: "Strange, why are there such places?"

This demonic land is extremely vast, hundreds of times larger than Three Realms, and it is enveloped. The vast boundless Immortal Realm land and starry sky are full of Immortal Dao Demonic Qi Demon Dao, which is the opposite of the Three Thousand Great Daos.

Anything here seems to be the opposite of Immortal Realm, with a completely opposite Rule, like Immortal Realm in a mirror.

"Madam, all you see is the horn of this piece of demonic land. It is a piece of demonic land formed by the invasion of Demonic Qi into Immortal Realm. The real sight will shock you very much."

Jiang Nan stood in front of the curtain of the great treasure carriage, slightly smiled, and suddenly stretched out his hand, only to see that this piece of demonic land was wiped out by his life, and all the land of quadrillions miles disappeared!

The earth disappeared, and suddenly the scenery below the ground surfaced. What I saw at their feet was a huge Onerous Membrane, the Universe Onerous Membrane!

This Onerous Membrane is extremely thick, hidden under the Immortal Realm, and behind the Onerous Membrane, is the endless starry sky, sun, moon, stars running inside, just upside down, like a mirror , Projection the scenery from Immortal Realm to that piece of Universe!

There is full of Demonic Qi and Demon Dao. Compared with Immortal Dao Universe, there is more desolate, wilder, more Ancient Desolate, savage, and sinister. I don’t know how many Innate Creatures are being born, but compared to Immortal Dao Era's Innate Creature, these creatures were born from Demon Dao, brave and combative, full of desire for destruction and destruction!

This Universe is constantly expanding and growing!

Ti Xuanwei, Jiang Xueqing and Little Yun Lian watched this scene blankly, and the shock in their hearts can be imagined!

Jiang Nan drove into the Onerous Membrane between Immortal Realm and the Universe, and exclaimed: "Emperor and Exalted are really unprecedented, and they have already decided a long time ago to use Immortal Realm to develop the universe. During expansion, Immortal Dao Era is projected into another universe in Primal Chaos and turned into Demon Dao Era. Immortal and Demon oppose each other, restraining each other's growth, forming a check and balance, and assisting. These two universes operate with each other, and you restrain yourself. I, I restrain you, but rely on each other. Even if Innate Magical Treasure and Innate Spirit Treasure are all broken, the Immortal Dao Universe and Demon Dao Universe can continue to exist and will not collapse."

Ti Xuanwei And the two little babygirls are all incomprehensible.

Immortal Dao Universe and Demon Dao Universe belong to the era of Immortal Dao at the same time. They are opposite to each other, just like the scenery outside the mirror and inside the mirror, but there are some differences.

The Immortal Dao Universe outside the mirror develops one point, one point is perfect, and the Demon Dao Universe inside the mirror also develops one point and one point, and both will expand outward at the same time.

When Demon Dao Universe is out of the mirror, Demon Dao's development is perfected, and Immortal Dao Universe will also be developed and perfected accordingly.

The two universes oppose each other, mirror each other, restrain each other, and form a complementary trend, like a singularity bursting out two large spheres on both sides, how much gas is the sphere on this side, and the other side How much gas will fill the ball.

The development rhythm of the Great Dao of the two universes will not be completely similar. Therefore, the two universes will be in continuous development and change, so that the two universes will be in one. This kind of stable growth state, even if there is no Innate Magical Treasure Innate Spirit Treasure to support Heaven and Earth, Yin and Yang, it will not collapse under its own weight.

And these two universes belong to Immortal Dao Era. The universes on both sides are mirror images of each other, but they are constantly changing and developing themselves, so Immortal Dao Era can always be in development and change!

According to the vision of Emperor and Exalted, Immortal Dao is eternally changing and developing. Great Dao will never have the time of decline, and naturally will never have Annihilation Tribulation!

This is the arrangement of these two beings. The size of the handwriting and the superb method made Jiang Nan amazed and admired!

"Emperor and Exalted are well-deserved wise men. I can't say that they can really make Annihilation Tribulation never come."

Jiang Nan was very happy in his heart and said with a Ti Xuanwei smile: "If there was no Annihilation Tribulation, there would be no Great Destruction, no that many tragic life and death, and no obsession with reincarnation Dao Monarch that cannot be resolved. If there is one day, I will also be relieved and return to the field, no longer paid Attention to Immortal Realm, you can be a Primordial Beginning Heavenly Venerate securely, even if you don’t do Great Heavenly Venerate, you’re happy. Other things will be left to later generations to take care of. You and I are extraordinarily supernatural, visiting old friends and visiting Emperor, Exalted and Null-Void and the others, chatting, talking about the law, but it is also a pleasure."

Ti Xuanwei said with a smile: "If there is such a day, this one will be too I am very happy."

Jiang Nan laughed heartily, feeling that the mental state was extremely relaxed, and said: "I hope this day will come sooner, and there will be no more disputes."

great treasure Carriage driving in the Demon Dao Universe, the scenery here is fierce, but there is beauty in the fierceness, and it has a special flavor, which makes people remain enjoying oneself and forget to go home.

The Demon Dao Universe is much smaller than the Immortal Dao Universe. This is because most of Immortal Dao's influence follows the orthodox Immortal Dao road. The Demon Immortal who follows the Demon Dao road is still a minority. .

After a long time, the great treasure carriage drove past Sacred Domains in the Demon Dao Universe. Apparently someone had discovered the Demon Dao Universe and had already settled in it to create the Sacred Domain and develop influence.

In these Demon Dao Sacred Domains, many Lord of Sacred Domains are derived from the former subordinates of Mystic Prefecture, most of which are powerhouses of Ji Du and Rahula subordinates. In those days, the two Great Demon Dao Ancestor subordinates had Three Thousand. Immortal Bodies, at this moment, have grown into a person who can be alone.

In addition to them, there are other influences that have also been found here. They began to explore the tentacles to the Demon Dao Universe, create the scope of influence, collect the Innate Creature of the Demon Dao Universe, and expand the influence.

"Your Majesty, Demon Ancestor Ji Du is attacking a Supreme Demon Domain, trying to open it up as the Supreme Heaven of the Demon Ancestor residence."

A Lord of Sacred Upon hearing the news, Domain hurriedly led the subordinate powerhouse to greet Jiang Nan's family with great fanfare, and bowed and said, "If Demon Ancestor knows Your Majesty is here, you must be very happy."

"Supreme Domain?"

Jiang Nan was slightly surprised and asked him to lead the way. The Lord of Sacred Domain hurriedly led the great treasure carriage forward and said: "That Supreme Demon Domain gathered the essence of opening heaven of the universe, and was born A lot of Primordial Beginning Energy and the projection of Innate Magical Treasure have fallen into it, giving birth to a formidable Demon Dao creature, born formidable. There are natural dangers, naturally formed Killing Formation and restriction, and formidable power is extremely formidable. We found there by accident, Many people were killed and wounded and never attacked, so Sir Demon Ancestor was alarmed. He looked at it from a distance and told us that this was the starting point of our Demon Dao's great prosperity and was suitable for him to live in. That is the Innate Creature born of Heaven and Earth Destiny, Suitable for his senior mount."

After driving the great treasure carriage for a few months, it came to the Supreme Domain called by the Lord of Sacred Domain. Jiang Nan looked up and saw only the distance. It is a scene opened up at the beginning of the Universe Ancient Desolate, the earth, water, wind, and fire are surging, never calmed down, Primordial Chaos are chaotic, Profound-Yellow Dual Energies rise and fall, sometimes there is a scene of opening the sky, and sometimes there is a scene of destruction, which is terrifying.

The Demonic Qi there is so thick and heavy, it gave birth to many natural Demon Dao, such as the dragon dormant, and all kinds of Demon Dao Spiritual Energy flooded, transformed into the energy of earth, water, wind, fire, Demon Fire can burn down All Heavens, the liquefaction of Demonic Spirit turns into a surging Demon River and Demon Sea rages, Black Wind rolls stars, demonic land turbulent shakes and collapses!

This is an extremely dangerous land, full of dangers, and the dormant natural Demon Dao connects earth, water, wind, and fire into a group of extremely fierce natural Killing Formation and Restriction, if you accidentally touch it, I'm afraid that murderous intention to exterminate everything will erupt!

However, in the center of this Supreme Demon Domain, there is a piece of Pure Land. Outside is a gloomy and terrifying murderous intention, and there are birdsong and fragrant flowers, just like the Sacred Domain, with the sun rising and the moon setting beautiful. In Jiangshan, there are Primordial Beginning Energy and all kinds of Spiritual Energy.

"It's really a good place. There are three thousand murderous intentions hidden outside. It can be combined with Chaos Origin Three Thousand Slaughtering Dao Diagram and turned into a first under the heavens dangerous place, even Dao Monarch!"

Jiang Nan praised, said with a smile: "Inside is Supreme’s Demon Dao Sacred Domain, the residence of Dao Ancestor, and the rise of Dao Monarch. If Ji Du can occupy this place, comprehend Three Thousand Demon Daos, Dao Monarch is promising."

In that Supreme Demon Domain, there is a natural Great Demon-Divinity, which is the deepest creature born out of Demonic Qi and Primordial Beginning Energy. It is Demon Dao Universe Heaven and Earth Destiny was born, it is a Mo'an with a transform shape.

Although the current cultivation base of this Mo'an is not high, he is born sacred, Demon Dao who controls this place, and has a lot of Innate Creatures, so he can control everything in this Supreme Domain by nature. Formatíon and restriction are this piece of Lord of Heaven and Earth, which can give full play to the power of this piece of Supreme Domain, and cause great obstacles to Ji Du.

Ji Du celebrates the Chaos Origin Three Thousand Slaughtering Dao Diagram, and enters this Supreme Domain alone. Every time he walks, he uses a murderous intention into the Three Thousand Slaughtering Dao Diagram and transforms it into the Three Thousand Slaughtering Dao Diagram. As a gate of the Slaughtering Dao Diagram, most of the 3000 murderous intentions of this Supreme Domain have been refining at this moment, and this Supreme Domain will be completely refining soon.

He has always had ambitions to refining this place as his enlightened Proving Dao Place!

"child pay respects to Divine Father, Empress Mother!"

Ji Du caught a glimpse of the great treasure carriage, suddenly the body flashed, leaving the Supreme Domain, a demonic light fell on the great treasure Before the carriage, I paid respects to Jiang Nan and Ti Xuanwei, and looked towards Jiang Xueqing and Little Yun Lian. I was surprised and said: "I recognize Younger Sister Qing'er, is this little baby?"

Ti Xuanwei said with a smile: "This is your father's new Adopted Daughter, called Yun Lian, born with opening heaven destiny and merit."

Jiang Nan said: "Ji Du, you go first Collect this Supreme Heaven."

Ji Du bowed and said yes, then turned into a demonic light and fell into the Three Thousand Slaughtering Dao Diagram, motivating Chaos Origin Three Thousand Slaughtering Dao Diagram with all his strength to change this The formidable power of the volume formatíon diagram was urged to the extreme, and the Slaughtering Dao Diagram immediately enveloped the entire Supreme Domain, constantly colliding with the rest of the natural formatíon and restriction of the Supreme Domain, and each formatíon restriction was refined into the Slaughtering Dao Diagram.

This move was extremely costly of Magic Power and spirit, but Jiang Nan was outside, so he had no worries, and made a full shot.

After a few days, Ji Du finally refining all three thousand natural formatíon restrictions into the Supreme Domain. After a while, Mo'an was beaten into its original form, and all Innate Creatures were all refining. Being suppressed, Mo'an carried Ji Du out of the Supreme Domain to welcome Jiang Nan and the others.

"Divine Father, Empress Mother, and child will live here in the future. They cannot serve the second old body often. Please forgive me!" Ji Du jumped off Mo Xuan and invited Jiang Nan and Ti Xuanwei to join The first seat, bow down and worship.

Jiang Nan asked him to get up and said with a smile: "You have to be here, perfect Three Thousand Demon Daos, and sit down as Demon Dao Dao Ancestor. When you perfect Three Thousand Demon Daos, it will be Demon Dao. Mr. Great Dao, I am also happy for you. The arrangement of Emperor and Exalted is deep and full of wisdom. In my opinion, I am afraid that the Dao Fruit of the two of them will also invade this place, right?"

Ji Du nodded, stretched out his hand, Demon Dao turned into a demonic mirror in front of him, and said: "Divine Father, please see, the other half of Emperor and Exalted Dao Fruit is within the Demon World. I will wait to perfect Demon Dao. They are just making wedding dresses for them. No matter how smart we are, we are impossible to surpass them."

————Moved, the double monthly pass is over, and there are so many brothers who vote for the monthly pass. , If you vote for the pig one day early, you will be even more excited! !

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