Exalted Emperor

Chapter 1534

The immortal light and the nearby immortal lights flew to Zenith to find out whether the zenith of Immortal Realm was crushed by Primal Chaos and Primordial Chaos. Jiang Nan saw the immortal light People were surprised in their hearts, and then they felt as it should be by rights.

"Immortal Realm owes too much to this person. He will become Immortal Realm's future Immortal Emperor, as it should be by rights."

Jiang Nan retracted his gaze, Old Ancestor Dark-Bright said with a smile: "Cult Master, now the Primordial Bell Primordial Tower Primordial Cauldron is already broken, and there are bound to be three creatures who get the Three Great Spirit Treasures opening heaven destiny. Is Cult Master interested?"

Jiang Nan complexion dignified, said: "Trusted Advisor, these three creatures have already been booked, so you can't easily move them."

Old Ancestor Dark-Bright heart shivered with cold, suddenly awakened "Yes, Primordial Bell Primordial Tower Primordial Cauldron is the Magical Treasure of Null-Void and Exalted and Emperor respectively. The Innate Creature of the Three Great Spirit Treasures opening heaven destiny is indeed a discíple scheduled by Emperor, Exalted, and Null-Void. If you compete for these three Innate Creatures, I'm afraid they will be killed by these three people."

Jiang Nan said with a smile: "But these Three Great Spirit Treasures are broken and scattered to the Spirit Treasure fragment of time. , You can collect it, it’s also a good treasure. Also, the creature born of Innate Plague Emperor Coffin merit and destiny has not yet been born, so you need to pay attention to it."

Old Ancestor Dark-Bright nodded , Lead the crowd to leave.

Jiang Nan's family boarded the great treasure carriage and flew towards Great Overarching Heaven, only to see one after another immortal light passing by outside the car, but it was those powerhouses in Immortal who worried that Primal Chaos would overwhelm Zenith. One after another went to observe.

Among them, many Immortal Realm powerhouses drive extremely luxurious treasure carriage, decked ship, splendorous and majestic, which are even more luxurious than Jiang Nan’s great treasure carriage. They have great momentum and shaking earth shattering. Treasures are all hung on cars and boats.

Jiang Nan didn’t care. He rushed to Great Overarching Heaven at a moderate pace. When he was approaching Great Overarching Heaven, he saw that someone had come down from Zenith and found Great Overarching Heaven. Take away this Great Overarching Heaven.

Although this Great Overarching Heaven is nominally a place for Jiang Nan, it can be large or small. Jiang Nan placed Great Overarching Heaven here to guide the Primordial Beginning Energy that appeared on the way to open the sky, so The Great Overarching Heaven becomes bigger, as huge as a little Universe, and stands here.

In the Great Overarching Heaven, the rare treasures and palaces of the Innate Inextinguishable Divine Light of Jiang Nan continue to draw the Primordial Beginning Energy into the Great Overarching Heaven.

In the three hundred years of the opening of the sky, an unknown amount of Primordial Beginning Energy has been collected in Great Overarching Heaven. In this Great Overarching Heaven, you can even see one after another Primordial Beginning Energy drifting into clouds. , Falling into rain, converging into a river, flowing into a sea!

The Dao Sound in Great Overarching Heaven and the mysterious Dao Sound contained in Primordial Beginning Energy are connected together, ding dong cut, like divine song.

The various treasure light bursts from this Overarching Heaven are even more eye-catching. The treasure light illuminates the zenith like colored glaze, which is extremely dazzling.

Regardless of the mountain range, vegetation, sun, moon, stars, and even clouds, they are extremely rare treasures. How can it not be coveted by others?

However, even the existence of formidable such as Heavenly Monarch Level cannot take away this Great Overarching Heaven, and even the shaken there's no possibility, one by one, they come home unwillingly, but are not willing to leave.

Today’s Great Overarching Heaven can be said to be the unparalleled Sacred Domain. It is ten times better than the Three Thousand Sacred Domains of Supreme Purity, Jade Purity and Heavenly Purity. One heaven grotto and blessed land!

Moreover, this Overarching Heaven looks like a masterless object, so no one wants to give up this opportunity!

A formidable Immortal surrounds the Great Overarching Heaven surroundings, and more and more people are mountain man sea, reluctant to leave.

"The Divine Cult Master of Supreme Oneness Divine Cult is here!"

Suddenly there was a burst of noise from the crowd, and a prestige pressure of heaven shaking earth shattering surged forward. Zun Immortal dodges hurriedly, and saw many powerhouses of the Supreme Oneness Divine Cult walking slowly with the Supreme Oneness Heavenly Monarch, and a little girl next to him.

And the Exalted-Emperor Seal hangs high above the Supreme Oneness head, ups and downs, wonderful and mighty panorama. This seal is one of the Ten Great Immortal Dao Supreme Treasures, symbolizing the power of heaven, heavenly might and Tianli has the power of unpredictable and mysterious!

Now that the Eight Great Innate Magical Treasures and Three Great Spirit Treasures are broken, Ten Great Immortal Dao Supreme Treasures can be said to be the most formidable Magical Treasure today, Divine Cult Master Supreme Oneness of Supreme Oneness Divine Cult Heavenly Monarch controls the Exalted-Emperor Seal, and shows its authority and aura as soon as it appears!

"This heavy sky is somewhat similar to the Primordial Beginning Great Overarching Heaven of Cult Master Mystic Heaven, but Mystic Heaven’s Primordial Beginning Great Overarching Heaven is Divine Ability, and this heavy sky is Magical Treasure. Is it true? It’s made by Mystic Heaven..."

Supreme Oneness Heavenly Monarch's gaze falls on Great Overarching Heaven, I look carefully, my heart is shocked, thoughts move, Exalted-Emperor Seal's terrifying power blooms, bursting out countless Immortal Dao, blasted towards Great Overarching Heaven.


How formidable is the power of the Exalted-Emperor Seal, the power of the Immortal Seal broke out, and the Immortal King Immortal Monarch in the Great Overarching Heaven surroundings mumbled, even the cultivation base All suppressed, trembling with fear, Immortal Dao in the body is suppressed to be submissive, without any formidable power!

Exalted-Emperor Seal represents Immortal Dao Era’s heavenly power, heavenly might, and heavenly power. Anyone, even Heavenly Monarch, even Heavenly Monarch Treasure Dao Monarch Treasure, will be treated in front of this seal. Restrained and suppressed, only Magical Treasure, which is also Immortal Dao Supreme Treasure, can compete with it!

But the power of Exalted-Emperor Seal blasted down, Great Overarching Heaven shook slightly, and the power of Exalted-Emperor Seal was dissolved into the invisible, without any damage.

"Really strong Magical Treasure!"

Supreme Oneness Heavenly Monarch felt another shock. He retracted the Exalted-Emperor Seal and pondered for a moment. Many Immortal King Immortal Monarchs nearby were in an uproar. An old man of Supreme Oneness Divine Cult flashed his eyes and hurriedly said in a low voice: "Divine Cult Master, this Magical Treasure power is not inferior to Exalted-Emperor Seal, can Divine Cult Master collect it?"

"Yes, it's okay, but this Magical Treasure is made by Cult Master Mystic Heaven. If I accept his Magical Treasure, he will definitely turn his face with me."

Supreme Oneness Heavenly Monarch's eyes are beating, Holding the hand of the little babygirl beside her, she shook her head and said: "Now I am not Proving Dao Monarch, it is not easy to turn my face with him. Ling'er, let's go..." Suddenly Supreme Oneness Heavenly Monarch stopped and looked at I looked towards a few immortal lights falling from the sky, I saw Myriad Manifestations Dao Ancestor wearing Supreme Ultimate daoist gown, holding Innate Scepter, and carrying two little children, both boys and two Little child’s eyebrows are delicate and pretty, Spiritual Energy is compelling, will know when you see it is the Innate Creature of Heaven and Earth Destiny, very similar to the Ling'er held by Supreme Oneness!

However, the two little children around Myriad Manifestations Dao Ancestor are full of demonic nature and look like the fire of the world, while the other little child is full of immortality and look as clear as water.

Myriad Manifestations Dao Ancestor didn't care when he saw Supreme Oneness, but his gaze fell on the little girl held by Supreme Oneness, and couldn't help but change color and walked towards Supreme Oneness Heavenly Monarch.

Exalted-Emperor Seal hangs high, the power becomes heavier and heavier, and the scepter in the hand of Myriad Manifestations Dao Ancestor also bursts out Innate Inextinguishable Divine Light, which is amazing. Not only that, but also a mouthful of Suppressing Dao Cauldron emerges, high Hang over the heads of two little children, and protect the two little children!

The azure light of Supreme Oneness Heavenly Monarch head is turbulent, and two Heavenly Monarchs walk out. It is his Emperor Body and honorable body that together bless the Exalted-Emperor Seal, as if they are facing a big enemy.

"Supreme Oneness, although you have not revealed your true strength so far, and you have hidden deeply, but you will not be my opponent."

Myriad Manifestations Dao Ancestor's face is indifferent, Said: "This little babygirl next to you was transformed by my Past Life Fleshly Body, born of the destiny and merit of Innate Spirit Root. This babygirl has an indissoluble bond with me, please Supreme Oneness Cult Master give it back to me."

Supreme Oneness laughed heartily, aura shocked: "Cult Master Myriad Manifestations, Six of the Eight Great Innate Magical Treasures are your Fleshly Body. It’s true, but you lose to me. The two Masters have lost all these six treasures, and these six treasures have nothing to do with you. What does the Innate Creature who get the opening heaven destiny and merit have to do with you? Whoever they have a fate with, they will fall into the hands of whom! Tian Ling has a fate with me and already recognizes me as my father. I have no relatives. I finally got a daughter. Whoever dares to grab me will fight hard!"

Myriad Manifestations Dao Ancestor complexion calm and composed, said leisurely: "Kill you, and then snatch Tian Ling, you will have no opinion."

In the eyes of Supreme Oneness Heavenly Monarch, the murderous intention masterpiece, an inexplicable Great Dao is looming in the body, said with a smile: "On the day of Cult Master Mystic Heaven Transcending Tribulation, I never showed my true skills, but I was worried that my Great Dao was very powerful and was robbed for Mystic Heaven! But now Eight Great Innate Magical Treasures and Primordial Bell Pr The imordial Tower Primordial Cauldron has been shattered. There is no one in the world who can do anything to me, Myriad Manifestations. Today, I will let you see my capital as Dao Lord! "

Myriad Manifestations Dao Ancestor aura is dull, and on top of the Supreme Ultimate daoist gown on his body, the Supreme Ultimate Diagram emerges. His nine eras Great Dao has fusing into one and turned into the Immortal Dao of this life. See the Supreme Ultimate Diagram spread out flat, one Yin-Yang, Pisces swimming, and divine light form the image of Innate Magical Treasure. There are nine ups and downs in the Supreme Ultimate Diagram, six of which are Divine. Lantern, Spirit Root, Chaos Origin Pearl, Detestation Demon Spear, Good Fortune Gate, and Golden Dragon Blunt Sword are the six heaven-opening treasures!

And Supreme Oneness Heavenly Monarch aura completely broke out, I saw his Great Dao unexpectedly also has a vague tendency to turn into divine light, such as Dragon Snake dancing, and it is a brand new Great Dao. This kind of Great Dao is not among the Immortal Dao, but also in any Primeval Great Dao, not as many as Immortal Dao. Change, there is only one Great Dao, but it is extremely heavy and heavy, far surpassing other Dao Truth!

He did hide his strength, even in Jiang Nan Transcending Tribulation, he did not fully display his strength, at this moment for That little girl named Tian Ling, she did not hesitate to fully display her long hidden strength!

However, he also knows that she is only a little weaker than Myriad Manifestations Dao Ancestor, Myriad Manifestations Dao Ancestor is a nine reincarnations after all formidable person and nine eras prove the Dao Monarch, this life is even more Go to the extreme, compatible with the Great Dao of nine eras Dao Monarch, refining successfully Supreme Ultimate Immortal Dao, is an extremely terrifying opponent!

The two confronted each other, and the three little children had already been hugged by their respective subordinate powerhouses so as not to get hurt.

The imposing manner of Supreme Oneness Heavenly Monarch and Myriad Manifestations Dao Ancestor is getting stronger and stronger, and the battle is about to start!

But at this moment, I only heard the sound of magnificent horses and deep dragon roar. I saw the eight-headed Innate Scaled Dragon Horse pulling a great treasure carriage. The peerless powerhouse passed by in the middle.

Where the wheel of this great treasure carriage ran over, the scene of the Innate Magical Treasure in the Supreme Ultimate Diagram of Myriad Manifestations Dao Ancestor was crushed, and the Supreme Ultimate Diagram was crushed deep. The wheel mark!

And the kind of unprecedented Great Dao exuding from Supreme Oneness Heavenly Monarch on the side, Great Dao, which has turned into a divine light trend, was crushed into two pieces by the wheel of a car!

Supreme Oneness Heavenly Monarch groaned, gathered my Great Dao, looked towards this treasure carriage in surprise, Myriad Manifestations Dao Ancestor is also complexion slightly changed, looking at the treasure carriage, both eyes are one black one white , Seems to see through who is sitting in the treasure carriage.

The eight Scaled Dragon Horses screamed happily, with their toes high and their tails upright. In front of the two peerless Heavenly Monarchs, they pulled the great treasure carriage and drove into the Great Overarching Heaven, followed by eight horses. The Scaled Dragon Horse parked the treasure carriage in front of the Transcending Firmament Treasures Palace in Great Overarching Heaven, and the back of the Treasures Palace also to have one Emperor Tree towering high.

I saw a cute little babygirl jumping out of the car, holding the tail of a propitious cloud in his hand, and holding a little babygirl in the other hand, said with a clear voice: " Two uncles, my dad invites you to meet in the palace."

Supreme Oneness Heavenly Monarch took a long breath and said, "Your dad?"

Myriad Manifestations Dao Ancestor I took the Supreme Ultimate Diagram, turned it into a daoist gown, and draped it on my body, signaled two little children to follow, and walked towards Great Overarching Heaven, and said calmly: "Unscrupulous breakthrough in the imposing manner of you and me, crushing our Magical Treasure, It hurts our face, and invites us to be a guest with a cheeky face. With such a thick face, and with such strength, there should be no second place in the world except Cult Master Mystic Heaven. Cult Master Mystic Heaven, I Are you right?"

Jiang Nan walked down the great treasure carriage and raised his head to say with a smile: "Fellow Daoist, don't say this, smash me. Fellow Daoist Supreme Oneness, please also Sit in the palace?"

Supreme Oneness coldly snorted, picked up Tian Ling small girl, and stepped into the Great Overarching Heaven: "Afraid you won't make it?"

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