Exalted Emperor

Chapter 1349

Jiang Nan, Supreme Oneness and Meng Xun are about to walk forward. Suddenly they had a feeling in the heart. Looking back, only two big ships are also facing here. Coming.

"Grand Revered, Ancestor Stream and Grand Origin Three Emperors have also followed. These three are very powerful. We must be careful not to be picked by these three."

The three of them walked forward, and when they climbed over the mountain, the three of them could not help but sigh when they saw the scene in front of them.

"Primal Chaos Dragon Ancestor is dead after all..."

Before them, there is a vast Primal Chaos Heavenly Court, vast and vast, Purple Energy is vast, and there are countless palaces. The palaces of large and small are resplendent and magnificent. The palaces are inconceivable and filled with ancient and sacred auras. It can be imagined that if it is filled with Primal Chaos Ancient Divinity, it should be a spectacular sight!

This is the Heavenly Court of Primal Chaos Dragon Ancestor. Primal Chaos Ancient Divinity is different from Innate Creature Acquired Creature. This race is Divinity-Demon when it is born, and it has Primordial Spirit at birth, without having to go through Martial Dao, During the cultivation stage such as Divine Wheel, Dao Platform, Divine Mansion, Heavenly Palace, etc., they only need to repair the refining heaven. In fact, the Divine Dao system created by Eight Immortal Kings, in which the Spiritual Divinity Eight Boundaries cultivation eight Heavenly Courts are inspired by Primal Chaos Ancient Divinity, and improved and transformed into eight Heavenly Courts. The accumulation is incomparable. A strong foundation can escape Heavenly Dao Proving Dao become Immortal.

After all, Doaist Null-Void is also one of the existences that developed Immortal Realm. At that time, Immortal Realm and Ancient Divinity had not been completely separated. Ancient Divinity and Immortal were mixed, and Eight Immortal Kings could get Primal Chaos. Part of the cultivation of Ancient Divinity is also normal.

That era was the best. Emperor, Exalted, and Null-Void often passed the laws and preached. Immortal and Ancient Divinity interacted with each other, but later Golden Pupils and Silver Pupils, Lesser Realm, were eating people. , And instigated other Ancient Divinity to treat Immortal and Lesser Realm's creature as blood food, which caused a turmoil and ended the golden era.

"Without Divine Wheel, Dao Platform, Divine Mansion, Heavenly Palace, a Heavenly Court can lay an extremely powerful foundation. No wonder Primal Chaos Dragon Ancestor can have such a great achievement."

Jiang Nan rebuilt the Heavenly Court during the Spiritual Divinity Eight Boundaries, turning the eight Heavenly Courts into one, which accidentally coincided with the method of Ancient Divinity. This is something he never thought of and expected, the achievement of Primal Chaos Dragon Ancestor , So that he also had to admire.

their three people see this Primal Chaos Heavenly Court, they already know that Primal Chaos Dragon Ancestor is dead, this Heavenly Court is the great tomb of Primal Chaos Dragon Ancestor, it was used before he died Bury your Fleshly Body to avoid being disturbed by outsiders.

"The closest to Primal Chaos Dao Ancestor's existence, has since fallen. I wonder if it is the luck or misfortune of Immortal Realm?"

The three walked into this Primal Chaos Heavenly Court, Jiang Nan I can’t help sighing that the achievements of Primal Chaos Dragon Ancestor have reached the edge of Dao Monarch, and his Heavenly Court has turned into substance. This is the method of Void creation. It is conceivable that there must be countless in this Heavenly Court before his death. Primal Chaos Ancient Divinity turns into substance, becomes a living existence, and lives in this Heavenly Court.

This is a Dao Monarch-like method. Unfortunately, these Primal Chaos Ancient Divinity was transformed by his Great Dao. People die like a lamp, and the path of body death disappears. Primal Chaos Dragon Ancestor died, The Ancient Divinity who lived in this Primal Chaos Heavenly Court also died and turned into nothing, leaving only this extremely luxurious, expansive and exquisite Primal Chaos Heavenly Court.

From now on, it can be seen that Primal Chaos Dragon Ancestor is only afraid to have the potential to aspire to Dao Monarch. Immortal Realm does not have Dao Monarch, and even Heavenly Monarch does not have it. In today’s world of great controversy, Primeval Dao Monarch one After another reincarnate and recultivate, dragons and snakes mingle, a great chaos is imminent.

If Primal Chaos Dragon Ancestor is still alive, if he is willing to help Immortal Realm, he can suppress many reincarnation Dao Monarch and make him afraid to move.

Now, the influence of Immortal Realm is too weak. Any Primeval Dao Monarch reincarnation cultivated successfully Heavenly Monarch is a catastrophe for Immortal Realm!

"Why did Primal Chaos Dragon Ancestor come here? Why does it conflict with the Dao Monarch that is hidden here?"

Jiang Nan thought: "Being like them, they are all cherished Feather characters will not easily take risks and put themselves in danger, not to mention the separation of life and death in World War I. What is the reason for these two formidable existences to fight?"

The three people looked around, the ancient great palace is still as bright as new, spotlessly clean, carved with beams and columns, and marked with ancient and sacred Great Dao vein lines. Vaguely, a sound can be heard from the palace. The dull and shocking Dao Sound seems to have Primal Chaos Ancient Divinity chanting in the hall.

"Amazing achievement..."

Dao Lord Meng Xun said with emotion: "Fortunately, I am dead."

Supreme Oneness Immortal Monarch feels the same, nodded and said: "Fortunately, it is dead. The corpse of Primal Chaos Dragon Ancestor must be hidden in this Primal Chaos Heavenly Court. If his Dao Fruit is crushed by that person, it may be here! Whether it is his Fleshly Body or Primal Chaos Heavenly Monarch Dao Fruit, both are great treasures!"

Jiang Nan hehe said with a smile: "In my opinion, Golden Pupils, Silver Pupils are the real treasures! These two People control a treasure ship, and get the half inheritance of whether it is the emperor or the respect, or the Null-Void, and the most critical point is that these two people also know the way to leave Abandoned Land!"

The three of them hurried forward, all around Great Dao Sound rumble, getting louder and louder, and Purple Energy getting richer and richer, and went straight to the Vault of Heaven. Not long after, one after another came one after another. It moves, as if there is an incomparably ancient and incomparably formidable existence sitting there!

"The True Body of the Primal Chaos Dragon Ancestor is in that position!"

Jiang Nan's three spirits vigorously rushed over and suddenly saw a few Ancient Divinity in front of them. Standing on a big ship shaped like a sole, he is also heading towards the place where the aura comes from.

"Ancient Divinity Dayan!"

Three heart shivered with cold, the ship is the Dragon Overarching Bodhi Immortal Monarch, Golden Pupils Ancient Divinity, Silver Pupils Ancient Divinity, and carrying hands The ancient Divinity Dayan!

At this time, Ancient Divinity Dayan also sensed their aura. Looking back, they could not help being slightly frowned when they saw Jiang Nan, Supreme Oneness Immortal Monarch, and Dao Lord Meng Xun.

"The Divine Prediction powerhouse isn't there?"

Jiang Nan didn't see the Divine Prediction powerhouse, so he rushed up without thinking, shouted: "Fellow Daoist Supreme Oneness, Fellow Daoist Meng Xun , You deal with Dayan, and the others will leave it to me! Call that Golden Pupils, Silver Pupils has no way to escape!"

Supreme Oneness Immortal Monarch and Dao Lord Meng Xun will have time to respond in the future, you will see He had already rushed out, and had to brace oneself to go forward, Dao Lord Meng Xun frowned: "Fellow Daoist Myriad Curses, you are too impatient, we can let Ancestor Stream, Grand Revered, and Grand Origin join with Dayan first, and wait until they Both sides suffer, come and kill all these guys..."

Supreme Oneness Immortal Monarch can't help but frown, but without Jiang Nan, the two of them would not be able to take down the Ancient Divinity Dayan entire group. Following Jiang Nan, he secretly complained about Jiang Nan's recklessness.

Ancient Divinity Dayan slightly startled, muttered: "Myriad Curses..."

He has not yet come back to his senses, Supreme Oneness Immortal Monarch and Dao Lord Meng Xun have already killed , Let him jump up without thinking about it, flew out of the big ship diagonally, moved his hands out of his back, and hurt the two great experts!

Supreme Oneness Immortal Monarch and Dao Lord Meng Xun only bloom in an imposing manner, let him know that these two people are not trivial, they are the existence of the cream of the crop in Immortal Monarch, as for Jiang Nan, don’t put it. In his eyes, he only stopped Supreme Oneness and Meng Xun.

The three great experts collided suddenly, and the aftermath of the terrifying hand-to-hand fight hit all around, flushing the resplendent and magnificent great palaces!

zheng zheng zheng—

In the back of Ancient Divinity Dayan, one after another Purple Energy is erected slowly, there are as many as fifty ways, like fifty mouths of Primal Chaos Immortal Sword, eh The sound unfolds like Peacock spreads its tail, and it is very gorgeous. You can use your special skill Dayan Killing Formation as soon as you shoot. Although this Killing Formation is not as amazing as the one that Jiang Nan and the others encountered previously, it is Fifty Purple Energy is the Magical Treasure made by Ancient Divinity Dayan personally refining, forming the center of the great formation!

And the previous center of the Killing Formation, fifty mouths of Primal Chaos Immortal Sword, was only transformed by his Divine Ability, and with the help of Primal Chaos Dragon Ancestor's rune Great Dao, although the formidable power is stronger , But there is also a weak spot to follow!

And now he uses fifty Purple Energy this time, there is no weak spot at all!

"Meng Xun (Supreme Oneness), do you still want to keep your hands for private?"

Supreme Oneness Immortal Monarch and Dao Lord Meng Xun complexion dignified screamed in unison, I saw the Supreme Oneness Immortal Monarch palm flipped over, and a stone tower made of Cosmic Desolation Divine Stone emerged, filled with Inextinguishable Great Dao aura, which is an imitation of the Primordial Tower. Although it is an immortal, the power is extremely amazing. , And at this moment, his eyebrows flashed, and another Supreme Oneness Immortal Monarch came out of his eyebrows. The two Supreme Oneness Immortal Monarchs were exactly the same, except that the aura was different. The previous Supreme Oneness Immortal Monarch was filled with the sacred Monster Qi. Surrounded by Primordial Chaos Great Dao, Azure Lotus grew out of her feet.

And the second Supreme Oneness Immortal Monarch is fair and square, just like the emperor of Myriad Spirits, the master of Myriad Spirits, the imitation of Primordial Cauldron in the hands, and it is also made by the Cosmic Desolation Divine Stone. Rainbow, the imperial mountains and rivers, rule the world Dark-Bright, as if since times immemorial only one emperor, the only Supreme!

These two Supreme Oneness Immortal Monarchs are extremely formidable, each of them is Immortal Monarch Great Perfection Boundary, terrifying matchless!

Dao Lord Meng Xun heard a sound of unlocking in his body, as if there was a dao sect in his body that blocked the door. At this moment, the lock of the door was opened by one after another, and Aura also rose from mad berserk. He was originally It's just Immortal Monarch Middle-Stage, and now the cultivation base unexpectedly continues to soar, and in a flash is upgraded to Immortal Monarch Great Perfection Boundary, and the strength skyrocketed!

The strength of the two soared, and they collided with Ancient Divinity Dayan, Dayan Killing Formation and Primordial Cauldron Primordial Tower bright mirror pervaded all killing power, even the great palace all around was pulled up by the roots, Stir it into fine powder!

"Supreme Oneness, Meng Xun, two Fellow Daoists, you and I are all old acquaintances!"

Ancient Divinity Dayan's eyes flickered, and he said calmly: "Fellow Daoist Meng Xun, you and I met in Primal Chaos. After Fellow Daoist Supreme Oneness pay respects and enter Exalted-Emperor subordinate, you also dealt with me. I know your background, why don’t you two exert your full strength? Fellow Daoist Supreme Oneness, where is your True Body and why only two avatars play? Fellow Daoist Meng Xun, although your Innate Divine Mirror is broken, there will not only be this Innate Inextinguishable Divine Light? And, why don’t you use your own Open all the locks?"

Supreme Oneness Immortal Monarch glared at Meng Xun, and said with sorrow: "bastard, you didn't use all your strength!"

"Neither do you?"

Dao Lord Meng Xun was also furious: "Your brat didn't even show the True Body!"

At this time, Jiang Nan had already rushed to the big ship. The Annihilation Demon Drum whizzed like the wind and rushed away with a dull sound of a drum. The Golden Pupils, Silver Pupils and Dragon Overarching Bodhi Immortal Monarch were shaken to each other, and they quickly raised the treasure ship to resist the Demonic Sound.


Jiang Nan rushed over their heads and hurried away.

Supreme Oneness Immortal Monarch and Dao Lord Meng Xun were fighting with Ancient Divinity Dayan violently. Seeing Jiang Nan's back from the dust, he couldn't help being stunned for a while.

"Myriad Curses of damn, despicable villain, there is a kind of you to stop me!" Dao Lord Meng Xun was furious, almost smothered with a mouthful of blood.

————Fellow Daoist, if you have a recommendation, don’t waste it, vote for Exalted-Emperor, anyway, every day! ! Don't keep it if you have a monthly pass! ! !

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