Exalted Emperor

Chapter 1350

Supreme Oneness Immortal Monarch was almost vomiting blood with anger, "Myriad Curses Dao Monarch" this guy said well before, let them face the Ancient Divinity Dayan and see their true strength, And he captured Golden Pupils and Silver Pupils in one net, and then came to help them eradicate Dayan. Now it's okay. This guy ran away and left them here, letting them both fight Ancient Divinity Dayan and Golden Pupils, Silver. Pupils these three Ancient Divinity, and the Dragon Overarching Bodhi Immortal Monarch!

If it’s just Ancient Divinity Dayan, it’s all, Supreme Oneness Immortal Monarch and Dao Lord Meng Xun have never fully demonstrated their strengths, but their current strength is enough to deal with Ancient Divinity Dayan, but Coupled with Golden Pupils, Silver Pupils and Dragon Overarching Bodhi Immortal Monarch, it will make them strenuous and have to show their full strength, all the cards!

Golden Pupils Ancient Divinity Silver Pupils Ancient Divinity is not a generation of false reputation. Although their battle strength is not the peak of Abandoned Land, they are not far apart, otherwise they will also Can't get a foothold in Abandoned Land, and even own a treasure ship!

Although the strength of Dragon Overarching Bodhi is inferior to Golden Pupils and Silver Pupils, it is a discíple of Immortal Exalted and the origin of Primal Chaos Dragon Ancestor Bloodline. Here, it is the emergence of Primal Chaos Dragon Ancestor. In the land, Dragon Overarching Bodhi Immortal Monarch has Primal Chaos Dragon Ancestor Bloodline, which can mobilize the strength of Primal Chaos Dragon Ancestor, and is not weaker than Golden Pupils and Silver Pupils!

"Myriad Curses of damn!"

Supreme Oneness Immortal Monarch gritted his teeth: "What about the alliance we said..."

Ancient Divinity Dayan is startled again , Lost said with a smile: "Myriad Curses, you call him Myriad Curses..."

He did not reveal the identity of Jiang Nan, said with a smile: "Golden Pupils, Silver Pupils, Dragon Overarching I don’t need you here. You should catch up immediately and don’t let the Dragon Ancestor’s corpse fall into the hands of others! I haven’t seen you for a long time with Fellow Daoist Supreme Oneness and Dao Lord Meng Xun. I’d better ask them for advice."

Golden Pupils, Silver Pupils and Dragon Overarching Bodhi Immortal Monarch wanted to kill and help each other, hearing this immediately turned around and killed Jiang Nan in the direction of departure.

Supreme Oneness, Meng Xun and Ancient Divinity Dayan are all hands-on, what kind of heaven shaking earth shattering?

The three of them are the closest to Heavenly Monarch in the world. The strength of Ancient Divinity Dayan is needless to say. It once crushed Jiang Nan, Skyscraping and Dao Child Linglong with one hand, almost bringing their three people. The kill is in the Primal Chaos, and the Supreme Oneness two avatars are also the method of Immortal Emperor Immortal Exalted, and the two great avatars are almost the existence of Heavenly Monarch!

Dao Lord Meng Xun has survived four Annihilation Tribulation. At this moment, he unblocks himself, and it makes the strength of the cultivation base soar. The Divine Ability of Primeval Dao Monarch Level is displayed, even Dayan Killing. Formation is also affected, unable to exert its due power!

In this match of the three, even the Heavenly Court of Primal Chaos Dragon Ancestor was beaten up and down, and the towering Divine Palaces continued to collapse, and the strength of the three was gradually brought to the extreme!

Supreme Oneness Immortal Monarch is a collection of Emperor and Exalted's cultivation technique in one body refining successfully. Two avatars, the power of Immortal Dao between dynamic and static is maximized, paired with each other. Unexpectedly, Primordial Chaos develops Immortal. A sign of Dao's outline, Dao Lord Meng Xun's Primeval Dao Monarch Divine Ability is even more wide-ranging and profound, bringing the Overlord spirit of a generation of Dao Lords to the Great Dao in mind of an era vividly and thoroughly!

And Ancient Divinity Dayan is even more terrifying. The fifty Primordial Chaos Energy behind him turns into Dayan Killing Formation. Primordial Chaos is like a sword. His sword formation is exquisite, and his own battle strength is even more unparalleled. He used the formidable Fleshly Body of Primal Chaos Ancient Divinity to its extreme, shaking the imitation Primordial Tower Primordial Cauldron, palming the bright mirror and strength of the Innate unknown divine light. Magic Power is highly unified!

In the midst of the fighting between the three people, suddenly two big ships approached, Ancestor Stream, Grand Origin and Grand Revered Three Emperors stood on top of the two big ships, working together to urge the two big ships, fiercely When they bumped into the three, the three screamed in unison, each offering their Magical Treasure, and blasting towards Supreme Oneness. Unexpectedly, taking advantage of their stalemate, they attacked the three with a painful assassin, intending to kill them all!

zheng zheng zheng!

Dayan Killing Formation was hit hard, the Ancient Divinity Dayan aura was disordered, the corner of the mouth could not help but hemorrhage, suddenly stumbled back, swayed, next moment a Primal Chaos Peacock spreads its wings high, and its wingspan is boundless. Fifty Primordial Chaos Purple Energy turns into fifty tail feathers, swiping forward with a swish!

Heaven and Earth suddenly become Purple Energy blank, Primal Chaos is confused, and can't argue about things up, down, left, and right!

Ancient Divinity Dayan wingspan, countless channels of Sword Qi are like long rainbow Great Dragon, changing in Primal Chaos, unexpectedly launching absolute kill to Supreme Oneness, Meng Xun, Ancestor Stream, Grand Origin, Grand Revered one strike!

Supreme Oneness Immortal Monarch complexion dignified, there was a sudden scream, I saw the Void split, a purple robe Immortal Monarch walked out of the Void, and it was his True Body!

His True Body has always been with his avatar, but hidden in the Void, even Dayan, Meng Xun, Jiang Nan and the others did not notice it!

The aura of this True Body is stronger than his two avatars, it is also formidable, and terrifying, and the cultivation is not the cultivation technique of Immortal Emperor and Immortal Exalted, but a kind of strange Unprecedented Great Dao like never seen before!

Supreme Oneness Immortal Monarch True Body One slap on the top of the head, two propitious clouds appeared, two avatars stepped up to the propitious cloud, and raised the Primordial Cauldron Primordial Tower, resisting the attack and killing of Ancestor Stream Three Emperors in one fell swoop. Ancient Divinity Dayan's killing move!

Dao Lord Meng Xun came from the body one after another, the sound of the shackles breaking apart, the qi and blood were strong and vigorous, the strength of the berserk rose, and the center of the eyebrows one after another Innate Inextinguishable Divine Light was soaring and fast. Incorporating into the bright mirror, I saw that the bright mirror suddenly became simple and old, getting bigger and bigger, and finally turned into an Innate Magical Treasure, Innate Divine Mirror that was covered with mottled copper rust and broke through a great cave!

bang! bang! bang!

A huge ball of light suddenly appeared in the center of the fight. The ball of light expanded rapidly, and then an explosion of extinction came, bringing the overlapping palaces Fly, smash!

With a shock, the Heavenly Court of Primal Chaos Dragon Ancestor has been razed to the ground!

The light and sound disappeared, and only six silhouettes stood in the air. The scene was silent. Ancestor Stream, Grand Origin and Grand Revered Three Emperors were still standing on the two boats in tattered clothes. The ship is more of two footprints. The Primal Chaos Metal used to cast the big ship has been completely destroyed by the blow just now!

Supreme Oneness Immortal Monarch's clothes are still as bright as new, purple robe hunts and hunts, no wind automatically, the two propitious clouds above the head are tattered, and his two avatars are also the corner of the mouth. The blood kept pouring out.

Dao Lord Meng Xun complexion cold, looking down at his hands, the tattered Innate Divine Mirror rays of light on top of his head is bright for a while and dark for a while.

Ancient Divinity Dayan original size appear, Primal Chaos Peacock wings converge, glowing with a Dao colored light, like a metal luster.

The six powerhouses are all out of their strengths, and at the moment they are all standing still.

In this Heavenly Court of Primal Chaos Dragon Ancestor, everything is ruined, only a majestic great palace is still standing, Jiang Nan, Golden Pupils, Silver Pupils and Dragon Overarching Bodhi and The others had already rushed into the great palace before they started, and were not shocked.

"he he he..."

Primal Chaos Peacock has a low voice and said in a low voice, "everyone Fellow Daoist really did his best. It should not be underestimated. Fellow Daoist Supreme Oneness, Curse Dao destruction, Heaven and Earth return to Primal Chaos, Annihilation Heavenly Fire bred you, you would have become the Supreme of the next era, splitting heaven and earth apart will play Ancient Desolate again and become the Great Dao Lord. Unfortunately, someone Smashed the Primal Chaos Heavenly Fire and created the Primal Chaos Ancient Divinity Era. Although you were not dead, you were also delayed. It was not until the Emperor and Exalted came and saw you in Heavenly Fire that this enlightened you. Accept you as a disciple. Could your main body and cultivation be the Great Dao conceived in Heavenly Fire? And you deliberately made a mistake and asked Emperor and Exalted to exile you here. Could it be the Heavenly Fire of Abandoned Land to let you? Great Dao Perfection?"

Supreme Oneness Immortal Monarch's face was indifferent, and he said leisurely: "I didn't make a mistake deliberately, but I wanted to subvert the foundation of Immortal Dao and return the Universe to Primal Chaos and return to It should be in orbit."

Ancient Divinity Dayan nodded: "Immortal Dao was built on the basis of Primal Chaos Ancient Divinity Era. Primal Chaos Ancient Divinity Era is to capture the era that should belong to you. If you want to subvert Immortal Dao and return to the era when you are the Great Dao Lord, you must be hidden from Emperor and Exalted. They exiled you here, not only to beat you, but also to use the Annihilation Heavenly Fire to achieve you. You. I have never broken through to Heavenly Monarch Boundary. I must be unable to let go of their kindness to you, nurturing and teaching you, and want to restore your own time, struggling in your heart, and you can’t unlock karma? "

Supreme Oneness Immortal Monarch's face was dumb: "Although I have a mission, I still have a sense of gratitude." "

"And you, Dao Lord Meng Xun. "

Primal Chaos Peacock turned his head to Dao Lord Meng Xun, said with a smile: "Fellow Daoist, you are also the sacred bred in Annihilation Heavenly Fire. You developed the Primeval Divine Dao and contributed to the creation of Divine. Mother Dao Monarch's plan, forging Divine Mother Dao Monarch, you are the main force. Divine Mother Dao Monarch can be said to be your Magical Treasure, but it is a pity that the formidable of Divine Mother Dao Monarch is beyond your expectations, so that it has swallowed the countless soul and Dao Fruit of Divine Dao. You buried your own time. "

Dao Lord Meng Xun is still looking at his hands, snapping, two drops of tears slipped and fell on his hands, the tears were smashed.

Ancient Divinity Dayan faintly said: "You have pure and innocent like the heart of a newborn, and you want all the Creatures of Primeval Divine Dao to survive the Annihilation Tribulation, but you didn't expect it to be your own companion, one's own Fellow Daoist, all of your Divine Dao Era creatures are sent to a dead end! In the end, only you survive. With the help of Innate Divine Mirror struggling on whilst at death's door, you always want to resurrect Divine Dao Era. When my Ancient Divinity Era appeared, you killed our Ancient Divinity everywhere and wanted to destroy us. The Plague Emperor became the Great Emperor in Primal Chaos, and everywhere chased you down. When Daoist Brother Null-Void became the Great Emperor, you were also forced. Almost body dies and Dao disappears. Later Emperor and Exalted came, and this exiled you here. Although it was exiled, it was to save your life. "

Dao Lord Meng Xun spoke, with a low voice, and said hoarsely: "I am grateful to both of them, but Divine Dao must recover!" Those old friends and creatures who died, I often see their faces struggling in Divine Mother's body, waiting for me to rescue them and resurrect them. That is what I owe them..."

Ancient Divinity Dayan turned a blind eye to the trio of Ancestor Stream, Grand Revered and Grand Origin, saying with a slight smile: "Your chances are amazing, but if you leave Abandoned Land and come to Immortal Realm, you will destroy the Immortal Dao Era developed by Emperor and Exalted. , How can you repay the grace of Emperor and Exalted? "

Dao Lord Meng Xun slowly raised his head, like a smile yet not a smile, like crying but not crying: "people who walk different paths cannot make plans together, when Divine Dao reappears in the world, I will kill myself Give back to Heaven and Earth and apologize to them! "

"people who walk different paths cannot make plans together ......"

Ancient Divinity Dayan chewed this sentence and suddenly laughed heartily and said: "Yes! It is people who walk different paths cannot make plans together! Lasting for ages years, long sky, who is responsible for the ups and downs? "

"Everyone Fellow Daoist, today we will have a showdown. Let's see the orthodoxy of Heaven and Earth in the future, who belongs to you and me! "

————lasting for ages years, the long sky, who is responsible for the ups and downs? Brothers, give Exalted-Emperor a monthly pass, and you Ruler are up and downs for Exalted-Emperor!!!

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