Exalted Emperor

Chapter 1348

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"The two of them had already been possessed by me when I did it!"


Jiang Nan offered Annihilation Demon Drum with a thud, and blasted to his right arm. His right arm was shattered by the big ship by Ancestor Stream during the fight. The remaining power of the big ship remained in the wound. In the game, Annihilation Demon Drum shakes and destroys the cannibalism. Said with a smile: "I plot against deep, knowing that I am not the opponent of Ancestor Stream, so I curse to control these two people early and plot against Ancestor Stream. Treasure ship! It’s the two of you..."

His right arm gradually grew out, and his probing hands put away the three Annihilation Blood Needles and raked them back. Said with a smile: "Two Fellow Daoists, you guys What's going on? With the strength of the two of you, it should not be difficult to suppress Grand Revered and Grand Origin? Fellow Daoist Supreme Oneness, you get the inheritance of Emperor and Exalted, and Grand Revered only gets half the inheritance of Immortal Exalted. Fellow Daoist Meng Xun, you have cultivated successfully Dao Monarch, the existence of Dao Lord, a character of the same grade as Exalted-Emperor, the Annihilation Tribulation that has lived through the four eras is better than Grand Origin one can't tell how many! But the two of you only work hard, hide your head and show your tail, really make Ben Dao Monarch look down on you!"

Both of them are a little ashamed, they are intrigue and hide their strength, but they are not as good as Jiang. Nan straightforward and upright, took out all the cards.

Dao Lord Meng Xun stared at the three Annihilation Blood Needles in his hand, and quickly said with a smile: "Fellow Daoist blames me. I am also ashamed. The alliance of the three of us is our unity of will is. An impregnable stronghold, if we work together, it will cut money!"

Supreme Oneness Immortal Monarch said with a smile: "Fellow Daoist Myriad Curses, but please rest assured, I will definitely contribute my strength in the future and will not embarrass Fellow Daoist ."

Jiang Nan's face was a little slow, said with a smile: "I hope so. But I still can't believe you. If you encounter Ancient Divinity Dayan later, you must first take action against Dayan, I see Until you use your full strength, you will take the Golden Pupils and Silver Pupils, otherwise our alliance will fall apart, a dead loss, part ways!"

The two said yes again and again, and the Supreme Oneness Immortal Monarch looked at it. Dark-Bright and Other Shore flashed their eyes and said with a smile: "Fellow Daoist Myriad Curses, since these two people have been possessed by Fellow Daoist, it is better to kill them simply, and keeping them is useless."

Dark-Bright and Other Shore knew when they heard Jiang Nan say the Possession Charm. The husband and wife two human and divinity were stupefied, as if they were really possessed. They just heard the words of Supreme Oneness Immortal Monarch. , I couldn't help but shudder.

"No need to be like this."

Jiang Nan smiled repeatedly and said: "The treatment is up to Ancient Divinity Dayan and the others. I also need to use both of them to offer a spell. They regard them as the Curse Dao Great Divine Ability, and let Myriad Curses Dao Monarch suffer a big loss! Hehe, the cultivation base of these two people is not weak, but it is still too small, and the strength of sacrifice is not strong..."

He licked his lips: "If I can get a powerhouse of Immortal Monarch Great Perfection to cast a spell, or get a quadrillions creature to sacrifice, it would be nothing difficult for me to kill Ancient Divinity Dayan in one fell swoop!"

Dao Lord Meng Xun and Supreme Oneness Immortal Monarch could not help but shuddered, thought: "This Myriad Curses Dao Monarch is really a cruel bastard. Fortunately, this person has a low cultivation base. If his cultivation reaches Immortal Monarch Boundary, I’m afraid no one can control it..."

Jiang Nan offered the big ship and let Dark-Bright and Other Shore ride the ship. Dao Lord Meng Xun and Supreme Oneness Immortal Monarch also landed On the ship, the big ship drove forward, and the Primordial Chaos Space Dayan Killing Formation left by Ancient Divinity Dayan was destroyed by them, but they also let them heart shivered. That Primordial Chaos Space Dayan Killing Formation is just a Divine Ability left by Ancient Divinity Dayan. It mobilizes the aura and Great Dao of Primal Chaos Dragon Ancestor to attack them and almost makes them all fallen here!

The overbearing of the strength of this Ancient Divinity is really heart-pounding!

It didn’t take long for them to come to another Danger Domain. They saw the Void in front of them in disorder, and the aftermath of Divine Ability was everywhere, full of violent overbearing and aura that destroyed everything. This was their unimaginable powerhouse. The trail below, even if the Divine Ability aftermath mark is here, makes them feel extremely depressed!

Jiang Nan and the others drove the boat cautiously into this chaotic Space-Time, only saw the road was broken, the mountains disappeared, only a star road and endless broken voids were left!

"This star road..."

Dao Lord Meng Xun looked around and said solemnly: "This is a channel that someone has blasted out with a big Magic Power!"


The big ship drove to a cold and icy planet composed of rocks, Jiang Nan explored the planet and picked it off, slightly frowned. These planets are all substance, that is to say, the existence of hands-on here, With a wave of your hand, countless stars are created!

Jiang Nan can also create stars natural phenomenon in his palm, and even evolve World in the Palm, Universe!

But that kind of manufacturing is just stars transformed by Great Dao condense, not real objects!

To truly create stars all living things, he must use Primal Chaos and Primordial Chaos Energy to separate Primal Chaos and Primordial Chaos and evolve Profound-Yellow in order to evolve stars.

The person who left this star road actually created stars, and created a star road from the Void with his Magic Power Great Dao, countless stars!

"It is the method of Dao Monarch!"

Supreme Oneness Immortal Monarch complexion dignified, said solemnly: "Abandoned Land, when did the Dao Monarch Level be exiled?"

Dao Lord Meng Xun is also complexion dignified. Although he is also Dao Monarch, he was hit hard in Annihilation Tribulation. The cultivation base has fallen to the boundary of Immortal Monarch Level, and here he battles with Primal Chaos Dragon Ancestor That person is a real Dao Monarch!

They have been exiled to Abandoned Land for more than 800 million years. They know a lot about Abandoned Land, but in these 800 million years, they still don’t know that unexpectedly there is a real Dao hidden here. Monarch!

Think that they all felt fear, a real Dao Monarch was hiding beside them, and even a battle with Primal Chaos Dragon Ancestor, and they unexpectedly didn't notice any abnormality!

"Although Abandoned Land can exile the existence of Immortal Monarch Heavenly Monarch Level, it still can't trap Dao Monarch, right?"

Supreme Oneness Immortal Monarch muttered: "Since I can't be trapped Dao Monarch, then why did this Dao Monarch come to Abandoned Land? This person It shouldn't be here specifically to kill Primal Chaos Dragon Ancestor, what is his real purpose..."

The big ship is driving, one after another ice-cold and huge stars slid backwards from beside the big ship, Jiang Nan heart shivered with cold, suddenly remembered that not long after I entered Abandoned Land, I saw the Sacred Land-like The giant egg, and the Infant Giant being bred in that giant egg.

"The Infant Giant has not been born yet, but has reached the battle strength of Immortal Monarch Heavenly Monarch Level, and this person's Dharma Body says Trinity, the boundary is extremely high, and it is clearly a very ancient existence reincarnation! Could it be said? that Dao Monarch hidden in the Abandoned Land is reincarnation..."

Jiang Nan could not help but shuddered. There are indeed many unknown secrets in Abandoned Land, covering this layer of mist and let him Can't see clearly.

all around the broken Void Turbulence, there are occasionally brilliant rays of light emerging from the Void, like a floating multi-colored light, magnificent, that is the incomplete Divine Ability, big left by the peerless existence battle The ship cautiously travels, avoiding these gorgeous multi-colored lights. Although the multi-colored lights are beautiful, they are actually extremely dangerous. That is the trace left by the Dao Monarch and the Primal Chaos Dragon Ancestor!

The two existed in battle and opened up a space full of destructive energy in Abandoned Land. Therefore, although the battle was extremely fierce, it did not alarm the other existences in Abandoned Land!

"What is this?"

They drove into deep space and suddenly saw a scarlet shield, which was several times larger than the planet, floating there , The rays of light glowing dark red, the big ship is also extremely huge, but it still looks extremely small in front of this big shield.

Jiang Nan probed his hand, the palm spread out, and Space was distorted, and the shield was getting smaller and smaller, falling into his palm.

"This is the dragon scales! Primal Chaos Dragon Ancestor's dragon scales!"

Jiang Nan complexion dignified, lightly touch the edge of the dragon scales, his palm is immediately cut open a wound , I can’t help dumbstruck, how formidable his Fleshly Body is, although he has not yet fully achieved Magic, Body, Dao, Fruit Quaternity, but his Fleshly Body can be called a rare existence among Immortal Monarch!

The dragon scales were cut with a light touch. One can imagine how sharp the dragon scales are. It has been nurtured by the sacrificial refining to be comparable to the Cosmic Desolation Divine Stone!

"Primal Chaos Dragon Ancestor's dragon scales! Primal Chaos Dragon Ancestor, I'm afraid it's bode ill rather than well..."

Supreme Oneness Immortal Monarch and Dao Lord Meng Xun nodded, I am quite enthusiastic about this dragon scales. Primal Chaos Dragon Ancestor is the invincible Overlord among Heavenly Monarch. It is also the origin of Primal Chaos Ancient Divinity. Fleshly Body tyrannical boundless, I am afraid it can be compared with Dao Monarch. Its dragon scales are absolutely. It is a rare treasure!

Jiang Nan handed over the dragon scales to Old Ancestor Dark-Bright, said with a smile: "If the Primal Chaos Dragon Ancestor is really dead, as long as he finds his corpse, I can hold one Primal Chaos great sacrifice, he sacrificed his flesh and blood corpse, summon Curse Dao Heavenly Altar, borrowed the strength of Curse Dao Heavenly Altar to penetrate Abandoned Land, let us return to Immortal Realm! Two Fellow Daoists, if you grab the Primal Chaos Dragon Ancestor’s corpse, must give it to me!"

Supreme Oneness and Meng Xun's eyes flashed, smiling, but there was obviously another abacus in their hearts.

Along the way, they encountered many dragon scales, but most of them have been smashed. Some of the dragon scales have not been broken. The Primal Chaos Great Dao has been erased, and there is no such amazing The sharpness and tenacity of the battle should be more and more fierce, that Dao Monarch pained the killer, and did not leave any vitality to the Primal Chaos Dragon Ancestor!

Jiang Nan, Supreme Oneness, and Meng Xun still collected some dragon scales, but the grades get worse as they go later, far inferior to the dragon scales that Jiang Nan first collected.

The aftermath of the battle all around is getting stronger and stronger. Fortunately, although they are not experts at the level of Primal Chaos Dragon Ancestor, they are also close to the existence of Heavenly Monarch. Supreme Oneness and Meng Xun both acted to resist a dangerous situation, while Jiang Nan stood by.

Suddenly, the big ship paused slightly, and saw the star road in front of the extremity, and the Abandoned Land zone appeared again, the mountains were towering, and among the mountains, the Purple Energy rushed into the sky, the Primordial Chaos dense, and the terrible pressure hiding The sky and covering the earth is extremely depressed, and even the existence of Jiang Nan feels extremely depressed!

That is the aura of Primal Chaos Dragon Ancestor!

"Finally here! The treasure ship goal is too big, let's walk."

Jiang Nan, Supreme Oneness, Meng Xun jumped off the big ship, down to the ground, Jiang Nan waved the big ship together Other Shore and Dark-Bright all received the Purple Mansion at the center of the eyebrows, saying: "Whether the Primal Chaos Dragon Ancestor is dead or alive can finally be seen at a glance!"

Supreme Oneness Immortal Monarch complexion dignified, said: " Such a strong aura does not look like a dead one. If Primal Chaos Dragon Ancestor is still alive, it would be terrible..."

Dao Lord Meng Xun is also complexion dignified, this aura is really too strong, even He, Primeval Dao Monarch, feels depressed!

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