Exalted Emperor

Chapter 1271

"Primordial Beginning Sensing Chapter?"

Ice Lotus Sacred Mother slightly startled, thinking for a moment, hesitantly said: "Can this Primordial Beginning Sensing Chapter teach me ?"

Jiang Nan Divine Consciousness fluctuates, passing his Primordial Beginning Sensing Chapter into the Dao Fruit of Ice Lotus Sacred Mother, Ice Lotus Sacred Mother is shocked, hoarsely said: "You really taught Me?"

Jiang Nan wondered: "What is this? Didn't you teach me your Heavenly Lotus Sensing Chapter? Without your Heavenly Lotus Sensing Chapter, how could I? Created the Primordial Beginning Sensing Chapter?"

Ice Lotus Sacred Mother angrily said: "I teach you that you are asking you to collect the lotus flower in the water and reshape the Fleshly Body for me in this life. This is a deal, I hold. There is a purpose. I teach you and give you anything, it’s a deal. You taught me Primordial Beginning Sensing Chapter but didn’t ask for anything, idiot! This old woman doesn’t want your benefit, so this will wipe out this Sensing Chapter, so as not to I owe a lot in the future, and if I can’t repay it, I will have to pay for it!"

Jiang Nan is speechless, this monstress is really pungent, and he can even say such things as paying for meat.

"What is meat compensation? Even if you want meat compensation, this Cult Master may not be willing to ask for it."

Jiang Nan said with a smile: "Fellow Daoist, you don't have to erase it Primordial Beginning Sensing Chapter, this Primordial Beginning Sensing Chapter can only be urged to the extreme with my cultivation technique Primordial Beginning Great Overarching Scripture. If I use other cultivation techniques, the effect will be minimal."

Ice Lotus Sacred Mother will be suspicious and try to figure out the Primordial Beginning Sensing Chapter carefully, only to see that this Dao Method is indeed different from others, and has a conceptual difference from her Heavenly Lotus Sensing Chapter.

She thinks that if she is a cultivation Primordial Beginning Sensing Chapter, the number of Immortal Dao Spirit Roots she can get should be the same as that of Heavenly Lotus Sensing Chapter, and the potential of Primordial Beginning Sensing Chapter is much greater than that of Heavenly Lotus Sensing Chapter In order to stimulate this potential, a unique cultivation technique is indeed needed.

Jiang Nan joked: "Should I also teach you my Primordial Beginning Great Overarching Scripture?"

"No. If you teach your cultivation technique as well I, that’s really bad."

Ice Lotus Sacred Mother sighed: "The more karma is entangled, the more difficult it will be, like a mess. I arrive at Immortal Monarch Boundary and want to cultivate successfully Heavenly Monarch, too much karma entanglement will blind my mind. Divine Soul, let me know the advantages and disadvantages, muddleheaded, easy to meet tribulation. If you are too kind to me, I owe you too much, and I will encounter Sentiment Tribulation, Killing Tribulation It’s all that’s all, and you’ll get rid of it, but Sentiment Tribulation is the most difficult to get rid of, and you may not be able to jump out for the rest of your life."

Jiang Nan said with a smile: "Sentiment Tribulation has this Horror?"

"Don't underestimate Sentiment Tribulation!"

Ice Lotus Sacred Mother said resolutely: "The word for love is the most sleepy person, not to mention that it is difficult to escape throughout your life. , Even Nine Samsara Reincarnations can’t escape. I met a couple in Monster Race Era who were so talented and wanton. Faced with Sentiment Tribulation, they had no solution. They had to reincarnation time and time again, and even wiped out the memories of each other all their lives. But after every reincarnation, they will meet again, fall in love, fall in love, stay together, and once again be trapped in front of the Heavenly Monarch Boundary, unable to take the next step. The couple has nine reincarnations, but still can’t get rid of Sentiment Tribulation, and finally Annihilation Tribulation Coming, the world destruction catastrophe, the couple died in a hug..."

Jiang Nan was silent, after a while, he said:" How to get rid of Sentiment Tribulation? "

Ice Lotus Sacred Mother sighed: "Many people choose the path of unfeeling, liberation from Sentiment Tribulation. The karma on Seven Mortal Souls will make you stunned and unclear, while the karma on Three Immortal Souls will entangle your life. Cult Master, although you are tyrannical and resourceful, you also used Seven Mortal Souls Essence to erase the karma entanglement on Seven Mortal Souls, but Heaven, Earth, Human Three Great Immortal Souls, Heaven Immortal Soul are entangled with Heavenly Tribulation, Earth Immortal Soul Killing Tribulation is wound on Human Immortal Soul, Sentiment Tribulation is wound on Human Immortal Soul. Heavenly Tribulation Killing Tribulation you may be able to survive, but Sentiment Tribulation will be difficult for you. I can see that you have Sentiment Tribulation entanglement with several women, and there will be Sentiment Tribulation entanglement in the future. "

Jiang Nan was silent again. After a while, she said with a smile: "If it is ruthless, even Proving Dao Heavenly Monarch Dao Monarch, what's the fun?" Now that I am still far from Heavenly Monarch Boundary, I don’t care about it, but I have to accept the Immortal Dao Spirit Root first! "

He used Primordial Beginning Sensing Chapter to establish induction with 36 Immortal Dao Spirit Roots. The Great Dao rumble in Immortal Dao Spirit Root resonates with the Great Dao in Dao Fruit.

At this time, in the Gate of Heavenly Monarch, someone had communicated with the Immortal Dao Spirit Root and received the Immortal Dao Spirit Root.

Some people also failed, extremely tragically, and were killed by the Immortal Dao Spirit Root. body dies and Dao disappears!

When other people see it, they become more cautiously.

Ice Lotus Sacred Mother quickly said: "Cult Master, you have to be careful! Although you have established a relationship with Immortal Dao Spirit Root, there are as many as 36 plants, but Dao Fruit's collection of Immortal Dao Spirit Root is too much impossible, and a maximum of five plants will reach the upper limit! "

"Immortal Dao Spirit Root contains different Immortal Dao attributes and conflicts with each other. Five Immortal Dao Spirit Roots are rooted in Dao Fruit. You can also use Five Elements Life-Restrainment Principle to make five Immortal Dao Spirit Root is in a balanced state, but as long as there is one more or one less, it will break the balance! "

"If the balance is broken, the power of Immortal Dao Spirit Root will explode. No matter how formidable or flawless your Dao Fruit is, it will be blown up and Divine Soul will be destroyed! "

Jiang Nan's heart moved slightly, said with a smile: "Others may have to use the Five Elements Life-Restrainment Principle to balance the Immortal Dao Spirit Root, but my Primordial Beginning Great Dao embraces Myriad Manifestations, Immortal Dao Spirit Root is the best balance in my Dao Fruit! no need to worry. "

Ice Lotus Sacred Mother hurriedly discouraged, saying: "Immortal Dao Spirit Root is good, but you can't enjoy it without the treasure of life, it's better to be safe!" ”

Jiang Nan’s Dao Fruit floats in midair, among them the Primordial Beginning Great Dao flies out, Great Dao and a Fire Tree Spirit Root that establishes a sense of interaction are intertwined, and they vibrate in pairs.

This fire tree is not as high as a foot, just like a sapling that has just taken root, but the sparrow is small and has all five internal organs, with branches and leaves, small and exquisite, just like a real tree.

For a long time, Jiang Nan sensed a trace of solemn aura, the Fire Tree Spirit Root Immortal Fire was surging, and it seemed a bit grumpy. Immortal Fire gushed from the tree and rolled towards Jiang Nan!

This Immortal Fire Extremely blazing, Jiang Nan felt that the Space here was extremely stable when he was at Gate of Heavenly Monarch. Even with his strongest Fleshly Body he couldn't penetrate it, but under the scorching of Immortal Fire, the Void unexpectedly began to melt!

It can be seen that the Immortal Fire power flying from the fire tree is so powerful!

Immortal Fire rolled up, Jiang Nan’s clothes were refined to gray in a flash, even his hair and skin It was ignited in an instant, the skin was completely burned, and the muscles under the skin were constantly melting!

"Annihilation Heavenly Fire! "

His heart moved slightly, Annihilation Heavenly Fire was born and blended into the Fleshly Body, constantly devouring the Immortal Fire coming from refining!

At the same time, his Fleshly Body formidable It was immediately revealed that flesh and blood continued to derive, against the smelting of Immortal Fire, so that you would not be refining to ashes!

At the same time, Primordial Beginning Great Dao vibrated with a strange rhythm, the fire tree branches and leaves Shaking gently, the fire gradually weakened.

He couldn't help but relax. If the power of this fire tree broke out, let alone his Fleshly Body, even Dao Fruit would be easily refining successfully ashes!

Ice Lotus Sacred Mother hurriedly said: "This fire tree was just a test just now to test whether you have this ability, how comprehend Fire Element Immortal Dao is, and whether it can take over its Immortal Fire! As long as you can meet this test, the following will be much easier! "

After another moment, the fire tree became calmer and suddenly flew up. It took off with Jiang Nan’s Primordial Beginning Great Dao into his Dao Fruit.

Jiang Nan felt his own Dao Fruit carefully, and saw that the fire tree unexpectedly took root in his Dao Fruit, and took root. The place where the fire tree took root is precisely at the foot of his Primordial Spirit.

This The branches and leaves of the fire tree swayed gently, bathing in the Primordial Beginning Great Dao, which seemed very comfortable.

Jiang Nan immediately felt that the firepower emitted by the Fire Tree Spirit Root was not as horrible as before, full of destructive power. On the contrary, under the nourishment of Immortal Fire, his Dao Fruit and Primordial Spirit unexpectedly felt very comfortable and did not suffer any harm!

This Spirit Root contains some Immortal Realm Great Dao Source, which is very good for him. The injury of Primordial Spirit is extremely beneficial!

The Immortal Dao in Spirit Root overflows, and the branches and leaves are not broken, and the branches and leaves turn into Immortal Dao of Immortal King Level Immortal Monarch Level, so that his cultivation base is slowly increasing!

"Finally succeeded! "

Jiang Nan wiped the cold sweat from his forehead. If he hadn't used Annihilation Heavenly Fire to swallow the Immortal Fire just now to take this test, he would have been beaten to death by this Fire Tree Spirit Root. !

"Now, try this Flood Dragon in the water! "

His Dao Fruit vibrated again, Primordial Beginning Great Dao flew out and communicated with a Flood Dragon Spirit Root in the water. The Flood Dragon Spirit Root was less than a foot long and was a Profound Water Element. The Immortal Dao Dao Mother, when Immortal Water poured in, Jiang Nan was almost washed away with nothing but bones!

Jiang Nan used Primordial Beginning Null-Void Seal and All Heavens Flawless Dao Keeping the Fleshly Body, even the Innate Inextinguishable Divine Light was sacrificed, and even the bones were almost melted in the water.

Fortunately, Primordial Beginning Great Dao communicated with the Flood Dragon Spirit Root, and finally this Spirit Root is collected and planted in Dao Fruit. The Flood Dragon Spirit Root spit out a small pool and falls at the feet of Primordial Spirit, and Spirit Root plunges into the pool.

Profound Water Great Dao into the pool.

Among Jiang Nan Dao Fruit, he feels the Primordial Spirit is extremely comfortable.

"Immortal Dao Spirit Root is not Immortal Realm Great Dao Source, but contains a trace of Power of Source, and my Dao has been repaired. With the ability of Fruit Source, if I get Immortal Realm Great Dao Source, I am afraid I can become the King of Proving Immortal! "

Jiang Nan was overjoyed and immediately walked to the third Immortal Dao Spirit Root. This time, he chose a Mountain Tiger. This Mountain Tiger is not as long as a foot, dainty and delicate, but Metal Element. Immortal Dao Dao Mother.

He finally survived the test of nine deaths and still alive, took the Mountain Tiger Spirit Root, and went to a Wood Element Spirit Root, this Spirit Root is a Crimson Immortal Grass .

It didn’t take long for Jiang Nan to gather the Five Elements Spirit Root, then looked towards the sky, and saw a Bright Wings Black Bird in the sky establishing a connection with him.

"No! "

Ice Lotus Sacred Mother hurriedly said: "The Five Elements Spirit Root is already at the limit. If you charge the Spirit Root again, it will destroy the Five Elements balance in Dao Fruit, and it will inevitably soul flies away and scatters. ! "

"Fellow Daoist don't worry. My Primordial Beginning Great Dao all-inclusive, inclusive of Myriad Daos, don’t have to stick to Five Elements. "Jiang Nan said with a smile.

Ice Lotus Sacred Mother angrily said: "not knowing the immensity of Heaven and Earth scoundrel, if I had feet, I would have kicked you to death! Do you know, since times immemorial, I don’t know how many people are as confident as you, thinking they can cultivate a few more Spirit Roots, they are all dead! "

Jiang Nan turned a deaf ear and communicated with this Crimson Immortal Grass Spirit Root. Soon after, Crimson Immortal Grass flew over and fell into his Dao Fruit.

Ice Lotus Sacred Mother's Dao Fruit flew away with a scream, away from Jiang Nan, trembling with fear: "Are you going to burst? "

"You are just about to burst! "Jiang Nan has no good airways, and walks to the water Lotus Flower Spirit Root that Ice Lotus Sacred Mother fancy, trying to collect this Lotus Flower Spirit Root.

"Blast! "Ice Lotus Sacred Mother looked at his back and shouted.

Jiang Nan turned around with a dark face and said angrily: "Fellow Daoist, you yelling like this will scare people to death!" "

A beautiful face emerged from the Ice Lotus Sacred Mother Dao Fruit, blinking, looking at him like a monster, muttered: "Impossible, you have received six Spirit Roots. It is reasonable. In terms of attribute conflicts, Dao Fruit exploded and died, why are you still not dead... Even those Dao Monarchs of reincarnation are impossible than five, how could you be more than them..."

"You are abnormal! "She finally confirmed and solemnly said.

————I’m abnormal, I’m here to ask for a monthly pass again~~

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