Exalted Emperor

Chapter 1272

Ice Lotus Sacred Mother trembling in fear looked at Jiang Nan and his Dao Fruit, lest his Dao Fruit explode suddenly, and Jiang Nan corpse became a servant. Fortunately, this situation has never happened. appear.

It is not difficult to establish a relationship with Immortal Dao Spirit Root. The difficult part is how to get the approval of Immortal Dao Spirit Root and enter Dao Fruit.

Getting the approval of an Immortal Dao Spirit Root is already extremely difficult and dangerous, and getting the approval of the second Immortal Dao Spirit Root will multiply the difficulties and dangers!

After that, every time one more Immortal Dao Spirit Root is recognized, the difficulties and dangers will also soar. When it comes to five Immortal Dao Spirit Roots, it is already the limit!

Since times immemorial, Ice Lotus Sacred Mother has never heard of anyone who can get more than five Immortal Dao Spirit Roots!

Even those who are so talented as Dao Monarch, before they become Heavenly Monarch, there are at most five plants. Impossible exceeds this number, otherwise there is a danger of Dao Fruit breaking!

Of course, after becoming Heavenly Monarch, more Spirit Root can be accommodated, but at that time Spirit Root is of little use to Heavenly Monarch, and naturally there is no need for refining.

Now, Jiang Nan unexpectedly has planted the sixth Immortal Dao Spirit Root into Dao Fruit, and is still alive and kicking, making the Ice Lotus Sacred Mother startled, and he is still trying to collect other Immortal Dao Spirits. Root makes Ice Lotus Sacred Mother want to knock on his skull to see if the nerve in his skull is so thick that there is only one left.

"Moreover, this nerve is mostly covered with muscle lumps!" Ice Lotus Sacred Mother thought.

It didn’t take long for the Water Lotus Spirit Root to sway, as if it was about to fly out of the river. Jiang Nan hand grasps the Dao Fruit of the Ice Lotus Sacred Mother and did not wait for her to resist. Jiang Nan's five fingers jumped, and the tip of his finger rushed into the Dao Fruit of the Ice Lotus Sacred Mother one after another Primordial Beginning Energy.

"Fellow Daoist, you come to show my Primordial Beginning Sensing Chapter!" Jiang Nan said in a low voice.

Ice Lotus Sacred Mother suddenly woke up, an inexplicable rhythm in Dao Fruit came, her Dao Fruit was tattered, and the Essence Qi in Dao Fruit had dried up, almost dead, and the rhythm was extremely exuding. Weak, Jiang Nan immediately assisted her with Primordial Beginning Great Dao, magnifying this rhythm countless times.

Finally, the Water Lotus Spirit Root flew up, Jiang Nan dissipated the vibration in own Dao Fruit, his arm slowly swept across the Void, and he manipulated his Primordial Beginning Great Dao to bring this Water Lotus Spirit Root to Dao Fruit of Ice Lotus Sacred Mother flew away.


water lotus flew into Dao Fruit, put down roots, and then I saw one after another. Vigorous vitality radiated from Ice Ripple Spirit Root, moisturizing Ice Lotus Sacred Mother Dao Fruit, let her dry Dao Fruit immediately restore a trace of Essence Qi.

Ice Lotus Sacred Mother was very happy, said with a smile: "Cult Master, I need to seclusion immediately, and turn this Water Lotus Spirit Root refining into my reincarnation Fleshly Body! Wait for me to refining this strain. The Spirit Root is turned into a Fleshly Body, and you can collect other Spirit Roots in person... By the way, I also need some Immortal Energy Immortal Liquid to nourish the Fleshly Body!"

Jiang Nan nodded, also for She is happy that Ice Lotus Sacred Mother this life Fleshly Body is based on Immortal Dao Spirit Root. Her foundation can be said to be extremely vigorous. Naturally, it has an outstanding affinity for Immortal Dao, aptitude heaven defying!

Moreover, how formidable is Immortal Dao Spirit Root?

If it is refining successfully Fleshly Body, Fleshly Body must also be formidable and inconceivable!

Fleshly Body, aptitude, coupled with the experience of Ice Lotus Sacred Mother past life cultivation, and the dilapidated Heavenly Monarch Dao Fruit, it is conceivable that the achievements of Ice Lotus Sacred Mother this life must be extraordinary!

If she resurrected, and then refine a few Immortal Dao Spirit Root into own Dao Fruit, it would be even more amazing!

"If you want to refining Immortal Dao Spirit Root successfully Fleshly Body, you really need a lot of Immortal Liquid Immortal Energy. I wonder how much does Fellow Daoist need?" Jiang Nan asked.

"The Immortal Liquids in your Purple Mansion are so-so enough."

Jiang Nan's face went dark. The Spirit Liquid in Purple Mansion was his own during this period. The hard work, placed in Mystic Prefecture, is enough to enable the True Immortal Immortal Kings of Mystic Prefecture to maintain their daily cultivation for thousands of years!

Didn't expect this woman is actually a daylight robbery, she wants to use all the Immortal Liquid she has accumulated into Fleshly Body!

"I can only give you half, no more!"

Ice Lotus Sacred Mother said with a smile: "stingy. But half is so-so enough."

Jiang Nan's face darkened, and she regretted giving her half of the Immortal Liquid. Obviously, half of the Immortal Liquid was more than enough for this woman. The reason she said she wanted it all was because she was trying her best to take advantage. Mentality.

Ice Lotus Sacred Mother swallowed Immortal Liquid like a long rainbow while watching Jiang Nan continue to collect Immortal Dao Spirit Root. It was so frightening that it almost caused the Immortal Dao Spirit Root to explode, and it shattered Dao. The fruit was fried to pieces.

"Cult Master this guy, there won’t even be a nerve full of muscles in the brain? The nerves are not this kind of thick method, it is clearly a death..."

Jiang Nan took two more Spirit Roots and planted them in his Primordial Beginning Dao fruit. At this time, he also felt that the eight Spirit Roots in Dao Fruit had become a little difficult to control, each other’s Great Dao In contrast, although Primordial Beginning Great Dao has the ability to integrate with Myriad Daos, his cultivation base is still weak. If one more Spirit Root is created, I am afraid it will make him unable to control the various Spirit Roots. Great Dao collision!

At that time, his Dao Fruit might be easily shattered!

"Can it only hold eight Immortal Dao Spirit Roots?"

Jiang Nan frowned slightly and said in a low voice: "Perhaps, after I become the Immortal King, I can hold more A lot of Spirit Root..."

Hearing this, the Ice Lotus Sacred Mother couldn't help whispered: "I see, there must be no nerves in his brain, but full of meat bumps..."

Jiang Nan ignored him, he had previously received Immortal Monarch Level Immortal Fate, but he has not completely digested it yet. All of them are stored in Fleshly Body, Dao Fruit, and even one after another Immortal Monarch. The Great Dao of Level winds and floats like a gorgeous streamer.

This time, eight Immortal Dao Spirit Roots were planted in Dao Fruit. Spirit Root moisturizes Dao Fruit, opens branches and leaves, and makes his cultivation base advanced by leaps and bounds!

Now, his cultivation base has surged to True Immortal Peak, which is about to be True Immortal Great Perfection!

It will not take long to upgrade to True Immortal Great Perfection Boundary!

Moreover, there are Immortal Monarch Level opportunities and eight Spirit Roots. His background is so deep that he couldn't imagine it before he was not injured!

In his current state, if he wants to open up the Dao Fruit Dao Palace and hit the Immortal King Boundary, he already has seven or eight points of certainty!

"Proving Dao Immortal King here is just looking for death!"

Jiang Nan frowned and looked up at the Immortal Thunder surging in the sky. This Immortal Thunder is not ordinary Immortal. Thunder, but Immortal Monarch Level Immortal Thunder, Immortal Dao Spirit Root swims in the thunderclap, these Immortal Thunder are born from these Thunder Element Immortal Dao Spirit Root!

If he breaks through to Immortal King Boundary and provokes Immortal Tribulation, he will definitely not resist, he will be chopped and killed!

"Furthermore, my Dao Fruit and Primordial Spirit are still injured, and I must reach the peak state before I can try to develop Dao Palace Transcending Tribulation, otherwise I don’t have a trace of assurance! Even in peak state, I’m afraid to be sure. It's only 20-30%..."

He retracted his gaze, Immortal Monarch Level's thunderclap would definitely kill him, Dao Fruit smashed, skeleton doesn't exist!

"I must find the Immortal Realm Great Dao Source as soon as possible, otherwise it will be delayed. I am afraid that the energy emitted by these eight Immortal Dao Spirit Roots will let me open up the Dao Fruit Dao Palace naturally!"

Jiang Nan feels that his cultivation base Magic Power is growing and improving. This is the moisturizing effect of Immortal Dao Spirit Root. Even if he is not cultivation, his cultivation base is also growing.

Even if he wants to suppress the cultivation base, he can't help it!

When he is True Immortal Great Perfection, the growing cultivation base will support Dao Fruit and naturally open up Dao Palace, which will trigger Immortal Tribulation at that time!

Jiang Nan's heart moved slightly, and he took the Dao Fruit of Ice Lotus Sacred Mother into his Purple Mansion and walked away.

It didn’t take long for him to find Dao Child Linglong and Immortal King Xuan Lou. Jiang Nan couldn’t help being speechless, but saw the cute and ice-snow Small Daoist Child who was eating fat like a pig, white and fat. .

Dao Child Linglong is also trying to establish a connection with an Immortal Dao Spirit Root, but his cultivation base is weak and he has not been able to succeed. On the side, Immortal King Xuan Lou stared at the plant nervously. Immortal Dao Spirit Root, holding an Immortal Talisman in his hand, lest the Immortal Dao Spirit Root explode.

"The Spirit Root chosen by Fanfan is very extraordinary!"

Jiang Nan glanced at him and couldn't help but see the Immortal Dao Spirit Root chosen by Dao Child Linglong. Shaped like lotus leaf, the aura filled with Primordial Chaos Great Dao, it is a Primal Chaos Lotus Leaf Spirit Root!

The quality of Primordial Chaos Great Dao is still higher than that of other Immortal Dao. This Spirit Root should be left by Doaist Null-Void, which is extremely formidable!

"This Primal Chaos Lotus Leaf Spirit Root is extremely difficult to sense and communicate, and it is even more difficult to get its approval! And if you are not careful, the Spirit Root breaks out, and Fanfan will definitely be wiped out. Even if it is Fanfan could not bear the test of Spirit Root! This is...Immortal Talisman from Skyscraping Immortal Monarch!"

Jiang Nan eyes shined, falling on top of Immortal Talisman in the hands of Immortal King Xuan Lou, Immediately relaxed.

There is a terrifying Primordial Chaos strength in this Immortal Talisman. I am afraid that it is the Immortal Talisman that Skyscraping Immortal Monarch has worked hard to save Dao Child Linglong's life!

If communication with Immortal Dao Spirit Root fails, this Immortal Talisman can be used to resist the power of Immortal Dao Spirit Root and allow Dao Child Linglong and Immortal King Xuan Lou to escape.

However, Dao Child Linglong’s cultivation base is obviously not enough to establish a connection with Immortal Dao Spirit Root, and there is no gain yet.

Jiang Nan looked at it for a moment, and suddenly said with a smile: "Fanfan, come here."

Dao Child Linglong caught a glimpse of Jiang Nan and couldn't help but smile, and will communicate about the Immortal Dao Spirit Root. Throwing aside, rushing to pay respect, happily said: "Great Master Mystic Heaven, are you still alive? Very good!"

Immortal King Xuan Lou suddenly stopped feeling Immortal Dao Spirit Root when he saw him, scared To be pissed in one's pants in terror, I almost want to inspire Immortal Talisman. Fortunately, Dao Child Linglong did not establish a connection with that Immortal Dao Spirit Root, and Immortal Dao Spirit Root did not break out.

Jiang Nan took out the blood essence of Longluo Puzun, said with a smile: "This is the blood of Longluo Puzun. I shattered him after Proving Dao Immortal King, and refined this Immortal King. The blood of Dragon Ancestor. Even if he resurrected from Dao Fruit, it would take some time to cultivate a blood essence. This person can comprehend the Dragon Ancestor Supreme Breath Great Law. The purity of bloodline is the father, you will This refined blood refinement can make your bloodline higher and more purest by entering the body, and the control of the Dragon Ancestor Supreme Breath Great Law is far beyond your father!"

Dao Child Linglong Pass, swallow it in one bite.

He had just taken the blood of Longluo Puzun, and his body was shocked. There was a dragon roar in his throat. He shook his body and turned into a fat dragon with a big belly and fat fat. Sitting on the ground, his stomach swelled up like an inflatable, and his body became more and more fat!

He couldn't digest the Immortal King True Immortal that he had eaten, and the indigestible energy accumulated in the body. At this moment, the blood of Longluo Puzun was added, and it was fat to fat.

After a long time, the fat dragon roared and spit out a Primal Chaos Dao Fruit. Dao Palace in Dao Fruit was opened up, unexpectedly in a spurt of energy breakthrough Immortal King Boundary barrier, and it was upgraded to Immortal King. Boundary!

This fat dragon shook his body hard, tried to change, and appeared in front of Jiang Nan as a little fatty, short arms and legs, happily said: "roar roar, Master, I feel my limbs Full of formidable strength!"

Jiang Nan looked suspiciously at his fat body and short arms and legs, and said: "Well, um, you go..."

———— There is almost no increase in monthly tickets today, and the pig is a little sad...

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