Exalted Emperor

Chapter 1270

"This is natural. When I was in Proving Dao Monster Race Heavenly Monarch, I also collected treasures similar to Immortal Dao Spirit Root to cultivate Heavenly Monarch Dao Fruit."

Ice Lotus Sacred Mother said: "However, with your current cultivation base strength, I am afraid that it is still a bit difficult to collect Immortal Dao Spirit Root, and the cost is too low. If it fails, I am afraid that it will be backlashed by Spirit Root! You own the Immortal King Boundary and collect the Immortal Dao Spirit Root and you have several points of success, but if you fail, you will also be backlashed."

"The natural phenomenon of these runes produced by Immortal Dao Seed, Is it called Spirit Root?" Jiang Nan said curiously.

Ice Lotus Sacred Mother said with a smile: "Our Monster Race Era is called Monster Dao Spirit Root. It is the superior treasure of Heavenly Monarch Dao Fruit. Maybe Emperor and Exalted will give it something else. The name, but the meaning is the same. The so-called Spirit Root, is Dao Source of Immortal Dao, from Spirit Root branches and leaves, and low-level Immortal Monarch Level Immortal Dao, Immortal Monarch Level Immortal Dao. You can also produce Immortal King Level Immortal Dao, thus forming a system."

Jiang Nan's heart is slightly shaken, looking towards Immortal Dao Spirit Root covering the mountains and plains, there are flowers, trees, insects, fish and animals. Heaven also has Spirit Root in the wind!

There are so many Spirit Roots, and the number is outrageous!

"There are about three thousand Spirit Roots here. How many Heavenly Monarchs will be created?" He muttered.

"Heavenly Monarch is so easy to create?"

Ice Lotus Sacred Mother said with a smile: "One hundred Immortal Monarchs, it would be great to have one achieve Heavenly Monarch Two Immortal Dao Spirit Roots are simply not enough to cultivate successfully Heavenly Monarch, and the Immortal Dao Spirit Root is not a cabbage. It is everywhere..."

Jiang Nan looked at the Immortal Dao Spirit Root covering the mountains and plains , Said with a smile: "Isn’t this all over the place?"

Ice Lotus Sacred Mother couldn’t help being speechless, whispered: "Emperor, Exalted and Null-Void, the three Great Dao monarchs are all abnormal, creating Universe Heaven and Earth has produced so many Immortal Dao Spirit Roots, even Immortal Dao Seed..."

Even though she is a character of Heavenly Monarch Level, experienced and knowledgeable, she has never I have seen so many heavenly materials and earthly treasures, and they are also the immortal Dao Spirit Root, Immortal Dao Seed and so on!

Ice Lotus Sacred Mother has seen several Dao Monarch before, but I have never seen such an abnormal character.

Jiang Nan blinked his eyes and suddenly said: "Fellow Daoist, what will happen if I take Immortal Dao Seed?"

Ice Lotus Sacred Mother said with a smile "If you can Collect Dao Seed, you can plant Dao Seed in Dao Fruit’s Dao Palace, Dao Seed will automatically grow Immortal Dao Spirit Root, Immortal Dao Spirit Root will grow Immortal Monarch Level Great Dao, Immortal King Level Great Dao, Spread branches and leaves. Your Dao Palace will form a scene when the universe was opened. It is magnificent and can even be transformed into a magnificent existence like Immortal Emperor Palace Immortal Exalted Palace! I doubt..."

She hesitated, shook the head, and whispered: "This is really sensational, I guessed it wrong."

Dumbstruck in Jiang Nan's heart, hoarsely said: "If I get Dao Seed planted in In Dao Palace, doesn’t it mean that I’m almost equivalent to Dao Monarch?"

"It’s far distance from Dao Monarch."

Ice Lotus Sacred Mother said with a smile: "However, you can indeed realize a part of Dao Monarch Boundary, and even a part of it. But, can you collect these Immortal Dao Seeds?"

Jiang Nan is slumped, and the Ice Lotus Sacred Mother is also slumped, lamenting "My Dao Seed, if you can search them all, refining successfully a Fleshly Body, this old woman will be invincible. If you want to walk unhindered, then walk unhindered, if you want to crawl, then crawl..."

Jiang Nan is speechless, this Primeval Heavenly Monarch is Monster Race , With her hehe haha ​​character, walk unhindered it's all been done.

After the Ice Lotus Sacred Mother complained a lot, when he was about to teach him the method of communicating the Immortal Dao Spirit Root, he hesitated and said: "I only used this Heavenly Lotus Sensing Chapter to collect the Monster Dao Spirit Root. , As for whether or not Immortal Dao Spirit Root can be charged, it is still unknown. You first try it. First sense the Immortal Dao Spirit Root of surroundings. If you can get the sense of Immortal Dao Spirit Root, then you can communicate with you. If you have not established a sense of forcible communication If you don’t, you can...please be blessed!"

Jiang Nan comprehend this Heavenly Lotus Sensing Chapter carefully and couldn’t help but admire it. Heavenly Lotus Sensing Chapter first established a connection through Great Dao sympathy. Then use the Great Dao resonance to establish communication and gain the resonance between Spirit Root and Dao Fruit!

Among them, the resonant resonance of Dao Fruit and Spirit Root is the most subtle. The method of motivating Dao Fruit is the essence of this Heavenly Lotus Sensing Chapter, which controls Dao Fruit and its own Great Dao vibration rhythm. Breathtaking place!

Jiang Nan stayed silent and enthusiastically participated in the research, shaking Dao Fruit from time to time. Dao Fruit gave out the strange and mysterious Dao Sound, and then he immersed himself in the research.

Ice Lotus Sacred Mother waited for a long while and couldn't help but urged: "Cult Master, you are almost comprehend now, right? Can you spur the Heavenly Lotus Sensing Chapter? I want the lotus flower in the water. It not only fits my past life main body, but also refining successfully Great Dao Body, Great Dao Spirit Root Body, cultivation Immortal Dao, half the work, twice the effect!"

Jiang Nan turned a deaf ear and continued to experiment. Motivate Dao Fruit from time to time.

Ice Lotus Sacred Mother waited anxiously and danced around him. She soon discovered the clue. The rhythm of the Great Dao vibration when Jiang Nan urged Dao Fruit, and the Heavenly Lotus Sensing Chapter she taught It's not exactly the same!

"Wrong practice, you practiced wrong!"

Ice Lotus Sacred Mother hurriedly exclaimed: "If my Dao Fruit hadn't been seriously damaged and didn't have much power, I would personally Demonstrated to show you, your practice is not authentic, not the Heavenly Lotus Sensing Chapter I created...Huh? No, no, you are not practicing wrong, but tampering with my Heavenly Lotus Sensing Chapter!"

She felt it carefully, and she realized that Jiang Nan had made a lot of changes on the basis of Heavenly Lotus Sensing Chapter!

"How can the cultivation technique I created be changed randomly? Stop it, if you tamper with it like this, it will easily be changed beyond recognition...scoundrel, you have changed beyond recognition!"

"If you tamper and cultivation randomly like this, it is easy to cause a big mess! A little careless, wrong, you will definitely be grayed out by Immortal Dao Spirit Root refining!"

Jiang Nan did not move at all, and continued to change the Heavenly Lotus Sensing Chapter according to his own ideas. Ice Lotus Sacred Mother felt that his Heavenly Lotus Sensing Chapter was changed more and more by him from the shock of his Dao Fruit. Gradually, I couldn't see the whole picture of Heavenly Lotus Sensing Chapter, and I couldn't help sighing in my heart.

"Why did I follow such an unreliable guy? For the sake of the future, I think it's better for me to find a new host..."

Suddenly in the distance The immortal light surging, turned into an immortal rainbow in the sky, with strange brilliance and heaven surging.

Ice Lotus Sacred Mother's heart moved slightly: "Someone has established a sense of resonance with an Immortal Dao Spirit Root, Great Dao resonates! So soon to enter the stage of Great Dao resonance, it must be the Dao Monarch of reincarnation, only reincarnation Dao Monarch is better than me in sensing Immortal Dao Spirit Root! As for Immortal Realm’s Immortal Monarch, even if it has been cultivated to the point of sensing Immortal Dao Spirit Root, it is already impossible above me... Huh, Someone else succeeded too! Stupid Mystic Heaven, idiot!"

She couldn't help but sighed: "I'm so pitiful, I've found such a stubborn host to entrust my life, I'm so pitiful, really..."

Obviously, among the thirty-seven powerhouses of Gate of Heavenly Monarch, Dao Monarch of reincarnation was the first to establish a relationship with Immortal Dao Spirit Root. These Dao Monarchs of reincarnation have an ancient origin, and their knowledge is amazing. After their reincarnation, they also cultivation Immortal Dao. With their wisdom, the recognition of Immortal Dao Spirit Root is not impossible.

And those Discíples of Immortal Monarch, such as Jin Xuan, Xu'a Mengjie and the others, unexpectedly are also trying to establish a connection with Immortal Dao Spirit Root.

Obviously, the Immortal Monarch behind them has indeed been exposed to the point of sensing the Immortal Dao Spirit Root and imparting their achievements to their discíple!

There are also Qing Chang and Song Yuan, one is Dense Light Immortal Monarch reincarnation, the other is Immortal Monarch Maha reincarnation, and they are also establishing contact with Immortal Dao Spirit Root.

The seven surviving Primal Chaos Ancient Divinity were building an altar, and they cut their wrists. Primal Chaos Divinity was surging in blood, but they were trying to contact Ancient Divinity Dayan in order to obtain Ancient Divinity. Teaching of Dayan.

As for North Star, Deep Earth and other Immortal King and Southern Streamer, Heavenly Mineral and the others, they can’t do anything about these Immortal Dao Spirit Roots.

Suddenly, Yu Linzi walked towards North Star Immortal King and the others, paying respect with a smile, said with a smile: "everyone Martial Senior, my father has already determined everyone Martial Senior’s predicament today, so he ordered me early After arriving at the Gate of Heavenly Monarch, he passed on the Jade Capital Sensing Secret Art created by Senior to everyone Martial Senior."

The seven Immortal Kings, including North Star, Longevity, and Purple Subtlety, glanced at each other, and their expressions moved slightly. , Blue Essence Immortal King hehe said with a smile: "Jade Capital Immortal Monarch indeed possesses remarkable abilities, virtuous nephew, what are the conditions for this Jade Capital Sensing Secret Art, It shouldn't be?"

Yu Linzi showed admiration and said with a smile: "Several Martial Seniors are indeed divine strategy and wonderful planning. My father does have some small conditions."


One after another immortal light suddenly appeared, and the ground turned into an Immortal. Looking from a distance, Ice Lotus Sacred Mother was Xi Yingqing, Old Ancestor Heavenly Vessel, Zhong Xiuxiu and Daoist Ban Yuan.

These four people apparently got the secrets of Profound Metropolis Immortal Monarch and Empyrean Origin Immortal Monarch, and sat stumblingly, urging a strange induction method, trying to establish a connection with the Immortal Dao Spirit Root.

Not long afterwards, a fat and fat Primal Chaos Dragon Ancestor staggered into the Gate of Heavenly Monarch, unexpectedly also proficient in a Sensing Method.

Ice Lotus Sacred Mother thought: "Skyscraping Immortal Monarch has been in the Uninhabited Zone for so long. Impossible did not get some Primeval inheritance. Most of it was passed on to Fanfan this fat dragon."

There were three immortal lights falling one after another, but it was Divine Mother Dao Monarch, Purple Firmament Immortal King and Eastern Clouds Immortal King.

In Gate of Heavenly Monarch, slices of immortal light are surging like a wave, and more people have established feelings with Immortal Dao Spirit Root!

Ice Lotus Sacred Mother became anxious and said angrily: "Mystic Heaven, how long do you have to change? Three Thousand Immortal Daos Spirit Roots are numerous, but they can't stop the plunder of these tiger and wolf generations. If you don’t do anything, you won’t have your share of the leftovers!"


Jiang Nan suddenly got up and said with a smile: "Then give it a try , The Sensing Chapter I created! I don’t know how much Immortal Dao Spirit Root recognition I can get?"

Ice Lotus Sacred Mother’s Dao Fruit fiercely hit his forehead and jumped around, Screamed: "How many Immortal Dao Spirit Roots? Different Immortal Dao Spirit Root attributes are different and conflict with each other. It is extremely difficult to co-exist in a Dao Fruit. Five Spirit Roots are already the upper limit! Five Spirit Roots can be recognized. People, looking at Monster Race Era 5.6 billion years can be counted on one's fingers! How many Immortal Dao Spirit Roots do you want? If you use my Heavenly Lotus Sensing Chapter, you might still get two Spirit Roots. Use you Undying is heaven defying!"

Jiang Nan slightly smiled, motivating the Sensing Chapter he created, only to see his Dao Fruit emerge. In Dao Fruit, Primordial Beginning Great Dao is one This kind of wonderful rhythm slowly vibrates, and the vastness of Primordial Beginning begins, and it is the Profound Mystery of Primordial Beginning Great Dao!

Ice Lotus Sacred Mother stayed in a daze, with a little hesitation in her heart: "This wonderful rhythm is indeed something extraordinary, maybe he can really establish a sense with one or two Spirit Roots..."



Suddenly they were not far away from a plant of Immortal Dao Spirit Root rays of light, and a piece of immortal light soared into the sky, like a big canopy covering the sky.

Ice Lotus Sacred Mother was overjoyed. Suddenly, she heard the buzzzzzz all the noises, and saw slices of immortal light big canopy vacated. Unexpectedly, there were 36 Immortal Dao Spirit Root and Jiang Nan plants. Dao Fruit interact with each other!

The immortal light surges and turns into a sea of ​​immortal light!

Ice Lotus Sacred Mother's heart was so shocked, Dao Fruit fell from the air to the ground without knowing it, muttered: "Is my host abnormal... Yes, my host is abnormal, big abnormal, It must be a big abnormal..."

Jiang Nan was quite satisfied and said softly: "Thirty-six Immortal Dao Spirit Roots, not bad..."

Ice Lotus Sacred Mother Dao Fruit hurriedly flew up and said: "Cult Master, what is the name of the Sensing Chapter you created?"

Jiang Nan thought for a while, said with a smile: "I am here as Primordial Beginning Great Dao Evolve your Heavenly Lotus Sensing Chapter, this Dao Method is called Primordial Beginning Sensing Chapter."

————brothers and sisters, Exalted-Emperor’s monthly ticket ranking is no longer found, I beg Fellow Daoist’s firepower support, house pig, weeping blood, pay homage to ~~~~

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