Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 75 Public enemy of the whole school

Two days later, Monday morning.

As soon as Lin Zichen arrived at the school, he ran straight to the administration building, found the principal and said that he wanted to hold a personal challenge.

The rules are simple, he is the one who holds the ring, and all the students in the school challenge him.

The female principal was a little confused after hearing this: "You are only a freshman in high school and you want to challenge the whole school. Are you serious?"

Lin Zichen didn't waste any time. He took the principal to a deserted corner of the gymnasium and showed her that he could lift a 700kg barbell with one hand.

The headmistress was stunned.

"700 kilograms!"

"This is stronger than the strongest student in school history, Wu Tiancheng, who was a freshman in high school!"

"Am I dreaming?"

After a moment to react, the headmistress said excitedly: "No problem, I'll arrange a solo show for you that will challenge the whole school!"

"Principal, remember to set rewards. Without rewards, no one will be motivated."

"Don't worry, it's all up to the principal!"

"It's best to set up two kinds of rewards. One is for participation, which encourages everyone to come on stage to challenge. The other is a cumulative reward, which is to create a bonus pool. As the number of challenges increases, the bonuses in the pool will increase. Whoever wins I am the one who can take the bonus. If no one can beat me within a certain period, then the bonus will be mine."

"Okay, do as you say!"

"Principal, you have to keep my strength a secret first, otherwise everyone will have no motivation to challenge after they find out."

"Okay, okay, principal, listen to you!"

No matter what request Lin Zichen made, the female principal agreed without hesitation. She was completely unlike the usual female devil who made all the teachers and students in the school frightened.

This is the charm of the strongest genius in school history, which can make the high-ranking female principal in the school willingly turn into a licking dog, and it looks like she is hypnotized.

During lunch break.

The headmistress took the personal show plan that she had worked hard on all morning and personally came to Class 1, Grade 1, to find Lin Zichen and give it to him to take a look at.

Lin Zichen took a quick glance, nodded with satisfaction and said: "The plan is well done, thank you to the principal for your hard work."

The female principal smiled and said: "No matter where you are, it's not hard at all."

Many teachers and students passing by rubbed their eyes and thought they were dreaming when they saw this.

what's the situation?

How can the devilish principal in the school, who has a stern face all day long, act like a licking dog and apologize in front of a student?

What kind of rebellion is this?

Unlike others, Shen Qinghan, who also saw this scene, looked calm throughout the whole process.

Whether it was the teacher licking Lin Zichen or the principal licking Lin Zichen, she had seen it since she was a child and had long been accustomed to it.

She felt that even if she went to university in the future, the university president would still be Lin Zichen's licking dog.

the other side.

The headmistress has been carried away by the excitement of discovering a peerless genius, and she doesn't care about other people's strange eyes.

After seeing Lin Zichen confirming that the plan was OK.

The headmistress immediately took out her mobile phone and notified all the class teachers, asking them to take the students to the playground at two o'clock in the afternoon, saying that there was something important to announce.

Two o'clock in the afternoon.

The head teachers of each class took the students to the playground on time.

Lin Zichen and the headmistress stood on the stage.

Seeing that everyone was here, the female principal immediately picked up the microphone and announced to everyone that Lin Zichen was setting up a ring to challenge the whole school.

She gave Lin Zichen's basic personal information, recent results, as well as the rules of the challenge, bonuses, etc., all in detail.

After hearing this, the teachers and students in the audience burst into excitement.

"Principal, are you serious?"

"The principal is crazy!"

"You, a freshman in high school, set up a stage and let all the students in the school challenge you. Where did you get the confidence?"

"Are you worthy of us challenging you?"

"You just beat the best class in the second grade of high school and you are pretending like this. People who don't know better would think you have beaten the top class of the third grade of high school!"

"You are arrogant and don't know how high the sky is. Do you think you are Wu Tiancheng, the strongest student in the history of the school?"

Seeing that Lin Zichen, a new student, dared to set up a stage to challenge the entire school, many senior students felt offended and angrily attacked him in the audience.

Faced with everyone's doubts, Lin Zichen just said calmly:

"Starting from tomorrow, I will be in the gym for two hours every day during the lunch break. Everyone is welcome to come and compete."

on the way home.

Shen Qinghan's peach blossom eyes were full of water, and she said curiously: "Xiaochen, why do you suddenly challenge the whole school in such a high-profile manner? This is not like your style."

"High school is so boring, let's have some fun."


"You actually discovered it."

"Tell me!"

Shen Qinghan held Lin Zichen's arm and said coquettishly.

Lin Zichen: "It's not possible now. I'll tell you after I make up a reason."

Shen Qinghan: "???"

Seeing her puffing up her cheeks in displeasure, Lin Zichen stopped teasing her and told her the reason he had thought of in advance: "The principal saw that I performed too well in the class competition and wanted to see where my limits were. This is such a challenge for me.”

"You actually agreed to the principal, it's not like you."

"I'll definitely agree if I have the money." After Lin Zichen finished speaking, he added: "When we get the money, we two families will find a time to have a big dinner together."

"Okay, okay." Shen Qinghan nodded frequently like a chicken pecking at rice, already starting to get greedy.

Lin Zichen couldn't help but smile when he saw this. He was really a foodie, just like he was when he was a child.


Lin Zichen finished his meal, took a rest, and quickly started today's daily exercise.

What I practiced last night was strength, so tonight I will practice speed.

Change your shoes and bring your keys.

Lin Zichen pushed open the door and went out to run on the road.

When he went out, he heard a soft and sweet singing voice coming from the upstairs next door, which was very pleasant to the ear.

It is Shen Qinghan who is practicing singing again, working hard to prepare for the singing competition at the end of December.

With such a soft and pleasant voice, and with such serious practice, I will definitely win a prize in this competition.

I have to buy a bouquet of flowers then, and when she finishes singing and wins the award, I will go on stage to give them to her.

You have to think carefully about what kind of flowers to buy.

While it's still early, let's stop by the flower shop and have a look...

Thinking about it, Lin Zichen raised his legs and ran to the nearest flower shop.

On a busy street.

A handsome young man, holding a cup of lemon tea that can be bought for 4 yuan, stood on the roadside and looked at everyone who passed by.

The strange thing is that he is dismissive of beautiful women.

Whether they were wearing stockings or cheongsam, he didn't bother to look at them all.

His eyes always only fell on those handsome young men.

I'm convinced, is Shanhai City like this?

I just want to find a handsome guy, why can't I find him after so many days?

The handsome guys passing by all have flaws. It’s so annoying!

If I cannot complete this sacrificial task perfectly, what will the leader think of me?

Will I be ostracized in the church in the future?

Thinking of this, the young man felt very irritated. At one point, he wanted to randomly select a lucky passerby and drag him into the alley to torture him.

Not only does he have obsessive-compulsive disorder, he is also a perfectionist and will never allow himself to fail to complete the sacrificial task perfectly.

In fact, during these days, he also thought about catching male celebrities, but those people were surrounded by bodyguards. He was just a newcomer to the Rat God Cult and had no ability to catch them.

The mission deadline is coming soon, what should I do?

The more the young man thought about it, the more anxious he became, and at one point he was so anxious that he stamped his feet.

Just when he was about to give up on perfectionism and grab a decent handsome guy to work with.

Suddenly, he saw a perfect handsome guy in the flower shop opposite!

"Damn, he's so handsome!"

"It's really hard to find anything without wearing iron shoes. It takes no effort at all!"

"Pikachu, it's you who decides!"

PS: Set the bowls, please recommend monthly tickets!

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