Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 76 The Destruction of the Rat God Cult

In the suburbs, on a deserted road late at night.

Lin Zichen looked at the half-human, half-mouse corpse on the ground with a confused look on his face.

That's it?

Just pick up a rock and throw it at him, killing him?

There are actually such weak followers of the Rat God Cult?

Just when he left the flower shop, Lin Zichen noticed someone following him.

I originally thought it was a smooth ride, but I was just overthinking it.

Unexpectedly, when he was about to reach the highway, the man suddenly accelerated and caught up with him.

Hearing the sound, he looked back and saw that the face opposite had eight eyes and was covered with dense downy hair. He immediately ran away without saying a word.

But as I ran, I found that the man seemed a bit slow and couldn't catch up.

So, he stopped, picked up a stone and threw it at it, thinking to test the man's strength.

As a result, the man was killed immediately with this smash.

What kind of experience is this baby?

Lin Zichen was confused, but not too entangled.

He quickly squatted down and stretched out his fingers to touch the body on the ground.

Then, with a thought, swallow it!

[You swallowed a trace of the life source of the "giant alien rat\

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