Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 74 Challenge the whole school

"Brother Chen, beat him up and give him a crotch humiliation!"

"It's okay to jump in line in the dining hall, but you're still so disgusting on the martial arts stage. Where's your face?!"

"Humiliate him severely and avenge He Yu!"

As soon as Lin Zichen came on the stage, everyone in the class shouted at him with emotion.

Everyone knew that He Yu was cut in line, and knew that the man in a vest on the stage was one of the people who cut in line that day. At this moment, they all shared the same hatred.

"Qi Yue, jump over his head!"

"I hate people who report people the most. I'll beat him up and then kill him later!"

"Fuck him!"

People in the opposite class were also shouting.

But there weren't many people shouting, only the few people who joined He Yu's team with the man in the vest that day were shouting.

The class teachers on both sides were a little confused, and they didn't understand how the smell of gunpowder became so strong in such a good situation.

It wasn't until I asked an insider that I learned that it turned out to be a grudge caused by jumping in line in the canteen.

The head teacher of Class 3, Grade 2, has a headache. These few unqualified students in the class, relying on their strong martial arts skills, have caused troubles since they entered Grade 1 until now, and they cannot be controlled at all.

Han Yuanfeng had some objections in his heart, but he just frowned and didn't say much.

Because when students have conflicts, the best way to resolve them is to decide the outcome on the martial arts stage.

There was no need for him to intervene.

On stage.

The man in the vest looked at Lin Zichen and said provocatively: "Perhaps you can abstain so that you don't have to step over me later."

In martial arts competitions, it is most taboo to abstain.

People who practice martial arts must have a bloody spirit and dare to fight.

The man in the vest said this just because he wanted to show off and make Lin Zichen disgusted.

Lin Zichen ignored him, looked at the referee and said calmly: "We are all in position, and the duel can begin now."

The referee nodded, then raised his right hand and struck down quickly: "The duel begins!"

As soon as the voice fell, the man in the vest kicked the floor violently and rushed towards Lin Zichen like an arrow.

It's true that he likes to show off before a game, but he never underestimates his opponent during a fight.

If you can do your best, do your best.

First beat the person down and then show off hard.


The man in the vest rushed in front of Lin Zichen, raised his leg and delivered a fierce high side kick, aiming directly at Lin Zichen's head.

The speed was so fast and the force was so strong that it actually caused a tiny popping sound in the air.

With just this kick, if an ordinary student was kicked in the head, he would suffer a concussion at least, or a coma on the spot at worst.


Just listen to a crisp sound!

Lin Zichen didn't even move his feet. He just raised his hand casually and slapped aside the kick from the man in the vest.

Then, he reached out and grabbed the man in the vest's head and pushed it down hard, causing him to hit the ground with his face on the ground with a "bang".

Finally, he raised his leg and stepped over to humiliate him. He kicked him off the martial arts platform and ended the battle at the speed of light.

The whole set of movements is as smooth as running water, clean and neat, and takes no more than 3 seconds.

"I lost?"

In the audience, the man in the vest was slumped on the ground, his forehead was smashed, his nose was bleeding, his face was full of doubts about life, and he looked very embarrassed.

Until now, he still hadn't realized what had just happened.

All he knew was that he quickly rushed over and gave Lin Zichen a high side kick, and then the next second his vision went black and his head hit the ground.

My head hurts and is buzzing now. If nothing else, I must have a concussion.

"what's the situation?!"

"Qi Yue's strength ranks among the top five in the class, but he was defeated in seconds like this?!"

"That handsome junior is so strong?!"

Everyone in Class 3, Grade 2, was completely stunned, with disbelief on their faces.

In contrast, the people in Class 1, Grade 1, looked calm.

They have all seen Lin Zichen's power and know that he has the ability to do this.

"You defeated someone so easily again?" Han Yuanfeng narrowed his eyes and murmured: "This kid definitely has hidden strength!"

He knew how strong the martial arts prowess of the man in the vest in the opponent's class was.

Much stronger than the fat black guy before.

However, Lin Zichen was easily defeated.

Lin Zichen definitely has a lot of hidden strength, otherwise he wouldn't be able to do this.

Listening to Han Yuanfeng's murmur, Wang Shujie and Lu Gang were numb.

Damn it, Lin Zichen has already shown himself so strong, but in the end, he is not at his full strength?

What the hell is this human being?

On the other side, He Yu glanced at Lin Zichen on the stage, and then at the man in a vest sitting on the ground with a nosebleed, feeling mixed.

The man who just beat me like a dog was killed so easily by Zichen.

It's a shame that I kept pretending to be cool in front of him when school started. This is such a clown.

"Hanhan, your Zichen is so awesome!"

Li Chuxin was stunned by Lin Zichen's actions just now, and her face was filled with admiration.

My Zichen?

For Shen Qinghan, this was the first time he heard this statement, and he felt a little happy.

On stage.

Lin Zichen ignored the exclamations around him, looked at Class 3, Grade 2, expressionlessly, and asked the people who jumped in line with the man in the vest that day:

"Which one of you is going up?"

The voice sounded calm, but surprisingly full of oppression.

When those people heard this, their expressions were a little ugly, and they could already foresee the scene of them being hanged and beaten on the stage later.

The arrogance of yelling before had disappeared and was replaced by panic.

About half an hour later.

The remaining 29 people in Class 3, Grade 2, were all wiped out.

All were defeated by Lin Zichen.

They were killed instantly every time.

Among them, those who participated in queue cutting all ended up with the same fate as the man in the vest.

They were all humiliated by Lin Zichen, and then kicked off the martial arts platform by him.

At this moment, everyone was sitting on the ground with nosebleeds, looking very miserable.

After the last game.

With a sudden thought, Lin Zichen looked into the void and checked the completion progress of the Natural Selection achievement.

[Achievement: In a formal competition situation, using the most primitive biological method, a total of 1,000 different competitors were eliminated]

[Reward: Obtain biological attributes - natural selection]

[Cumulative elimination of opponents: 119/1000]

Only 119?

Looking at the numbers on the progress bar, Lin Zichen couldn't help but frown.

The achievement of Natural Selection came out much earlier than the achievement of social animals, but the completion progress is several hundred behind the achievement of social animals.

This improves too slowly.

The reason is that every time the class competes, he is the last one to appear.

No, we can't go on like this.

My strength is far beyond the high school level, so there is no need to abide by the high school rules.

I want to make my own rules!

When class starts on Monday, I will go to the Academic Affairs Office to find the principal and ask her to arrange a personal challenge with rewards for me!

I want to challenge the whole school!

PS: Set the bowls, please recommend monthly tickets!

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