Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 32 Martial arts all the way

time flies.

If you don't pay attention, more than a month has passed since the day Lin Zichen dominated the martial arts team.

Since that day, Lin Zichen's status in the team has changed.

From a newcomer who just joined the team, he directly turned into the ace of the team.

However, what has changed is only the attitude of the coach and teammates towards him, and he himself has not changed much.

After school, I come to the gym to practice martial arts. I find a place to practice alone. I practice until 6:30 in the evening and then take a shower and go home.

As for Shen Qinghan, he still waits for Lin Zichen to go home after training in the gym every day.

While waiting, Shen Qinghan was either reading a book or answering questions. Occasionally, he would take out his mobile phone to take some nice photos of Lin Zichen. The time passed quite happily.

Sometimes when she saw Lin Zichen sweating a lot, she would take the initiative to wipe it for him.

Everyone in the museum was filled with envy as they watched the scenes of the two getting along.

The woman envied Shen Qinghan, envied that she could be Lin Zichen's childhood sweetheart and could stay by Lin Zichen's side every day.

The man envied Lin Zichen and envied him for having a childhood sweetheart like Shen Qinghan who knew how to take care of others.

Regarding the envy of others, Lin Zichen had no fluctuation in his heart.

Shen Qinghan, on the other hand, is very in line with the temperament of a little girl in adolescence. She will feel happy in her heart when facing the envious looks from girls of the same age.

"Hanhan, let's go."

In the gymnasium, Lin Zichen finished practicing martial arts and came out of the changing room to take a shower. He looked at Shen Qinghan who was waiting quietly at the door and said.

Shen Qinghan heard the sound and followed obediently. The high pony tail tied behind her swayed with her steps, full of youthful and lively girlish atmosphere.

The seven teammates who were still in the gym to continue training saw Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan walking in and out in pairs every day, and all of them had envy on their faces.

"Okay, don't be jealous, hurry up and train!"

"Summer vacation is coming soon, and we are about to usher in a new year of the Eight-School League. There are only five participating places as in previous years. Whoever is the best will be admitted."

"Now that Zichen has secured one spot, there are only four spots left for the seven of you to compete for. Whoever performs well will be able to play."

Seeing that the team members were all staring at the pair of childhood sweethearts leaving in a daze, Guo Xiangyuan immediately spoke to encourage them.

As soon as the seven people heard this, they immediately returned to training with urgency on their faces, for fear of falling behind.

Five of them are in the third grade of junior high school.

This year's Eight-School League is the last one they can participate in, and no one wants to have any regrets.

A blink of an eye.

The first semester of junior high school is coming to an end soon, and there is only one week left before the final exam.

During this week, in order to get Shen Qinghan a good grade in the exam, Lin Zichen would go to her room every night to help her check for mistakes and fill in the gaps.

This evening.

Lin Zichen had just finished eating and taking a shower, then went out and walked to Shen Qinghan's house next door.

Xu Meng knew that he would come on time, so she opened the door in advance and waited for him at the door.

When he saw him coming, he said with a smile:

"Xiao Chen, I've really troubled you recently. You have to come to make up lessons for Hanhan every night. When you finish the exam and go on summer vacation, Aunt Meng will give you a gift. You can give it whatever gift you want."

"Aunt Meng, you're welcome. Hanhan and I grew up together, so it's right to help her."

Lin Zichen smiled and said.

After that, he entered the house and went straight to the second floor.

Shen Qinghan's room was on the second floor, separated from his room by only two walls.

It can be said that their rooms are next to each other.

He stopped in front of Shen Qinghan's room door.

I saw the door was ajar.

Lin Zichen didn't think much, just opened the door and walked in: "Hanhan, I..."

He wanted to say "I'm here", but before he could finish his words, he almost bit his tongue and froze in place.

Because at this time, the girl in the room was sitting on the bed and was about to put on pajamas, and right above the pajamas was a particularly conspicuous diaper.

Lin Zichen: "..."

Shen Qinghan: "..."

At this moment, both of them were silent, the air was almost solid, and the atmosphere was very awkward for a time.

After a moment to regain his composure, Lin Zichen took the initiative to break the silence and said, "Um... I'll come in later."

After saying that, he turned around and left in a hurry, closing the door behind him.

As soon as Lin Zichen left, Shen Qinghan covered his head with a quilt, his face flushed, and he fell into a ball on the bed, completely silent...

She is dead and wants to live on another planet.

ten minutes later.

Lin Zichen felt that the time was almost up, so he reached out and knocked on the door in front of him, and said in a somewhat embarrassed voice: "Hanhan, is it convenient for me to come in now?"

"Well..." Shen Qinghan's almost inaudible voice came from the room. It was obvious that she had not recovered from the embarrassing scene just now.

Lin Zichen pretended that nothing happened, opened the door and walked in calmly.

"Well... I only need to wear diapers when I go to bed at night. I don't usually need to wear them during the day."

Shen Qinghan pursed her lips and felt embarrassed to take the initiative to mention this matter, her delicate little face was filled with blush.

Lin Zichen didn't know how to answer, so he could only nodded: "Yes, I know."

Then, neither of them spoke anymore, and the atmosphere became awkward again.

But soon, Shen Qinghan chose to take the initiative to break the embarrassment, twirling her hair with her slender white fingers, and looking for a topic as naturally as possible:

"When I was having dinner just now, I asked my parents a question. I asked them whether they think I look better with my hair tied or not."

"Then, my father said that I looked good without piercing, and my mother said that I looked good with piercing."

"Xiao Chen, do you think I look better with my hair tied or not?"

When asking this question, Shen Qinghan mustered up the courage to look into Lin Zichen's eyes, hoping to use this topic to skip the diaper issue so that both of them would no longer be embarrassed.

Lin Zichen said without thinking, "I think they all look good."

"It's so perfunctory, you choose one."

"I thought about it, and it would look better if I tied my hair up."

"Then do you think I look better with a single ponytail, double ponytails, or a bun?"

"I prefer a round head and a single ponytail."

"Then I'll have a bun tomorrow, and a ponytail the day after tomorrow... By the way, which one do you think looks better, a low ponytail or a high ponytail?"

"I think a high ponytail looks good..."

Slowly, the two of them started chatting, and it was not as awkward as when they first came into the room.

It seems that the issue of diapers has been completely forgotten and never mentioned again.

It didn’t take long for tonight’s theme to begin. One was a student reviewing, the other was a teacher tutoring, and they spent a fulfilling night at the desk together.

Time flies.

A few days later.

Shanhai Middle School ushered in the final exam.

As a top student, Lin Zichen easily ranked first in the school as always.

Shen Qinghan also did well in the exam.

In just one year, she went from being ranked third from the bottom at the beginning of school to being ranked in the top 20 in the class, and proudly received a certificate of achievement as a model for progress.

During this process, there was her own efforts, but more importantly, it was Lin Zichen's guidance and help to her.

"Xiaochen, thanks to your checking and filling in the gaps, I did well in the exam this time!"

In the classroom, Shen Qinghan looked at the "Progress Model" certificate in his hand and said to Lin Zichen with joy on his face.

Lin Zichen smiled and said, "The main thing is that you study hard enough."

"Xiaochen, at this rate of progress, I will definitely be admitted to the same class as you in two years, and we will continue to be classmates!" Shen Qinghan said with anticipation.

Can we continue to be deskmates in the same class?

Hearing what Shen Qinghan said, Lin Zichen remembered that he would take a martial arts class in the future. It seemed that he had not mentioned it to her, so he said to her: "Hanhan, I have decided to take a martial arts class in high school."

"Then I'll take a martial arts class too!" Shen Qinghan said directly without even thinking about it.

Lin Zichen didn't know if she was suitable for the path of martial arts, but seeing that she said she wanted to follow him without hesitation, it had to be suitable even if it wasn't suitable.

"If you also decide to follow the path of martial arts, then starting from today, the focus of your future studies will have to change. Learn more about alien beasts, genetic fusion, and mechanical modification."

"Well, I'll do my best!"

Shen Qinghan said enthusiastically.

She was not bad at all in this area of ​​knowledge. After all, she had read a lot with Lin Zichen when she was a child, so she still had confidence.

The only area where I lack confidence may be in terms of physical fitness.

Lin Zichen also thought of this, and quickly said to her: "Then when you go to the gym after school in the afternoon, you can practice martial arts with me, and I will teach you some exercises to strengthen your body."

"Well, listen to Xiaochen!" Shen Qinghan nodded obediently.

Her experiences growing up told her that no matter what it was, it was right to listen to Lin Zichen.

PS: Set the bowls, please recommend monthly tickets!

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