Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 33 Dimensionality Reduction Strike

"Give me some serious training!"

"Don't be lazy!"

"There are only four places left for the competition. Whoever performs well can represent the school in the competition!"

In the gymnasium, Guo Xiangyuan changed his usual free-spirited attitude and was sternly urging the team members to train.

The final exam has just been completed, and the martial arts team will face the most important martial arts competition of the year in the middle of the next summer vacation.

This martial arts competition was jointly organized by eight middle schools in the district.

The event is scheduled for August 1st.

Therefore, one month before the start of the game, Guo Xiangyuan called all the players back to school for training.

Afterwards, based on the results of the training camp, four team members will be selected to represent the school in the competition.

While Guo Xiangyuan was supervising the seven team members to train hard, Lin Zichen, who had already reserved a place in the competition and did not need to train with other team members, was training Shen Qinghan on the other side.

Ever since Shen Qinghan decided to take martial arts classes in high school, Lin Zichen made a summer training plan for her to improve her physical fitness.

In order not to affect her physical development, the intensity of this training plan is not very high, and the content at the end of the day is only the following:

1: Jog 3,000 meters to improve your physical strength.

Two: Practice martial arts skills for an hour and improve your boxing and kicking skills.

Three: Push-ups, sit-ups, squats, pull-ups and other muscle-training movements, do a dozen of them according to your ability to improve your physical strength.

Apart from that, there are no other projects.

But even so, Shen Qinghan, who has a delicate body, still can't bear it.

As soon as she finished exercising, she was so tired that she collapsed on the ground and panted, dripping with sweat.

"Hanhan, it's okay. I successfully completed the training task today."

Lin Zichen unscrewed the bottle cap and handed the sports drink to Shen Qinghan, affirming her training attitude.

Shen Qinghan took a few sips of the sports drink, his breathing was still a little disordered and said: "Xiao Chen, exercising is so tiring, much more tiring than studying."

"That's for sure. You have to sweat after all." Lin Zichen took the yoga mat aside and spread it out, then knelt down on it and said, "Come on, lie down on the yoga mat and spread your legs. I'll help you relax your muscles."

Shen Qinghan obediently lay down on the yoga mat and spread her slender straight legs slightly.

Lin Zichen saw this and quickly started massaging her skillfully.

I don’t know if I massaged too hard and stimulated the sore muscles too much.

From time to time, Shen Qinghan would let out a shy groan, his hands instinctively clutching the yoga mat, and the look on his face looked uncomfortable.

Sometimes I really can't bear it anymore and I can't help but cry out for pain and please be gentle.

Unfortunately, this cannot be taken lightly.

Because if you want to quickly eliminate the lactic acid accumulated in the muscles, you have to use some force to massage, otherwise it will have no effect.

First he massaged his calves, then his thighs, and finally his arms. In just ten minutes, Lin Zichen massaged almost all of Shen Qinghan's whole body.

When he felt that the massage was almost done, he took out a set of clean clothes from his schoolbag, handed it to Shen Qinghan and said, "Go take a shower. After washing, we will go home."

"Well, I'll finish washing it soon." Shen Qinghan stood up from the yoga mat feeling comfortable, took the clothes from Lin Zichen and walked to the changing room.

After each training session, she loved having her body massaged vigorously by Lin Zichen's hands.

Although the process is a bit uncomfortable, after the treatment, you will feel relaxed and very comfortable.

One month later.

The training session is over.

Five contestants have been confirmed.

Among them, Zhang Kai, who has a very energetic personality, lost the election.

Frustrated, he quit the martial arts team immediately after learning the result, not even going to watch the competition.

But no one cared too much about how to live their lives.

Early the next morning.

Guo Xiangyuan drove the school bus and sent the team members to the city gymnasium to participate in the competition.

Shen Qinghan also went along, saying that she wanted to be Lin Zichen's little fan girl in the audience, cheering him on.

Lin Yansheng and Zhang Wanxin also made time to come to watch the game and support their sons.

As for Xu Meng and Shen Jianye, the couple is leading a senior class this year. They are already working overtime at school to teach students and cannot spare time to come and watch the game.

However, the two asked Shen Qinghan to record Lin Zichen's game video and bring it back to them.

Municipal gymnasium, players’ rest area.

Contestants from eight schools all lined up and waited to be drawn to match their opponents.

The rules of the competition are very simple, it is school versus school, and only three rounds are required to determine the champion.

One round in one day, completed in three days.

Soon, the results of the draw came out.

Shanhai Middle School, where Lin Zichen is located, unfortunately got the most powerful Shanhai No. 1 Middle School.

When Guo Xiangyuan saw it, his expression suddenly changed.

The other four team members also had ugly expressions on their faces, and they all felt that they were going to be eliminated in the first round.

Among them, the team member named Li Shutong even surrendered before fighting: "It's over. I heard that this year No. 1 Middle School has a ruthless guy who can run 9 seconds in the 100-meter sprint. We will definitely be beaten!"

"What nonsense are you talking about? We have Zichen here, so it's not certain who will win." Guo Xiangyuan glared at Li Shutong and said.

He said this, but in fact, as a coach, he was not sure.

In his eyes, Lin Zichen was very powerful, but in the final analysis, he was still just a freshman in junior high school and had not grown up yet. If he encountered a ruthless person who could run under 9 seconds in the 100-meter sprint, he would probably be beaten to death.

Alas, I just hope his mentality doesn't explode.

Otherwise, if your confidence is affected, you will suffer a big loss.

He still has to carry the banner of the martial arts team for the next two years... Guo Xiangyuan felt worried.

As the person involved, Lin Zichen's face was calm at this moment, and his heart had no fluctuations.

9 seconds for 100 meters is very strong, but in front of him, who clocked 4.61 seconds for 100 meters, he was like an ant. He could be killed with just a press.

Not long after, the first round of competition began.

The first matchup was between Shanhai Middle School and Shanhai No. 1 Middle School.

"Which one of you four will go first?"

Guo Xiangyuan looked at the other four team members except Lin Zichen and asked.

The four people all remained silent, they were all intimidated and did not want to bear the brunt.

Shanhai No. 1 Middle School was the champion last year, and the opponent was stronger this year than last year. The first one to go up and fight against the opponent was basically the same as the first one to go up and get beaten.

Junior high school students love face the most, and no one wants to be the first to embarrass themselves.

"No one wants to go first?"

Guo Xiangyuan frowned and saw that no one wanted to play first. In the end, he could only say: "Since no one wants to play first, let's draw lots."

After saying that, he was going to get a pen and paper.

However, before taking two steps, Lin Zichen said: "Coach, let me go."

Guo Xiangyuan refused: "No, you are our trump card. You have to stay at the end and give full play to your greatest advantage."

The last advantage is that you can observe your opponent's habits off the stage, so you can know yourself and the enemy, and win every battle.

However, Lin Zichen, whose strength overwhelmed everyone, did not need this at all.

What he needs is to defeat as many opponents as possible and complete achievement tasks as soon as possible to get rewards.

So, he said seriously: "Coach, I want to be the first to go."

Guo Xiangyuan fell silent and did not answer immediately.

But seeing the seriousness in Lin Zichen's eyes and the fact that the other four people really didn't want to have sex, he finally had no choice but to compromise:

"Okay, Zichen, you'll come up first later."

After both sides decide which player will play first.

The first showdown of the first round started quickly.

The opponent appeared first, a big boy over 1.9 meters tall, with muscles all over his body. He looked like he was sitting on a mountain sitting on the martial arts platform, which was very oppressive.

However, Lin Zichen, whose body did not develop that fast and was less than 1.7 meters tall, stood in front of the opponent like a chicken that had just hatched out of its shell and could easily be crushed to death.

"Young junior in the mountains, I saw your information on the list. You are only in the first year of junior high school and you can stand on the martial arts stage of the Eight Schools League. Not bad. You are very talented."

On the martial arts platform, the big boy said with a simple smile.

Seeing the other party smiling so honestly, Lin Zichen felt that this big man was quite nice.

But just when he was about to respond politely, the other party's demeanor suddenly changed, and his eyes became extremely contemptuous:

"However, what I want to say is that this is not the place where you, a first-year junior high school student, should come, especially a short first-year junior high school student who is less than 1.7 meters tall."

As he said that, the other party suddenly tensed up his whole body, showed off his huge chest muscles, and said with a straight face: "Later, I will let you feel what the difference in size is and what the difference in strength is!" "

PS: Set the bowls, please recommend monthly tickets!

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