Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 31 Dominate the martial arts team

"Senior Zichen, teach him a lesson. I hate boys who like to kidnap others morally!"

"Junior Zichen, I will cheer for you later!"

"Junior Zichen, come on, I'll take some nice photos for you!"


Seeing Lin Zichen fighting, the scene suddenly became agitated.

Most of them are the voices of Lin Zichen's little fans.

Listening to these overwhelming voices of support, Zhang Kai felt no fluctuation in his heart and even wanted to laugh a little.

Do you think I'm a brainless fool?

wrong! Big mistake!

I am as wise as a fool!

You are on the third floor and you all think I am on the first floor, but actually I am on the fifth floor!

I took advantage of the fact that this talented junior student had not yet matured, so I quickly bullied him and defeated him, leaving an extremely brilliant record for my martial arts career!

In the past month or so, Zhang Kai had noticed Lin Zichen's leading martial arts talent.

He knew very well that as long as Lin Zichen was given more half a year to practice, no one in the team would be his opponent.

Therefore, you have to take advantage of the fact that Lin Zichen has only just practiced for a long time and his strength has not yet grown up, so you can quickly compete with him openly and crush him to your heart's content.

In this way, the higher Lin Zichen's martial arts achievements will be in the future, the more he will be able to brag about them.

He would brag when he saw someone, saying, "Remember back then, I was the man who defeated Lin Tiancai on the martial arts stage!"

Lin Zichen didn't know that Zhang Kai would have so much drama in his heart.

As soon as he had an idea, he put away the text message in the void, handed the clothes in his hand back to Shen Qinghan, and then walked to the martial arts platform in front, saying as he walked:

"It's already very late. I still have to go home for dinner. Let's make a quick decision."


Zhang Kai responded and walked towards the martial arts platform.

As a coach, Guo Xiang saw the situation and quickly followed the two of them towards the martial arts platform.

On the martial arts stage.

After seeing both of them standing in their positions, Guo Xiangyuan said to them: "I will be the referee for you in this competition. Remember, friendship comes first, discussion second, don't hurt the harmony."

Lin Zichen: "Yes, I understand, coach."

Zhang Kai did not respond, but looked at Li Shutong in the audience and shouted: "Little Lizi, help record the process of our competition!"

He wanted to keep today's results on video, and when Lin Zichen really achieved something in the future, he would show it off and brag about it.

"Okay." Li Shutong, one of the members of the martial arts team, gave him an OK gesture, then took out his mobile phone and turned on the video at the martial arts platform.

Seeing this, Shen Qinghan, who was also in the audience, also took out his mobile phone and turned on the video to record Lin Zichen's martial arts competition.

But unlike Zhang Kai, she knew how strong Lin Zichen was, and she videotaped Lin Zichen to record his victory.

"Are you two ready?"

On the martial arts stage, Guo Xiangyuan looked at the two team members who were about to compete and asked.

Lin Zichen: "Ready."

Zhang Kai: "We can start coaching."

Seeing that both of them were ready, Guo Xiangyuan retreated to the edge of the martial arts platform, raised his right hand high, and then slashed hard:

"The discussion has officially begun!"

After the words fell, neither of the two people on the stage made any move immediately.

Among them, Zhang Kai looked at Lin Zichen and pretended to be victorious:

"Junior, you have only been in the team for more than a month, and I have been in the team for almost two years. In this way, I will give you three moves first, lest you later say that I bullied the small."


Lin Zichen responded with a word that was as precious as gold, and then rushed out in a blink of an eye, approaching Zhang Kai in an instant, and kicked him off the martial arts platform.

Zhang Kai: "???"

The six team members in the audience said: "Fuck!"

Guo Xiangyuan was stunned.

The fresh-faced senior screamed: "Ahhhhh! Junior Zichen, you are so powerful, you have taken away my soul!"

The other little fans also followed and screamed like crazy.

On the martial arts stage.

Lin Zichen ignored the commotion in the audience and focused entirely on the text messages in the void.

[You defeated your competitors, successfully captured the heart of the opposite sex, and gained priority in choosing a mate]

[Cumulative elimination of opponents: 1/1000]

We still have to eliminate 999 competitors...

Thinking about it, Lin Zichen put away the text message, looked at the other six teammates in the audience and asked:

"You six, do you want to come and compete with me?"


However, no one responded to him at all.

Because everyone was stunned and had not yet recovered from the scene just now.

The first person to react was Zhang Kai, who had just been kicked off the martial arts platform by him.

At this time, Zhang Kai, enduring the pain in his lower abdomen, climbed up from the ground with difficulty, returned to the martial arts platform and said dissatisfied: "It doesn't count what I did just now, I'm not ready yet, do it again!"

Guo Xiangyuan came to his senses after hearing the sound, frowned and looked at Zhang Kai, and said in a somewhat unhappy tone: "Zhang Kai, I am willing to admit defeat. Don't lose your martial arts spirit if you lose."

Zhang Kai opened his mouth to defend, but Guo Xiangyuan didn't give him this chance at all. The next second he looked at Li Shutong in the audience and shouted to him: "Little Lizi, come up and compete with Zichen."

"Oh, oh, okay!" Li Shutong put down his cell phone when he heard this and responded while getting on the stage.

in the coming time.

Lin Zichen competed with all the teammates in the team, and it was expected that he would win completely.

However, in order to keep his strength within the normal range, he did not kill his opponent in an instant like he did against Zhang Kai.

Instead, he would deal with it, use a few moves, and then defeat him.

In this way, the exaggerated combat power shown by killing Zhang Kai with a direct kick can be well explained and avoid a lot of unnecessary trouble.

Everyone will think that the reason why Zhang Kai was killed instantly was purely because Zhang Kai was pretending to be cool and accidentally exaggerated, rather than because Lin Zichen really had the ability to kill him instantly.

"Genius, Zichen, you are really a genius!"

"You have only joined the martial arts team for more than a month, and you have already become the team's ace!"

"In this year's martial arts competition in the district, our Shanhai Middle School will definitely defeat the other nine schools and win first place in the district!"

Guo Xiangyuan patted Lin Zichen on the shoulder, smiling from ear to ear.

At the same time, Zhang Kai, who was originally dissatisfied with Lin Zichen and felt that he lost the competition because of his carelessness, is now completely convinced.

He had watched the discussion between Lin Zichen and other teammates just now carefully, and realized that there was indeed a gap between himself and Lin Zichen, and there was nothing left to say.

"Zi Chen, I, Zhang Kai, am willing to admit defeat. Even if you try to poop on my head from now on, I will never force you to do anything!"

Zhang Kai looked at Lin Zichen and shouted to him in a loud voice, which sounded like he was taking an oath.

He thinks he looks handsome like this, and if he is willing to admit defeat and do what he says, he will definitely win the favor of girls.

However, when the girls around him heard that he opened his mouth and said the smelly word "Shit", they immediately felt that this man was so vulgar and didn't even want to take a second look.

Lin Zichen had no time to pay attention to Zhang Kai, and was looking at the empty text message with a slight frown.

[Achievement: In a formal competition situation, using the most primitive biological method, a total of 1,000 different competitors were eliminated]

[Reward: Obtain biological attributes - natural selection]

[Cumulative elimination of competitors: 1/1000]

Only when I defeated Zhang Kai, my progress improved a little, but there was no improvement when I defeated the other six teammates.

Lin Zichen combined the text information that emerged when he defeated Zhang Kai before, thought about it carefully, and quickly came to a conclusion.

Not just any duel can improve the progress of achievement tasks, there must be a conflict of interest, that is, a competitive duel, in order to improve the progress.

The initial discussion with Zhang Kai was judged to be the most primitive battle for the right to choose a mate.

"It seems that if you want to achieve this achievement in the future, you have to participate in more competitions."

Lin Zichen murmured in his heart.

Every duel in the game is full of competition.

There is competition for ranking.

Competition with prize money.

Therefore, as long as you successfully defeat your opponent in the game, you will definitely be able to increase the progress of the achievement mission.

PS: Set the bowls, please recommend monthly tickets!

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