"Bing, are you not ready yet? The pagan believers are getting more and more excited, causing blood to ooze from the hostage's neck. The situation is quite critical."

"Captain, that man is very professional. He hid his body very well. I couldn't aim and there was no chance of sniping."

"Chen Yan, have you found out the identity of the pagan believer? Contact his family as soon as possible and ask his family to come to the scene to persuade him."

"Captain, the other party is an orphan."


Listening to the reports of the two team members, the captain of the security team looked sad.

He wanted to rush forward and rescue the woman who was being held hostage, but he couldn't see any chance of taking action.

The pagan believer huddled in a corner and hid his body behind the hostage. Only a knife was exposed on the hostage's neck, without any flaws.

"Captain, how about we try using sleeping gas?"

One of the team members suggested in a low voice.

The captain of the security team shook his head: "It's useless. The hypnotic gas is too obvious. Before it takes effect, it will easily anger the gangsters and make them behave in extreme ways."

Just when everyone felt helpless.


A sharp sound broke through the air!


The next moment, a stone as big as an egg flew past the eyes of the captain of the security team at a speed that was invisible to the naked eye, and accurately hit the hand of the pagan believer inside.


The pagan believers screamed in pain.

The stone hit his hand holding the knife.

Moreover, the angle of the impact was extremely tricky, and the powerful impact force caused his hand holding the knife to turn outwards, causing the kitchen knife to stay away from the hostage's neck, and he quickly fell to the ground.

At the same time, the kidnapped Teacher Strawberry was finally able to escape. Her strong desire to survive made her desperately escape to the security guard.

The security guards responded quickly. One person stepped forward to rescue Teacher Strawberry, and the rest rushed to control the pagan believers.

From the beginning to the end, the security guards did not know what happened. They only knew that the pagan believers suddenly covered their hands and screamed, and then the hostages themselves were out of danger.

Only Shen Qinghan, who had witnessed everything with his own eyes, opened his mouth in shock, his face full of shock.

"Xiaochen, you..."

"Let's go, let's talk when we get back."

Lin Zichen had no intention of staying long. Seeing that Teacher Strawberry was saved, Lin Zichen got back on his bicycle to take Shen Qinghan away.

However, before he could ride his bicycle, the captain of the security team ran over and blocked in front of his car, panting slightly:

"Classmate, wait a minute, don't leave in a hurry. Did you just throw a stone?"

As he spoke, the captain of the security team placed a stone in his hand in front of Lin Zichen.

The pagan believer's hand was injured, and there was a bloody stone not far from his feet. Combined with the direction in which the stone was thrown, the captain of the security team guessed that the stone was thrown by Lin Zichen.

Although this is unbelievable, there is really no more reasonable explanation than this at the moment.

"I didn't throw it."

Lin Zichen didn't want to be troubled by the follow-up matters, so he calmly dropped these words.

Then, the front of the car tilted, and it rode away from the captain of the security team.

The captain of the security team was stunned for a moment, then looked at his back and shouted:


"Classmate, please stop for a moment!"

"Classmate, what you did is a good thing, why shouldn't you admit it?!"

No matter how loud the captain of the security team shouted, Lin Zichen had no intention of stopping, and his figure quickly disappeared around the corner in front.

"That's weird. Why don't you want to admit that you've done good things?"

The captain of the security team was puzzled by this.

However, he didn't think too much and planned to come back here tomorrow to collect surveillance and confirm whether Lin Zichen did it and how he did it.

At this moment, Lin Zichen drove Shen Qinghan back, looked at him and asked: "I suddenly remembered something, is there a reward for being brave?"

"Um, yes."

"Yes, I threw it. There are my fingerprints on the stone. You can take me back to compare it."

Captain of the security team: "..."

This change of attitude happened so quickly that the captain of the security team was speechless for a moment.

Lin Zichen didn't want to be like this, but in order to open the ghost squid album as soon as possible, he had to think of various ways to save money and sacrifice five buckets of rice.

Captain of the security team: "Well, let's do this. You can come to the security station later to make a brief record and compare your fingerprints to make sure there are no problems. I will apply for a bonus for your bravery."

"no problem."

Lin Zichen readily agreed.

When Shen Qinghan in the back seat heard this, he immediately took out his mobile phone and called home, saying that he would not be back until later.

The captain of the security team returned to the park to deal with the follow-up, and wanted to bring the subdued heretic believer back to the security center.

"By the way, Xiaochen, I don't know how Teacher Strawberry is doing now. Let's go over and see her."

As soon as Shen Qinghan finished the phone call, he suggested to Lin Zichen in front of him.

Lin Zichen: "Okay."

After reaching a consensus, the two parked their bicycles aside and walked to the security car in the park together.

As soon as Mr. Strawberry was rescued, he was immediately taken into the security vehicle to have the wound on his neck treated. He is probably resting in the vehicle now.

Just when the two were about to reach the security car.

Not far to the side, the handcuffed pagan believer suddenly made a painful "ho ho" sound from his mouth for some unknown reason.

Immediately afterwards, his face began to crack, and shocking blood stains appeared.

These blood marks grew longer and wider, until they formed eyes, evenly distributed on both sides of the face.

Counting the original eyes, no more, no less, exactly eight.

The security officer responsible for escorting the pagan believers discovered the problem, immediately pulled out his gun and loaded it, and at the same time shouted nervously to the security team leader:

"Captain, something has changed. This pagan believer has symptoms of mutation and is transforming into a giant alien rat!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the pagan believer who had symptoms of alienation suddenly became extremely strong and ripped off the handcuffs. Then he turned around and rushed towards the security guard to bite him.

Fortunately, the security guard was on guard and reacted quickly, turning aside in time to avoid it.

Giant alien rat? !

Lin Zichen first heard these five words, and then saw the eight eyes on the faces of the pagan believers. Without thinking, he picked up Shen Qinghan next to him, turned around and ran out of the park.

He didn't know exactly what happened, but there was nothing wrong with staying away from the scene for the first time.

Shen Qinghan was still a little confused, but he had often been hugged and run by Lin Zichen like this when he was a child, so he obediently put his arms around Lin Zichen's neck, pressed his face against him, and tried to make him hug him as easily as possible.

"Shoot, shoot quickly!"

As soon as Lin Zichen ran away, the captain of the security team on the back shouted anxiously to several security officers.

Then, a deafening burst of gunfire suddenly sounded, which was particularly harsh in the silent night.


"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!"

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"


At this time, Lin Zichen had already run out of the park with Shen Qinghan in his arms, and they both got on their bicycles. They pedaled and rushed up, trying to stay away from the dangerous place behind them.

However, I don't know if I was pedaling too hard or something. After riding less than 20 meters, the chain of the bicycle suddenly broke with a "snap".

The link is broken directly, not the link is dropped, and there is no way to save it.

"Fuck!" Lin Zichen said in a rare rude tone.

PS: Set the bowls, please recommend monthly tickets!

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