Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 22 Pagan Rape

"Mom, I want to spend 998 yuan to buy a pound of ghost squid meat, which is a kind of exotic animal meat."

"It's okay. If you want to buy it, just buy it. Mom will cook it for you when you get it back."

Zhang Wanxin in the video thought that Lin Zichen wanted to buy the ghost squid meat, so she agreed with a smile without even thinking about it.

Although buying a pound of meat for 1,000 yuan is a bit luxurious for this ordinary family like me.

However, my son has been very sensible since he was a child and has never spent a penny. Now it is rare that he wants to buy something, and his mother must agree.

After chatting briefly, Lin Zichen quickly hung up the video chat.

Immediately afterwards, he saw Zhang Wanxin transfer 2,000 yuan on WeChat, and sent a text message asking him to buy more and call Hanhan's family over to eat.

Lin Zichen replied thanking his mother, then looked at the teller in front of him and said, "My mother has agreed to my purchase. Please give me three kilograms of ghost squid meat."

"Okay, I'll pack it for you right now." The female teller said with a warm smile.

After a while.

Lin Zichen paid 2,994 yuan and left with three kilograms of packed ghost squid meat.

On the way, Shen Qinghan couldn't help but ask: "Didn't you say you just came here to see the meat of exotic animals? Why did you suddenly buy it?"

"Because I want to buy it for you to eat."

"I don't believe it. It's obviously just for myself." Shen Qinghan said with emotion: "This exotic animal meat costs 998 yuan per pound. It's really expensive. I don't know how it tastes."

Lin Zichen didn't speak anymore, he was having a headache whether to swallow the ghost squid meat.

Originally, he wanted to secretly buy some ghost squid meat to devour, but it turned out that he couldn't buy it because he was underage, so he had to give permission from his parents.

It's fine now. His family knows that he bought ghost squid meat and they are waiting for him to bring it back to eat. How can they still devour it?

Meat is not teeth. If the life source inside is swallowed up, it will probably rot.

"It seems that I can only devour a little bit first, and then I will have to find a purchasing agent to help buy exotic animal meat."

Lin Zichen silently put his hand into the bag, touched a small portion of the ghost squid meat and devoured it.

It's not much, just a small piece, about one or two weights.

[You swallowed a trace of the life source of the "Ghost Squid\

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