Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 24 Female Mechanical Transformer

in the park.

Several security officers drew their guns and fired at the pagan believer, aiming at the heart and head.

In just a moment, the pagan believers who were transforming into giant alien rats were sieved.

However, the pagan believers covered in bullet holes just fell to the ground, and their bodies continued to mutate.

After a few more sniper shots, his head was smashed off, but it was still mutating.

"Jiangbei West Road, Citizen Park, there is a pagan believer who has transformed into a giant alien rat. Ordinary firearms cannot cause fatal damage to him!"

"Preliminary judgment is that it is fused with the rat king gene!"

"We are unable to respond, so we request the dispatch of mechanical modifiers for support!"

Seeing that he was unable to cope with the current situation, the captain of the security team immediately contacted the city's security headquarters and requested the dispatch of mechanical reformers for support.

"Captain, he got up!" a security guard shouted.

I saw that the pagan believers who were still slumped on the ground just now stood up at some point.

The body has more and more characteristics of the giant alien rat. It has slender rat whiskers, its mouth becomes pointed and long, and its face is covered with rat hair, turning it into a rat man who walks upright.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

"Hold on!"

"Shoot and hold this beast down!"

"Just hold on for 2 minutes and you can wait for the support of the mechanical cyborgs!"

"Stop it, don't let it leave the park!"

"Bang! Bang! Bang..."

Under the command of the captain of the security team, several security officers retreated while firing, using suppressive fire to prevent the Rat Man from leaving the park.

Outside the park.

Hearing the words of the captain of the security team in the park, Lin Zichen stopped driving, picked up Shen Qinghan in the back seat and ran wildly.

The development of the situation was far more serious than he imagined, and he had to flee from here quickly.

[You are sprinting at full speed with a heavy load, blood +4, speed endurance +2, body coordination +2, running speed +2, running skill +2]

[You sprinted 1,000 meters at full speed with a heavy load, your vitality +400, speed endurance +200, body coordination +200, running speed +200, running skill +200]

Just over a minute.

Lin Zichen hugged Shen Qinghan and ran for thousands of meters, completely away from the dangerous park.

Although he only ran 1,000 meters, the intensity was so high that he was so tired that he put his hands on his knees and panted.

When Shen Qinghan saw this, he immediately ran into the nearby convenience store and bought a bottle of sports drink. He unscrewed the cap and handed it to him, asking him to drink slowly.

Lin Zichen reached out to take the drink, but did not drink it immediately, still panting.

I'm still out of breath and can't drink at all.

"Ah, damn Xiaochen, I forgot to take the ghost squid meat in the car basket!"

Shen Qinghan suddenly remembered this matter, and his face suddenly became anxious.

When Lin Zichen heard this, he felt a sudden pain in his body.

His first reaction was to go back and get it, but his reason quickly stopped him from doing such a stupid thing.

The park is still very dangerous. If you go back hastily, accidents may happen.

Have to wait and see.

While ensuring your own safety, see how the situation goes before deciding whether to go back and get the ghost squid meat.

At this moment, a loud roar suddenly came from the sky.

It sounded like a large-displacement motorcycle rushing by with the throttle accelerating, making people's ears buzz and causing a sense of discomfort in their eardrums.

Lin Zichen looked up following the sound.

It's a mechanical transformation man!

But it just flashed by, flying hundreds of meters away in an instant, and the appearance could not be captured at all.

But you can guess that it must be the support that the captain of the security team has just invited.

There are mechanically modified people in the field, so safety should be guaranteed.

Thinking about it, Lin Zichen decided to go back and get the ghost squid meat back.

So he looked at Shen Qinghan aside and said:

"Wait for me here for a while. I'll go back to the park to get the ghost squid meat. I'll be back soon."

"I am coming too!"

"It would be faster if I went alone."

"Well, be careful on the way and come back soon."


Lin Zichen didn't say anything more, and quickly turned around and ran towards the park.

This time, because he didn't hold Shen Qinghan in his arms, he ran back outside the park in less than a minute.

At this time, a large amount of purple-blue smoke was filling the park, and a fierce fighting could be heard from inside.

Lin Zichen ignored this and quickly ran to the bicycle to stop, opened the basket and took out the ghost squid meat inside.

As soon as I got it, my nose smelled a faint rancid smell.

After sniffing it, I found it was coming from the bag containing ghost squid meat.

Lin Zichen suddenly had a bad premonition.

With some anxiety, he opened the bag and took a look at the ghost squid meat inside.

As a result, I was distressed to find that the meat inside had deteriorated and showed obvious signs of decay.

It’s over!

After the meat is devoured and its source of life is devoured, it is not that it will not deteriorate and become rotten, but there will be a time delay!

What to do now?

How should I explain this to my parents when I go back?

Lin Zichen was very distressed.

At this time, more intense fighting sounds came from the other side of the park.

Accompanied by a sharp, mouse-like and human-like voice.

The next moment, a slender figure rose into the sky in the thick purple-blue smoke, suspended high in the sky relying on the powerful anti-airflow power device under its feet.

Lin Zichen looked up to the sky, and what came into view was a female mechanical transformer.

The chest is flat and made of pure alloy, with a circular glowing area in the middle, which seems to be an energy pump.

As far as this alloy body is concerned, it looks stronger than the male cybernetic transformation man I met in the alley in elementary school.

Suddenly, the energy pump on the chest of the female mechanical transformer flashed an extremely dazzling light.

next moment!

A terrifying energy beam shot out from the energy pump, blasting towards the ground below!

Immediately afterwards, there was a "boom"!

Most of the originally dark park was illuminated in an instant.

After a moment, the light dissipated.

The park, which was still noisy at first, has become quiet inside.

All that's left is a faint burning smell.

Lin Zichen stood there blankly, shocked by the scene in front of him.

This female cybernetic can actually fire a laser cannon?

Shanhai City is just a small prefecture-level city, does it have such a high level of mechanical transformation people?

The power of this laser cannon is terrifying.

It's hard to imagine how far a creature's flesh and blood must evolve to be able to withstand the damage of this laser cannon... Lin Zichen was lost in his thoughts.

On the other side, smoke was coming from the chest of the female robot high in the sky, and the surrounding area was dark.

It can be seen how hot the energy beam just released from there is.

After confirming that all the life of the rat man below was lost, the female mechanical cyborg no longer stayed long, turned around and flew away.

Lin Zichen watched the other party leave with a lot of thoughts in his mind.

The fact that I now have a physical fitness that far exceeds that of my peers is all due to hard work every day.

The mechanical transformation person does not need to do anything. He only needs to install powerful alloy equipment to have super destructive power.

This instant power is truly enviable.

Just as Lin Zichen was thinking about all this, the captain of the security team and others walked out from a short distance away and ran into the park to clear the place.

Seeing this, Lin Zichen hesitated for a moment, and then followed him in.

He wanted to see how much damage the female robot's laser cannon had caused.

PS: Set the bowls, please recommend monthly tickets!

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