Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 216 Luo Qianxue is Bai Xue! The Divine Plant Cult strikes again!

In an undiscovered ancient ruins.

Qi Qingmo looked at the empty surroundings, his slender eyebrows slightly wrinkled.

The ruins where she is located were the treasure house of Tianren Pavilion.

It is a secret room that stores evolutionary resources.

But now, it is completely empty, with no resources left.

Some are just a hint of decay from years of disrepair.

She knew that it was probably the disciples of Tianren Pavilion who took advantage of her to seal herself and divided up all the resources in the treasure house and confiscated them.

This is inevitable human nature.

It's predictable.

"It seems that until we find a way out, we will have to rely on blood transfusions from that junior to survive."

Qi Qingmo murmured.

After saying that, she then laughed at herself: "It's too depressing..."

The spiritual energy of heaven and earth in this world has been depleted too seriously, resulting in a lack of evolutionary resources.

In a short period of time, it was difficult for her to find enough resources to maintain basic survival.

Before finding a way out, she could only rely on Lin Zichen's blood transfusions to survive.

Moreover, frequent blood transfusions are required.

Her physical body was too strong, and the power of Qi and blood from a high-level pure-blood human could only sustain her body's activities for a very short period of time.

This is on the premise of not taking action casually.

If you encounter an enemy and have to attack with all your strength, you will probably fall into a deep sleep due to excessive consumption just halfway through the move.

The restrictions are huge.

In the dormitory.

Lin Zichen sat on the sofa and carefully observed the Twin Light and Dark Fruit in his hands.

As big as dragon fruit.

The peel is black and white like a zebra.

Smells a bit fragrant.

If you touch it with your hands, you will feel two completely opposite sensations: cold and hot.

If you touch the black peel, you will feel the slightest bit of coldness.

If you touch the white peel, you will feel a slight burning sensation.

The world of ice and fire is a very magical feeling.

Feel the pulp inside again.

You can clearly feel that there is an extremely rich vitality inside.

This vitality is beating around restlessly under the peel, and it feels like it's about to burst out at any moment.

Took some time to observe.

Soon, Lin Zichen got up from the sofa.

He walked slowly to the kitchen.

Wash the twin fruits of light and darkness on your hands.

Then cut it in half and share it with Shen Qinghan.

Before giving it to Shen Qinghan, Lin Zichen took a look at the pulp of the Twin Light and Dark Fruit.

Also in black and white.

The texture is exactly the same as on the peel.

It can only be said that the name Twin Light and Dark Fruit is indeed correct.

Return to the living room.

Lin Zichen walked up to Shen Qinghan, handed her half of the Twin Light and Dark Fruit in his hand and said, "Here, I'll give you this half."

Shen Qinghan shook his head: "I don't want it, you can eat it."

"Why not?"

"This is the compensation you got for consuming a lot of energy and blood. You should finish it by yourself."

"Look at what you said. The relationship between the two of us is like this. What's yours is mine, and what's mine is yours. It's somewhat inappropriate for you to act so open-minded."

"Relationships are relationships, but this Twin Fruit of Light and Darkness is a resource that you paid a price for. I can't let half of it go to waste without paying anything."

Shen Qinghan said seriously.

She was not reserved, but she really thought so in her heart.

Just because she is Lin Zichen's fiancée, she cannot take away half of his resources as a matter of course.

A little bit is fine.

But splitting half of it when we meet is really a bit too much.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it was a direct cut to the aorta.

"Don't think so much, just eat it if I give it to you. If you feel really sorry, you can compensate me from other places in the future."

Lin Zichen said as he stuffed half of the Twin Light and Dark Fruit into Shen Qinghan's hand.

Shen Qinghan looked at the Twin Light and Darkness Fruit in his hand, pursed his lips, and said to Lin Zichen: "You have given me so many things. I feel like I will never be able to pay them back in my lifetime."

"We are childhood sweethearts who grew up together. We are a quasi-couple living under the same roof. We are not partners in a business partnership. There is no need to make such a clear distinction."

Lin Zichen put his arms around her waist and said in a gentle voice.

Listening to these intimate words, Shen Qinghan felt sweet in her heart, nodded and said:

"Well, it's not that clear."

When she said this, she was thinking in her heart that she must serve Lin Zichen well in the future, serve her like a personal maid, and never say "no" to Lin Zichen.

Lin Zichen didn't have as many ideas as she did.

Seeing that she finally understood that there was no need to distinguish between them so clearly, she stopped saying anything more.

He then picked up the Twin Light and Dark Fruit in his hand and put it into his mouth with some anticipation.

Take one bite.

The black and white pulp immediately bursts with extreme sweetness in your mouth.

A large amount of cold and hot juice hits back and forth on the taste buds.

Brings an unprecedented taste.

Explodingly delicious.

And the moment the pulp is swallowed into the stomach.

The energy and blood in the body immediately surged like a stormy sea, and the intensity continued to soar.

At the same time, the sea of ​​consciousness in the brain is rapidly expanding, causing a somewhat comfortable swelling feeling.

It was like Shen Qinghan putting her soft little hands on her head and stroking her gently.

So comfortable.

Lin Zichen enjoyed this inexplicable pleasure.

Immediately, he finished all the twin light and dark fruits in his hands in a few mouthfuls.

Even the core was swallowed.

Seeing this, Shen Qinghan also began to eat the half of the twin light and dark fruit in her hand in small bites.

When she tasted the first bite, she suddenly opened her eyes, her pretty face full of surprise.

Sour and sweet.

Full of juice.

One bite, ice and fire.

This is too delicious!

Then she ate it in big mouthfuls, not like a lady as usual.

When she finished eating all the twin light and dark fruits, she suddenly trembled slightly.

Then, a familiar feeling of wetness and heat instantly surged out from under her skirt.

She peed.

Under the strong stimulation of the twin light and dark fruit, she was born with a sensitive body, and her valve opened uncontrollably, soaking her skirt and sofa.

"Ah, it's all wet."

Shen Qinghan looked at her wet lower body, her pretty face full of distress.

Since the fusion of the blue jellyfish king gene, except for the almost negative distance intimacy with Lin Zichen, she has never peed once.

Suddenly she urinated, which really caught her off guard.

After a moment of reaction.

She immediately took out a tissue to wipe the urine on the sofa and the floor.

Seeing this, Lin Zichen said, "Let me do it, you can go change your skirt."

"Then thank you."

Shen Qinghan turned and walked towards the bathroom.

However, just as she turned around, Lin Zichen grabbed her hand and said, "Take off your skirt, I'll use the skirt to wipe it, it's more convenient to wipe it this way."


Shen Qinghan responded, took off her skirt in a few seconds, and threw it on the floor casually.

Then she walked quickly towards the bathroom with a pair of slender white legs.

Lin Zichen picked up the skirt on the floor, wiped the urine on the sofa a few times, and then took the skirt to the washing machine and threw it away.

The little dirty girl has a special physique, and the liquid she discharges is colorless and odorless, and it can even be said to have a faint fragrance.

It's almost enough to clean it up casually.

No need to deal with it specially.

Go back to the living room and sit down.

Lin Zichen calmed down and began to feel the strength of his blood and spirit.

Just after eating the twin light and dark fruit.

The blood in his body was surging.

The size of his sea of ​​consciousness was rapidly expanding.

With such a big movement in his body, the blood and spirit strength must have increased a lot.

Let's see how much it has increased.


Suddenly, Lin Zichen exclaimed.

This was the first time he shouted "Fuck" in his 19 years of being a human.

At this time, he was shocked.

Because he was shocked to find that his blood and spirit strength were both as high as the fifth level!

He just ate a fruit!

The biological level actually evolved directly from the fourth level to the fifth level!

It's unbelievable!

Before he could recover from the shock, Shen Qinghan's exclamation came from the bathroom:

"Oh my God!"

"Lin Zi, my blood and spirit strength have soared to the advanced third level!"

"Check it out to see if it's my illusion!"

Accompanied by this burst of unbelievable shouts.

Shen Qinghan didn't even wrap herself in a bath towel, and ran over naked.

Soared to the advanced third level? !

Listening to Shen Qinghan's shout, Lin Zichen opened his eyes a little, thinking that he had heard it wrong.

After a moment of reaction.

He quickly thought and used [Danger Sense] to check Shen Qinghan's biological information.

It would have been better if he hadn't looked at it, but he was shocked when he saw it.

It's really the advanced third level!

The biological level of the little dirty girl has soared directly from the advanced first level to the advanced third level!

Evolved two levels in a row!

"Linzi, Linzi, please help me check if I have really evolved to the advanced third level?!"

Shen Qinghan ran to Lin Zichen and stopped, asking impatiently.

Lin Zichen calmed down and said, "It is advanced third level."

"It is advanced third level!"

Shen Qinghan jumped up excitedly and clapped her hands excitedly.

When she landed, her curvy body trembled.

She was grinning from ear to ear.

"Linzi, how many levels have you evolved?"

Shen Qinghan put away the smile on her pretty face and asked curiously.

She knew very well that the reason why she could evolve two levels in a row was probably because she had just eaten half of the twin light and dark fruit.

And Lin Zichen, who also ate half of the twin light and dark fruit, must have evolved in biological level.

Lin Zichen raised his hand towards the bathroom, sucked the towel in the air, and gently wrapped it around Shen Qinghan, saying calmly:

"It's worse than you, only evolved one level."

"Ah? How could this be..."

Shen Qinghan was a little stunned and felt unbelievable.

In her heart, Lin Zichen's evolutionary talent was far better than hers.

Both of them ate half of the Twin Light and Dark Fruit, and Lin Zichen's evolutionary benefits must be more than hers.

However, this time, she evolved two levels, while Lin Zichen only evolved one level.

This is very unreasonable.

But soon, she figured out the reason.

If nothing unexpected happens, it must be that the resources required to evolve from advanced level 4 to advanced level 5 are greater than the resources required to evolve from advanced level 1 to advanced level 3.

Thinking of this, she comforted her:

"Linzi, I know why you only evolved one level."

"This is because the difficulty of evolving from advanced level four to advanced level five is much greater than the difficulty of evolving from advanced level one to advanced level three."

"It's not that you're worse than me."


After hearing what Shen Qinghan said, Lin Zichen felt strange.

I have been strong since childhood, but one day I will be comforted by the cowardly Shen Qinghan.

This was truly unexpected.

Thinking about it, Lin Zichen reached out and pinched Shen Qinghan's pink and moist lips, and joked with a smile: "Just verbal comfort is not enough, you have to get some actual comfort."

Seeing that Lin Zichen was still thinking about laughing and joking, Shen Qinghan knew that he had overthought just now.

This childhood sweetheart of mine didn't feel uncomfortable at all just now.

However, the comfort that should be given must still be given.

This is the thought.

Shen Qinghan asked Lin Zichen to sit down on the sofa behind him, lifted the slightly damp hair from his forehead behind his ears, and said softly:

"Okay, then let me give you some practical verbal comfort, soothe your heart that has been hurt by a small setback and let you relax."


Seeing such a sensible Shen Qinghan, Lin Zichen felt very happy.

The little filthy girl is really getting better and better at it.

I'm afraid I saved the galaxy in my previous life so that I could have such a childhood sweetheart in this life.

What a blessing.

I thought about this for a while.

While enjoying Shen Qinghan's gentle caress, Lin Zichen turned his thoughts to the twin fruit of light and darkness that he and Shen Qinghan had just eaten.

Before today, it was really hard for him to imagine that there could be such a fruit in this world that could make advanced creatures evolve by just eating half of it.

This is probably much more advanced than Yiguo.

It has to be described as a fairy fruit.

It can be seen from this that the master of Tianren Pavilion who can possess this kind of fairy fruit and can give it away to others is really a powerful being.

Is it legendary?

Or mythical level?

Or is it some unknown level?

By the way, why does such a powerful being need to suck my blood to revive?

There are too many doubts in this. If you have the opportunity, you must ask the Pavilion Master...

Lin Zichen thought to himself.

The night gradually deepened.

Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan pounded their acupoints with high intensity for several hours in the room.

Wait until your body is exhausted.

They just left the room together.

Went to the bathroom and took a comfortable bath.

Then go back to your room and go to bed.

"Linzi, it feels so unreal. I have evolved into an advanced creature before my freshman year is over."


"After the biological level evolves to a high level, it meets the criteria for entering the origin. I don't know if the origin is a bizarre world like what was popularized in the military special training."

Shen Qinghan leaned against Lin Zichen's chest, huddled in his arms, and said in a curious voice.

Lin Zichen massaged her body skillfully and said:

"When sophomore year comes in a few months, the school will open enrollment for the new year. After Tianren Pavilion recruits 100 new members, we will probably have to enter the source. We will know when we see it in person. ”

"My cheap senior sister is also on the list of alien-level geniuses. I always thought she was Bai Xue, who we had been with for a while in elementary school. We can confirm it after we enter the source."

Shen Qinghan said with some expectation.

She had always cared about this matter and wanted to meet the cheap senior sister named Luo Qianxue to see if she was the white-haired girl transfer student she had happily spent time with when she was in the second grade of elementary school.

She didn't believe that there could be such a coincidence in the world.

They obviously look very similar, and the timing is right, and then they say they are two people.

She always felt that the white-haired cheap senior sister in the origin was the same Bai Xue back then.

"What is the specific place of origin you just mentioned?"

Suddenly, a female voice sounded faintly from the other side of the window.

Shen Qinghan was startled by the sudden sound, and shrank into the bed with an "ah" sound. Adrenaline surged, and her little heart was pounding.

Lin Zichen was also frightened.

But he quickly calmed down, stood up and turned on the light in the room. He looked at Qi Qingmo who was sitting on the window edge blowing the air, and said doubtfully:

"Pavilion Master, why do you suddenly appear here this late at night?"

He looked confused on the surface, but actually he was cursing in his heart.

Is the master of Tianren Pavilion sick today?

In the dead of night, I sat on the window edge of someone else's room like a ghost and eavesdropped.

Is this something that a good person with the title of "Great Love Immortal" can do?

Are you sure you're not a pervert?

Lin Zichen seriously doubted Qi Qingmo's character.

At this time, Shen Qinghan, who knew that the visitor was the master of the Tianren Pavilion, weakly poked his head out of the bed and looked at Qi Qingmo sitting on the window edge with confusion in his eyes.

She really couldn't understand why Qi Qingmo, a big man with unfathomable strength, would do such an inexplicable behavior of breaking into the junior's room at night.


Qi Qingmo knew in his heart that the two of them would be confused by her sudden late-night visit.

However, she didn't pay attention to this detail.

Instead, he asked again: “Can you briefly introduce the place of origin to me?”

Lin Zichen felt somewhat unhappy when she didn't answer why she appeared here.

But because of the other party's strong strength, he didn't show it.

He quickly gave the other party a brief introduction to the origin.

He said that it was an enhanced version of the earth.

It was rich in evolutionary resources.

There were various higher-level creatures living there.

Then he talked about the current relationship between the earth and the origin, indicating that the current situation of human beings is very passive, and they have been suppressed by the creatures on the other side of the origin, and the situation is not optimistic.

After listening to Lin Zichen's introduction to the origin.

Qi Qingmo's expression moved slightly, and she felt very surprised and pleasantly surprised.

The surprise was that she had lived for so many years and had never heard of the existence of a place like the origin.

The surprise was that the origin was rich in evolutionary resources, and she might find a way to return to the peak if she went there.

He calmed down a little.

Qi Qingmo opened her red lips and asked, "What should I do to enter the source?"

Lin Zichen answered truthfully: "All military headquarters above the provincial level in Jiuzhou have suppressed a biological channel leading to the source. You can reach the source through these biological channels."


At the same time.

In a luxurious villa in Shanhai City.

A group of masked people gathered together and secretly discussed the attack on Lin Zichen.

"Eighth Elder, didn't the Great Elder say that we should wait for him to launch a general attack on the ground before we attack Lin Zichen?"

A woman wearing a two-leaf clover mask hesitated and said with concern.

Opposite her, a man wearing a clover mask, the eighth elder of the Divine Planting Sect, said calmly: "It will be too late when the great elder takes action."

"Now the strong men in Nanjiang Province have basically entered the source to help resist the beasts. We must take advantage of the most empty time inside Shanhai University to attack Lin Zichen and take him away."

"If we wait for the great elder to launch an attack, there will definitely be a large number of mechanical transformation strong men coming to support Shanhai City soon."

"By then, there will be no such good opportunity to attack Lin Zichen as now."

"So, I decided to attack Lin Zichen tomorrow night."

"Do you support or oppose?"

When saying this last sentence, the eighth elder stood up from his seat, looked around condescendingly, and was extremely domineering.

All the masked people present did not dare to raise any objections, and could only speak out to express their support.


PS: Put the bowl, ask for monthly votes and recommendation votes! (End of this chapter)

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