Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 217 The mysterious runes around Shen Qinghan

"Biological channel?"

After listening to Lin Zichen's introduction to the source, Qi Qingmo couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

She tried to search for any information related to the source from her memory.

But nothing was found.

"It seems that this so-called source is indeed an unknown place that I have never set foot in."

"I have to find an opportunity to enter and find out."

Qi Qingmo thought silently in her heart.

The other side of the bed.

Seeing that Qi Qingmo remained silent for a long time, Lin Zichen hesitated for a while and asked the previous question again:

"Master, you came to us so late, is there something important?"

"No, I just want to suck your blood."

Qi Qingmo said honestly without any scruples.

When Lin Zichen heard this, his face changed slightly and he felt a little bad.

He just sucked it during the day, and now he wants to suck it again?

This Tianren Pavilion Master is really a good person?

Are you sure he is not a bad person?

Thinking so in his heart, Lin Zichen couldn't help but panic a little.

He was worried that Qi Qingmo would get addicted and suck him dry like an uncontrollable drug addict.

Suck him to death on the bed!

Shen Qinghan, who was standing by, had the same concern in his heart.

He held Lin Zichen's hand tightly.

His heart was pounding.

He was very nervous.

Seeing the strange look on their faces, Qi Qingmo guessed that they must have misunderstood something.

So he explained: "I came to visit you tonight because I traveled a long distance during the day and my blood and qi were almost exhausted. I need you to transport blood and qi to maintain basic vitality, so I came to find you."

"I wanted to knock on the window, but when I heard you talking about the place of origin, I sat down and listened for a while."

"I'm sorry if I scared you two just now."

Well, it's quite polite.

But not much.

If you are really polite, you won't break into other people's rooms at night.

Lin Zichen complained in his heart and asked, "Master, can't you make your own blood?"

He couldn't understand why Qi Qingmo, such a powerful being with unfathomable strength, had to rely on sucking other people's blood to maintain basic survival.

Is there something wrong with her body?

Or is she unable to adapt to the living environment of this era and was eliminated by this era?

Just like the extinction of dinosaurs in the past.


Qi Qingmo said calmly: "My evolutionary path is to refine the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in this world is almost exhausted. Without the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, most of my body functions have stopped working."

"Cannot generate blood."

"Cannot generate spiritual consciousness."

"Use a little less, until the vitality in the body is exhausted, and the body dies."


"Spiritual energy of heaven and earth?" Lin Zichen raised his eyebrows slightly.

This is the second special energy body he has heard of.

The first is source power.

It is the source power in the bodies of aliens and beasts.

Qi Qingmo continued: "Before my body can generate blood and qi on its own, I need you to give me a blood transfusion. Of course, I won't let you transfuse blood for nothing. I will give you corresponding compensation afterwards."

Compensation afterwards?

Lin Zichen felt like a gigolo, being prostituted by Qi Qingmo every day.

And the so-called compensation is the money for prostitution.

Aside, Shen Qinghan hesitated for a moment, then said weakly: "Master, I am also a high-level pure-blooded human, why don't you suck mine..."

Lin Zichen had just been sucked by Qi Qingmo for nearly half an hour during the day.

She was worried that Lin Zichen would be sucked hard by Qi Qingmo again, and his body would not be able to bear it.

So she mustered up the courage to volunteer to be sucked for Lin Zichen.

However, in the face of her volunteering, Qi Qingmo didn't even look at her, but just said lightly: "Your blood quality is too low, it can't be sucked."


Shen Qinghan was silent, lowered her head and pursed her lips, feeling very uncomfortable.

Being despised again.

Obviously, the biological level has evolved to the advanced third level, but the Pavilion Master still despises it as trash.

It's really uncomfortable.

Qi Qingmo didn't care whether she was uncomfortable or not, and said to Lin Zichen: "Open your mouth."

Open your mouth?

Lin Zichen was confused.

But he didn't think too much, and soon did what Qi Qingmo said, and opened his mouth honestly.

Seeing that Lin Zichen had opened his mouth, Qi Qingmo raised his white jade hand and flicked his fingers, accurately shooting a red pill into his mouth.

This red pill melted in his mouth, and instantly turned into strands of warm currents, quickly flowing to every muscle, bone, blood and flesh in Lin Zichen's body, speeding up the speed of his body's production of qi and blood.

The effect of the red pill is the same as that of the blood recovery pill, both of which are used to promote the production of qi and blood in the human body.

The only difference is that its efficacy is hundreds or thousands of times that of the advanced blood recovery pill.

"Come and deliver blood to me, or you will soon be burst by the endless blood."

Qi Qingmo teleported to the bed and lay flat on her back, with her hands folded on her belly, and closed her beautiful eyes that seemed to be surrounded by stars.

Lin Zichen calmed down and asked, "How to deliver it specifically?"

Before in the basement, he put his hands on the bronze coffin to deliver it.

Now there is no bronze coffin, only Qi Qingmo lying quietly beside him, he doesn't know how to operate.

Qi Qingmo said lightly: "Put your palm on the position of my heart, and then release the blood."

The position of the heart...

Isn't that the position of the chest?

Lin Zichen looked at Qi Qingmo's round and full breasts, and for a moment he didn't know whether he should put his hand on them to release the blood and qi.

But after hesitating for a moment, he quickly put his hand on them, and started to release the blood and qi.

The blood and qi in his body were getting more and more full, and if he didn't release the blood and qi quickly, he was worried that his body would burst.

When delivering blood and qi, because his hand was always on Qi Qingmo's chest, he could clearly feel the softness coming from there, and his heart couldn't help but be a little confused.

In order to prevent himself from being confused and having physiological reactions that shouldn't have occurred, he had to speak to divert his attention and asked Qi Qingmo who was lying beside him:

"Master, you just said that your evolutionary path is to refine the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, but you also created the blood quenching technique. Does this mean that you are practicing two evolutionary paths?"

"Yes, Immortal and martial arts dual cultivation."

Qi Qingmo said calmly.

Unlike Lin Zichen, she didn't feel uncomfortable because her chest was touched by a man's hand.

Having lived for countless years, she has long seen through the world and will not be bound by the seven emotions and six desires of the world.

She is just a skin, even if she is naked and seen by others, she will not be moved at all.

The only thing that can make her emotional now is that she has made a further step in her evolution.

"Dual cultivation of immortal and martial arts?"

It was the first time that Lin Zichen heard these four words in reality. He had only seen them in novels before.

Qi Qingmo explained simply: "Well, dual cultivation of immortal and martial arts."

"Immortal refers to the way of refining the spiritual energy of heaven and earth."

"Martial arts refers to the way of refining the body."

"The blood quenching technique I created is a method of refining the body."


After listening to Qi Qingmo's explanation, Lin Zichen couldn't help but frown slightly, and suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

Immortal martial arts, immortal martial arts, immortal first, martial arts second.

You can tell from one look that immortal\u003e martial arts.

When Lin Zichen thought about the blood quenching technique he had worked so hard to practice, which was a "martial art" lower than "immortal", he suddenly didn't want to follow the path of pure-blooded humans, and he lost all motivation.

Qi Qingmo saw him frowning, guessed what he was thinking, and said in a calm voice: "There is no difference between the two evolutionary paths of immortal and martial arts, only the direction."

"Immortal focuses on the law."

"Martial arts focuses on the body."

"Although the directions are different, the final evolutionary end of these two evolutionary paths is the same."

"The only difference is that each has its own strengths and weaknesses in the process of evolution."

"Which evolutionary path to take depends on which one is suitable for you."

"But for most creatures, it is much easier to take the evolutionary path of refining spiritual energy than the evolutionary path of refining the body."

"Therefore, in my era, most of the strong people took the evolutionary path of refining spiritual energy."


After hearing what Qi Qingmo said, Lin Zichen couldn't help but feel a Question: "Master, since the final evolutionary end is the same, shouldn't we focus on one of the evolutionary paths? Why do we need to practice dual cultivation to disperse our energy?"

Qi Qingmo: "You are right. Dual cultivation will indeed disperse our energy, which is not worth the loss."

Lin Zichen: "Why then..."

Qi Qingmo: "Because the spiritual energy of heaven and earth was becoming increasingly thinner at that time."

"The evolvers who took the evolutionary path of refining the spiritual energy of heaven and earth had to change to the evolutionary path of cultivating the body and were forced to practice both immortality and martial arts."

"Otherwise, they would die in the coming Dharma-ending Age."

After saying that, Qi Qingmo sighed: "And I am one of the evolvers who was forced to practice both immortality and martial arts."

There is actually this secret...

Lin Zichen felt that he had heard an incredible secret.

At the same time, he also wanted to understand many questions in his heart.

First, Qi Qingmo created the blood quenching technique, probably not to care about the mortals oppressed by the strong, but to find a way out for himself. The records in the ruins are wrong.

Second, the era of gods mentioned by Liu Chuanwu before was probably real.

This era of gods should refer to the era in which Qi Qingmo lived.

The reason why the immortals and gods of that era have disappeared and drowned in the long river of time is probably because the earth has entered the Dharma Ending Age, the spiritual energy is exhausted, and they can't survive.

Then they either seal themselves up and survive like Qi Qingmo, or die directly.


The exhaustion of spiritual energy affects the strong who take the evolutionary path of refining spiritual energy. Where did the strong who take the evolutionary path of refining the body go?

Why did the earth be attacked so many times by the creatures on the source side, but these strong body refining warriors didn't come out to resist?

Lin Zichen was puzzled and could only ask Qi Qingmo: "Master, if it is true as you said, there should be many body-refining masters on Earth, but in reality there is none. What's going on?"

Qi Qingmo explained: "Because the spiritual energy is exhausted, it affects not only the creatures who take the path of refining spiritual energy, but all the creatures living in the spiritual energy era."

"That's why, after I revived from the bronze coffin, I still had to rely on you to transport blood and qi to survive."

"Creatures living in the spiritual energy era, even if they take the evolutionary path of body refining, cannot survive in the end of the law era without spiritual energy."


After listening, Lin Zichen pondered for a moment and finally came to this conclusion: "In other words, when the end of the law era comes, all the creatures in your era will die?"

Qi Qingmo: "If you can't survive by sealing yourself like me, you will definitely die."

Lin Zichen: "In other words, there may be many powerful people from the spiritual age who are self-sealed in the ruins of the earth now?"

Qi Qingmo denied: "No, there are still very few strong people like me who can seal themselves for many years without decay."

After saying that, she continued: "What I said is not to boast."

"Even in that spiritual energy era where immortals and gods were everywhere, I was one of the top strong ones."

"There are probably less than two dozen powerful people in the spiritual energy age who can seal themselves and survive until new life appears on earth like me."


Lin Zichen believed what Qi Qingmo said.

If there were many powerful people like Qi Qingmo in the Reiki Era, then there would not be only one Qi Qingmo resurrected now.

in the coming time.

While Lin Zichen was giving Qi Qingmo a blood transfusion, he asked her some questions about the Reiki era.

No matter what questions he asked, Qi Qingmo patiently answered Lin Zichen's questions one by one.

After all, he was sucking Lin Zichen's blood right now. He was soft-spoken and short-handed, so he definitely couldn't show his impatience.

While the two of them were asking and answering questions, Shen Qinghan, who was sitting on the bed, said nothing the whole time and just listened, looking particularly well-behaved.


Six hours have passed.

The sky outside the window gradually changed from pitch black to a bit hazy and bright.

And none of the three people in the room was asleep.

What it was like six hours ago is what it is now.

Lin Zichen was still giving Qi Qingmo blood transfusion and kept asking her questions.

Qi Qingmo was still sucking blood while patiently answering Lin Zichen's questions.

Only Shen Qinghan, who was sitting aside, became less restrained and lay lazily on the bed.

"Okay, stop. The energy and blood in your body has been almost exhausted. Stop and rest for the day, and then continue at night."

Qi Qingmo took Lin Zichen's hand away, sat up from the bed and said.

She made an agreement with Lin Zichen that she would stay here temporarily in the next few days.

During this period, blood was sucked twice a day for six hours each time.

It is necessary to accumulate Qi and blood in the body as much as possible to prepare for the next entry into the source.

"This is compensation for the blood transfusions you will give me every day for the next few days. Take it."

Qi Qingmo conjured up a glass bottle containing more than a dozen pills out of thin air, and threw it to Lin Zichen.

Lin Zichen caught the thrown glass bottle, took a look at the pills inside, and found that they were the same red pills he had taken last night.

Qi Qingmo: "This is a blood bathing pill. After eating it, it can quickly restore Qi and blood. It is useful when attacking the heart or body, or fighting to the death with the enemy."

"Thank you, Pavilion Master, for the reward."

"You're welcome. This is not a gift. This is compensation for the blood transfusion you gave me."

After saying that, Qi Qingmo conjured up the ancient bronze coffin out of thin air and placed it beside the bed, intending to lie down in it to sleep.

in the next few days.

Except for the two periods of time in the morning and evening when she had to suck Lin Zichen's blood, the rest of the time she would lie dormant in an ancient bronze coffin to minimize the loss of qi and blood in her body and prepare fully for entering the source.

"By the way, Pavilion Master, I have another question I want to ask you."

When Qi Qingmo removed the coffin cover, Lin Zichen suddenly remembered that he still had a very important question that he had not asked, and immediately spoke out.

Qi Qingmo stopped, looked back at Lin Zichen on the bed, and said calmly: "What's the problem?"

Lin Zichen took out the mysterious runes that he had recorded before, those water drop runes that lingered around Shen Qinghan in the coastal forest, and showed them to Qi Qingmo, and asked: "Pavilion Master, do you recognize them?" These runes?"

Qi Qingmo took a look, shook his head and said, "I don't know him."

Um? do not know?

Lin Zichen was a little surprised.

He originally thought that Qi Qingmo must have experienced a lot and knew these runes since he had lived for so long.

As a result, I didn’t recognize him.

What is the origin of those mysterious water drop runes that lingered around Shen Qinghan that day?

Qi Qingmo asked: "Where did you see these runes?"

"I saw it in a ruins somewhere." Lin Zichen casually made up a reason.

Qi Qingmo fell into deep thought after hearing this.

After a moment, she said: "I really don't recognize these runes, but I have seen words somewhat similar to these runes in some ancient ruins from the spiritual age where I lived."

Ancient relics from the Reiki era?

Lin Zichen was very surprised when he heard these words.

The spiritual energy era that Qi Qingmo lived in was long enough ago.

How old is this ancient relic from the spiritual age?

This is a nesting doll.

Thinking about it, Lin Zichen asked: "Pavilion Master, what is the specific situation of the words in the ancient ruins you mentioned?"

Qi Qingmo thought about it and said, "I don't know exactly what happened. I saw those words on a mural in an undersea ruins. I can't understand the meaning of those words."

Undersea ruins?


I heard these two information points in Qi Qingmo’s words.

Lin Zichen couldn't help but think of the underwater ruins video that Liu Chuanwu had shown him before, and the pearl shell bracelet that he had taken back from the underwater ruins.

"Pavilion Master, don't sleep yet. I'll go to the research institute to get something to show you. It's a video about the underwater ruins."

After saying this, Lin Zichen immediately got out of bed, put on his shoes, walked to the window, and jumped out of the window directly in the direction of the research institute.

Seeing this, Shen Qinghan hurriedly got out of bed, put on his shoes, and jumped out of the window and chased after him, shouting: "Lin Zi, wait a minute, wait for me, I'll go with you!"

Qi Qingmo teleported to the window and stopped, watching the two people's backs gradually moving away, and he was also curious.

Underwater ruins video?

Is it a ruin similar to the one we entered at the beginning?


PS: Putting bowls, asking for monthly tickets and recommendation tickets! (End of this chapter)

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