Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 215 The head of Tianren Pavilion comes out of the coffin! Twin light and dark fruit!

In an instant, rich energy and blood surged out of Lin Zichen's palm.

In the shape of strands.

They rushed to the coffin cover under their palms.

The moment it came into contact with the power of Qi and blood, the runes on the surface of the ancient coffin immediately glowed with a faint red light.

As more Qi and blood come into contact, the red light on the runes becomes more dazzling.

Lin Zichen looked at the runes on the ancient coffin and couldn't help but think of the runes he saw that day in the coastal forest, where water beads turned into runes that lingered around Shen Qinghan.

The master of the Tianren Pavilion lived a very long time ago, and maybe she knew Hanhan's runes.

Well, I have to find a chance to ask afterwards...

Just thinking about it.

Suddenly, Lin Zichen found that the energy and blood in his body was rapidly draining away.

It is a passive loss, not an active release!

The ancient bronze coffin under the palm, after absorbing the power of Qi and blood released by Lin Zichen, began to actively absorb the power of Qi and blood in Lin Zichen's body.

Absorbs extremely quickly.

Like a black hole, it sucked away most of the energy and blood in Lin Zichen's body in an instant.

Having lost too much blood in a short period of time, Lin Zichen felt a little uncomfortable, as if he had just finished tempering his body.

The ancient bronze coffin in front of him, or to be more precise, is the master of the Tianren Pavilion in the ancient coffin. It is really breathtaking.

Suck it hard and fast.

She looked like a wife who had been starved by her husband for several years, looking dissatisfied with her desires.

In response, Lin Zichen frowned slightly.

But it did not stop delivering the power of Qi and blood.

He just silently took out a high-level blood-restoring pill from the storage space, then opened his mouth and calmly ate it to replenish his energy and blood.

With the blessing of the Resurrection Pill, Lin Zichen felt much better.

Whatever the master of Tianren Pavilion sucks.

Just don't drain people dry all at once.

that's all.

While Lin Zichen was taking the Blood Rejuvenation Pill, he asked the Master of the Tianren Pavilion in the ancient bronze coffin to suck it.

Seeing that a few minutes had passed, Shen Qinghan couldn't help but said worriedly:

"Dean, it's been so long, why haven't the transmissions been completed yet? If this continues, Xiaochen will be injured due to too much loss of energy and blood."

"It's okay. The Pavilion Master and Zichen must be aware of it. If they are still going on, it means the problem is not big."

Liu Chuanwu consoled him.

Shen Qinghan still felt worried, but said nothing more.

He just looked at Lin Zichen quietly and paid attention to his physical condition.

Once it is discovered that something is wrong with his physical condition, he will go to rescue as soon as possible.

In front of the ancient bronze coffin.

Lin Zichen took out three high-level blood-restoring pills and threw them into his mouth to replenish the energy and blood that was losing faster and faster in his body.

I complained in my heart that the master of Tianren Pavilion was too good at sucking.

It's been almost ten minutes since this transmission, and I'm still not fed enough, and I'm still sucking hard.

He would ask politely if he wanted to be sucked before he started sucking, but why did he become so rude after he started sucking?

There is a sense of déjà vu that I just can’t get into.

Let’s face it, the master of Tianren Pavilion is a scumbag who is good at smooth talk!

Some don't think about this.

A blink of an eye.

Twenty minutes passed.

At this time, the runes on the ancient bronze coffin gradually dimmed.

Stop absorbing the energy and blood in Lin Zichen's body.

Then, a thick and rough grinding sound was heard.

The cover of the ancient bronze coffin moved.

When Lin Zichen saw this, he immediately took his hand away from the cover and took two steps back.

During this period, he kept staring closely at the ancient bronze coffin, full of curiosity and expectation for the scene that was about to happen next.

The three people behind him did the same, all looking intently at the ancient bronze coffin.

However, after waiting for a long time, there was no movement at all.

Not as expected, the master of Tianren Pavilion quickly raised his coffin.

If nothing else, recovery should take some time.

Seeing that there was no movement in the ancient bronze coffin for a long time, Shen Qinghan walked lightly to Lin Zichen.

She stood on her tiptoes slightly and put her little cherry mouth to Lin Zichen's ear. For fear of disturbing the master of the Tianren Pavilion in the coffin, she said in a very soft and caring voice:

"How do you feel physically? Is it uncomfortable?"

Lin Zichen was sucked by the master of Tianren Pavilion for almost half an hour. She was worried that Lin Zichen's body was seriously damaged.

"It's okay, just take a rest and you'll be fine."

When he said this, Lin Zichen's eyes did not leave the ancient bronze coffin for a second.

About half a minute later.

The ancient bronze coffin moved.

The ancient bronze coffin that was originally lying flat suddenly stood up on the spot.

Like an upright refrigerator, place the side with the lid facing the four people in front of you.

Immediately afterwards, the thick cover slowly moved away.

Accompanied by a burst of ancient fragrance, an ancient woman wearing a Taoist robe slowly walked out of the ancient bronze coffin.

She has shawl hair, waist-length hair, a graceful oval face, deep eyes, a straight and delicate nose, and sexy and tender lips, like a peach soaked in morning dew, very alluring.

Looking down, the loose robe she was wearing was already showing signs of decay. It felt like she could tear it into pieces of cloth all over the floor with just a gentle tug, revealing a snow-white body. .

But no matter how decayed the Taoist robe is, she still gives people an air of immortality, like a fairy in a mythical novel.

Lin Zichen did not appreciate the beauty of the master of the Tianren Pavilion, and focused all his attention on the other party's rotten loose robe.

He thought that as the founder of the Blood Tempering Technique, the Master of Tianren Pavilion must have a very high status.

And high status means that the clothes she wears must be of excellent quality.

It may even be a priceless magic weapon.

It is a magic weapon in itself, and it is preserved in an ancient bronze coffin.

Under normal circumstances, it should be preserved intact even after thousands or tens of thousands of years.

However, the Taoist robe worn by the Pavilion Master of Tianren Pavilion in front of him has been rotten to the point that it looks rotten if torn.

It is conceivable how long she has been lying in the ancient bronze coffin.

It is estimated that the unit is epochs.

Lin Zichen did not think much about this, and quickly used [Danger Sense] to peek into the biological information of the Pavilion Master of Tianren Pavilion to determine what level of existence the other party is.

Then, as expected, nothing can be sensed.

It is obvious that the Pavilion Master of Tianren Pavilion must be at a very high level, and [Danger Sense] cannot peek into her biological information.

On the other side.

Qi Qingmo, who was in front of the ancient bronze coffin, sensed that someone was peeping at her biological information.

Following the direction of the perception, she raised her eyes and looked at Lin Zichen in front of her.

Then she said with her red lips:

"You dare to peek at other people's biological information at the advanced stage. You are very brave."


Is he actually noticed?

Lin Zichen opened his eyes wide and was very surprised.

Then he immediately stopped using [Danger Sense].

So as not to displease the unfathomable Tianren Pavilion Master.

Qi Qingmo was not displeased.

She just reminded him out of kindness for Lin Zichen's good.

Rather than being displeased and warning him.

"Dean Liu, how many members do we have in Tianren Pavilion now?"

Qi Qingmo looked at Liu Chuanwu and asked.

Her speaking style was very modern, not as literary as imagined.

This was her adapting to the local customs after many exchanges with Liu Chuanwu in the past years.

Liu Chuanwu replied respectfully: "Master, including you, there are six people in total."

"Only six people? Too few."

Qi Qingmo murmured, and continued to ask: "Didn't the remaining person come?"

Liu Chuanwu replied: "No, the remaining person has just joined Tianren Pavilion for a few days and has not fully integrated into it, so I didn't bring her."

Qi Qingmo nodded and didn't ask any more questions.

Just said to the four people:

"I believe you should have mastered the early stage of the body refining of the blood quenching technique very well."

"Now, I will teach you the method of opening your mind."

After saying that, she raised her slender jade hand, and under the confused eyes of the four people, she flicked her fingers at the eyebrows of the four people and shot a beam of light into them.

The moment the light shot into the eyebrows.

Lin Zichen clearly felt that something suddenly inserted in, and kept twitching back and forth at the position of the eyebrows, which made people very uncomfortable.

Fortunately, this discomfort did not last too long.

With an inexplicable shaking of the brain, everything soon became dull.

Instead, a strange memory appeared in the depths of the mind.

Lin Zichen concentrated his mind and read this strange memory.

It was indeed as Qi Qingmo said, it was the method of opening the orifices in the second part of the blood quenching technique.

After reading for a while.

Lin Zichen found that the method of opening the orifices given by Qi Qingmo was similar to the method of opening the orifices that Shen Qinghan had randomly studied.

Shen Qinghan's method of opening the orifices was nine shallow and one deep.

Nine light mental shocks.

One extremely strong blood shock.

The shock was to the orifice located near the heart.

There were three methods of opening the orifices that Qi Qingmo had just given, corresponding to the heart orifice, brain orifice, and body shell.

①, the way to open the heart orifice: condense the blood into a needle shape, and use ten times as a cycle, and shock the orifice from light to heavy.

②. How to open the brain orifice: Condensing the spirit into a needle shape, with three times as a cycle, and impacting the orifice from light to heavy.

③. How to open the body orifice: Condensing the blood and spirit into needles respectively, with four times as a cycle, the first two times are a light and heavy blood impact, and the last two times are a light and heavy spiritual impact.

To put it bluntly, the method of opening the orifice is actually a question of impact rhythm.

You will learn it at a glance, without any difficulty.

If you insist on saying that it is difficult, there is only a cultivation threshold.

You must be a pure-blooded human to practice.

Moreover, the physical talent of this pure-blooded human must be strong enough, otherwise even the blood and spirit cannot be condensed into a needle shape, let alone opening the orifice?

Let alone opening the orifice, it may be difficult even in the early stage of body refining.

And now the five people in the Pure Human Research Institute, no matter which one, have extremely strong physical talents, far stronger than ordinary people.

Liu Chuanwu was born in a martial arts family.

Song Yuyan was the second place in the Kyoto College Entrance Examination.

Ma Xiwei was the fourth in the Kyoto College Entrance Examination.

Needless to say, Lin Zichen's physical talent is the best in the world.

And Shen Qinghan, although his physical strength is not too outstanding, has a special physique, and is naturally easier to control blood and qi than others. In addition, his mental strength is also high, which is just suitable for practicing blood quenching.

"As compensation for the blood and qi just now, this twin light and dark fruit belongs to you. After eating it, it will greatly improve your blood and spirit."

Qi Qingmo conjured a black and white fruit from his sleeve out of thin air, and his figure flashed in front of Lin Zichen, handed the fruit over and said.

Lin Zichen was shocked.

He didn't realize how Qi Qingmo flashed over just now.

Not a single trace of it can be seen.

I don't know if Qi Qingmo flashed too fast, and he couldn't catch it with his current strength of naked eyes.

Or Qi Qingmo was not just a flash of imagination at all, but a direct spatial transmission.

"Take it."

Seeing that Lin Zichen was inexplicably stunned and made no move to take the fruit, Qi Qingmo couldn't help but urge him.

Lin Zichen came to his senses after hearing this, quickly reached out to take the fruit and said, "Thank you, Pavilion Master!"

"No need to thank me, this is compensation for you, not a reward."

After saying that, Qi Qingmo flashed again and instantly returned to the ancient bronze coffin.

This time, Lin Zichen still failed to catch the traces of the Master of Tianren Pavilion.

Qi Qingmo reached out and touched the ancient bronze coffin.

The next second, the ancient bronze coffin disappeared on the spot, leaving only a clean square ground without a trace of dust.

"I still have something to deal with, so I'll leave first. I'll come find you later."

After saying this, Qi Qingmo flashed in front of several people and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Where are people? !

The four of them were stunned, not understanding how Qi Qingmo disappeared out of thin air.

Lin Zichen reacted quickly and immediately released his mental power, covering an area within a kilometer radius within his range of perception.

Then, he carefully searched for Qi Qingmo's figure.

After searching for nearly ten seconds, even the place nearly a hundred meters deep underground was not found, but Qi Qingmo could not be seen.

This person completely disappeared, as if he had never existed.

"Dean, do you know what level of power the Pavilion Master is? I think she is ridiculously strong."

Song Yuyan looked at Liu Chuanwu and asked.

Liu Chuanwu shook his head: "Your question is a bit confusing for me. I don't know the specific biological level of the pavilion master."

After speaking, he added: "Based on the strength that the Pavilion Master has just shown, I guess it is not impossible that she is at least an epic level powerhouse, or a legendary level powerhouse."

"Legendary powerhouse?"

Song Yuyan felt it was impossible and said: "This is on the same level as the state leader, it's too exaggerated."

Liu Chuanwu disagreed: "Is this an exaggeration? I even think the Pavilion Master is an omnipotent mythical powerhouse."

Song Yuyan was speechless: "Dean, the more you talk, the more outrageous you are. You are purely valuing the past over the present."

Liu Chuanwu stroked his beard and said: "It's not that I favor the past over the present, but the entire history of mankind has favored the past over the present."

"Looking at the records in the ruins, in that long time ago, the proportion of humans among the immortal gods was the highest, and the strongest immortal gods were also humans."

"The dragons, phoenixes, Kunpeng, etc. are all captive mounts raised by human beings and gods."

Having said this, Liu Chuanwu looked at the big-breasted and brainless Song Yuyan and asked, "So, do you still think this is an insult to the old man that I am favoring the past over the present?"

Song Yuyan did not answer and fell into deep thought.

Lin Zichen also fell into deep thought.

After listening to Liu Chuanwu's words, he couldn't help but think about what kind of era Qi Qingmo was active in.

Are there really immortals everywhere?

Is it the kind of fairy god in fairy tales who can hold the sun and moon in his hands and pick the stars?

If such an era really existed, where have all the powerful gods gone now?

Are they all like Qi Qingmo, sealing themselves away and surviving?

Then the question comes, why does such a powerful immortal god still seal himself and survive?

What happened in the middle?

Lin Zichen's thoughts became more and more divergent, his thoughts became more and more fantasy, and he had already accepted that the immortals and gods recorded in the ruins were real high-level creatures.

PS: Set the bowls, please recommend monthly tickets! (End of chapter)

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