Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 194 We are really going to become the two most powerful people

The next day, the sky was slightly bright.

Lin Zichen was keenly aware of the faint light shining into the room through the curtains, and woke up from his sleep on time, feeling a little heavy.

He opened his eyes and saw Shen Qinghan, who had been huddled in his arms, lying on top of him at some point.

His head rested on his chest.

Hands on side.

A long, slender white leg was draped over her waist.

Almost everyone jumped on board.

The sleeping position looks unsightly, but very tempting.

"This is using me as a pillow."

Lin Zichen smiled and gently removed Shen Qinghan's hands and feet from his body, trying not to wake her up.

However, Shen Qinghan did not sleep as deeply as before.

Just touching her lightly now made her tremble like a frightened rabbit.

Then before he could open his eyes, he opened his mouth nervously and shouted:

"Don't go, Xiaochen, don't go!"

While shouting this, she instinctively hugged Lin Zichen tightly and refused to let go.

Lin Zichen guessed that the little dirty girl must have had a nightmare, so he patted her shoulder gently and comforted her gently: "I'm right here, and I'm not going anywhere."


Shen Qinghan slowly opened his eyes after hearing the sound. When he saw Lin Zichen beside him, he suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

She slowed down, looked into Lin Zichen's eyes, and said with lingering fear: "I just dreamed that you were raped and kidnapped by the Shenzhi Cult. It really scared me."

Lin Zichen smiled and said: "It's not like that. He was taken away when he was taken away. He's not dead. There will be opportunities to see him again in the future. There is no need to collapse like this."

Shen Qinghan pursed her lips and said in a slightly aggrieved voice: "If you are taken away, it may take a long, long time for us to meet again, but I don't want to be separated from you for a day..."

"Then we won't be apart for a day."

Lin Zichen stroked Shen Qinghan's cheek and spoke softly.

He said that they would never be apart for a day, but he knew very well that this was not realistic at all.

It was just that Shen Qinghan needed to be comforted, so he chose to say this.

Shen Qinghan held his hand and said: "You are now being targeted by the Shenzhi Cult. You must be careful in the future. If you can't participate in special training and off-campus tasks, you will not participate."

Lin Zichen: "Okay, I won't participate."

Shen Qinghan sighed: "Oh, I used to think that being a genius was a wonderful thing, but after becoming a genius, I found that it was not the case."

"When you think about being a genius and being targeted by the Shenzhi Cult, you might as well not do it right."

"It would be better to be a teacher like my parents and go to school every day, and then read at home after get off work. How nice it would be."


Lin Zichen: "It's quite satisfying to be an ordinary person, but the prerequisite is that the living environment is safe. If the living environment becomes bad one day and alien beasts are everywhere, it will be difficult for ordinary people to survive."

Shen Qinghan: "There are strange beasts everywhere, is this impossible?"

Lin Zichen expressed pessimism about this: "It's not impossible, but it's 100% certain that it will happen one day."

"Ah? How could..."

Shen Qinghan frowned slightly, unable to imagine that such a day would come.

Lin Zichen did not explain too much, but simply said calmly: "The earth now looks calm on the surface, but in fact there are undercurrents, and a horrific beastly disaster may one day break out."

"Just like the Sakura Sea Kingdom we saw on the news when we were children, many cities were devoured by giant alien rats that suddenly came out in large numbers, causing heavy casualties among civilians."

"So, it's best not to have the idea that it's nice and satisfying to be an ordinary person."

"We have to plan ahead and prepare for the worst."

"Work hard to evolve as much as possible before disaster strikes, improve your strength, and have the ability to protect yourself and your family."


After listening to Lin Zichen's words, Shen Qinghan's expression became solemn and he said: "Well, I understand. I will definitely work hard to evolve in the future and will not slack off for a moment."

Seeing that the little dirty girl's expression was so solemn that she was almost frowning, Lin Zichen smiled and said: "There is no need to be so sad. What I just said is just my personal guess, and it may not be accurate."

Shen Qinghan looked serious: "It will be accurate, I believe you."

Lin Zichen was speechless: "Look at what you said, it's best not to be careful about this kind of thing."

When Shen Qinghan heard this, he immediately realized that what he just said was inappropriate, and immediately raised his hand to cover his ignorant mouth.

But soon, she let go of her hand, made several noises, her expression became more serious than before, and she changed her words: "It's not accurate, I don't believe you!"

"Are you going to be so funny?"

Lin Zichen couldn't help but laugh. He was amused by Shen Qinghan's change of words. He felt that this little dirty girl was really inexplicably cute sometimes.

At this time, Shen Qinghan asked: "Xiao Chen, I said you are such a genius, will the second child pregnant by Aunt Xin be as talented as you?

This question stumped Lin Zichen, and he didn't know how to answer it for a while.

He was thinking, is his talent given by his parents?

To be more precise, were the cheats given to me by my parents?

It feels like it shouldn't count.

If not, then the talent of my little brother or sister who is not yet born may be a bit difficult.

But it doesn’t matter.

That little guy will have a pair of awesome brothers and sisters-in-law as soon as he is born. If nothing else, he will definitely have enough evolutionary resources.

With sufficient evolutionary resources, even a pig can evolve into a pig god.

Thinking about it, Lin Zichen replied: "It should be the same genius."

Shen Qinghan: "I think so too."

After saying that, she continued: "By the way, you warmed my feet last night, but I haven't repaid you yet. In return, I have to help you warm your body."

Before she finished speaking, she had already got into bed and used her increasingly sophisticated skills to help Lin Zichen warm up.

Under her careful and attentive service, Lin Zichen soon felt so comfortable that he closed his eyes, his face full of enjoyment.

More than half an hour later.

The sky outside the window has become completely bright.

Seeing that it was almost time, Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan got up, washed up, and went outside to have breakfast in the living room.

Zhang Wanxin made breakfast when she got up early. It included soy milk, eggs, porridge, bread, grilled sausage, lingon salad, etc. It was very rich.

She knew that the two children exercised a lot and needed to eat a lot of food to replenish energy.

Therefore, I cook three hearty meals a day for fear of starving my two children.

"Come, try Aunt Xin's freshly squeezed soy milk."

Zhang Wanxin took a glass, filled it with fresh soy milk that was white and yellow, and handed it to Shen Qinghan with a smile.

Shen Qinghan took the soy milk and took a small sip with anticipation.

Well, it tastes sweet in my mouth, but it feels a little fishy in my heart.

My mind is polluted and there is nothing I can do about it.

After breakfast.

Not long after, Shen Qinghan returned to his home.

Go back to be with your parents.

Not long after Shen Qinghan left, the pound of dimensional rat meat Lin Zichen ordered last night was delivered to his door.

It was sent by a senior sister.

This senior did not go home during the winter vacation and chose to stay in school part-time to earn credits.

Zhang Wanxin saw that the other party was a student and asked the other party if he had breakfast.

The other party said no.

Upon hearing this, Zhang Wanxin enthusiastically took some of the remaining eggs, bread, soy milk, and grilled sausages to give to the other party.

The other party was not polite, said thank you and accepted it.

Lin Zichen is not as hospitable as Zhang Wanxin.

As soon as he signed for the courier, he took the courier into the house and opened it to see what the dimensional rat meat looked like.

After taking a look at it, I feel that except for the meat texture, which looks a little pinker and tender, it is no different from common pork, beef and mutton in other aspects.

Didn't look any further.

Soon, Lin Zichen had a thought: Devour!

[You have swallowed a trace of the life source of the "Dimensional Rat\

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